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TIllS INDENTURE. Wade tbis_1Bth_.__..______day ol--..Ootobu..'t.-.....-.-----..-..-.-----.--A. 0,192..4-. BETWa-:EN
_..1.1. U. \\'arllQt'._8.Ild._hls...z1fa...AI1Da.._(la_l'Iarne.r...___.____.____________.__. _____ ____
01 the Coullty ~1_Sa1nt_.Luo).1e__... __....__._..__and State ol_._...Rlor.1da...___.......____ ..-..-..---part1e.a- 01 th( lirat part, alld
e>f the' Collllty of..~(j.lI1L.B.tl8.o.b _______..__"and State 01_.F1.0Z.1da. ____part_.~._ 01 the lecolld (>art,
WITNESSl\Tll, that the said 11artlea of the lint pari, for and in consideratioll of the lum oLT.e.n..Dolla.r.a._Alld._o.ther....Yu.l.uabl.e.._
--1WIeN,. to.thelll.._in hand paid, tl-e r~ceipt whereof is hereby .lci(nowltdge,J,
ha...~~ranled, b2rg;i'intd, sold and tr..nslerrtd, and by these pruenls do_ _llraal, b:lrpin, rell and trans!u IlDtO the oid part._)".. (>1 the ucond
part and_..~_1.~._. _heirs and assigns forever, aU that ctrtain parcel of land l)ing and being In the County of_st.__Luoie..._____
and State of ...?.!Q.r.Jc!9-___...:......-..__--II1ore particularly deacribed u loIlowl=-----_____.__.________..._.______.
......................._..._hh...........QQl'Qrwr.~nt._.I.Qt...l;u.mbe r..J)n.... fl.). ..o~CSe.Qtlon. .~hirty~.B1x....______.._.___._......_ ____
. ..........._...._.._._.....h._.. (351._ TOwna.h1p. thlr~~.Be.Y.8JL.l37 LSouth....3ange ..~o.rty__. .._____.,.________..__..
............. .......--........ .-........ (40 LEaet. ..oon~a 1.11i.ng..FQJ".1i~~tQ1U:_( 4~ L.f.l.QJ.:.Q.Q....C,QI'.e.._.or......._.____._ _"__"'__""'_"_'__"
__...._........._._..___..._._11) a.s. ..to ge:the.r_wlt.n...aU ~h~n.lf.l.!!Lt.bQ;r~.tJ;LQ~lQl).gJ,.ng....____....__..____._______~
. .--'l'h i~.d8ed..-la"Hiv.en ...to..oor.r..~t. .d&ed-.~~oor4.e.d.o.u...t.he.-18th..c1~y .....).f...Oo t aber.J..-...-I1.....1!l.24-,.--
__.~~_9..;.9.~L9.Q l~~~...4....,M.......9n..jJ..~g~.3?~...Q.;L.p.Q.Q~_M a._Jn .tM ~ ;1,:r..Q~J~ ~9..m'~_.Q~ ..~.M...:t~~b...lqdlQl~l. 0 irOll 1 t
__...Co.ur.t...QL.the..~6tb ..Jud1.c.la.l: C lI'.O\\.U.._Q:Ctm.U. ..S.~e"t.!LllL@<l...i:,)].~.. ~.~ :l.d._.~QVJl1;y 1__._.________
. ".....-....._._.._._---_...._.._._---.----._--..._-~----- ----..-------------....-.------.....--------- .._--. --...----- ..----
---------.---- ._...._._~_._--...._--------...:.-- --"- ......-. ..-.---------
TOGETHER wilh all Ihe tenements, hereditamtn!. arid ;oppurttaancCJ, with every pri.ilege, right. tille. iattrcst aDd CJta!e, dower and right 01 dower,
revtrsion. remainder ;lnd t;ostm<nttl:trtIO btlonginl; ,,. in anywise appert..ining: TO HAVE ASL> TO 1I01.L> the same in fte simple fore,'er.
