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2 o oo E W N a w o U 0 LU NOTES: - Drawings are for obtaining permits. - Decking to be silver teak PVC decking - Bump strip not shown in drawing 2 l2�03-c�_� ST. LLJC!E COLATY Ri-jI.nn - DIMS#ON Isometric View RFVLE«'ED FOR CO, CE REVIEWEDAY DATE 3 --77 how q PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE'KI OR NO rgSPECTION NV2LL BE R:A.'JE'. (' Z rn C � THESE RR PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WOA ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTION' REQUIRED BY FIELD IN'PECT01111 NAT MAY BE NEOPHISARY IN 001I1 V COMPLY WITH ALL APPWAW R �s ----. CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE —_ CONTRACTOR OF RECORD PROJECT: 12 x 16' Kayak Slip-Docl TITLE: Isometric View REFERENCE #:WILCO Construction Inc. DRAWN: E. Erton CHECKED: J.Harrison DATE 01/23/18 REV 1 1 SCALE:1:1001 SHEET 1 OF 11 17905W 131h C-d Pornaaro Beach R 33069 95b785S7557 Y, Birat Chou for Floatlag Dock Solutlo sciesea—dockaom % CA Gc. t: 31252 J. "ATE F : 4 Mao % .� .�. s40 ID 'atiAi:�;;� ,�IIRIIIIItI~��, a• I 2 Existing Piling 0 A Existing Pilinc Plan View NOTES: - Drawings are for obtaining permits. - Decking to be silver teak PVC decking - Bump strip not shown in drawing PROJECT: 12' x 160yak-Slip-Dock--- TITLE: Plan View REFERENCE #:WILCO Construction Inc. DRAWN: EEdon CHECKED: J. Hartison DATE 01/23/18 REV 1 I SCALE: 1:1001 SHEET 2 OF 11 AC;0/ /17915 1311, Court Pompano Bea, FL 9 956735-7M7 Your Fhar Cholce for Floating Dock SohWom sdesGaacueod:.eam CA llc. J: 31252 11111144 ,. 0 6 M 001 2 1 Float Layout 1 l 4' x 6' x 8" Float 4' x 6' x 8" Float -----___ 5' x 6' x 8" Float 3' x 12' 4' x 6' x 8" Float. — —__ 192" Open Slip- 5'x6'x8" Float 144" 31. 4' x 6' x 8" Float 4 i NOTES: - Drawings are for obtaining permits. PROJECT: 12' x 16' Kayak Slip -Dock-- -- -_ TITLE: Float Layout REFERENCE #:WILCO Construction Inc. DRAWN: E. Erton CHECKED: J. Noniron DATE: 01/23/18 REV 1 SCALE: 1:100 SHEET 3 OF 11 ,790SW 131h Cood Porty>aw Beach. R 33069 95b785-7557 _ Your H9rat ChW- for solumnn ""o—dock.com CA De. t: 31252 L J. ��♦r B• + r •/ F * v w 1� r • x � r STATE IF ; 4t1 ip ��ONAu50� ,, i' 2 Label 1 S-Style Connector (Quantity = 8) B U --Label-3 3' Overhead Assist Bar (Quantity = 1) Included Package Accessories Label 2 TC-Style Connector 5 (Quantity = 2) nnector _ aa6�3@EE3 y moss w N ; G� ®Q •� 49, ®p. �c :W; ti c 10 4 -O® REV 1 DRAWN: E. Erton M-0--s R ■� r— PART: 12 x 16 Kayak Slip REF #: WILCO Construction Inc. SCALE: CHECKED: J.HamSon "s.sL— ��� Dock Accessories SHEET 4 OF 11 DATE: 01/23/18 Your First Choice for Floating Dock Solutions 2 1 1 10 V 2 Piling Slide Assembly Attachment Method ee 1 I 0a���'. • N s � • ®® jit 2 O Fro` w� FLO. ��®0 A AccuDock �9" per% e`��S A NOTES: FloatingDoc �e eas�sla���� - Drawings are for obtaining permits. Without Dec Ing -Silver teak decking not shown in drawing REV 1 DRAWN: I E. Erton w—w—jv /Qkh—/1� PART: Piling Slide Assembly REF #: WILCO Construction Inc. SCALE: 1:16 CHECKED: J.Hanison --U-4L-R A-0 / SHEET 5 OF 11 DATE: 01/23/18 your First Choice for Floating Dock Solutions 2 1 K Q 0 Piling Slide Assembly Attachment Method Bolted to Pilinc DETAIL A SCALE 1 : 7 NOTES: - Drawings are for obtaining permits. -Silver teak decking not shown in drawing 0 Bolted to AccuDock oatina Dock REV 1 DRAWN: I E. Erton A •—m_' �qM" 1 PART: Piling Slide Assembly REF #: WILCO SCALE: 1:18 CHECKED: J.Harrison ■—U—T�� Construction Inc. SHEET 6 OF 11 DATE: 01/23/18 your First Choice for Floating Dock Solutions 2 V 0 2 0 Piling Slide Assembly Attachment Method Plan View o Ifn nlr o 0 AccuDock