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r THIS INDENTURE, Msde this._22nd ----.-~:_..____..._day of___.l)oce.mb.c,T-..:..:_:._....._______.___,___A. D. 19Z..L. BETWEEN
_..Ann1e_M... ZUl.t z"._ai.&lgla. _______ __. __ _._._..._.______._._..____.....___~.-___
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of the COUDt, C)1_..st......LUO'~.L--_._-_....--.-....and State of.. .11Qr.1dll.._____.__.._._.____.___parl~- 01 the Iirat part, and
____.Tholll8.B..RQdan..and...C .._.3.....l:1.1e:.__.____._-.-:_____ ...._.___________...__.____.__.__.__..
of the County of__.s.'....I.uo18__. _.___.__and St~tc of _Zlllr.1da ________.parl.1eJl of Ihc lecond pari,
WrrNESSI-:TII, lloatthe uid part.l__ of the lint part, for and in cOPsiMration 01 the sum of.--.~en..J)ollar8.-.and..other._:v.al.u.ahla._
_--Cona.1dera.t10nB____________._l>ollara: to._A'F.._.in ~and paid, the r~uipt whereof i~ hereby ackno,,'ledged,
ha-..! granted. bargained. S1)!<J aad transferred. and by these presentl do....!. !.gtanl, bargain, leU and transfer unlo the laid part..k B 01 the accond
(>art and__.the.1r._heira anoS assilns lorner, all th2t cerlain parcel (;1 lu,j lying and being la tbc Cvil..t,. of_Jili_L_.I.j!Q.!.Q____
and 'i:ate of.._..F.l.or.1dd..___--,-__rlore particularl, delcribed as lollo.a:__-'-_______---.:._.______.__..______
.______lot J~. of .Urs. ..Anna ~ ..i'ult" .1I__..ZlQ.':'_.S.y,~.<l1Y.1U.Q.D..Q.t._L.QJ!~_..l....?-.~.......Et,I!~.._~.J).f..f\1.l.t~.~ .l!J~l~=.~.~~.':"
. ...- .d1Y1e 10J1.ot....Bl.o.olt 2 .Qf );)1 t ~Ir~;t J s._A<l.!lU.1Q1!...~~L~<l.~~j;Q~. _:i.'Q~.~.j,J.1.~.~Qe..._.~~..l'~.J;...~~~~... ~.~~Q..:r.~e d
---- i.n-the...Of.:f1oe ..of. the .Clerk oLtheU1rou1t...Cour.t_o:t.Si...Luaie._County.....i'lorioa...1n .1'lat___.Book 4.
....__. "age.. 30. ._.___........_.._ .... ...... _............ _.__._.._...._ ________._._.___.:..__._:__..__.._._.____.____________....._.._.____
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---...-...-.------..---...---..... f'ioPDoo. ..8taBlp&....::a~...----..---.----- ---'---'--'-"---'
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--------.-------.-----.- ..a___._.___.__. -__.___.. --.-.._______a.______.___._.___.______
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__a___.._._ ------_._~.._a____.___..__......___._____________a________
TOG~TII ER ,!"ilh all the tencments. hereJil~m~nls and appurt~nancC5, "ilh nery priwilege, rillht, till~, interest ~nd estate, dow~r and right 01 dower,
re..eUlon, remamder and ~:ue"'~ntlh~r~to brloD!;"'!; ur in any,,'ise appertaining: TO !lAVE .":SU TU HULD the same in lee siDlpl~ forner.
And th~ said part~._ of Ihe first part do._~!' Conn,1'll with the said part!.~~.. of Ihe s~eoi1d partlb~t_.shtL.i.8.._lawluIlY seized of th~
said pr~misC5, that they arc f<~e from all incumbrances and lhaehe._ha..a.......good rig"t and Ia....ful authorilY to srll Ihe same; and Ihe said part..J: __ 01
Ihe 6rst part do_U_ hcub)' lull)' waru.nl the title 10 said Iaod, and ..ill ddenJ ti>~ same against Ihe Iawlul claim. (If all persons whomsoever.
IN WITSESS \VHEREOF, the said part'l_ 01 lh~ 6nl p:ut ha._B._. h~reunto set~._ha'lL aDd seal._ the day and year abo... ..-rille".
Sign~d, sealed and drlinred in oor preacnce: \
...-..- .4ngua. sumner.-..-.---u.-.-.--.--.-.-....-...-.----l
. ._&dith...Ja.aksan _"_,"u._ ____________.________~
- ..--_._(SEAL)
--.-._- ~------_..-. _._---_._-
- -------------
------.- -. ~~-_._------------------+--- _._--- -------------
._- --- ------. -.- ------ . ~---_.- . ------ ---
St. Luoie
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That 00 this ~~ day of.-~l"-
personally appeared Annle....L:. Ful:t.z..-ll1x.gl.e.
A. D. 19L-~efore me
to me known to be the person_ described in altd who eueuteJ the for~going connyance 10.___._~~.QJ!1~.~.._Roden_.3Y!LQ.J.~~.l..~._
~od seYCrally acknowledled the execution tl:ercol to be_M.1'---.lree act
and deed for the uacs and purposes Ih~rein mentioned; ~.....
th-wife-of1~"" . - .. _.~~4"""'''__''_
t.,a. ",nA -.... 4)1' ~,"-........J.lICfaOIolW,..~ ....~... ~.dr ..;,r-.......htlgoeo(...11oe-"'..te ~~. PM"trfto(lIe-.iIt-geoc.."..
~~b ~""IIC~ ....._ei_1'CIitt~ift~.n+..-eIlW,..'"ll"".l...'"-~ ":bt,-riI~ ..nd-ift~rnt.-wMtflft'"CIf.,;crwn ~"~epeHh""-'"
..Q&"~ .....aa4~... W ,JanoI~ &1>&...... ~..k4.-- 4.."... .n. ~_IIt..s-~..s- kKI)---......._il,. eRd-witbeIOl_,. ._'-'at,-h~~,"",,;,,,,
- -u ~GIUl>IIla~a QL..cor .s.......,....~1Id..
WITNESS my signatur~ llnd oflicialacal at._.Rt..._.P.1e..l'Oe.
in the COWlt, oLst.... 1.1)019
and S~te oLl'.lQl'l~.a. .
the day and )'ear last .forum
C01ill.t;y 1'1...di!.'1; -------
~D.gWl SUlllIlltL....-..._______(SEAL)
- -------- -oounty-- Judge. --- --~--- ------~-=.:...~ --:.- -~-=--:...:.....
=-0...- .=_,........::.".c~ _ ,~~~l Q.t.
On thia 7th ___day of_J.anua.l'.Y- ...A.. D. 192_Jt at....a_o'dock_.l::....m. this ill.trolDCltt was
liled lor record. and being dul, aclcnowlcdled and p<O'l'eD. I hue record~dfsame on page-.2L-cf Boo\; 60 in the pnblie records 01 said
.IS WITNESS WHEREOF; I hue hereunto Sd my hand aDd affi.JIthe sui of Ihe Circuit Court of th~ Fiftccnlh J~dieial Circuit 01 said State, ill and
lor laid Count,. .. 4" .
ct. Ct. sot
4 c;::~
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