HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOF UNDERLAYMENT.Florida Building Code Offine � Page ] of SCANNED BY St Lucie COU09 1 F6C stall BCiS:Honea 'Log in Ura�i RaOisttauen Hb: ToPies, SubraitSurJ:argn Ran £z Fi,4[5 F��ic tons BCLS S:ta p r•Li_nks Search fr- O`1USER; Publ Alpprovai ;.; 9p cl Prgciuct AP.t),Q, h4emu.>Qrcduct;c; A➢P1�cnt�a�5- rcir>R,GPi;cget+n list. Application Detail i FL2569-1113 FL # Application Type I Revision Code;Version 2017 Application Status I Approved Comn en�NS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Tkt�g CORRECTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO ANY r�UIRED By FIELD INSPECTORS THAT OADF.R TO r+ l ►aii hPP6tCA 4@ CODES. .Authorized Signature Technical Representative. Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategoiy Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect, flame v:hn developed the Evaluation Report Florida,License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard), 00FALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS AN THE RESPONSIBUTY OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Sgpretna, Inc. (Canada) J640.rue Naggarty t7rmnlondville, 1`701514,1S 00000 (819) 476-2400 memat h ie oc'us op re ma. ca Marc -Etienne Mathieu memathieuCsoprema;ca Marc -Etienne Mathieu 1688 lean-(3'erchma ns-Micha itd' Drummondville, NON-LIS 00000 (819)478-2400 Ext3327 rnemaihieu t(i+. solirama.ca Jean -Francois Cote, Ph.D. of p ` 1G D Dntrrtnliondagearty Ei.L'.C"C C,'-"'- ,' 'SCE jBSS) 51.3,-3145 vC�� if 'fi L FOr� jfcote@soprenla.ea ng {Lyr Roof t,indedayment.. "EWE TI1�• Evaluation Repoli frotll a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensee( Florida Pr6fasslonal, Engineer Evaluation Report • ilardcopy Rcxfved Robert 3. M. Nieminen PE-591tif: UL LLC 07/I3f2920 John W4 Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist - t-larcicopy Rer=_fvpd EL2569_�t1.3;. CC)) _201.J...91.._CUT„ (Vie._nirietl,f.. Standard ASTH 01970, ASTI°l D6163 FM 4474 FRSA!TRI April 2012 (04-12) iAS 110 UL 1897 2,01 '_01 200 201 File C®pv http;//wwiv,floridabuildiltg.Org/Prlpi- app�dtl;.asp?paran7l=wG.EVXC)r�tDclsi��pFtackBiO... 1/10/2018 JOB Florida. Building Code. Online z, Page •-. of 2: Equivalence of ProductiStandards Certified By sections from the Code, i i PmductApprovaI Method, iMethod 1 Optidn D Date Submitted 10l09/2417 Date Validated j i3O/11(?017 Date Pending fBC Approval SO,f15{Zry17 Date Approved 112112/2017 ..a e—.t—eo FI # Model,, Number or Description — 2569.1 Soprema Roof Self adtlering roof undefia ftncltts Uncletlayments, �- Limits of Use App"rovad foruSe'fn HVHZ: Na Instai7ation Instructions E4Z5fr�: RJ3 ' iM4Q.z7_1,0 F7iiJ ( ER._�QCREC�A fi!�N� L[JiYMEtITS_El'$.6° Approyed for use:outside kVH2 YeS TinpacE Resistant; flTk ',REIPAt Veiifi�d By: Robert Nieminen,. P E PE-5g16G' Design, Pressures+iV/Al-150 crew dbyindependent'Third.PirtyiXeS. otfr'er:.1.) Refer to ER.Section 5 for Ginit of Use. 2.) flte,des{gn-pressure - Evaiu�tiofi Reports Fi25E9 .f.3__'(j.F 2 ESL �R SOPREhiA CA UPJ,,DERLAYNIENTS FL Sb9 ; noted lierein pertalns tti undetiayment. systems used; beneatli adhesive -set file 1913-P_ Ueatl d by Independent Third Party: Yr systems. Refel'to ER Section 5.6:4 for detatis 'a> ad` • d� �rn2 _�I,Sronp, gnn dLTAr hm. "Fc 37399 Fhnn-• ff50-4a7.1ti24 The'State of Fiodda'isan°>VU O:ernp'ayer. ConvriaFt II07-:GPi Grate c'Y fl�rida :t nt r It.,iein st AySM •ihIjty State+m��e :: R=fund �'*tnme:,t .Under Fietida tart, a ail addresses are Ful6hc rc=4s. n 1ou do -not Kant your a ma} asdro.. rcir�sed irrirpons s tAbotE[ II 497 l.r]S.a pit S aannr m elrtronic mail to this 6tity. instead; conte� the ofpm 1.by'phope or by tuditlonal rra;; if you have any 0ue5baa5 pt-' tion 455:275i1j FIOt'lda;5".Lhttes, effetb,e Otcob'er l r.0,t2,"ltc�fxees fs'.eas-J�under Chapter 455,; F-S. n• ist iro ide Lie'ne nrtman tir3li all cr—ii addre s if they have one. i hec.nbds Ponded may betied,for wkial �ommbmcation with the ii[emsca Hm�A1zr C�riOh add+�?o�25 :xB Vtlblc record If you don . rri1.�. to >uppSy a-perscv,al addiiess,-Plw%j proviriothe Dti Oitin ll'- w itli an eflitrtl ddr s >rliii:h czn.•ye made-araflzbla to.ute Pubb:. To determine d ycu air a li.e�see umtzr Oiapter 4 5 .S.,. plraFe tick hrxat . Pl6druct AtiPro�Kat accepts: � '�"�• I 1. C.."'°—.-„�"1 tt foci_ i I ' { tip://wwcv.flc)iidabuildinj.oi Pr./pr_a}�P_dtl.asps?p ram=NvGENXQ�AtDg5KQ)FIrnck1310,:, [110!201$ i I ? ERD ! EXTERIC)k RESEARCH &:DESI'GN,:LLC. 6U-0frcate:ofAuthorization #9503 353 CHRI.STIAN STREET, UNIT #13 QXFORD; CT 06478 (203)262-9245 EVALUi4,t ION REPORT ! Strplerna, Inc Evaluation Report S18010.06.09-It11 F1256S_ -RI3 1640 rue Haggerty - Drummondville, Quebec.12C5P8 Canada Date eissuance,-06/15/2009 Revision 11_ 10/06/2017 (819) 47&2400 Re SCOPE:; This Evaluation Report is °issued: under Rule 61G20-3 ar construction "materials in the State of Florida. The docuri P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Ruildirig products described hereim have been evaluated for co sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Soprdma Roof underlayments Wtumes Labeling .shall be in accordance with,the re, the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of nfation submitted has bzen reviewed by Robert Nieminen, ode and Florida Building Code; Residential Volume. The iliance ivith the JP Edition (2017j Florida Building Code the Accredited Quality .Assurance Agency rioted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE; This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, thereferbriced Quality Assurance documentation changes,: or provisions of the Code that•relate to, the product change. Acceptance, of 'this Evaluation Report by -the namesclient .constitutes i agreement .to notify Robert Nieminen; P.E.. if the product. changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation'changes.. Trinity(:EF D requires a complete,review of this. Evaluation Report -relative -to updated Code reAuiremeritswith each, Code Cycle. ADvMT15EMENT: The Evaluation Report•numberpreceded by the words `'Trinity(ERD Evaluated' may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it.shall be done in its entirety. IwEcriom Upon. request, a copy of this entire. Evaluation Report•shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors Arid shall be available for inspection At th� job.site:at the request of the. Building,Official. This Evaluation Report consists:of. paged through S. Prepared by' 1 yt � ♦� Robert l.M. lLlierninen, P.E. t� The'racmini(rseztaplxa:fngsvainutiioiitedbyFrr. Florid-Registration.No.59,165,Florida _DCAAPJE1983 ?,S F�,..,(MiemiregPE.en10(05J2017:Th45daisnatserveasan �r x x: e.' etecuonecallYsiSnaJJocueriant. CERTI ric4TiON OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. TrinitylfRT) does not have, nor hoes !t intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financlaI interest in any company manufacturing or .distrlhuteng pioducts it evaluates. 