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TillS INDENTURE. ....d~ this.__-ll.th___.____.:._....._day OI__.____.Apl:il... .-...____.____A. D. 192..4_, BET\Vt,;EN
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-- --_.Ra:t.t18-.Jaak.san.-l,;...l!aU.6.aLJaokBon.~ThIAllJL.a18Qk.a.QILD.e~art1tt_E.._.Ja.okB.oll...an4.._ _____._
El1gah ;ack8on.
of the CouDty ol_~_._~.~I....Ly'Q.l~__T.....and State Of__:_.__..P.lQL~~Q__.______.__part._~ of the firat part, and
01 Ihe COUIlIY of. St.L...LUC.1.IL__._and Slale 01 li'l.ori nA .part i8.8. of the lecoru! pan,
WITNESSF.TlI, tbatthe Aid I>an.l... 01 th~ fiul pari, for and in ~onlidcuti91l 01 th~ slim oL~hlr.tl1'_ i'i.v8..Dollara._( t35.0a }._~
Dollars. to.._.her_in hand paid, the receipt whertol is hereb)' "eknowlcdc~d.
ha-B_ lranted, barlained, sold and Iransferred. &ad b, these presenU do.-.8.f.l..lranl, bargain, sell .nd In.nder unto the $lid l'arLY.._.. 01 the sec~nd
part an.I__.hla._heirs ud assigns forner, .11 that certain parcel 01 la..d Irina and beinll in the 'County of_ Sa1.nt.-.Lucle...______
lU1d Slale of
more particularl, deacribed aa rollowl=---__________ ._....___.._.._.._ ___....
-...--.--..----.---.----..-----...------------- -------------------
..----....--..------. ---.-..-.---.----...-.-.- ---
..-..._.__~.._.____..___._-_u_ ...-.-....-..---...----.--.-______________u_________.__ _____. ._______._._______._._____._ .___....__u_..___._.._... .._u____u
TOGETHER with all the tenemenl.. her~ditaments and appurt~nances. with en". priyileg... rillht, tille, inlerest and estat~, dower and right 01 dowu,
reversion, remaindu and easem~nttherelo belonging or in anywise appertaining: TO HAVE ^~IJ TO HUI.O the lame in ree simple lorever,
v" .
And the said part.ifta of the Iirat part 00--8_ connant wilh the said P1rt_Y... 01 the sceonll part Ihal__.1<.n.!)Y..___..Iawlully seiz~d of the
uid premises, thatth~y are fre~ rrom all incumbrances and IbaLthey..havjbod rillht and lawful authority to sell the same; and th~ said parl.ie.s of
Ihe Iirst part d~./ hue!.,- rully warrant the litle to u.id land. and will delend the lame against Ihe Iawrul daima (If all persons whomsocyer.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said partl.e..a.. 01 Ihe first part haB..._ hereunto set_~ll~_ir.band.....llnd seaL&he day and year abo~e wrille...
Signed. seal~d .nd deliycred in Ollr presence:
---..: 'l. -H.-.Bibley ; ....R..P ..___._____-'_.
-...Ur~...~e.r.t.bI;L iI... .JJ.o;rgf!p.
_liI.lHJ.f.LJ.~.C..!!;~.()1lu__ ----.-.-___._!SEAL)
Flori da
st. LuciE'
_.J.:p 8al-.J..llUson._._____~
?heodore Jackson ISeal)
DeG81'~la.1aek9on -~-.~._~-_~c_~_
ELi~n Jackson. (geal)
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this_ll.th da, or AprIl
rer50Dally appeared Hattie Jackson. a widow of T. H. Jackson..._s!!J.I.:.!l~.~ed.
"- o. 192..A.., b'c1ore me
. to me known to be the pcrlOn_ deKribed in and who executed the lore&oin& eorneyanc:c to.
..and .nerally acknowldged the uecution thereof 10 be_~.~J."._._free act
aDd de~d for th~ asca and pcrposes therein IDCnlioned; and the said
8B-pbove written
the wife of the uid _ Oil a separate and priyate examination
laken and made by and berore U'~. and separat", a..d apart from ber said h"sband. did aeknowledae th.. Ihe made herself a party to the said Deed 01
COJlyeyance, ror the pnrpose or renounciDg, relinquishing and connying all her right, till.. and inttrest, wheth~r 01 dower or of separate property, Ilalntory
or equilable, in and to the ~nds therein described, and Ihat she execnted said deed fr~~I, and yolunlaril, and wilhout .n7 constrain I, rear, apprehension
Cor compulsion or or from her aaid hnsba..d. .
nalure and official seal .t_..:...b~jJO
in the Count, 01
and S te of._~~r de. the day and 'leu ~It aroresaid..
r p~' l.} :Jr:Jh..JUb19..-.!!.P.~.\!Ir_.....r.:r.-.{S~I.)
!.~~~- e~;/-==._~=.~=:=~=-.~~...,.,.=-'~~t~~l{~t-~i..;if;f;::-~~~~~b~;--~B~r 1 ~~6 ~li.La;rge
. 'O!I Ib----.1-~l!___day of __i:-~.~an\1!lry
_-'-.A D. i92Jl. at.-ll_o'cIoclr A. no, thil inllrumcnt was
filed for r..cord, and being duly acbowledlcd and pron... I ban recorded the sa":'e on pale-...43_or Book 60
_in the public records or ",id
EREOF, I bave hrr~UDtt.et my hand arid allixN the acaf 01 the Circuil ('ourt of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit or ~ald State, in and
:e .
p~ . Ocr'"
l' . .-~4~DC