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THIS INDaNTU~E. ....de thisJ!~~_._.. ...._..,._. ..._:". --.--da7 ol....n....~~,IlWl.ry-. .:_.........._.......__..__......._...._._^- 1>. 19lL, Bf.TWEl,N
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,( At r I .._._~~_~....~~9~~~_._..__.._ ----.-_...-.l State of_.'.~.~.! 1~.!_..1. u_____..____._.parl...l___ of .h~ .~cond pari,
WITNESSETIf,tr.atlhe said pa.t.f.__ 01 the firet part, for and in eonsideratOoo 01 the sum of .OUE J.i;t~.Q.Q...~.._~..~.h~!....!.a.:J,~.p.:le ..<l..~~s..~.d-
__..e r~~J~.~lJ.L_._...._......_....___._. ___Dollar.. to...~.1.'!l._.in hand paid, the receipt I.hcreof is hereby ad:llo...ledlted.
. hJ.._ gr.nled, ba.gained. IOId and Ir"nsferred, an., b7 theu presenls do.!.~._granl, bUlaio, sell and tran.fer unlo the said 1'2<11.__ of Ihe seeonot
S~ oJ l:i.<.!"""l." 'I#.-'C'~Y
pari and..._....:\..!i.~....__m-:- -.01 ''':1'' f.....tr, all that cert.in parcel 01 laod lying and beinlln the Coullty of_~..~.!._J.lJ,~.~.~._._._...m_.__.........
Flor1da " L
and SI.te 01.._.. ........... -..-...---.____-IPDre particularl7 descrIbed as follow.=-___.._..._______..__.___... '_..mn'",'_'"_'___''''' ......__. .._....
...... .1'. .Th~ 80uth:<<e.~1;hqU!i~.~!!!_J~~tL ()t.~l1eJ~~.t~~~.~~_ qu.~rt~_z:JllE.tL..ofh S(}.~tJ~.1.l .:1 7._~~~~!:J:P...
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Alao . eX(t~pt1ng. landd Ele~~.~.. by ..~~~~__~!=l.l ~!.~~~d.._ i'l:.i.!~__~._~~.~ ...Y.1.~~~l.~.~!~:..~~~_~:{ ...~~.~~.C_~flt .~?~.. ....
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- lO..of..Deed. 3()Of..J>L. 31;..... :L.,uc: 1e.. Co.un~y._.!~cord.~i._~!~~ e~~~p!.:1~__~~n.ci.: ~~El.<i.e~.. ..~~_3.~~.!.~~.1~.._....
Fru1 tCompauy _.bY....4~.e.cl._d~ 1;ed,. j)ec.lr"b~r..;1J~ L 19J'~L re.o_~!.!!~!!...g.~_..f~~e ....2~. .~f.~~ El~..~?~~....~S>. _,"m.......
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____~9Illpa~.n.l;)y._ci~.e..~..~~~..~_.~g1!~.L!?L~.91,j I. reo~r..cled on }l~_~e l~..~...~~...~.e_El.!..~~~~_.~.~.! ...._._~_...._..._._
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_..2 ......ThenSQU th!Ulst ._quar. t.!n.~_Qf_t;.~!LZ; 0.r~h~!'8J;_qU{l..n~.r_<?J... ~~c~ i,or~.l, 7..n... ':i.'Q~nship..~~... ~.l?l}..~!l._
__~e .AU.East....
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----.-.-.---------------- -------------------- .--------.--..------..---..----.--..----. -- ..-.-...___. ....._____.__._.d__ _.__h.__.__....________..__hh.______
TOGETHER with all the tenement.. hereditam~nts and appllrten,"ee.. ...:.h e.er7 I>rivilegr. right, title, interest and estate, dower and right nl dower,
.enl5ion, .emainder and easem~ntlhereto bc;Uhsillll or in an)'..,se appertaining: TO H.-\\'E AXU TO 1I0J.U the same in fee simple: lou~~r.