7.. TrinityiERDis.notowned,operatell`oi.'coiitroliedby. anyeompanyman ufacturir?auerhstiifiutingproducts itevaluates, 3 RobertNieniineIrvj:E. does notfiave nor willacquire, a flnaincial interest in any eo€npartY,mantifactunog or Mtributirg products'for 'which the evaluation reports are being issued. a. Robert Nieminen,'P.E: does not have, nor will acquire, a financiai,interest. in any oilier entity involved in •the,approval process'of the P!.4?duct. s.. Thes is a building code evaluation: Neither Trinity ERD nor Robert Nietninen, P-.E. arc, in any way; the Designer of Record'for any project oil whiclrthis Evaluation Report or previous versions thereof,.is!.was used for permitting ordesign guidance unless retained Specifically for that purpose. TRINII i ROOFING`COM1PONENT EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category`., Roofing Sub-Categorv, Underlaymerit Compliance Statement: it6bf Linderlayments, as produced by Soprema, .have demonstrated, compliance with the following sections of the a Edition (2017) Florida `Building Code through testing, in accordance with the following Standard's. Compliance is subject to the Instaflationi Requirements and Limitations./ Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2.. SfANDARM: Section Property I Standard Year 1504 3.1 Wind Resistance FM 4474 2011 2012 1504.3.1. Wind-UJj t A 1897' 12015' 1507.1.7, T15,(7.1.1,1507.2.9.2 PhysiCal.Prope.rties ASTM D1970 1507.3.3 Physicalproperties Fi?5A/.IitiApr 112012 2012 FHSA-Mi April 2022i(04 12) a Physical P..ropertis ASTM D6163 2008 TAS :110 Accelerated Weathedl TA511Q 2000 3. REFERENCES: BMW I Examination Reference Date 05/1A; 2Q04 ERO (TST604% ASFIVI,01970 /TAS 110 :2�J6£i.05.0'4=2 2757.02.05 02/031205 ERD (T5Tp49) ERD (TST6049) Physical Properties ASTM D1970/TAS 110I 2974.03.05-2 05/I7/2065 ERD (TS1'6049} Wind Resistance 2778.07.05 07/15/2005 04/18/2007 ERD (TST.6049) WindResistatire. I 2779.11.QS-Rl S7120:11:07-2 11102/2007 ER0 ,(TST6d49,) ERD,(TST6049) TAS 103 /TAS"11Q ASTM D1970 /TAS 110 s'13190.02.09-R1 0,4/01/Z010 ERD (TSC6049) ASTM D1970 / TAS 1157 531370'.03.1Q 1-R1 1 04/07/2010 09{09/2010 ERD.(TST6049} Physical Properties /Tensile Adhesion 521150.05.f0- 10/U5/2010 ERD (TST6049) Physic II P.r6perties / Tensile Adhesion I S11150 QS.09-R2 11%09/201.1 FRD: (TST6Q49) ASTM-b,1Q7U S37210.11,11 SA0540.02.13 1 02/19/2013 ERD (TST6049) ERD (TST60<4R) ASTM D1970 Physical Prorerties / Tensile Adhesion S43530.02.144 a2/21/201 ERD (TST6049} pliysical Properties/'Tensile Adhesiori SOPC.SC7G41S.OZAS 02/i3/2015 ERD (TST60c}9) Accele"ratedvJeaiherii g st?PC SC9520.14 OT/17/2015 O6/07/2017 ERD (TST604°) wind Resistance SOPC sCj.40,45:05.17-R1, 0�J24/7.015 MI D(CER:1592) HVHZCompliance 2U15 1i36Compliance 15 0508:04_ ESR-1524 03/01/2017 ICC-ES (EUL`?396) PRi (T5T5878), Pliysi l Properties i SOP 064=02 01. 12/03/2.0,73 Soprema,-Inc. (PDM351'1) Equivalency Derlxration SA SfylOQTR P.LY �1(j. 06/29/18/ 2020 Exp. 07/1S/ pl., LLC (quA9625) quality Contr6l j Set -vice Confirmation 4. PRODucT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Lastobond TU; HT is a self -adhering, non -Woven polyester fabric sUriac0d,; SIBS .modified 'bitumen roof undeirtayment, meets ASTM D1970 and FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12i; 4.2 Lastobond Shield is a self -adhering,; woven polyethylene surface'd, S65. modified bitumen• roof under(ayment available -in two w1drhs,•36 and 45 inch; meets ASTM 01970• 4:3 RESISTO SA, SMOOTH PLY 40 is a 'self. -adhering, woven.polyi thylehewrfaced, S65 modified bitumen roof underlayment,, available in:3.3 ft x 65.ft rpils; meets ASTIVI D1,970. 