Floating Dock „ 9 58 Approx. . �e�aa9aea®co�_B� 3:. MA'S ENS S o �0,T% 0 m Na 6gS5 •. *FEB .Y W sy LVJ a A Q'••��IIO c °•��v� A A NOTES. °,��5 • / O N P�' 9d6G6E9afl�®� - Drawings are for obtaining permits. -Silver teak decking not shown in drawing REV 1 DRAWN: E. Erlon PART: Piling Slide Assembly REF #: WILCO SCALE: 1:12 CHECKED: J.Hardson o—■—uwxj Construction Inc SHEET 7 OF 11 DATE: 01/23/18 your. First Choice for Floating Dock Solutions 2 1 1 2 I 1 1001 0 Piling Slide Assembly Attachment Method Piling Slide Assembly Components Label 1 Inner Tube Label 2 Outer Tube 7: Label 3 Cosmetic Cover 0 "6oaeea:aace I o®gyp?° �� � • � �F cS' `�'®� - o 5688 oil 7 • m � m ° A OF 4 °:� n� p '• a d�0�Si.C` ae ®a0 N Ae ©%%% Slides over the inner A & outer tubes as an aesthetic and NOTES: protective cover - Drawings are for obtaining permits. REV 1 DRAWN: E. Edon PART: Piling Slide Assembly REF #: WILCO SCALE: 1:12 CHECKED: J.Harrison Construction Inc SHEET 8 OF 11 DATE: 01/23/18 your First Choice for Floating Dock Solutions 2 1 Gets fixed to existing piling Gets fixed to AccuDock float, allowing it to move independently to the existing pilings 2 V Hardware List R Label Description/ Reference # Material Quantity 1 1 /2" -13 x 4" Hex Cap Bolt 18 - 8 ss x 2 2 1 /2" Flat Washer 18 - 8 ss x 4 3 1 /2" Lock Washer 18 - 8 ss x 2 4 1/2"-l3Hex Nut 18-8ss x2 Bolting a slide assembly to a standard framed float. z o �3 4 ��) NOTES: - Drawings are for obtaining permits. PART: Slide Assembly Outer Tube 2 REF #: WILCO Construction Inc 1 %%% fEB��O� •10� Sggs 0. A7- OF d DETAIL C®��s•• RIDP °gym° q SCALE 1 : 3.5 Tolerances are 1/16" Unless specified otherwise REV 1 DRAWN: E.Erton r—r1 Aw I! �r—% SCALE: 1:12 CHECKED: J. Harrison ` 1` 4LAff T�� SHEET 9 OF 11 DATE: 01/23/18 your First Choice for Floating Dock Solutions 1 2 0 W SECTION A -A SCALE 1 : 20 Front View Poo 5/4" x 6" WOLF PVC Deck Board 1-1/4" Channel 6061-T6 Aluminum Polystyrene 109 Encapsulated 16 Foam Insert e`eesoasaeeo9p��,®� ® P�1E 5/4„ x 6„ e�0 WOLF PVC �• . \-.. . NS °• Sep Deck Board w �. • No 56 5 • m-� 0.150" HDPE Plastic m S A op DETAIL B NOTES •'. O R I D SCALE 1 : 3OIV••q• • °������ - Drawings are f"V 86avy g vbh' its. REV I DRAWN: E.Mon rM-1 Mr-7 ram% PART: 8" Decked Float REF #: WILCO SCALE: 1:20 CHECKED: J.Har6son ■-46—�` lock Cross Section Construction Inc SHEET100FIl DATE: 01/23/18 your First Choice for Floating Dock Solutions 2 1 1 2 Hardware list Label Description/ Reference # Material Quantity 1 3/8" -16 x 3 " Hex Cap Bolt 18 - 8ss x 2 2 3/8" Flat Washer 18 - 8ss x 4 3 3/8" Lock Washer 18 - 8ss x 2 4 3/8" -16 Hex Nut 18 - 8ss x 2 B5 5/16" -18 x 3" Carriage Bolt 18 - 8ss x 2 6 5/16" Lock Washer 18 - 8ss x 2 7 5/16" -18 Hex Nut 18 - 8ss x 2 --_, --Bolting-a-safe_ launch fo a standard framed l-o t.-- Hole -- Drilled at time of installation- 6 NOTES: - Drawings are for obtaining permits. PART: 3 x 12 Safe Launch Mounting & Accessories 2 DETAIL B SCALE 1 : 2.5 3/8" Holes tolerances are 1/16" Unless specified otherwise REV 1 DRAWN: E. Erton rr-1 ' 1:141 r—� REF #. WILCO SCALE: 1:12 CHECKED: J.Harrison 66.6. U—NiffL--- ��— Construction Inc SHEET 11 OF 11 DATE: 01/23/18 your First Choice for Floating Dock Solutions �vAR qC 1 pS.