HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTERBoard of County
Chris Dzadgvsky
Sean Mitchell
Vice -Chair
Linda Bartz
Frannie Hutchinson
Cathy Townsend
Howard Tipton
Dan McIntyre
St Lurie Coadvi
June 16, 2021
Magyn Basile
8403 Salerno Rd
Fort Pierce, FL 34951
RE: Parcel ID: 1407-423-0020-000/7
Dear Mrs. Basile,
The above referenced parcel has a zoning designation of AR-1 (Agriculture- Residential
-1 du/ac) and a future Land Use Classification of RU (Residential -Urban, 5 du /ac).
The above parcel is n
of 30 feet. Frontage
as "the length.of a lot
been constructed in c
Public Works Constn
of record and thereby
ownership and. not be
pursuant to Section 1+
Pursuant to the researc
not contiguous to othe
this parcel is considers
requirement is hereby
property subject to mi
setbacks are as follows
lot coverage of 20%.
informing because it does not meet the required road frontage
fined in the St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC)
fronts on a public street or that fronts on a private street having
rmance with the St. Lucie County Standard Specifications for
n." In order for a parcel to be considered a nonconforming lot
lift' fora waiver of these requirements, it must exist in separate
iguous to other lots in the same ownership prior to July 1,1984,
,04, Land Development Code (LDC).
of county records, it has been determined that the property was
lots in the same ownership prior to July 1, 1984. Accordingly,
, a non -conforming Iot of record. As a result, the road -frontage
vaived. A single-family home may be constructed upon this
sting all applicable local, state; and federal codes. The AR-1
50-foot front, 20-foot sides and a 30-foot rear, with a maximum
A recorded easement providing access to your property from the closest public road will
be required at the time of submission of your building permit application.
Please contact the health department regarding well and/or septic at (772) 873-4903 to
ensure that their requirements can be satisfied prior to applying for a building permit for
the subject property. Ind addition, you will need to contact the Environment Resources
Division at (772) 462-2526 prior to any removal of vegetation.
If you have any questions regarding the above determination, please don't hesitate to
contact the undersigned'
Melissa Brubaker
Zoning & Permitting Supervisor
►= BrubakernQstlocieco.org
7300 Virginia Avenue j Fort Pierce. FL 34082 (772) 462-1558 S' (772) 462-1553 10 (772) 462-1578
Lydia Galbraith
From: Kristen Montalto <pslpropkris10@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 4:30 PM
To: Lydia Galbraith; Shannon Mittler; Mark Montalto
Subject: still moving forward. PERMIT 2103-0581
SECURITY WARNING: This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when
clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
We are waiting for tree surveys and wetland deli n, eation stuff. Also seeing if we can move the house to not sit on the
wetland dont drop it.
oh man what a night mare seriously!
Kristen Montalto
Port St Lucie Properties Inc.
201 SW PSL Blvd. PSL, Fl. 34984
suite # 103
customer support
(772)281-8584 CELL
772 446-9139 OFFICE
X '
Our office hours are:
Monday:9 - 4
Tuesday: 9 - 4
Wednesday: 9-4
Thursday: 9 - 4
Friday: 9 - 3
pslpropkrisl 0(a)-gmail.com
Please note — Due to the nature of my role, E-mail is the best way to reach me!
Note: After the -initial selling of the house the realtor is no longer your point of contact. Please contact us at the
construction office in the future.
Disclaimer- The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended
solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby
notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information is
strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
Lydia Galbraith
From: Lydia Galbraith;
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 3:15 PM
To: Mark Montalto'
Subject: Report_FL_Review_ Comments_Noncompliantjrf (1).pdf, PERMIT 2103-0581
Attachments: Report_FL_Review_Comments_Noncompliantjrf (1).pdf
Good afternoon Mark,
Please provide status update. The non -conforming lot of record was approved in June of last year. Please let us know if
you still want to move forward with the permit. If not please provide a cancelation letter. Otherwise provide an update
of the corrections.