4.4 Lastobond' shield TIT is. a self -adhering; woven polyethylene surfaced, high temperature,. SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets. ASTM D1970.. Csterlar Research and beslffn, I.I.C. Ev�ivat op Eicport siaoio oc.os•izil CeitEfirnteofAufio:gatlonMOM 5r" EDITION (20-17)•fSCFION.HVNZEVALUATION _ FU565"R'I"t Soprema, Inc. Rhision,11:16/66/2017 Page 1 of 8 S. TRINITY ' 4:5 Lastobond Pro HT:y is. a self -adhering, �woveri polyethylene -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof ufid&layment:available ;intwo widths; 36 and'45 inch; meets ASTM D19M 4.6 Castohond Pro HT S :is a self'adhering, woven polyethylene, surfaced; high temperature, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM b1970. 4.7 Wstobond 1955 is a self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM 'biwd 4.8 Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, is .a se lf-adhering,, ,glass -neat 'reinforced, sand -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment meets ASTM D2970. 4.9' WIitobond Eco is a self -adhering, glass-tnat reinforcedi sand -surfaced, SBS modified. bitumen roof underlayment; meets ASTM.• D1970. 4.10 Lastobond sMooth.Seal HT Ise self-adher ng glass -mat reinforced, film -surfaced'. SAS, modified bitumen roof:underiayment; meets,A$T,m 01970, 4.11 RESISTO L131236 is a seif-adhering, ;glass -mat reinforced, sand surfaced, SeS modified bitumen roof underlayment With a 36 )rich sheet*,idth; mIeets ASTM.D1970. 4.12. Prirne5ource Grip -Rite Eave &-valiey Protector is a self -adhering, glass -mat reiriforced, sand -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment; with a 36-inch sheet width, meets ASTM: D1970. 4.13 RESISTO Ca1244 is a self -adhering, glass -mat reinforced, sand surfaced; 5B5 modified bitumen roof underlayment, with a 444nch sheet width' jneets ASTM O1970. 4.14 Colphene FR GR is a self -adhering, fiberglass reinforced;. granule -surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment .meets ASTM D1970 and FRSA/TRI Apr.i 2012 (04-12):. LIMITAtONS: 5.1_ This is a building code•evaluation, Neither TrinitylERD :nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are; in any way, the Designer of'Record for.any project on which this Evaluation Re.poit; or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting o'r design guidance unl ss retained specifically for that purpose. 53; This Evaluatian,.Report is not.for'use in FBC HVHZjurisdictions. 5.3; Fire Classification is not part of this report, refer to current Approved goofing:,%Aaterials Directory for fire ratings of :this product. 5.4 Soprema Roof Undorlayments may be used with any prepared raof coverwhere.the r roduet is specifically referenced Within FBC approval document, i..f not listed, a request rnay•be made to the Authority Having. Jurisdiction for approval eased on this evaluation combined with supporting data for. the prepared roof* c�avorint;: c a nRnnf hn%fArS- TABLE 2:, ROOF COVER 0"bN5_ Asphalt P Naibon Foam- n Niefai Wood Shakes &• Slate. Linderiayment shingles � Tile Tile Shingle§ _ Q Lasto?rondTU FIT Yes 1: Yes °� see 5 S _ ve5" YQ Yes Lastobond `Shieid,/Pro HT=N f'RESISTO SA Yes a No NO No Ycs Yes, SMC(GTH PLY 40 l LastobQnd Shield• HT)Pro HT-S Yes. ;,.r{ , . No, rifts -Yes Yes Yes Lastob6jid Eaves. Peotectiolr�Sheet J 1. ' Nor' kyi� Nu Yes( Yes . Wstobona 195 Lastobond ECO / RESISTO L81236, Grip - Yes Rite gave & Valley Protector f RESISTO Yes No No .140 Yes. _. 