� SOUTH FLORIDA February 5, 2018 MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RECEIVED MAR 0 6 2018 I * Delivered via email Deborah Rountree * � ST. Luele cp�,nx 3066 NW Radcliffe Way Y, Permitting Palm City, FL 34990 Subject: Exemption for Rountree Boat Lift - Riverbend Lot 18 Application No. 180130-290 Exemption No. 56-100104-P St Lucie County Dear Ms. Rountree: The South Florida Water Management District (District) reviewed the information submitted for the construction/installation of a boat lift and has determined that the proposed activity will have only minimal or insignificant individual or cumulative adverse impacts on the water resoures of the District. Therefore, based on the documents submitted to the District, the project qualifies for an exemption pursuant to Subsection 373.406(6), Florida Statutes. Activities that qualify for this exemption must be conducted and operated using appropriate best management practices and in a manner (which does not cause or contribute to a water quality violation. Pursuant to Chapters 62-302 or,62-4, Florida Administrative Code. This letter does not relieve you from the local) which may be required for the proj The determination that this project q installation is substantially modified, if t incorrect, of if the installation results in made in the construction plans or loc District. Therefore you are advised to c which is not specifically described in the bility of obtaining other permits (federal, state or ifies as an exempt activity may be revoked if the basis of the exemption is determined to be materially olation to state water quality standards. Any changes :)n of the project may necessitate a permit from the tact the District before beginning any work in wetlands ibmittal. The notice of determination that the project qualifies as an exempt activity constitutes final agency by the District unless a petition for administrative hearing is filed. Upon timely filing of petition, this Notice will not be effective until further Order of the District. The District has not published a ni determined that this activity is exerr Enclosed is a sample package used fc District form, notifies members of tt determination. If proper notice is giver a petition opposing the determination. the determination extends for an inde period of filing such a challenge is cic notice in a newspaper of general c language used in the publication an attached. If you choose to publish thi becomes available. Mice in the newspaper advising the public that it has pt pursuant to subsection 373.406(6), Florida Statues. r newspaper noticing by the District. Publication, using the e public (third parties) of their rights to challenge the by publication, third parties have a 21-day time limit to file If you do not publish a notice, a party's right to challenge 'inite period of time. If you wish to have certainty that the sed, then you may publish, at your own expense, such a rculation. A sample notice to provide guidance on the J a list of newspapers typically used by the District is notice, please provide us with proof of publication when it 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 - (561) 686-8800-1-800h32-2045 - www.sfwmd.gov Deborah Rountree Rountree Boat Lift - Riverbend Lot 18, Application No.180130-290 February 5, 2018 Page 2 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Trisha Stone, Environmental Analyst - Lead at (561) 682-6954 or itstone@sfwmd.gov, and Carolyn McCreedy, at 863-462-5260 x3042 or cmccreed@sfwmd.gov. Sincerely, Ricardo E, Bureau 4-WidrtohnvVirpcomental Resource Bu c: Bruce Jerner, Jerner & The following exhibits to this permit are ini clicking on the links below website (hftp://my.sfwmd.gov/ePermitting 180130-290. Exhibit 1- Location Map Exhibit 2 - Project Plans Exhibit 3 - Sample Newspapter Noticing orporated by reference. The exhibits can be viewed by or I by visiting the District's ePermitting and searching under this application number As required by Sections 120.569 and 1 opportunities which may be available