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THIS INDENTURE, lIade this ...6th_ _..... ............ ................day 01-.. Ja.n.U817..............__.........._.. ...... ...._..._...._.A. D. 19l.:t.. BETWF.l-:N
_..SarAh_.Q.....tuokllr..._~1d.O'i!f...._.____.._._____.....__..____...._.._.__ __.._....._........._._......____.....______... __. ._..............
of Ihe County oLSt......L.uole__..______...___a.od Slat~ 01_.'l.o.r.1dfA.__...._._.__._.__...._._....___............_part..Y_ 01 the lint part, and
......_.Dt.... .J.... ..A.A....ti.l111a.ffiQ....e 1ld....3.I....J{..._I.Q.~.~.e..____~.__._._._..__.._..___..... ._...._..............._........... _........__._...._......._._.._......
of the Counly oL...J.~.'.....~~!l.~.~.____..._..__.and SI.te oL?!~.~.~~~.._ _'_"... --..-_...__.part ..If<Jlof the f~eon4 part,
WITNESSETIf, thallhe uid l'artY.._ of Ihe fiul put. for and ill conslder.lion 01 th~ sum oLT~.n..j.&lO..O.Q:. &..nQ.t.he.r....T~lM.Q.l;l1.~u._...........
.._.._.oon131d.e.r.a.t.1o.D9J..._~~_~..-::.____ !>ol'a!., to_~h.~.ALin ha'nd paill, the receipt "hereol is hereby uknowl~dlled.
ha..B_ granted, b.ugain~d, sold and tranderred, and by these prfSenll do...Q..!t_grant, bargain, sell .nd tr.nd.r unlo th~ said put J!l..~ of the second
V:lel and ..their --heirs and assigns lorner, all that cerlain 'pareel of land lying .nd beinl In the County ol_..S..t..._LYo. ie__......._._......._......._
.nd State oi_.l!'~Qr1da...._...___.___ _mor~ particularly described as 10110..:____.._..__...__......._._.. ....._.._..__...__........._..__........ ..
. ~ll.tha tlaJ.1d_la~ 1;n9.:t' ..~.b.!LQ~.Jl~El.1.:._l.~AC!_O:f..~~h.~.~. ..~t;...~... :f..Q!:r~~~J.~..lqlo..~. a~...~E!.~.()J!.. ~t_~.El~_~..u......_...__ ...
. now Sl~.1i.b... S~T~tlt . ..g~ ..:Ut..Y.. 9t.F..()~t...!:!.~~.c~.._.~:x..~.e!1!l.!;1g,~?!!~h....~h~~.~gh..~h.e...~J!e....8:~!~.~....~.!'~~.!>.._;!~'Ii
. ov.nedby ...Sarah... c. .. Tuoker. ..1u..SQo:t1on _lQ~..~oil'l)~r..:l:p .:3Q...~ou~b...._...~~ngEt..40_Ef,U~t .....It being...
. undera tJod ..end. -agr.ed . that eachpar~_to....th1a .dee.dwU~..(\J~d1.caJ;~ .to....PM.9liQ.. Uli!El..fc?};.a. st.r.~e t
. .thlrtY..f.Q.f t_QU. .taoh..61dIL.Qt..41falg.lln.fL..fQ.t._~~~I1~.j,().I.:l..O'~._~~1~_8.~.;-~.~.~.t..... ._.. ..__.__._...._.._..._..... ........__
-::..d.ndo the.n.isa.~~e _part lc:mla.rlY:::-deao:r.ilied_a.S~ .foll~~.e. =-_.aQgiOO1n~...q~-.~~ l.nL?lQ --1.. ~.e .1i...__..
.. eouth ..of._ tb.en.~ttb...J, :In.~._Qf.. :t.M..!??u,.th.~!:l.f).~.. .q~~r.~.e..!'_~.!....!E.!._~o~t.l1'A...e~.t..q1.!:8-_l".!i.f?!:.. _'?.~ _.~!:l..~.~..~~n...:l.'<:>..m
. ~~~:zl~.l1!p__3.?__S.()uth...:.~ange. ..~Q_ Ea8~.t ...!~~~_~ent!~..~il~~~!__~~~.~...~O'~..!~Err.:~E_~r~.1:.~m.?~~....~.~~.e~..~.:'..~
_ie .n.9~mSQMt~..~.~.Jtt.b.m~Jr.~~t....3.H:l._ 9..f....~Q!.t.._~ i e r~~..._r_~l!.~he ~~~....s. t?~.~ !1....~~.!!-2~~ n~....~~..!.!.. c e n ~.~!..._._
..llu!;l..Q:f....~.~r.!l~t.!;IgQ.. .f~.lil~. _Q.r._~g_.~ M._~.ou~_ll,._.! in~ _of _ P!.()f.~.l"~~_()!....~~.r~E-__2..~_~~~_~~.! t._,gl~...~()~.. .e..~:? t:
..e:r 11' .alon.g.. ~.a.J Q. . ~9U,..1i.P, . J,.Jp~. !'l.Q_.~~~_~u_m,:> !'~-~..~~.~13...!i.o._.t.J:1~_.~.~~~_.l:.!~l~._~.~....~ar.~!l...~.._~<?~(;l.r.~....___
u P:l."9Pe.T~Y.__ ~!1.eA9.~. .~Q;r.~.l;\.. :,>?!L!~~~....~Q.!:~.. of le 88 ..~O .~!!(:I_~':>.r.~!!....~..~1.l_~_'?.!_~~~.!:~. c ...~c},;~..!s ...l'!_'?P.-=-..
