HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF TRUSS13' 8" O O F— N Z m 9' 2" 56' 11" 39' 2" 30' 0" 28' 6" 16. 0" 12' 5" t` N N NOTES: A) TOP CHORD BEARING TRUSSES. 3CANNE BY St Lucie Count', LUMBER CQ.,LLC 2820 Kirby Cir. NE, Palm Bay, FI. 32905 Phone: ( 321 ) 409-9800 Fax: ( 321 ) 409-9803 Signature of ths document ackrawedges that the client has reviewed this truss placement diagram In Its entirety and is in agreement with the following items, including but not limited to: A.) The dents responsible to verify the accuracy of information submitted for use in design, faMivatic n, and scheduling. Any labor, material, or time delay incurred from inadequate or incorrect Information supplied from the client will he at the cfienfs expense. B.) Design Criteria: The client acknowledges that the truss design criteria rated on this truns placement diagram meets or exceeds the design criteria specified by the building designer, engineer of record, and local and state building remnmrnenhs C.) Fabi"Wn and Delivery: Ore approved truss placement diagram must be returned to the truss manufacturer before fabrication and delivery will be scheduled. It is the client's responsibility to coordinate delivery dates with the truss manufacturer. The dent shall provide a marked location for delivery, which must be accessgrle, level, and dear of material and debris, in lieu of this, trusses will be delivered in the bestavallable location at our driver's discretion. Care andhandingofthetrusses J following dilvery is the responsibility of the client. D.J Installation &Bracing: BCg12068j Building Component Safety Information )WffA/TPI IL guidelines shall be followed when handling; installing, and bracingtmsses Temporaryand/or a Q perru nembracingand blocking is rat included in the truss package. Trusses shall be braced to F prevent rotation and provide lateral stability in accordance with the requirements specified in the z W construction documents for the building and on the individual tons design drawings. Theoverall J stability of the truss system sthe responsibility of the buiWingdesigner. U E.) Field Framing ].)Tray ceilings and other ceiling transitions may require field framing by others. 23 Ceiling drops and valleys not shown are to be field framed by others. 3.) Overhangs may beover length-cutto fit infield. Overhangs are M or 2x6- no blocking is applied. (ornerjackswillbe square cutand Wp jacks will be double beveled. F.) Repairs: Truss related problems are to be reported to the truss manufacturer AS". preferably inwriting. DO NOT CUT ANY TRUSSES before contacting the truss manufacturer with specifics of the problem. Any field modifications made withmrtan engineered repair drawing will be the responsibility ofthecgem. Nobxkchargesorcmrachagesofanykidwilbea peted,uWmspedfrcally approved in writing by the truss nu mufacomer's management G.) This Truss Placement diagram was not created by an engineer, rather by Tibbetts Lumber Co. LLCstaff, and is prselyto be used as an installation guide and does not require a seal. Truss deisgn amelyss are on the Truss Design Drawings which maybe seated by the Truss Design Engiramr. Floor Load; Roof Load; 55# psf; 40 TOLL, 10 TCDL, 0 BG L, 5 BCDL; our: 1.00 37# psi; 20 TCLL, 7 TCDL, 0 BOLL, 10 BCDL; Du,: 1.25 Design checked for 10 lost nonconcumem LL on BC. Design checked for 10 psf non -concurrent LL on BC. Mitek Engineering Exposure : C Building Code FBC 2020 Mean Hgt. 15' ASCE 7-16 Bldg. Cat. II TPI 1-2014 Importance Factor : 1.0 R C Truss Design : C & C Enclosure : Enclosed F Uplift Calc. MWFRS Entry Exposed to Wind ix 0 Wind Speed : 160 mph US Lanai : Exposed to Wind z a ROOF CRITERIA FLOOR CRITERIA W T.C. Pitch 6 / 12 B.C. Pitch ... 112 Depth ... V T.C. Size 2X4 Spacing ... Heel Hgt. 43/16" Bearing 8" Cantilever ... Vapor banner betheon floor & concrete by others. Floor trusses held back 3A" at exterior wails, Overhang16° block & fill by others. Blocking for vertical load transfer by others. Odd space floor trusses around plumbing as noted . Spacing 24" D:c.... TYP. ROOF HANGER: THD26 TYP. FLR. HANGER: THD46 A THD26 City O THD46 Qty B .., THD26-2 Qty NO THD48 city v CO THDH26-2 Qty I', U f THDH48 city wz D THDH26-3 Qty OP/ THDH410 City z v E THD28 Qty O OSKH26 UR O O Install hangers per manufacturer's guidelines. All connectors and he downs other than truss to girder truss are to be specified and supplied by others. Approved by. O Q Desired delivery date: Q E Approval Date. 0 N J U Reaction Uplift Reaction Uplift Reaction Uplift 1 xx xx 7 xx xx 13 xx xx 2 xx xx 8 xx xx 14 xx xx X 3 xx xx 9 xx xx 15 xx xx 4 xx xx 10 xx xx 16 xx xx F in 5 xx xx 11 xx xx 17 xx xx W nJ. 6 xx xx 12 xx xx 18 xx xx Only points listed above have reaction > 5000 or Uplift > 1000 Values shown on sealed design drawings supersede the above. x x x x rn w F x O z x REVIEWED FOR x v OBEeeMPLIAWE Lue1E COUNTY x ° Boce Client : Jose Garcia z w Project J Address: 2807 Placid Ave. Po St. Date, Intials, Description w a . Date : 11/12/2021 Designer : Keith Baer Project # 510991