Thank you,
Lydia Galbraith I Zoning Specialist
Ph: 772-462-1555 12300 Virginia Ave. Fort Pierce 34982
facebook.com/stludesov I twitter.com/stludesov I instaeram.com/stluciegov I voutube.com/stludesov
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to work
St. Lucie County Building and Code Division is committed to great service and your feedback is important to us.
Please tell me how we're doing. '
How was your service? Please contact, Melissa Brubaker, Supervisor, at brubakerm@stiucieco.orci to submit your
suggestions, comments and feedback
The County is ®PERT for business, though, the building remains closed to the general public to keep
our citizens and employees safe during the Ipandernic. The Building Department is operating in a new
location, just a few feet from the main lobby, at the SW corner of the building (formerly the Utilities
Department). Look for the GREEN A-Frame'signs. The hours of operation are Monday — Friday from
8:00 am to 4:30 am. All staff is available by email or phone.
If you need to contact me, my direct extension is 452-1555.
Please be safe during these unprecedented times while we do our best to help the community remain
safe as we continue to operate at the new normal.
Thank you
3/7/22, 9:52 AM Gmail - RE: Permit Number: 2103,-0 81
MGmail Shannon Mittler <psipropmittler@gmaiLcom>
RE: Permit Number: 2103-0581
1 message =-
Permits <Permits@stlucieco.org> Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 5:31 PM
To: Shannon Mittler <pslpropmittler@gmail.com>
This needs to be brought into the office in duplicates for this is a hardcopy file.
LI MAR 0 8 2022
a St. Lucie County
From: Shannon Mittler <pslpropmittler@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 11:40 AEI °
To: Permits <Permits@stlucieco.org>
Subject: Permit Number: 2103-0581
SECURITY WARNING: This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show
;aution when clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
:he content is safe.
Attached please find the New FDOH permit and site plan
Thank you,
Shannon Mittler
Permitting Specialist
Port St Lucie Properties Inc.
201 SW PSL Blvd. PSL, FI. 34984
The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive
it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of this contents of this information is
strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.
https:Hmall.google.com/mail/u/onik=e5ac5f4Oa4&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a%3Ar813l 353815581678339%7Cmsg-f%3A172641025280... 1 /2
From: Lynn Swartzel
Sent: Wed'n'esda,ySepternber�21�2022 254TPM
To: Karen Nielsien
Subject: RE: PERMIT 2103-0581-54�5-@,SOl1THW-,]ND=TRIfILf
Hi Karen,
St. Lucie County has launched a new onlirie platform for permitting; planning, code enforcement, sand
contractor licensing. This new platform will allow for convenient electronic submittal of applications and
facilitate the processing and tracking of applications from submittal to closure through an online web -
based system. Applications will only be accepted through the new online platform. We are no longer
accepting paper applications, applications via email, etc. Please do not email documents to individual
employees unless a staff member specifically requests information. To learn more about the new online
platform, please visit: https://www.stlucieco.gov/planningandpermitting.
_r..�_... K ..._. -Thank- u -- - — - ------ --- --- _ _
Lynn A. Swartzel
Environmental Permitting & Zoning Coordinator I Environmental Resources Department
ERD Main: 772-462-2526 1 Direct: 772-462-64231 Cell: 7-72-971-8908 13398 Selvitz Road, Fort Pierce 34981
ERD Website I facebook.com/stluciegov I twitter.corri/stluciegov I instagram.com/stluciegov I voutube.com/stluciegov
LATICES Since 24t6j
to We&
a«xtas:.®mm€ BmE€ reCmawaax€.mtusaxm<rs . ST. LUCIE COMITY
From: Karen Nielsen <NielsenK@stlucieco.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 2:52 PM
To: Lynn Swartzel <swartzell@stlucieco.org>
Subject: PERMIT 2103-05815450 SOLITHWIND TRAIL
Hello Lynn,
We still have this (Hardcopy) permit hanging out, pending ERD approval. Any updates?
Karen Nielsen
Permit Technician
St. Lucie County-BOCC