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'tHII INDENTURIO, Uadllhi._.._._~?~}L_...__.._._...._.._daY of__....!T.~n.,~f!.:rY...._......:.______..____._.._.._......_A.. D. 191..!L, BEiWEEN
______W.~l ~.~],"_.~..!.__R9.bex t~."_!L.!!~,g!.~.F_l; ___..-:....__..____.._.......:.~ ..............._...__..____._..._._...
of the County ol__SJi.....LuQ.1e______...and State 01___n.9.r ~ ~~..-----_.----__.___p.rl_:L_ 01 the lint part, and
--,---..-___!'.....R.._.HOl'.t.OJl....aJld..D~_t~y_. ~!.. Horton !lIB _..!!.~ 1eJ__ ....__.___...._.._. ..._._.._..._......_........_._....___...._
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of the County of_.3.t.a._.L.uc.1e_____.:lnd State of___j:;!,.QJ.'.J._~a
__....__._..pa.1 -i8l.Jol the second p.rt,
WITNESSETH, thatlhe r.aid part_Y:_ of Ihe fiut part, for and In consider.tion 01 Ihe sum or... on.o.._.l.t.l..QQt_.c'l.Qll~_r.....~P.Cl.._._._._
---other,_ va1.uabla...c.onaid.e.rat.i.ona...__~, to...h1lD.......in h.nd p;a;.I, th receipl "hew,f is hereby ac\;ocowledgcd,
hLa- gruted, bareained, sold land lransfured. and by these presenls do....as...Itf.nt, bargain. sell and \ransfcr unto Ihe laid part .1.eJI of Ihe ~econd
p.ra and.-.tha1r..__heirs and alligns forner, all lhal urlain lareel of land lying and "being In th~ County of__.s!;......1JJ.Q.!..~..____._____
and Stale of.__.____.?;t.Q;r.J..~.e.,._
m,ue p.rticul.rll' desuibecl u lollo.a=---______... .._....m....._ __:...__.__...._____.....
.. __..__ ..._..... ..n_....._..__... ___.....__.._..._._.._
.__..._-_.__.._..-.__._------_._-_.__...._..__.__.~--_... -------.-..--..---..--.
....--..--.... ...... ._.LQt_$1.~t (l_O.p..U.~.L..QJ: _~b~ .1.:Q~.!!.h~.~.~_~...qlW_.~.~!!.!..._O f _~..h_~....~.,!~~!.!.1 si. ()~ ..().f.... _._.__._..____........._.....
_.n._ ... ......--... .u8eo"tt.On...~en'ty---thre8. f.~5}.-'fO'tm8hip.--ThlTt7-fi Te-(.3& }'South .____... _..._......._ __...... .._......_
~......._----....-..Range ..ThIrty:;idne-T~l9T.E8iit.;_. 8ccotoljfg"'to-'P18:"~'-mo.de"1:iy' p~'-?~-'-'-'"'''-'''''''''-''' ..................
--.- .---.--- .----- .----..--------- .--......-----
Jenkins, C.3. and recorded in Plat Dook 2,
page 10, st. Lucie
------- ---._--_.~..__...._.._-~...
....._.m....._.m....CQWl.~~uE~Q..oI:.d~ ._Q.on.t.'!~p~ng 'xen (10) acres more or Ieee.
oJ.. " u "" ."" .. ....... _ ,_......._..____ _._.._...____..............___.___..._..._. ......_.____.__._.. .._.,._.._
... ---. '.-... -..-.-.__..________n_.._....___._..__._.___..__.___.._._-.------__....___.._.___nn_____________...._._._..._. __... ....___..___.___ _._.___ ._.._.
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-----_.__.____._._______u. .~_...__ .____......____. ...._ _u....._..____.h.___.___.______
TOG~T}U:R .ilb all the tcnement.. heredilamcnls and .ppurtenances, with nery priTilegc. right, litl~, intcrest and C5lale, dower and rillht 01 dower,
.cverslon, rem;lInder ;and fa,em'nt thtrelO belongIng or in anywise appcrtaiuing: TO HAVE ANIJ TO HOLD th~ same in Icc simple forc\"Cr.
And thc said parL..y_ of thc finl part do.e.8_ covenant with the ..id parl.~~... ollhe second put Ihat___.h.~~..J~... ____.....Ia...lull)' sciud of Ihc
said pre.nises, Ihatthey are Irc.. from all incumbrances and Ib'l_l1e...has.... .good rillht and la"ful aUlhority to scll Ihe ...mc; ali<J the said para..:l... of
.he firsl part do.....8.S_ hereby fully """ulI rhe litle to said land, aud will delcn.! Ibe same against Ihe bwful cb.ims 01 all persons whom5<>Cver.
