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TillS INDENTURE, Wade this ..-,---1..t1L.._.____..__~daJ ol-_.lanU&r7..;_..-~......____......_._.._..___..____A. O. 19l-Ji.. RETWEEN
-_..J."J.l.bert.-liaher..and...h1a..wl;t....Edi.th_.z..-'lBhGrr___. -----.--.--.---.-..-..---
61 the C.,unty of_.S.t....Luole..__________.___...and State of--..--~~Qrl.cla..___;-----------_...-...._..arl.1.ea.. 01 the fir.. par.. and
-Edwar.d-!l..Xirk...&nd..-h1.a-.l.f....Rasal.._c..._Xll'.k____ ___......:..-._ _'___
01 the Count,. oLJ~l'-.J_Q.1.:~...___.___--alld State of --H.tt..I..o.rk part-I"" of the .eeond part,
WrrNESSETH. Ihatthe laid I'arti....s... 01 Ihe fint part, for and in consideratiolt of th~ SUUt oL__..onQ...ll9..UJO,....~.Il~....9J!h~,;_..y..~l..~!lJ._!,_..
_. _..Qona1.dera:lilons..____ __
~ to._lh'~_in h.."d p2id, th~ receipt "hreol is hercby acknowlcdge':,
hL-L grallted, b:ugained, ,old and tra.l$ferrcd, and by thue pre,enl, do.-_erant, bargain, sell and transfu unto the .aid part1U. of the second
(oar! and._..the.U-heir. and &$liens forner, all that c~rlain p:ucel of land lyiDg and beillg in the County of-.S!J'!oiL-____
and State t.f__..i'l.Qr~cla._____more particularly dClCrit.cc! a. followl=-__ .__________.._____.
........,-.... .Lo.t~enty_.(2QL of .h.~.LAlbe.tt...lJ.!'1!-'.J:.~-'L.~~~.!U!..l ~t.O~L.Q~_~_l?~t par'.Q1:u~'9~!.9..I!__ .__.____
... ..._..:...Thirty-s1x .. (.36) t- TQlIJJlBh1pTh1r.ty~f1YuQ_J.J& l. ....South. . : Renge....!or:t7140J _ ~Bt..ulutcl.p~.rt...Q..f
..._._.....N or_thweat..quarhr _ (Di )-Qf..o.~~.b~.f3I,l.~._q~.~':l"...Jml...~~_.~t!~!!~.~.. ()ll.! .J!J..._T..5>wnshlp____.__
. .__...__.~!1!~~y'::~!]t ....j .~~L!3.C)_~~.~Ll!~6~_ Po!:.~:r.. (40 ~B t !_l?!~~. of _!~1 Ii _ Bubeli !~ si on_ bein~__._
_____.reQor.~ed 1n.P~at...B.Qok. fQ!JJ'J;._..l:4J ...~~.~!l,g~_.~~~~~!!.J!~L~~~~~uci..!._Q.~~~l_____
_m._.___..JLe.9.9J'.~~. _'''_'''___. ....._._._._______ .____.___._ .._...__..__.___
...... - ........---.--.-... -.. --...-......-....-- --- ---....-..-... (50t...5~@I11e_~.!>>.lo.lJ.!~..!.J_..__ ______u.u. .__...__ __...___.
TpGETilER with all Ihe tenements, herc"it~mcnl5 and al'purt~na!leu, with nu)' friYileo;~. right. litl~, Int~rcsl and t.12t.., dower and right of dower,
reversion, rtm:linder and tasemeotthereto bclonglDg or in any,,';se apperuining: TO I .-\\"E ASiJ TO 1I01.U thr same in fte simple forner.
And the laid part-iUof the fir" part 00_ CG\'Cnant ..ith tbe said parliJLIt of Ihe stcalld parllhal_..~h.<<lY....!l.1.:~..___lawfully seized of the
said premist5, that tht)' are fr.... from all incuml.rancC5 and that_1ib.U_.M'fod righl and lawful authority to sell the samt; and Iht said partl.e.B.. of
II' WlTSESS WHEREOF. the said parles- 01 Ihe first pari ha..Y8._ hereuDto se~n..haodJland scaL8the .by and fur aboye wriuen.
rhe firsl pari do._ hercby lully warraDt Ihe title to saill la.,d, and ...ill dcieod Ihe same agai.ut the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
Sill ned, scalcd and deliv..red in oar pre&enee:
-..-.- Yargaret.Co:ffee_ h.__..____..~_.
.....- A... H. S.teward.___.____
_;J.!..A!:tJ.e.r._~._ n~~f)_rh______
_ ~.!!1 ~:q--.~lt....r..:!!!.b~~____(SEAL)
----_._-~---. -.--- - - - .-. -_..----- ---~------~+ - -----------
-------. -.----,.- ---.-----------------. - .--...------ ----_._--_._-_.._-~ -
COUNTY OF_.~t. Luoie
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on tb;c
day of_
"- D. 19z...Q.... before me
personally appeared J. AlbA1"t. J'iAhA1" Rnd h1.a..wifa '~dith....z...JiBh~r
to me known 10 be the person.1L. ducribed in and who executed Ihe forcgoing connyance to_.E.~~.~~.Lt.!.._Kirk _~nd hiB wi!.~_ Hasel
and scnrally acknowledged the execution thertof to be_the1Llree a.1
and deed for the use~ and PUr]losu thercin mentioned; and the laid Ei}i th Z. P1..Bhn
the wife of the said J. Albert J.l'lsher on a scparale and private examinalion
taken and m2dt by and before me, and scpaultly and apart from her said hcshnd. did ..cknowledlle Ihat lhe made herscU a part,. to the said Deed 01
Connyance, for the purpose of r"Douncing, relinquishing and conveyin~ all_her rillht. tillt and intuul,. whether of dower or of separate proptrty, "atulory
or eqnitablt, in and to the lands therein ducribed, and thai SM execuled said dccd freely aDd yolunlarily and .it!tout aDY constraint, fear, apprehtn,ion
(or eompul,ion of or from her a.aid huhand.
WITNESS lie)' 5ignature and oflicialaeal al
Pon...F1el'j)"t_-in the County of..
st. Luoie
and State oi~Jlj).r.l da
. Il.P. !3eal.
tht day and year latt afcnenid.
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On thia-~h '___daY 01' Ji:1~W1trz. A.. D. 192.R._ al~'dod.Jlll.-.ln.. Ihi, iD..roment .as
'fi~ed lor r<<urd. and being duly acknowledged and pr~, I hue recorded lINe same 011 pa~L- 01 Book 60 In Ibe public recorda of laid
t:ounty.., _ .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hue htrtnnto ~y hand aad aflix~d Iht ~al of th~ Circuil Court 61 the Filtttnlh Judicial Circait 01 laid State,ln and
for said CouDt,. If)
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(ct. Ct:~S~.'. :t l~Jfr~:A/~ ::
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