And Ihe said "art~ of the first part .10__ c,-,\'Cnant \Yilb the said put_L.. of the second "artthal_~_!l.!3y_.~_re __lawfully sei~td of the
said prtmiscs, Ihat Ih,,)' arc free from all incumbrances and thaLth8~.. ha..y~ right and lawful authority to ~ell rhe samt; and the $aid par.1.fLB._~'-of
Ihe 6rst part do_ herd.). fuUy warr;antthe tille to $.;lid land, ..nd will dtitnd th" $.;In:t avaia51 the "'-wful claims 01 all perlOns wbomsoewer.
I~. WITNESS WHEREOF, the uid partle..s.. of the 6rsl part h..Ve._ htrellnlo sel.t.he.1uhandJI an.] seale. the day and )'ur abo.e ..rillen.
Sillntd, sealed and cJelinred in our presence:
_'h"" .A... D.. Kerwin .._................__._.______.
. .__uJ..E. ..TaYlo.r ._.......__.._._____________
_..l.._.H.. ..Jiarn.r.____...._..____._(SEAL)
- --_._--_..__.._-----------~ --- .--- - ----_._---------
---_._~-- --._--- .-..- --- . -- --------.--.-----------
COUNTY of....bti~.uoh
STATE OF-1lorida.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, Tbt on this..-l.e..th
day oL-'lo.t.nheJ:
-=--A.. D. 19l..A.. before me
personally appeare~H. fia.rnf'.r.~All.d...h1.B wife .Anna C __t:ar.nar
10 me know II to be the person__ described in aDd who uecllted the foregoing connyance to._X.... .R..-~CraX7
and snenJl, acknowledged the uecution thereoi 10 be..JiheU_Iree act
~Dd d~ed for the uses and purpos~s tbcrdn mcntioatd; and the said :"'nnll ~r.n&r
the wife of the aaid~_~_1!.~.J'ia~~ ._ ou a separate and prinle uarninatio!l.
laken aad made by and before me, and srparatcly and ..pari ftom her said hllsband. did acknol\'ltdge Ih..t she made herself a party to the oid Deed oT
Conveyance, for the pllrpose of ren('Dacing. relinquishing and <lonveying all hu right, litl.. and inlercst. ..helher of clower ur of separate property, sta'nlory .
or equilable, in ..nd to Ihe unds therein cJeseribed. ..ad Ihal. she ("",cuted said deed freel)' and .olunlarily and witbout auy eonslraint, ftar, apprehen.ion
c.r compnlsion of or from htr said hllsband. .
WITNESS my sign..tllre and official seal at...ill.9.__
and St~tt of i!'lor i ...__the day and year last aforeaaid.
ja the COQnty c>f~~1L-
--.r.-Z.-~.loJ:- . (SEAl.)
_~~Uot&ry l'ubl1.o ...l.:y ~CQIt.m1881.0a.UpUe8.
~prll 11-:1926.
On th is....6.-
---day ~
---A.. D. 1'1l...ti... aiU..a.A.5o'docU.
no, this lrutrument was
fi!Cd for record. and being duly 2Ckno....:edgtd aud proyen, I hue ..,rded the lum <at Htt' 26
lounty. . Cl) . .
IS WITNESS WHEREOF. 1 ban herenDlo leI mT ban.. a~affjnd Ihe Ie~J 01 Ihe Cirnit Court of Ihe Fifte<<:nth J;ldiciat Circuit 01 said Stale 10 and
lor said County. on.. '
. ~.
. - -L. c. Rl"PAd.-
1: _".~
:i ~
01 Roo" 60
In Ibe public rccords 01 said
- D.C.
:: ~ 1..:' I....~~~ -:..~"'t""",;;:\.: --; .c "F...;,,~'-~.-1:. "''C''''/ ..~~.;::~...."e.-':; ..,--"~- ~
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