And the said part.....Y_ of Ihe first part do es eonnant with the $aid part_...Y_ of Ihe second pa.tlhal.....l:1.e... ls._ ...........Iawlully seiud of the
.aid p'remise's, Ihat Ihey are free Irom all incumbrance. and th.L. t..e._~.l;l~.good right and lawful aUlhority to ull the ume:; and Ihe said p:lrly__.... of
.he first part do~ll._ hereb)' lull)' warranl the title 10 said .;"d, and ...iII deiend Ihe same apinSl Ihe la...ful claims of all persons whonuoenr.
IN \VITXESS \'iHEREOF, t~e ~d part.L_ ..ril,e (,1&1 pan h3nS.. _ hereunto w...!l.1s _ hand_ .nd seal.... the dOl)' and )'ear .bo.e ...rillell
;'S~;;~.~:~:~~~~:li~.re~.i~_~~: .p~=~- -... --. _"n_ -.. "'1
.. 3 the 1 F. _;,'Q,y;L 9.r ......_. __ .__ .______.... .._..__....__
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----2~.9:['gft..._:::~ _,rrie s tl.~;r,........_____(SEALl
STATE of_~lorida
COUNTY OF S t a.....L.YQ.1e
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this 81;l.1
l'er50nally appear~.O. c. }rle8t!~
day of.~!}.~ry
A. D. 19zL~ before me
to me known to be the person_ described in and who executed the foregoing eOAn,ance lo......:::a81;__.~.OaB.t.._.Dily..e.l.2,J;.IfC.n.t_~.OlL,!).8I1Jr.-.m-.-.
.----. ud snerally acknowledged the ueeulioo thereof to be.. h 1~..____..lree ael
and deea lor the nse. and purpose. !herein mentioned; and tLe said
ihe1fife."~""" .. _. tTfi"4l't an4~.._~
tak...-tl_"-~. 4el.... _..an4 ___"k~ .,... fr.", ......M.. ........,......n.a _11"#.1 .......-.... ___ ~ lI'"1l'l"r -to- ~ 1m" -f>o:..t-cof
€conny.aroot.-ler-tto.. P"'_" ei-ft_~:"ft~.....mnr-" ~eyiq...M iln-rigtlr;~.a..-.t ...__ .....c..... .I-~~.,.~ ,.ropc:t""'~"'etfW7
4>"'~"""" ~~........ .....Ja ~ ......ikd. ...,J..H,ac -<e- _rOttN ..... "'t'C<I -4 "'ftr ..It&- ........tut.,._.. withoet- ..., <6..~I, .in t: ffar, -aJ't'Temll'5km
".....811I.-'.=-- oI.....k.........a.i..........
WITNESS m)' signalure and official seal aLlO.r_L.l:.1.eIQ.e.
in the Connt7 of.. ~ t....J..wu..e..
. . ,
. . - -!t7k.h.e~7t.~~Ylor"'t ...t... m...t."l-.... n.(SE~Ll
. -. ---.._-.. -...- .. ~ ... .' otarol. Ub.A.1.0..;) a eo.. oridA. '''u
._....______n_______ CD ..---..-.~--o.()::r.miasT6ifexpire8 -Oct 9. 1927 ~
} g
On thia....-...J!~.!..._....___..___..)' of Jbn. <-______^_ !J. 19Z.~, al..ll;.~c:lock......L..DL, this inurument ....as
filed for r~c~rd. and being duly acknowledged and "roTC~, I hue recorded a same on p.ItC-.1.~_ol Roo"..~__..in thl' pnblie record. of said
l'ount)'. -. th
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hue: hereunto sel my band and affixed'" scal of the CirC1l;t COUll 01 the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit 01 said Srat", in and
lor said Count)'.
the da)' and )'ear fast aforuaid.
FA C. Eldred .
D. C.
. P,:<~~~.0j~~