HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER SPECIFIC PRODUCTSCANNED BY St Lucie County 2714 South 27th Street , Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 - Fort Pierce 772-466-9420 Vero 772-562-5254 March 12, 201$ RE: Permit# 1803-0201 To Whore it May Concern, I have highlighted the specific that will be used to reroof the home. if you have any questions please let, us know (772) 466-9420. Thank you, Trade Winds Roofing, Inc Michael.M'iller Ale COPTA= Florida Building Code Online _- �'a;e 1 of 4 I '-c� i a S9 s+ .�+s.�� a i�5 t „d, x S f �i,� � sue, • .V'f> d�,'vt�iS.r+ ' i y ,d f zt Kar,+ 14.51 r-'w RV t 5� dp �� i yfirt r� w, d h xA c.� Fir tps t'i% �r � m s �� Syr � Y� w3. a.t.' � c � •-„� �.: �u ���, ,Iz�rr3.S�s� y!tl.., w�i� ,-�'61, r-•a � ,r r r��J � - _tea- -r�^m s. ti p�� "`���R �`:u/.s�, �;.C�sri��a..�". si:s1.. '.��x.�.r x,�?•-'�.�.�1,., ,�k�' .S.x�ri, � itir....-. .ac.�:�f.35' �., .+.F;. r.;zs as.,..M ..-r...'i: _.. .,.�'.: ..... -.. BCIS H6ma Log,ln User Registration Hot Topip I submir Si &.wge StaLs 6 Facts FU6120tions Fgestaff =5 Site 6taP Lioks 52<irGh Prad0ct'ApP.rova4 ri, u5ER; Pubhc,Usrr d b :'r WuU Aainro4hl MeiYU �?±o¢_ucl a'ACotIc.7Cc^at-'a?.arcFts.ppfc�t�oq,list s-. NppfieaCton lY0IDi1 (117627.-R7 .Application Type R2visfon Code Version 2017 Applicatign Status Approved Comments I 68i18/2617v. date.reapply 03J21?17 Archived Product Manufacturer I Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC Address/P.hode/Email 2160 SW Poma Drive Palm City, FL 34990 (772)A72-8034 flvalldatlon �a.yah o o.com Authorized Signature Richard Mcf<uherl fivalidation@yahoo.com Technical Representative Richard MclUlen AddressJPltonelErrtalf I 21ii0: sw Ponta Drive Palm City, FL 34990 (772)872-8034 rchard@emfab.net. I QualityAssurance Representatbje, AddressJPhoite!Eira it Category Roofing. Subcategory Metal'Roofing Compliance: M-athod Evaluation Report from a'Florlda Registered Arettitect or a Licensed Florida, Professional Engineer Evaltlation Repott— liar'dcopy Received I Florida ,Engineer or Arciiitact REime vrlto'developed IOCKE B,74VDEN i7ie Evaluation Reppl c Florida License PE-49704 ,Quellty Assurance Entity ! Keystone' Certifications, Int, Quality Assurance Contract Exp rdtfori. Qate D4!22!2024 Validated By Zacharj 'R. Prrest,. P.E. I -V, ValldattOil Ch@ckli'st-'Hardcopy Received Col tincateorIndependence Referenced Standard and Year. (of Standard) Standard TAS 125 UL 1397 UL 530 Equivalence ofProduct Standards Certified e Sections rrum the Code Year 2003 2012 2006 I copy, http_/%4vwVv.floridabuildi.nc,.or&!I)r/pr_app dtl.aspN?paraMm ,v(iEVXQwlDq,:r2aBQpRpQQ-.. 1110r.019 Flond& Bdildilng'Code Onlin�_ Page -2 .of 4 koduct Approval Method Method I Option Q bate, Submitted QS/18/2017 Date'Validated 0917312017 Date kndflig F6C Approval 08128/2D17 Wie Apoedved 10/lb/2017 mmary of, Products FL* Model, flumped,�r _Name Desc r 1ption — I SV, COMPAI�9 ---------- ?�ii, (3aUge steel ;�3/8�,rib height, 24" wide lapped roof Panel' - "I, mechanically -attached to-iwn pywond or wood Deck With ftfstenet s - Llmlts.of Use - insta!l6tign Instructions AP- Proved. for use in HVHZ: 140. F_WP_ZZ_R_Z_j1� FL,jj ss�c.pdj: Approved for use outside . HVHZ: Yes verified By- L&ka Bowden'', R.E. 49704 impact..Resistanti: No Ci-eated'by Indeperroant7hird Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N,'A/-Tible A I Evai"ti06 Repbrur. Other: Refer to evaluation report fbr conditions, IfigtailVie - &370Z_2�_97 AE FL.17022. I V (armll Ssr.pdf assembly In compliance with Lheinstallaqon rnethdV listen in Created by independent Ird Party: Yes this repoft and applicable code.