for substantial interests of a party are deterrr Rights is not intended to provide legal adN may be an applicable or appropriate remE your legal rights. RIGHT TO REQUEST ADMINISTRATIVE A person whose substantial interests a Management District's (SFWMD or Disti hearing on that action pursuant to Sectio hearing on a SFWMD decision which affe petition for hearing with the Office of the filing instructions set forth herein, within unless one of the following shorter timf consolidated intent to grant or deny c resource permits and use of sovereign su or (2) within 14 days of service of an Adr Stat. "Receipt of written notice of agency electronic mail, or posting that the SFV publication of notice that the SFWMD has receives written notice of a SFWMD deci the timeframe described above waives the 60(3), Fla. Stat., the following is notice of the Iministrative hearing or judicial review when the :d by an agency. Please note that this Notice of Not all of the legal proceedings detailed below You may wish to consult an attorney regarding HEARING e or may be affected by the South Florida Water ct) action has the right to request an administrative is 120.569 and 120.57, Fla. Stat. Persons seeking a "ts or may affect their substantial interests shall file a District Clerk of the SFWMD, in accordance with the 21 days of receipt of written notice of the decision, periods apply: (1) within 14 days of the notice of mcurrently reviewed applications for environmental merged lands pursuant to Section 373.427, Fla. Stat.; inistrative Order pursuant to Section 373.119(1), Fla. lecision" means receipt of written notice through mail, 'MD has or intends to take final agency action, or )r intends to take final agency action. Any person who ion and fails to file a written request for hearing within right to request a hearing on that decision. If the District takes final agency action w i ich materially differs from the noticed intended agency decision, persons who may be substantially affected shall, unless otherwise provided by law, have an additional Rule 28-106.111, Fla. Admin. Code, point of entry. Any person to whom an emergency order is directed pursuant to Section 373.119(2), Fla. Stat., shall comply therewith immediately, but on petition to the board shall be afforded a hearing as soon as possible. A person may file a request for an extE good cause, grant the request. RequE prior to the deadline for filing a petition certificate that the moving party has cor that the SFWMD and any other parties extension of time shall toll the running acted upon. FILING INSTRUCTIONS A petition for administrative hearing i SFWMD. Filings with the Office of the mail. Filings by facsimile will not be document is deemed filed upon receipt Clerk at SFWMD headquarters in We hours are 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m., e; received by the Office of the District C on the next regular business day. Rev. 11/08/16 ion of time for filing a petition. The SFWMD may, for for extension of time must be filed with the SFWMD r hearing. Such requests for extension shall contain a Ited with all other parties concerning the extension and -ee to or oppose the extension. A timely request for an the time period for filing a petition until the request is lust be filed with the Office of the District Clerk of the District Clerk may be made by mail, hand -delivery, or e- iccepted. A petition for administrative hearing or other during normal business hours by the Office of the District ;t Palm Beach, Florida. The District's normal business cluding weekends and District holidays. Any document erk after 5:00 p.m. shall