HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0618 18 I ~._~---.':',i.;-~-ii:"iWli' :::-:.-::: ~.~: .: ~ : ::-=~~:'::.~; :: -..::~=. ~: .::.:::: = :.:= ~aI;'~~llti-'rf~~CatQi"tI;u..wttil_~fl:_.. .." .. THIS INDENTURE, Made thil..,nll_. -----..-.---.-..-da7 of__January. .._.._._ ___''''''''_ _.._.__.__.____A. D. 19~ BETWEEN -~U.118&-GUlman8nd..J.:.J....-Cll1.man._.-.hls..-w1..fEL.-.--.-----...--.--- ___.._..___._....._...... _._____.. 01 the County 01._..3 h_.LUQ.ia.___.__.._..._.._..____......_~nd Slate 01_F1QT.l@._..______._.____..... .:_._.........._._._P~rlj.e 8 01 the linl Part. IInd ._._.O...:._i$. .._.I1r..M......o1!t~________ ...._...___..___.______...._________..______-'-_.__ 01 Ihe Counly of._.~~.Juol~_.__.______..____.al:d Stat~ of..__~lO~1.dv...____.____._..._Parl.:.~..- of II.e second pari, WITNfiSSETlI,thu the said l>anJ'.l! 01 the fiut part, for and in consideralion 01 lI.e sum oL.211e_..E..Oll_ar__':lnd._?tEe~~...~_~_. ___.___ .J.>ollars, to..thelD.._.ln b2nd p:lid, lite rrceipl ..hereof I, hertby aeknowledl/ed. .. 'T , I bL-y.t granled. bU&:l.ined, sold and lfar.sierred. and by these ('ruenu do!.! _irani, bargalO, sell an<1 transfer unlo tbe ui<1 p:lrtf_.: of Ihe second part and..._h l.Q _.___heirs and usilJns farner, atl thaI eertain parcel of land lying and bt.ng in the COllnty of_--3.t..._.L.UO.1.tt .__..__.__ and State oL~1.9.r14.""._......__more parlicularly described a. follow.:--,_____..__._____..__._...__..___..._.___.___.._ ..._.10 t. Fifteen. ( 15).;s.~ te tUL116) ..e.n~o.Y.Qnt~.en.J 1:7.1._.1n..plQ.Qk...QmLtl)._ Q.t.. ~.4g~.w~Lo.~.u ~~ c.QA<1..._:"-_ . ._..Add1 tlon.. t.o . V ero ~~~.Qr;Qrd~Hg _.~.9..Xl~_t;.. ~'i).Ol,'d~.tl.~:rl.]l!'lgt}..~...O~HJJ.~~. .~2.<?_~~...9!__~!!~_. R~~_ords_ ...of..~ ~. .tl,lQ ~~.u~O\lllty. i'l()rld.~ ._...._..._._..._._.____.._... ..___.....____ ......._.....:___...___._......_...._ _.. . ........___......._..__ -.' .~.... -._.....~-.. . ..hn.__..____.___._._._ .---- .... _ -,.-..... --.-.---.--.-..--__._....._.__.__.. ..___...___....__.______..._._..__.__..___........ _______.________.__._ __._.__ ..___.. ._.__...h_'.___ . .-............_..... ._~----_. ..--.-.....-......-...--..--.-.....----.----- ----------------.-.- ---.---.--..---..... -- -.--..-.-.-.---...----.--.....-- __..__.._.__ _..______.n...._._._______.__.____-______ _.____ ._____.____________ _______ ----.----.---.....--.--...-.- "---------- -----.-.---- "----.-. ..----------.--------.-.-------------------..--.-...------ -----.------.--- .-..--.-.-...-..--...-. .----... -.- ....-.-.-- ---..---.----.- ".-.-..------ -----...-.--..--.--.-.--.-.------ -...-.--------------...--.--.----.-----.-....-------- ..------..---.---....--.----- ---.- --.--.-----...-.--.-..-..-.-..--.---.-.-.-- -.-....-----.----. ----.-----.--------.-----.-.-.-----.-----.--------.-.---..----------- ---------.------.---.----.. ---..------.-.--..----- -------- ---------..---.---.-..-....---.---------------------- ---.-.--------------.-.------..---.---.------- -------.-.-----.--..-----.-- --.---..-----.-------..-....-..--.-.--------.--..---..._---_. -.--.-.-.---.---.