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THIS IHDIl:HTURE. Wade thi,__l~'ll...___._..~..._..daY o,__.._._..1an~..____..._.._____.__^. D. 192.6.... BETWEEN
01 tbe County of.._.81i...._L.UU.
......and State ol___.l1..o.J'J. A..-----__.._._.___._part-L 01 the fiClt part. and
- __.__...._.I'.....R.1ahar.tl8. ..&ncl-RaJmoIl4._Sa.u41tl1:l._____._._..__"': .___.._..__.....__. ....._......_....__...._.__..__
of the CountJ' of..--S.t....Luoi..~___--.:_.and State of..___.Jll.or.14L.- parllt.... 01 the second pari.
WITNESSETH, Ibatlhe uid parl;- ~....I the fiut part, lor and In consider. lion of the lurn of.l1ftlm...fh.o.uand ..Dollar.........otb.er._
J.>ollan, to..Ur.._.ill hand paitt, the receipt wbucof is he~ehy acknowledxed,
~- Iran ted, bargained. lold and lransferred, and by Iheie pnaeolS do4l8. _1<301, !lupin. sell and tranlfer unlo the laid part .1.e. of the second
part aod__'b.1r.-beira and usips forenr, all Ihal certaio parcel 01 land lying and being in the County of--B.t..... Luo.1..______.____
an" Slate of______.~.9~!.4_____mOTe particularly delCribed as 10110..:_..__.___..____..._....___........._.....__....
_..__......All.o.t..~o~ ...1. .m9o.~...!T'_lp..tb.'..fmm... Qt.__'or~..~!..trQ'_.-.fl.,,_!'..!,Oq.9.~~.~l.M_ ~Q.. ~J1'.:f~~~..Qt.____
.- .~Q~_.1.!., _Oil.. t..~}. _.~.Il_~b~L()..t.~J,f;t., ..9.~._~~..~!~~~...~t..~h.~.J~~!:~:o.:!.~..~.~.~.~....~~...~.~..!_!o..~.!~.~~~~l._...
.... norl4a.. .--.-..-- ha.pt1Jl8.-ho.....u... ..hOlIL:the...aboY.._ 4eaar1.bed. treat.. of . land. e aertain '_'__"_.
-...pare.l-o~.lan4. oon.'1.41.~.C..~..raber ....Jr.......u4.. S.L....Jab~. bll.Ku7. ~.. .!lJ~er .ullido......__._..
. -. .b7...De.a4.. 4atad..Aprll..l.O~h.._12.0.9+...aI.\4...r~.o..l2r.dQ.4.._t.P,Jl".4..I'QQ~. ..~.-P~8.9... ..~.!).a.. .r....~9;r.~.' ...9."1...............___
-.....st....Luol.--.C01lDt,....-.Jll.orida. '___'''__'_''__, .._.. ___.______._ __.__..
-._--..-n1a...d..cl.aada.8Ub ~.o.t ..to. ..~.aaa..reQor.dad...1Dl7.1..t._19.23 ...1n...D18a..:Book..60..page ..._.__
426.. ........-.-..-...----. -.....--...-...----_.____......._._.._____...______....._._._._...._......_.___._. ...._......._._____..._..........._..
__..___._ S~~~~~~.~~....~_~2~~ax...,.....!h1oh J~art1 of the seoond !l~~t ~!.~U1D...~~~____._._.____.______
~-~._--....._.-_._-_..__..._----_._--_._-_._-------------_._--- _._- ------...-------..-...---..-----.----....-.......--..-----
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---------~---_.._._._.._-_.._-_..-.__.__._--- -----.-.-.-------...--..--------..------...-.----
TOGETHER wilh all the tenement.. heudilam,nls and appurlenance.. with enry pri..ileg~, richt. title, interesl and ulate, dow~r and right of dower.
re,'rrsion, remai~der and easemenllherelo belonlling or in anywise appertaining: TO HAVE ASIJ TO HOLD the same in fee simple fore"cr.
And the said parl-~ of the fiut part do_....... eOYeoant witb the said par...1.., 01 the second (oarl that..I.h....-l.I.._.....__._.I:l..rully seized of Ihe
said premises. thai Ihey are free from all incumbrances aDd thu.llh.._haa. .good right and lawful aUlbority to ..II th~ sam~; and Ihe said 1''''1..-3'_ 01
Ibe firsl part do_tL hereby fuliy w:uu.nt the lille 10 laid land. and will ddend the $&mr against the lawful daiD'.$ 01 all persons whomsoeYer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe said parLJ"-- 01 the fint part h....._ herrunlo seLher._hand__ and ..al._ Ihe day and year a.bo..e wrillen
_ _~i~~~ leal~:. an~_:~:~~~~i~ ~r =:______.. _____.j.
.__.lrau..lf..DL.BB..______..___..____ _
__ G? ..A.....V.'ll...
--- .-----------------
132.00 Doo. stamp. Canoelled.
~- ------.---.-. ----- -- ------ -- --------~---_._._---------~--
.-.-------.----.------.--- ------------.---.--..- - - '--.. .,. .-----
COUNTY OF_ 9.t..-Luo.1.e
f HEREBY CERTIFY, That on "this_13th
STATE OF-nort aa.
day o/._J.Y~.
A. D. 19z..JL before me
rcuonally appeared
Xarz .A. f7ler hr14o.)
10 me known 10' be the penon::"""'" described io and who executed Ihe foregoiOI conveyance 10... .,.. ..B1.QhD.r4B_.ancl_.R~0Jl4....salU1Cler.8...
and su~..IIJ' acknowledged tbe ex~eution thcreof to be._.J!tl'.__.Irre ael
and deed for the uses aDd purposes therein mrnliooed; and the laid-
the wife of Ihr laid .' 00 a sep;;cate and privale exammalion
taken and made by and before m~, aDd separately ..nd apart from her said hnsbaod, did acknowledge Ihat .1I, made heurl/ a party 10 the said Deed of
Con..eyance, for the purpose of rrnoonc.ng. relinquishing and conYeyi"g all h., ri&ht, title and interest. whelher of dower or of separate properly, S1alutory
or equilable, in and to the L,nd5 therein described. and Ihu she eltCcuud said deed frecly and yoluntarily and . ,jthout aoJ' eonslraint. fur, apprehension
c.r compulsion of or from her hid husband.
aod Stat
. oa.ure aDd oftici..l seal al._..-J.or.t...1?J.e.raa
io the County 01
St. LlWil
the day and year last afore Aid.
-.-.-- --~ _._--~-
. G A Voth(SE l
_.._. .otan- i"'bUO f01I".thTitate-~g.:r_-nOrlda..atuL~g.e.. ^ \
c_'--Ky-'COlIII sB10n exp1res.&prt1: . 1'26-.-------- .. ...
On t"~____daY c.f 1lanua17
-A, D. 192...1... at~.1.2.o'doclr P.Jt.,this iostrurMnt was
fi~d for record, and being duly acknowled<<ed and proYro, I hue r~ded I'.. same on page-2.i._ol Book...6.0._in Ihe publie records of saM
t.ounly. --d).
~ " --. --_.__._- --- -~- -------- --
. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hne hereonlo let my band and \bi"ed the ual..I the Ci,caitC'Ourl of the Fifteenlh Jddicial Ciraoilol said Stale. in and
lor said CoaotJ'. ..'
. .
tl \ .
._D. C.
.. ' ...... ,'. ~::'.:. ~':~ct~l*~l~/lJ~