1-61244, ,ramd(Ir getaafrh bind Design; U-C. Evaluation;KagoR 51E010 06,09-Ez11 Certificate eJl uthorizatton #9503 6 t= EDITION (3017) FSC flora-Kimz EvIkLUAIlou 13 Sopiema, inc, Revision 11:10J06/2017 Page 3 of 8' TABLE 1:r ROOF COVER OPTIONS Asphalt N070n Foam -on Metal wood Shakes & Slate Underlay ment Shingles I Tile Tile Shingles. Lastaboiid Smooth Seal HT ` yes .. ��. No : O _ Y£s'.. ,. ,Yes Yes " . - Coli?hene FR GR' Yes I iYBs See 5:5.1. No. ,Yes. ,Yes 5.5.1 "Foarn-On Tile" is limited to use of following Approved tile adhesives / underlayment combinations. TABLE 1A: ALLOViAr.LE TILE AD'}iESiVE Uh7DERLAYMEW ComBiwAnoNs1 _ Adhesive Florida Product Approval Underlayments Dour TiteBond- FL22525 LastoL�Und Tu HT ICP adhesives Polyset" AH'160L FL63:32 LaSttah+end TU HT or Colphene FR GR 5.6 Allowable Substrates: 5.61 Direct -Bond to. Deck: Lastobond Shield, Lastobond Pro HT-fU,. KES18TO SA SMOOTH PLY 4o, Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro HT-S, Lastobond TU Ht, Lastobond Eavees Protection Sheet, Lastobond 165, Lastobond ECO, RESISTO L81236, Grip -Rite Eave & Valley Protector, RE51STO,L$1244 or Lastobond Smooth Seal HT applied to: Y Plywood; A'_VrM D41 primed plywood; 05B, A.STM D41 primed O5B; Southern Yellow Pine; AST M D41 primed Southern Yellow Pine; ASTM D42 primed structural concrete: Colphene FR GR applied to: p, Plywood-,ASTi l D41 primed plywood;A;STM D41 primed structural concrete. Note: v While not required over plywood; OSB or Southern Yellow Pine substrates, Soprerna recommends priming, with Elastocol Stick or Elastocal 600c if the fnal roof cover is not slated for installation within 24,ho urs, ' P Soprema requires tongue -and -groove board decking he covered with plywood or OSB prior to installation of the self -adhering' underlayment 5.E.2 Bond -to -Insulation; Lastobond Shield,, Lastobond Pro HT-N, RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40, Lastobond Shield 1-1T,, Lastobond .Pro HIT-S, Lastobond TU HT, Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond 195, Lastobond.'ECO, RESISTO LB1136,, Grip-Rite-Eave & Valley Protector, RESISTO L131244, Lastobond Smooth Seat HT or Cglphene FR GR applied to: v Dens Deck Prime; SECUR.00K Gypsurn+iber Root Board.. For installation under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, insulation shall be attached per minimum requirements of the prepared rAof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations under foam -on the systems (Lastobond .T U HT only), insulation attachment shall be designed by a qualified design professional. and installed based on testing of the Insulation/underlayment system in accordance with FM 4474, Appendix D; Testing App€ic,'at€onStandard TAS 114, Appendix or UL1807. i ' Refer to ? rie. Manufacturer's or Adhesive Manufacturer's Florido Pfoduct ApprovdI for Ovrrtu'rnirig i4;otnent Resistanc;� Perfvrrrranee. Exterior Research and Eeslan, LLC. Evaluation Reports 18010 06.09-R11 6T".t£17'rtkiN Xo17 j:SCNoN I:1fKZEVALr; PLTiCN FLZ5S9-P:1:3' [em kale of Authorhatfop A9403 { � 5oprema, Inc. Revision il. 1010612017 Page 4 of 9 r \ 'x I , TRINITYIRD 5.6.3 Band to Mechanically AttachedBase Laver: Lastobond shield, Lastobond Pro