be deemed filed as of 8:00 a.m. Additional filing instructions are as follows: T Filings by mail must be addressed to th West Palm Beach, Florida 33406. T Filings by hand -delivery must be delive petition to the SFWMD's security desl request that the SFWMD's security e employee of the SFWMD's Clerk's office T Filings by e-mail must be transmitted to The filing date for a document transmit the District Clerk receives the complete shall (1) represent that the original phy: for the duration of the proceeding and i in that cause and that the party shall pr responsible for any delay, disruption, or full risk that the document may not be pl Office of the District Clerk, 3301 Gun Club Road, -ed to the Office of the District Clerk. Delivery of a does not constitute filing. It will be necessary to 'facer contact the Office of the District Clerk. An will receive and file the petition. the Office of the District Clerk at clerk(@sfwmd.gov. 3d by electronic mail shall be the date the Office of document. A party who files a document by e-mail ically signed document will be retained by that party if any subsequent appeal or subsequent proceeding )duce it upon the request of other parties; and (2) be interruption of the electronic signals and accepts the )Derly filed. INITIATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING Pursuant to Sections 120.54(5)(b)4. and 120.569(2)(c), Fla. Stat., and Rules 28-106.201 and 28-106.301, Fla. Admin. Code, initiation of an administrative hearing shall be made by written petition to the SFWMD in legible form and on 8 1/2 by 11 inch white paper. All petitions shall contain: 1. Identification of the action being Conte; SFWMD file number or any other SFW 2. The name, address, any email address petitioner and petitioner's representati� 3. An explanation of how the petitioner's determination. ted, including the permit number, application number, AD identification number, if known. any facsimile number, and telephone number of the if any. substantial interests will be affected by the agency 4. A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the SFWMD's decision. 5 A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate. 6. A concise statement of the ultimate f contends warrant reversal or modificati 7. A statement of the specific rules or modification of the SFWMD's propose 8. If disputed issues of material fact exi, how the alleged facts relate to the spei 9. A statement of the relief sought by th wishes the SFWMD to take with respei cts alleged, including the specific facts the petitioner m of the SFWMD's proposed action. statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or action. t, the statement must also include an explanation of ific rules or statutes. petitioner, stating precisely the action the petitioner t to the SFWMD's proposed action. MEDIATION The procedures for pursuing mediation are set forth in Section 120.573, Fla. Stat., and Rules 28-106.111 and 28-106.401—.405, Fla. Admin. Code. The SFWMD 'is not proposing mediation for this agency action under Section 120.573, Fla. Stat., at this time. RIGHT TO SEEK JUDICIAL REVIEW Pursuant to Section 120.68, Fla. St Procedure 9.110, a party who is adv( review of the SFWMD's final decision Clerk of the SFWMD in accordance w rendition of the order to be reviewed, appropriate district court of appeal. and in accordance with Florida Rule of Appellate 1y affected by final SFWMD action may seek judicial filing a notice of appeal with the Office of the District the filing instructions setforth herein within 30 days of d by filing a copy of the notice with the clerk of the Rev. 11/08/16