-ections df FBC. Refer to manufacturer's intt)116tion instructions. I 17022;2 12 - "5V COMP" Limits, of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: tiinpq ' ict'Resisiant: No Design,presstire, + NjP,!-1 able A .Other, Refer to evaluation report f< asserribly In compliance with the insi this renort and abblicable code sottl, method liste) in 0.032" AfLimindrn,3/8" Rib. height, 21' wide'lapped roof parrel,. mechanically attached to 15/32,' Plywoodor Vfo6d peck with exposed fasteners Installation Instructions & ­42i�_�P,7 jL 1702? X7 _ jjL ,2-51 . Vert' fied: By: Locke. BoWdqn, P. E". 497 04 CreaLed by Indepandent.,Third Party: Yes EvEiluation Reports by Iridependentn,!M Party:' Yes 17021.3 nical seam" (,kzs) I'l.5" `rib height; 16' wide,24 gauge,stwl, standing $earn, f 17c6l"panel mechanically attached to 151�1,31" piy-100dbr*woad deck with clips and,)asteners. % Liffifts 01 Use Approve& for use In HVHZ: NaF_L17_vz,2 I *iftqio,,;suon,,,n5,r"­,,*­ , R7 iLa 170i2 Approved for Use outside HVHZ; Yes A d I Impact Resistant, No verified.By Locke Bowden, P. 9. 49704 : Des�jgn Pressure+N/A/-Table A Created by Independent Third Par' ty:'�es ,Other Refer to L_61uatl6dre v port for conditions and Evaluation Reports limitations. of use. Instdifthe Memblyi in compliance'with R 17022 FQ AE FL 1702 L2. theinstallationmethod installatiomethod listed in.this repori and app$.-bble e0da sections of'Fac' Ri�ik!r -to marfufa�hjrees installation Created by Xadependent Third Party: Yes- instrucClons. , . ii 1.5"rib he-ight;A6' vil,de,.O.O-Zviiminun sUnd-igseam 4 '1.5"Mechanicalll Seam" (RS) roof oielmechapically attached to-15132"pfytvoad or Wood 1-Deck with clips and fasteners. Limits- of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in'HVHZI No I I A_k F 1ZQZ2 f4E _& MI _LL59 Approved, for use out6lde."VHZ: Yes 1 Veritied'By: Lock6'Bowden, P.E. 49704 Impact Tkesistant: No Design Pressure-. lN/A/-T-able A i Cre�ted by Independent Third Party: Yes other-_.F.eferi6-evalu'ation reIrottfon'conditions and "'Evaluation Reports, limitations of use. Iiistall the assembly' in compliance with HA�4C ALA. i fLA,7 MFGQ1 rt the installation method listed In dils,i-ppoandi1pplicable 6uLmTmj1i__ssr_odf code sectionsof FBC. ReFer to. manuf4ctui-er'slinstallarlDn -Created by IndePendqnt'Third Party* Yes 1'�022.5 5 - 111 in. N�lf Strip (115)� ­ height, gauge steel, standing seam roof -id rib height- 163" wkie,,26 panelmechanicallyattbched tq-15j32" ply}yood or wood deck With rasterters', Limits Gf',USe Approved for use In 14VHZ- No FL17022. R7 U K 17022.5 I.P HALLS E,_.s_sLpf Approved tar use OUtside HVI4*i- P * E.49704 Impact itest"Stant. No Created by 1Hdepdhd0ntT`hlrd Party: Yes DeAfgn Pressurm +14/6/-Table A Other: Ref6r.to evaluation report for conditions and Evaluation Reports limitations of use. Tnstall.Lhe assembly in compliance with created by Tnidepen.dentThird Party: Yes http://www.floridabuilding.orWPF(pr 'jtl.aspx?param=:,,vGt-�T&Ovv-tDqv2a,l�-(,�pUpQQ... 1/10/2018, -App, Florida Building Code Onlin& i' Page 3 of 4 i the installation method listed in this report and applicable '.code -sections of FBC. Refer to manufactures installation Instructions. 17022.6 rt "2 its. Hall,sbgj(4 44:5j 1" ilb Might, 16" wide 0' 032" aluminum, standing seam -root panel mechanically attached to attached to 15/32" plywood or Wood Deck with fasteners, +- , Limits of'Use Approved for use In iiVH2: No, Installation Instructions FL1702F37 II F-,1ti17Q22 1 0 1dAIl�$TRIP 0.032 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes 'Impact A- UI'1 ssrpdf Verified By, Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 Resistant: No.. Design Pressure: +M/A/-Tabh A I Created by Independent Third. Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to evaluation report for conditions and limitations of use. Install the assembly'irs compliance with F_L�?02� A7 AE_Flu_Z? 6__ .0 NAI STRij__Q,02 the installation method listed in this repoit'aii(Papplicable ALIIPi_ss(:pgf. code sections of FBC. Refer.to manufactuot s installation CiVated by independent Tl7irdParty; Yes instructions. 17022.7 7. "1:Sirr.,Hail Strip" {Psi I S 5'rib height, :19" wide, 26 gauge.steel; standing seam roof panel t•nechanically attached to 15132"plywood ;or wood deck with fasteners. Limits -of Used Approved for• use in HVHZ: No I Installation Instructions FL1707?' R7 FL 17022.7. 1 S ISaii,Strlp �6GA ssr.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ Yes Verified. By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 Impact Resistant Ho I Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure +NIAJ Table A nth"er. Refer to evaluatWn'repoit for conditions and Evaluation. Reports h�ukZ02?_R7AE_F� t7022 7 1 5 Tdail St[jo'2'6 ssr. f limitations of use. Install the assemtily in compliance with Created by Independent Third Party:Yes the Installation method' listed in.this,report and applicable code sections of F13C:.Refer to mi nufa(Itirer's installation instructions'. 170Z2;S^ j --- 3 - "Et4AX Rlb'I (R5) 29 gauge steel, lapped .of panel mechanically attached -to 15132" plywood or wood deck with eX{yose4 fasteners.T M M Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZc No installation Instructions F1,17022_Rj }I FC t?Z_:9 FhtAX_Rib ssr pd.f-' Approved'for.useoutside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 Created by independent Third Party: Yes Impact,Resistant:'No• Design Pressure: +N/A,'-TableA I Other: Refer to evaluation report for conditions and , Evaluation Reports FL17.,02Z_RZ_AE FL 177t)23.D EMAX;Rip ssc,p�lf of use. Instail'the assertrW in compliance With Created -by Independent Third Pady: Yes .limitations the installation method, listed ,inthis report and applicable, code sections of FBC Referto nrarlutactu'er's installation instructions. ^— 17022.9 9 - " PBR. f4AX" (R5) 26 gauge steel, lapped roof panel mechanically attached to 1S/32" plylyood or wood deck with exposed fasteners. Limits of Use Approved foruse in HVHZ: No .Installation Instructions FL17022 R77I1_Fl-_17Q22.9 VRR RIR ssr�pdP Approved for use out ide'HVHZ• Yes Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E. -49704 i Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Impact Resistant: No 'Design Pressure: +W.A/-Table A Other. Refer to evaluation report Wr' conditions and ! Evaluation Reports FL1702 R7 AF Ff S70a2 9_.I�QR 4[6as_sr Leif limitations of use. Install the,assenriify in comPitauce yrith Created by Independent Thins Party: Yes ,the installation method listed in this (report -and applicable -code sectigrls of FBC. Refer to inanufricturer`s installation instructions. back lN`.'=Y i 'Cimti 41�•' :: 3'A: 6tdr Stone Rand. Taro hacceo rh. 3Y39^, Phena: 95b�•iti7jl �s ltY.:xtsl_ Tile Sate of Florida is an AA10E0 employer. C y1l i 'ti 13 SL"tll Florida::: Privacy Sta_ep•c±,t :: A� ibR' tMt�ent;; R"F"r"j sm-'.Mt. URder florida bny, email addresses are public records .If Ivu do not wont your a -mall addr ns releases in rasponsc to a puiaic-records requ,t, do ro[send elcctradt maitto this entity. Instead, cont�ctlthe office W phofif, or ay trac ti loal mailaf.you have any quesnors, pl ase eonwt 854 437.1395i Pll ju n: to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective octot,& 1, ;at 2, ticm -^_s Ikenstd undar Chapter 455, P.S. must ryrov�da th-e DepanmC.g lv{dl on email Eddl'G± If tKey have one. The amail5 PmIldd rri0y be used fOr official temmun ratio. wdhIhe Ic.".a. Hm:•eier, email addre,s[5 are pubk record. IF you do not : to soppy a personal address, pteaie Ira.",de the,oepartmenr t-Arh an'emi v+hlch can be madz avarlaUle to tite,publk, To decacmine if are 5 u0see undar, chap;er 455,. F.5., please clid:llr�"g. Product Approval AF.cepts: i r..