HT-hl,. RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40, Lastobond Shield' HT, Lastob.ond'.Pro HT-S, Lastobond TU 14T, Lastobond Eaves Protection .sheet, 'Lastownd x95, Lastobond EEO,, REMSti 0 1-51236, Grip -Rite Eave & Valley Protector, RESISTO LB1244, LastoborW.Smooth Seal HT or Col.phene FR GR applied tot felt; ASTM D226, Type.! or Il Sops-G; N1gdified5apra-G: For installations.under mechanically attached, prepared roof coverings, base Payer shall, be attached per minimum codified requirements. Fdr instililatidris under foam -on the systems (Lastobond TU HT only), base laver -shall be attached in accordance with FRSAITRI April 2012 (0442). 5.6.4= Wind Resistance for Underiaynient Systems in Foam -On Tile Applications: F, RSA/TRI .April 2012 (04-22) does not°address wind uplift'resWanee of all underlayment systems beneath'f9am-on the systems, where the, underlayment forms part cif the load -path. The followingwind uplift hrimitatiiins:applyto underlayment systems that are.not addressed in FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04=12}, and, are used in foam -on tile applications.. Maximum Design,Pressure is.the result of testingfor wind load resistance based" on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate ,passing pressure�ldivided by 2.(the.2 to margin,of'safety Per FBC i504.9'has already been applied). Refer to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-1. ) or FBC 1609 far• determination of design wind pressures. #1- Makimum D6S[gh Pressure = -45.0 psf: Deck: Min: 15/32-inch plywood to. meet project requirements to satisfaction.of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: (Optional).Elastocoi Stick,. Elastocoi 600cor RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER Underlayment: Lastobond TU-HT or Colphene FR' GR, self -adhered. #2 Maximum Design Pressure =fi7:5 psf; Deck: Structural, concrete to meet project requirements"to, satisfaction of Authority Having .Jurisdiction. Primer.: Elastgcol600c Underlayment: Lastobond TU HT or C610hene FR GR, self -adhered. #3 Maximum Design Pressure = 150:0 psf: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch AAA -raged BCX,plywood (may .be installed C-side' up;) to meet ,project requirements to "satisfaction of'Authosity Having Jurisdiction. beck_Preparation: Plywoodl shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove dust: and debris that may inhibit adhesion. All sheathing fasteners shall be driven flush with the surface. All sharp splinters and wood proj�ctions`shall be,removed/sanded. Primer:. (Optional) RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER Underlayment: Lastofond TU HT, self ladhered,. shall be thoroughly roll using. hand roller and/or weighted roller to ensure there are no voids, and ensure there are no voids/bridging: at "side and end -laps. #4 Maximum Design Pressure:; -S040 nsf: Deck; Min. 19132-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Sops-G or Modified Sopra-G :mechanically attached with-nails� (FBC 11517:5.1) and tin caps' (EBG ti517,5.2) spaped 6-inch a:c, at the 4-inch; laps, and 6-inch, 6.6. in three (3), equally spaced rows iri the center of the sheet. Underlayment: Lastobond TU HT or ColpheneFR GR, self -adhered 5.6:4:1 All other direct -deck, adhered' Sopremb Underlayment systems beneath foarn-on tile systems carry a IvIaxiimum Design Pressure of -45 psf. EkWrldr-ne,Careh snd p46190, LLC.