IN WITto:ESS WHEREOF, Ihe said p.rL.~.._ 01 the first part ha...8. _. hcreunlo v.t......hifL...-hanL and ..,.1._ Ihe day and ycar abo\"C wrillen.
Signcd, lealed and delivc.ed i.. oor preacoee:
---..- -.._._-----_.._-_.._-_._~_..-_. --..--------.--.-----.-----
-__ _. Q.l{ Q:ble~. ..._.__.... _.. .___._________
..._.B.dW.8.l'.d.RB.d1naky..____ .
_._i!.~~.~:!._. ~.~.-~..l:~.z.:~~..~.--_._.._..__..._._(SEAL)
. ...-.---.------...------------.-----.---.-----
---.------ - ----..--- --. - .-- - .... ----------- -__~_.__n._ ________.___________+. .~_._ _...___
----.--- - -- .-- -- ---" -+-'- --- .-- -..- --.- . -.--------. . .
St. Lucie
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this-
day of
.A. D. 19LfL. bclore mc
pcr50nalll' appc.red
Walter R. Rober~B
to me kn(lwn 10 be the pcr50n_ described in and who ueculcd Ihe forciQing (cmnyancc 10....:...-.;i'......R.L.liQ!'_top_lil!.g_,p.~!.~.__~_
~ .-Rozoton.
and acnralll' .cknowlcdged the execulion Ihereol to be.__.hia._..lrce acl
and deed for the uses and purposes Ihercin mentioned; 8aJCllJJatll
xJtle wife of Ihe said . __. on a separate and p,;..-ale examiulion
l~liIIdI:lo.1lr>a~1utm~,,'~uulY: and apart from her oaid hnsband, did acknowledge that she made her.ulL.l-.N.UlI:.~~ll1tac%l.HJlOf
Conveyance, fcr Ihe porpose of.rt-,;0iltfil'bt:"'ftIfn\~i'ilX<<~~~t.,.4Ii~~~MtrtJ[:5r~-m"of-Rft:a'tlttpropcrty, statutory
or equitabl!, in and to the I""ds the.ei.. du~i!!~~"'''~!lIlCl~''Sil!'.dHil1ntlJ'~~~~*.-i1hnul .any constrainl. fcar, apprchension
YX~~~~~~~.~~~~<<~.~~X^~ A XXXXx XX
ill thc County ol_SL......L.Y.~a
WH'N&SS ml' signaturc and official acal at .__......It.....HeJ:.C.e
/' '
a~ State OL_\f!-.Q!.i da !bc d;ay .ud ye~ I.st aforcaaid..
N.P. Sea.
__ _ .. .. .NQtar' ~ubuc.SJ;._ot~~.~!p_=~~~~~~~~--..._:_::_.-..--_:_--(SEAL~
.c-'-' ~-.------...-COD:.~..~xpireEI-Oct_;_6,--1927~. .... _hnu_-'_.._
OD till.
Ij!J:l__da:t 01 January___
a D 1M 5 t 1 : 00 'docL P. . h' .
_-.n.. " 76_., a -_0 ~DL, \. IS Instrument was
filcd for record. and being doll' acknowledged ;and proven. I !JaYe ncorded the same 00 pagL..Ji.1>___ol B~k' 60 _in the public rce.nds oj said
'.;:fiX:&,; ;~".f~;~~ / ;i~~
'lO,.'.' ...?<.. . ..._...~.. '~" ~"",''':''''''''~''''Ii,i!,;..,.
i'11:~;r:~:#,,-.;~ ~;; ;'"!:~~4--V...--~::'"\. \.-<,.! "/.1" l""r~~~:- ::.1: -!.~
~~~!;r-:~:~~~ .~~ ~~ -+~~;~~" .:... <~$_~.f4~"":~:~~'~.-!'~"~,r;{.
IN WITNESS WIIEREOF. f han hereDn!.) lei my band and affixed Ihe acal 01 Ihc Circuit Courl of the FiftcCftth Judicial Circuit of Did State, in and
for laid~.. ....
/ "'
! \ P. C. Eldred
O""J ;..1:>.:.;,,,~<lJ> f~-?-~n <7f;~,;~~
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