..arty,.. the.ll.oe....t.es..t e.rly..-t.o..--ll.Q1n.t._Qfn_Q.egimlJ.Dg_ e.~Q.~.p-~.1Pg_~JM1_t_.Jll1!.!L.fQ;rn.;~.:r.J,.y.c;1.~~ "'Q~.~~A.J'() ~...l:l..__
...8t;re.et...a.ll.d...UQiI.JmQ.~n._a~....~.m1UQ.n...1:.J.~~~h..__.___ _.u.._..................__......._u.... ................_..... __u_...... ._...___..........._...._....._....
TOGETHHR with all Ih~ t~n~~!!!!. h4!!'~di!:~e:-=t: :::d :y....i1in.n.:ci. wilh ~Ttry priyii~gt'. right. title', inte-re-sl 2nd estatC'. do..~r and right of dow~r.
re\'ersion. remainder and e:a5~mentthereto belongir.g or in .ny...ise appert.ininll: TO H.-\VE A~U TO HOI.D Ihe same in f~e simple for~nr.
And Ihe said partY.._ of the firal part do ~8 _. e';ycnant with the laid pUI..!e~ ()f Ihe second part Ihal.....Ei.~e.....!~_..._......ul."fully seized of Ihe
said premises. I"" tbey are fre~ from all incumbr.nces and thaL.she.ub,8,B.good right and Ia..ful authority to sell the same; .and the said party........ of
lhe fint part do..e.a... hereby full)" warrant tbt litle to said land. and will ddend the same against Iht I: wfu! c1a,m. of all persons whomsoner
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th~ said part ."3-- of Ihe fiul part ha..~.._ bercunlo set......r'-~.r _.hand~_ and seal!Jthe d.y and ynr above wriuen
Sillncd, sul~d and dcliycred in car presence:
.."'... 4. ..R....~ti1.o.I1y__... .._.....__........_____...__.._.........__
JLYl!l J,.~~.;r.h:I.J,.d d9A.
~..__._..._....._ ._(SEAL)
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--.-..- - ---~---- ---.
- .--- -- . .
STATE oFYlorlda
COUNTY 0 F .....s.t........l.u.a.1. e
r HEREBY CERTIFY, That Coil Ihis_bth..
rcrsonally .ppearecL-~raJ.1.....Q..._7uCLe.r
day o,-...,...-J~.
A. D. 19Z.Ji... before me
to me known to be the person._ described in and whO) eueuted Ihe foregoing conveyance to.__J.. .A.-J!J,J.l.l~n:.~..~J!g,J.~.._A\......t~..1;.1.Q___.___
.nd IcYrrally acknowledged the execution thereof to be_b,Q1':_.lrrr act
and deed lor the nse. and purposes therein mentioaed;_..tbe~
......1......... . .__.. ."IMle ..,.,~_~
iM.n......l_...."'.-aa 0\1&1_ ~..""" .upa~....,,4.a~"".ui.. o\I..slu,rwIt"'''~ .....1...11. .,........ __.-...14 "~I'CJ"_ "" ~ai" ~N-ef
'C_I:,Ila~Ioll.....-,-.. tol-i--.aa.r_Iin4I1iihin<<__tL ~iett..Il....~.~ 4i~ 4n&"~ ........_.~4ooM_.-......._ i'Nlp""'rM3oI~~
w.aqa~..... ..lO<L.........Ia....~. 4oHriHd,. ~~--""'.-i4 ....... ..b..,~ .,..}.-*-....r,--.. -wtt...... ..,. ....,..... ~"1p,..elMMioot
~W""'P..J",^," ...l .....1&_ .....uitL k~
WITNESS lilY siKlUture and official seal '1--F.o.r.~.J!.ie.r.o8.___ ;n the County oL-St..-l.uei.a
'and Slate oL..n9:rJ.!!!l...__u___.._the d.y aDd Jur bit aforuai<i
h:;,:;:t:'DA I ~ ~"- ..~...... .-0 ~..~!~t~~~:j~~~!~t~/;5~~1~iId.;.'iS-A~1
On this...titb.. __ "__ ----day oLJ.an.uan___
"- D. 19Lb~ at.~o'clC>ciL.l'......m., Ihis instrumtnl J~as
filed (or rrrord, and being duly acknowledged and proven, J "aye recorded 1M I:lllle Oft page...l6 _.0. Book..~_._in' Ihe public records 01 said
Lounty. ./. . . .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,.I haY<<: hennnto .1 m)" band an" affi,,~he lul of thr Grcnil Court 01 the Fift~cnth Judicial Circnit 01 said St.t~, III and
lor said Coan!y. . . tZJ .
,Ct. Ct. Seal
. --'....
p. E. Jl1dl'ed
.17 . ~ __D. C.
. .
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