- i evaluation ReporL518010.06.09-R.11. CertifeateafAuthotitorion.N9a03 6n,tuIX10N,(2017)fzs NO' Y-hVRZEVALUA'110N PL256�-1113 Sopreinta, Inc. Revision 11: io/06/2017 Page 5 of 8 T _ERD TRINI IF Y 5.6-A.2 For mechanicaliV. attached Base.Shleet, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed that required under FRSAITRI April 2612 (0442),AppendixA, Table:IA. AiternativiAyl the maArflu.M des'79D Pressurel f6r the selected asserriblV strati meet or exceed the Zone. 1 . Aith FBC 1609. In thjscase�: Zones 2. and 3, shall employ an design pressure determined'in. accordance I attachment density designed 'by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. commonly used methods are AMSI/SPRI,WDI, F.M Lots Prevention -Data Sheet 120 :and Roofing Application Standard RAS 117. Assemblie I � marked with an asterisk," carry the limitations set f6ith in Section- of FM Loss Preveritian Mita Sheet 1-29QJnu@rV. 2016).. for Zone 2/3 enhancements. 5.7 Exposure Limitations: Lastoborid! Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond'195,11.astobond Fco, Lastoborid Smooth 'Seat HT, RESISTO p LB1236, �trip-Rite Eave,&'Veffi,ey Protettor or RESISTO L82244 shall not be left ex'osed for longer than 30- days after installation: Lastoband'ShbOld, La.stdbond Pro III-M RESISTO SASMOOTH PLY 40, Lastqbond Shielo'HT or.Lastobond Oro'HT-S-shafl not be left exposeVor longer, than 90-days. after instailtition. Lastoband TU HT or Colphem FR'GR shall n pt be4eft exppsed fox longer than, 180.4ays afterinstallation. ,5-.8 I When loading roof tiles on the'underlayment indirect -deck pie assemblies, the max lmorn roof slope shall be asfollows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof TABLEZt TiESLIPOA(5,_E DMITATIONS MOOD RECr,-DCICK TILE NS�rAL�IATJOMS rile PM(Mle Underlayment SIOP6 'Flat M ax. ld-tile stack 12 Lugged io ax. 1O.-Ple stack 5112 rvTjIg10-titp stack (bottom'2-tile stack sha tj be inverted, followed by,gti les high 6:121 on slope, as "shown l eiow) Lastobo rvd TU HT Vw, Lugged Y(' '5yJ- slat May. 16-tiI6 stack 5:12 Colphena. PR GR Lugmd slack Max, 10-tile slackj C,sterior Rne-ardi end DeSfgn;.LtC_ Evaluation ficixort 518010.06,0941721 Cei-fificare ofAutharization #9503. e E[1m&4 j2vi7) rsq "NoN_MVHzEvALQA1Ti0N FL2560wR.Va Sopre6a, Inc. Revision 11. 1,0/06]:W17 Pave 6 of 8 RINI .--D fs. INSTALLATION: 6.1 Soprema Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with Soprema published installation requirements.subjectto.the Limitations set forth in Section 5 Herein and the specifics noted below.; '6:2 Re-fasten,any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application, and prime the substrate with Elastocol Stick; Elastocol 600c:or RESTS 1 O EXTERIOR PRIMER (if applicable). 6.3 Lastobond T 'HT, Las tol�ond Shield, Eastobond Pro HT-N, RESISTO SA, SMOOTH PLY.40, Lastobond Shield HT; L.astobond Pro HT , fastObcind Eaves. Protection Sheet; LastobOrid 155, I astobacicl ECo, Lastobond SerOoth Sear t 1T, RESIST4 t 61236, Grip -Rita a Eave ' �(atiey Protector, REslsTo LG1744 or Colphene Fit GR: eL., it �t.n :.,c4. 