HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0596 l/" 596 . ~.... -4 . .-~~............".- ,J w ~; -. ._-~ ,__~""",,~__"""fJ# '-~---~ -.i ..,... AND I PURTHY.R C~TlrY that the said Josephine X. Taylor known to me to be the wife of the said ~,I. Taylor on a 9srarate and private examination taken end made by and b~fore Me, seperetely end cport from her said hueband did aoknowled~e that-she made herself n party to said de~d for the purpose of renou.ncinj!, relinqut.a},ing and conveying all her r1lht, title and intertl9t. '''hether of dower, homestead or of separate pr9perty, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that she exeouted the geid'~eeo freely and 701untarily end without any compulsion, constrRlnt, appre~ension or fear of or from her s&id husband . off~oial seal at stuart County of Palm Beaoh, and State of 110rida I~ f' this ry A.D. 19~5. Filed the 24th f n o "1 day~f <: ~ '"' - ... ('0 0. l~ary Wi t~am, Not~ry Public, '~ cornrniasion expires Octob(r 9th, 1927. Peb. A.D. 1925. P.C. Eldred,Clerk Circuit Court. r-" t7.. '" " 1 l . ;" : /'" ,., I ~_-/~"' BY'~1 'it. . \ '- 'l" . -floOr' 'f. .. ~\ /' :1-.2; :'-)/.I n"rJ~{"\A.I; totlt !I.,'-t---, ~ ! ..'.~~..........+.*..............'..~............~......4....~..................+........~.... D.C. CF~S. B. JENNINGS. to PAUL M. IHTCHF.LL. WA~!UnTI DZRD. THIS INDB1t~B, Made this lOth day o~ 1ebruary, 1925, BET~~N Chas. E. Jennings, a single man, of the County of W8shinfton and State of Oklahoma, pa~ty of the first !Brt, and ra~u U. Mitchell of the County of DuPsge and State of Illinois. party of the second ~art, WITN3SSETH, that the said party of the first ~art, for and In consideration of thn SlIm of One Dollar and other valuable considerations, to hiw in hand paid. the receipt whereof is here by acknowledged. has granted, bargained, sold, and trans~erred, aDO by these presents does grant, t~ bargain, sell and transfer lunto the soid party of the second part and his heirs and assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land lying Bndbeing in the County of St. Lucie and S~ate of Ploriva. more particularly described as follows: The Southwe1ltquarter (Swt) of the SCAlthwest quarter (Sift) of Section 23, Township 34 South, Range 39 East, contein~ng 40 acres more or les8. TOGETliE3 with all the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances, with every privilege, ri~ht ti tIe. interest and estate, d,)wer and right of dower. reversion, remainder and easement. thereto belonging or in anywise a~perteiningi TO ffA'f3 and to hold the BamB in fee simple forever. And the s8id plrty of the first part does covenant wltrr;the said f.arty of the'gecond part that he ls lawfuily seised of the said premises, that they are free from all Incl~brBnc6s and that he he~ good rlght and lawful authority to sell the samej and the said party of the first fart does hereby fully warrant the title to said lend, and wl11 defend the same agaiost the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. - IN WITl~SS ~qBO~ the Baid party of the first part has hereunto set his ha~d ono ssel the day and year above written. Ches. E. Jennlngs. ( Seal) Siened, sealed and deli~ered in our presence. ',7.H. Barnes. (ACiGtOWL};ro' :'BlIT) f1<<. }~ G.e. Clarke 3TATB O? OtLAROUA , COUliTY 01" "flASHIIlGTON. I HE3EBY CERTIFY, ~,e on this 10th day of February A.D. 1925. before me personally appeared Ches. E. JenninS8. to me known to be the per90u deacribed in and w~o executed the foregoing conveyanoe to Paul }.{. m. tohs1l, and ackncwledged the exeoution thereof to be his free act and I deed for the usee and purpoees th~'ein mentioned. ! 1 j