•.;. i L�1 Lrr.r i;�sicts: ";rlr� safe lift :lwiuI ..a1./ L0/2Ol 8/zf�/It=)EL� Palm.City, FL 34900 Compliant with Florida Building Code 2P17 (6t" ed.) Compliant with Florida Product APPro4al Role # 61GX&-3 Compliant: Keystone Certifications Product. 5 V Crimp 26GA Steel Roof Panel FSC Sec. 1507-4.2 Yield strength: 50'ks! min.; Attached to min. 15/321" plywood or Wood Deck wl min. 0.421speltific gravity- with screws. 24" Coverage Rib Height 3/8" Corrosion Resistant Compliant: FBC Sec. IS07.4.3 Fastener I (Method 1 Attachment)-.4§ x 1-112" Hex -Washer Head wood screw* to penetrate 311W min. thru deck embedment into wood plink. (*or sufficient length to meet requirements) Fastener . (- Method 2,3, & 4 Attachment): #10 x 1-1/2'." Hex-Washee Head wood screw* to penetrate 3/ . 16" min. thru deck. or'5/8," embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient length to meet requirements) Underlayment. Tay be compliant with F13C See. Chart 1507.1.1 Slope, Shall be ih compliance With FbC Sec. 1507. 1 See Fastener attachment sPscificatiOns abOve install -betalls: Table A Allowable Loads METHOD I METHODD 2 - -2 METHOD T METHOD 4 -6ES1GN,PfteSSURE* -86 P�sp -93.5;PSF -101 PSF -229 PSF ROW 9PACING 16- O.C. G.C. O.C. , G. FASTENER SPACING (ALONG Panel wldj�19--. 12",r, O.C. 12" ox FASTENE�R SIZE Reference Data.* ARCHITEcrURAL TESTnNd, INC. TST ID#: 1527 I - UL!W-06 &,1897-043- Test Report IC5393.01-450-IS05/02/14 Test 'Report F336&.01-450-18 22118/15 TAS 1257033' Test Report. DOSS93.02-450-18 07112f14 ,-FQUrVALENC'Y-M 2897-04 A; equivalent ta test standard UL 1897-1?f .«Desigh pressure margIn of'safaty 2:1 Locke Bowden, P.E. does not have, not.will acquire a financial in '4,fihq?!�factqCingordistributing products under this evaluation. a. Locke Bowden, P.E. is not owned, operated, or controlled by a0'r cofn*padjjomj�baf 4ur;p, or7@stributing products under this report. & 1/7 00 9 0 fl-17021.1 SVCrimp (290 Weal), 24" Wide ftodfiParlef -Detalis A Limitations: i 1. Undeflayfrentto be compliance With current Florida Buildiri Code (FBC)20176t.hed. . - - t 9 2. Minimum 06pe-to be compliaritwith Florida -Building Genie-2017'6rh ed., and per VdthManufacturer's installation reference. I. Products are' coenpk.tnt for State of Florida product.approval per Rule 6IG20-3. Compliance.Meithod: I-D 4. Engineering analysis'for OprojfB& specific approval by -; local allthorifies.w/jurisdiction is allowed b -engineers. y other registered 5. Fire clAssiff6ation is not' part of this acceptance. She6r diaphragm values are outside, this r6polt, I I �6- Support frarning -in compliance wIFBC- 217, 06th ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 25 for Wood and Chapter 1 6 .fdr Structuf6l Loading. 1 7. This report does not imply warranty,. installation, recommended product use outside of this report - Vood r�allk' r:f Z. ' ILL Sr 1 1 CINI Pan 6l'Proflle Notbinal 12" Nominal I 0:c. C.C. >- Fasten gWI/2'Min. or #10 k 1-1/2" fft. per -Table "N' Hex MsherHead,Screw Spaced -IT'o.q. across the Panel 'Aidth Panel Refer to Table "AMbr'8pacinq Along Panel Overlap Length Deck- 1513Z'or greater Ply%locyd, or .-"bodplank