11-4 n r niianra with the ;rpouirpments for ASTM D1070 underlayment in FBC Table y 15071.1 for the type of prepared, roof covering to"be installed; 6.3.2 Non -Tile Applications: White priming is optional; Soprema recommends priming with Elastocdf-Stick, Elastocol 600C or RESI-STO EXTERIOR PRINTER if the final roof cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. Apply sheet parallel to the roof edge. Roll taut approximately 10 ft of membrane and peel back the first 3 fi of release film. Adhere the exposed part to the substrate and unroll the remaining membrane asfar as possible. Once the entire length of membrane is in place, peel -off the release film diagonally while holding the membrane tight. Firmly roll the membrane into place.to achieve a bond. Horizontal seams should be rninimum .3-inches, configured to shed water. Vertical seams should be 6- inches and staggered not, less than 2'-ftfrom vertical seams in the course below, All aver -granule end -laps shall be sealed using either heat -welding or hot air -welding techniciues. When' installing at slopes above 8:12,.Soprema recommends back-nailing.in. the overlap area at the top of the.sheet at12-inch o.c. For Valleys and Ridges. Cut underlayment into 4 to 6-fopt lengths.. Peel the release paper and center sheet over valley -or ridge. Drape and press sheet; into ;place, working frorri the center of the valley or ridge in each :direction. For valleys, apply the sheet starting at the lowest point and work upward. 6.3.3 Tile Applications (Lastobond TU HT or Golphene FR GR on►vi. Reference .is made to FRSA/TRI April 2011 (04-1.2) 'Instaila'tion Manual and Table 3 herein, using the instructions noted above as guideline. For foam -on the applications, reference is made to Section 5.f.4. herein for wind resistance limitations that fall outside the scope of FRSAITRI April 2012 (04-12). Tile shall be loaded and staged in a manner that prevents the slippage and/or .damage to the underlayment: ,See Table 9 herein,.. and Soprema; published rcquircrnents for tile staging. Z 3UIMING PERMIT REQuIREMENTS: As, required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to property e-vai:uate "tre fristdllation of this product., Exrorlix Research and E?e'S19n,:LLC, rVOLIatiOn Report 518010.0G:03-RAL CCfL`i'l(OOCC CfFiltLilOJfZOLOA M3503 o''"EDmoN ( �2o?7 FBcNOW HVIiZEVALUAT1014 F12559eR13' Soprema,_anc. Revision 11:10/06/2017 Page 7 of 8; -PJNITY'-ERD $. tliMANUFACTUMNG PLANTS i Contact the noted QA agency for in.fotinatidn on product locations covered''for- F.A.C. 61G20-3 OA requirements. The,foltowingplants have qualified products uhdertheir respective physical properties specifications. Plant Specification Product(s) • ' Laltobond SWeld, RESISTO SAWOOTH PLY 4%,lastobopd Shield HT, Drummondville, ASTM,Di970. lasto, bond Rro HT-N, Lestchoghd Pro HT-SLastobond 195, Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond Eco; Lastobond Simooth Seal 1.11, QC;(Canada) ,RESI51`i) 131236, PrimeSouF'ce Grip-Iliter Eave &Valley Protector; I RESISTO L31244 ASTivi D 1970 & 'FRSA%TRi D4-12 Co phene 4=R GR, Wadsivorth,:OH La tobond 19.5, Lastobond Eaves Protection Stzeet, Lastobond EGO, ASTIyL0197Q, Lastobohd Smooth Seat HT� RESIST0"1.81236, PrimeSource Gtig=Rite Ealve & ijalley Protector, RESISTO L8.1244 ASTMD1970&<FRSAIM04-12 LastobondTUHT;`ColpheneFRGR Lastobond 19S, tastobond Eaves ProtectianSheet, Lastobond Eco, Gulfport, M5 i15'('MAI970 Lastobond Smooth Seat HT, RESfSTQ LI31236, Prirne5nuicc: Gri(i-RiCz Ea6 &'Valley Protector, RES15TO L91244 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY. UL, LLC—QUA9625; (314) 578-3406; k.chancelior@us.ul.com i - END OF EVALUATION REPORT - I I I Extati8r R S2BYth 5ttd;r123FutS, L.I.C. Evata4tton ReportLs1xoio.R6.U4•R11 Cem'}ZwtaofAurhorisudw#9503 6'itEDITION ,L2017jFECNON.HVP7EVALVATFtl�# F:L2sta9-fm1 Soprema, Inc. Revision i1d1016612617 Page A of 8 i