- --------_._-_._.._-._-~---- TOGETHER ...ith all the tenemenls, hereJitam~nls and appurtenances, with e.-ery priyileg~, right, litle, interut and ut.t~. dower and right of dower, reHrslon, remalOJtr and easemelltther~lo belonging or an anywise appertaining: To 11.-\ \'1: A-SU TO HOLlJ the same in fee simple forner. AnJ the said parll!liL. of Ibe first parI do~~__ COHnant wilh Ihe said part#L-_ of Ihe second putlb:lt__ the)T____........l:awflllly .seized of the said premise5, thai Ihey are free from all incumbrances and IbaL:t;l).~:x'~..h.~~-ioJ right ~~d I...ful authority 10 sell the same; and the said partl~~ . 01 the lirst part do~_ hereb)' lully warrant the title 10 said bnd, and will delend the same againsl the lawful claims of .11 persons ..homsoenr. IN WIT-SESS WHEREOF, the said parlie..S:~' of the lirst part ha:!.~.._ berennto ..,t.~heI:._.hand~and seaL~ Ihe day and year above wrillen. ~. SilCned, .e:lled and del in red io our presence: ..._.....L.. ..t. ..1.:08 lIe r ...._____.:..____.__..__..___ _.._._____ ---.,._ hue lla._:~ .:UgglJ .._u.___.________..___..__.._ -.~illi&I:i..GillL:.a.u ._...._._ _._ __.__(SEAL) _.17.a.J.:._J ~ _G.illI;;an_ (SEAL) _ ._.._.__Uh__*.._ . _.. _ _...___._._.__....______.__...._.______ ____________.____ ;,.~ STATE OF_.F.l.o.rida COUNTY oF3..t......kQ1e } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That 00 this~d __day of_--.JJlDJ'uU7 personally appearcd_...LL1~b.mG1l1ILan ~nd }:__ ~.L...Q.U..J_~.1!.--.bJ:.!! w1;fe to me known to be the person~ d..(ribed in and who execuled the foregoing conveyance to._.~....._~......fi2ke 1 A. D. 192..!.... before me and snerally acknowledged the uecution thereol to ~ the ir .free aet and deed fo. the nscs and purpo'Cs therein meralioned; and the said....1.:.......I...._G.1J..J.1JlaJi. the wife of Ihe said..--J:..1.1l;i.jlJ.;i ..G.il.lIllUL... on a sep:onle and ponte examination laken and made by and before m.., ..nd 5e1,arattly and apart from her laid hnsband, did acknowledge that ahe m:lde herself a part}' to the said Deed of Convcyance, for the purpose of renol'nc:ing, relinquishing and eon.-eying all hu righl. till.. and ;nlerest, ..hc:ther of dower or of separale properly, statutory (lr tquitable, in and to th.. hnds therein described. and that '''e execuled said .Iced freely and voluntaril7 :ond ..ith3Ut an7 conslraint, fear, apprehension (,r compulsioo of or from her laid bUlband. and Stile ;'1.... \'ero io the Counl7 of.~:i.~_.Luole .-_...__._th.. da7 aIld year lut aforesaid. iotar~...~flte.for....tEe_:_."3t'e-te_of-iil(,'Vida 'iB?i~fg ~- ~ Co~lasiOn Explr~Hi November 00 this. S~ qtf1l"lll..pih .___day of... JaIl.. --- - _--.:A D. 191JL. al~o'dock---1>m., this instrument .... .,..'..... :;~ ~ .:~ filed for r<<ord. and b:ing dul7 aekll(;wtedged and proven, I hue rewrded tbe same on pageJ_~':"'_ol lloolc...2.9_in Ihe public rewrds 01 said County. . IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, I haYe "ertunlo sri my han<1 and affixed the leal of Ihe Circu:t Courl of the Fift~enlh Judicial Circuit 01 laid State, in and ior laid . 1'. o. ~ldred 77/d.AA~ Oerlr. ~~ _..D.C.