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"tHIS INDKNTURK, "ade this -~-,~Q.~,.._.___,__,_.._.. ,__'")' of_......D.oemb. r __. -_.,--,-._....__~_......._._A. 1>. 192..i.... !lETWHN
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of th~ Couat)' or.__5.t..t,.J!Y2,lt____.___.and SQte of__....'1Clr1.cia --.......,----.--.---,-,--..,_pan_laSof the 11m put, and
of the Count)' Of..__._.~!_~..~~,!.! ~_.....,_..._,.,___,.and State oL-._..lor1.4a.,_____...,........_,put...7_ of the second pari,
WITNESSF.TII, thallhe said pa'I.!.!!'.. of the lint part, for and in considcratioa of the sum of.,_._QP.,!...~~_J,.~r.:...a.~..'?~~..~!._!~.!~~~.
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-~ to.theID..-.in haad paid, the receipt ...her~of is hutby acknowledged.
ha_Y8 granted, bargained, sold and Iranderred, .ad by these presealS do._ _grant, bargain, sell and tr.asler unlo the said part _~., of the second
p;ut aaL,W.Q..___heirs and usigns forenr, .11 th'at certain psrefl of I.nd lying and being in the County of_at.,! ~.Q."__~.,_________
and State of_.'.!.~r.:! d~,,_, .._-----.-.-_-more p~rticularlY described IS .ollow.:_____,____..___...._._,..,..,._,__,_.._,....__._..._,..
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TOGETHER wilh all the tenemenls. hereditaments and appurteaucu, ...ilh nuy "ri.ile~~, right. title, interest and ulat~, dower and right of .rower.
reyersioa. remaia<kr aad fasen.ent thereto belonging or in all)w,se appertaining: TO HAVE ANLJ TO !lOJ.l> the same in lee sinlple (orc.'er,
And the said parL i es of the /irst part do _ covenaat witb'the said part..-7 of Ihe secoad pa.t that..t~.ar.._,--I~w(ully seind 01 tile
said preMistS. that tbey are fr~e from all incuml>rancu aDd that.the7_.hav.ood righl and lawful anthorili to sell the same; and the ",ill p:ln.1.es 01
.he /irst pa.t do_ hereby fully warrant Ibe title 10 said Iaad, aDd will delead th~ same apiaS! the la.lal claims of all peuoas ,"'homsocnr.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said part_i,88 o( the fiut part ha_!:~_ h~reunto ut..~_heir J.and..1land sul,~tbe day aad year aboye wrillen
Signed, sealed aad delinred in our preacnce: \
.., ......n '_"_'''_'_'____""_,,,__ ,.._.,......_....n..__m~__.___..__._...._.(
. -...... - .... --- .-----------.- ----- ---. .
-.~.L~!._q.~l~.Q.I!. -.,.-,-----..---...-_,....._._...(SEAL)
LuoZ-!. Carlton
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------ ----.-.--.-----.
-----.- --- -+---------------~- -.-------.-
- -- ---~--- - ...-- --- -
St ~ Lucie
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thiS-...-.2.0th
day o!__D.eQJHllber
A. D, 192..~" before me
f'trsoaally appeared_L...J..L...Carl ton and LUOl tl~_~.Rl.W.Du..)P..J! wife,
10 me known to be the pe.son..8... described in and who executed th.. foregoing connyaDee to._Ed...Haaa..
and senrally acknowledged the execution thereof to be,~M.~.J."_...lr~e acl
aad deed for th~ DSU and purposes therein meationed; aad the said..-_.~l,lO .r~~..rJ. to n
th 'f f b 'd L. L. Carlton d' "
e WI e 0 t e sa. . ,... on a separate an pnyate examination
laken and made by and belore ~, and 5eparaldy and apnl Irom her said hbsbaild, did acJraowl~dge thai .he made herself a party to the said Deed 01
Conyeyanc~. for the pnrJ>Osc"of renouncing. relinqui\hing an" conveyiaR all h. r right, title and inurut. ...helher 01 dower or of upuate property, statntory
or equitabfr, in and to tb~ lallds therein dueribed, aad Ihat she t1lecbl~d said deed IreelY aad yoluntarily aad ....ithout any conslraint, fear, apprehension
c.r compulsion 01 or (rom her said husband.
y signature aad official seal .It. Pie.~g,~_
'..l.QL1~..a.,__.._tbe day and yeu lall aforesaid..
Cl rk Ci 1tC '~..-C.,_E.14rO'4.-----...,_..'-...m-n(SE^L)
u'_ -a/lt.-B. ~t~8h.O~~-c':~=_': ,- ==~~_-'--'~.o.=.,_,u ~,' .
in the County of_
St. Lucie
._- -_. --- - --_. -
--.----------- -.--------.--
On th;.._--6.tl1__ _,_____day cf-....lanuar.v. J\. D. 1~2..I~ at.~o'dock,L.m., thO. instrumenl ....
Ii~d for rewrd. and beiag duly ac"no.f~d;(eJ and pronD, I han reco~ lhe lalf1t on page_~_of ~k.. 60 in the PUbJi;'r~cords 01 ~i<I
(.ounty, n.~.
IN WITNESS WIIEREOF. I hur hereunto set my baa" and ~ed tbe Hal of tbe Circuil Court 01 th~ Fiftuath Judicial Circuit of said Slat~, in aad
lor said Coaaty. ~
P. C. BUre'
- 'TJ)ud ......" f. go ,,:fi:.J
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l.:l. .
,D. C,
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