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. THJ8 INDENTURE, 11&01.. Ihia.._____.___~!.t!.........._....__.clay ol-_..__~.!~~!l..,________.._._._.____.__A. D. 19Z. .., BETWEEN .
_____11 eglnald. Jei.to h i Pg~-and...L.ol.11.8...Ro.buok..ntClhlng.._hltL..l te &__..._____..__._.__..______
01 the County oLE.alIlLBeaoh...,-_,_.____..aod Slate of---__....:.r.l.O'll.!l.ct.._,_.______.__...___part.1..eB.. of the firat parI. and
--....H......A-..-.Cx:Q4k.t.t.. ---.-----------------.---..--.----.7"--------
. 01 the C.oun'y of _-.St......L.uo.le ..nd Slale of.._-.n_9..:t.".~~ .._.part..!f_ of the lecond pari,
WITNESSF.TII,thatthe s:aid l>ar\..le.a 01 Ihe finl p.rt, ror :lnd In consideration 01 the sum (lL_..F.ly.t_.H:un~l'e.(\.J.$.~Q.Q..QQJ '_"_
. .D~1.Q.r~L~... 9.Y..(t.1
DoIb:a, to_.lh~J!:!.in ha:ld paid, tile receipt w"~rei)r is hereby ackrlowleJged,
ha-B._ cranted, bareained, $Old and transferred. aDd by these pruenll cIo.JlB_era!lt, harp.... .ell and transfer unto the &aid part .."Y..._ of the Kcond
rarl and.._..hi.e.~eirs and asSigDS lorner, all lhat <<rlaiD parccl of land Iyine and beiDe ill tbe 'County of_at.... .L:u.c.l.4L_______._
" ..--
and Slale of.--..g1.0i~4a-.----more partieubrly described u 10110..:"
--...... '.--' --. ...-------------..-------.----.------------...-...---- ..
........- .----...-...-.-... To~wU__13QQ._tQ.O t.m.OJ"Q -.Q.~._1911~L.Q.:t.J~liJ~p. _.RJ..!.<<p::..;f..~.~n..!i _J ~L~.e.~ ~JQ.ll...._...____.__..._____.
.-.... .....n.......__u...2&..an~l'lQ.vmeb.lp_.~),.u~.9:1! tl;l...~~Q..~.~.. ~8.!!:t!.. l;':..O~t~~.t:lA!lg_~!'~.!l~y...~.i")t .ap.d ....n...__.m.....
-...'".............. .-.--.--..-. 66/100 aoree... --'---'-" .------__.._....__________...___ .._.........___.___.. ....._..___.._._ ..... ...
. .-.---...---.-- -----Su15Je.ot-.tO...s..-.cfer taln-.t'W'OI!i>>'"t'I!Al{tr;-1l-ownsr"Qggrepttng" th'e ......- --.-....---.. ....-.---
----.--...--..--.---amount O'j-$0-60 .OO-il'o'id"byFrenk Ii ewton -:----.---~ - -..--.--------..--..----
_._----~._-._--.._------- ---.--------..----.-------------------
_._____ ____._________._h"__.___.. ___.____.______ ...________
---..-.-------.._...____..__...__J..t!...! O~~~_cumen tary S tamps Cane ell e d. )
.. '. ."-- ..'. ......_._____.___.._n.....__._._____.._.nn.__________.._.__-----__._ -----------------.--__.__________u_______.._____._.___ .___ _...________.______
TOGETHER witb all the Itnemenll, hereditaments and appurtenances, with eYer". priyilelle, right, tille, inlerest and utate, dower and right of dower,
rnersion, remaiDder and easementthrreto belong.ne or in anywise apprrt~ining: TO "AVE ANI) TO HOJ.D the lame in fee simple fore.-er.
ADd .he uid part!eS of tbe firal part do -~.!!... co\,eDa..t with the laid parl__l.._ of Ihe secocd part Ih~I__th~f._.._ .__._.____bwfully Kind of ~"e
~id prcmises, Ihat they are frre rrom all incuml.rances a!ld Ihal...th81._.haUod right and la..rul authorily to sell Ihe same; and Ihe saiJ partJ,.Q.!L of
--.--..-----.-----.-.-... .---.--------... ----..--. -.--.---.-.-----------
the firsl part do_ hereby fully w~rr~nl Ihe tille to said bDd, and will defeDd Ille same againsl the bwlul claim. or all persons whomsoner.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc said part i.ell. 01 Ihe first part h.B..._ hereunto 5<1.~Mg_hanci_ ind seal.~ the da)' and year abon ...rillen
SigDed, sealed aDd delinred iD our preaeDce:
---_._----_. ---.---...----.---.--.----------------.--..----.--.
.. __....E....A.._fP.,g{l.________...____
___..J.L C, _.!t~.lJ!;~1:...
_ RE!g.inald ~!~!:l~_iE.g.___...___..._(SEAL)
- - ------ -------.,..--- -- . - -----...-.. - -- _.-
- - -----------_. -- ---------
- ----------- --_. -- ..._------------- -.-
-- ----_._--------~-_._... .. --- -- .- .-..- - -- ~-
I HEREBY CERTIFY. That O!l this.h~D..\h_.da, or JAIlUQI'~
('Cuonally appured Reginald Ki tc~ing nl1d Lo11ie_.RQ!!buek v
.A. D. 19Z.J: before me
.111.8 wi_t;~.____....__.__..._....__.
to me Imown to be Ihe per$On-B.. described in aDd wbo r.xeculed the 10regoiDg eOlneyancc to
_H. A ......Gxocke.tt
and aeyerally acknowledged the executiOD tbereor to be__the.ir ._.lree 2(1
aDd deed ror the USCI and pDrpoSes therein meDtioned; aDd the saicL..--L911ie ~oebuck 41~_ehlng
lite wir" 01 the said ReginAld KitehiD& OD a separate aDd prinle enminatio~
taken and made by and bclore me, and separ_a..ly and apart Irom her said hl>sband, did acknowledge that she made her"1f a party to the said Deed of
ConTeyance, for the purpose or reno"nciDg. relinquishing and connyiDg all h. r right, title aDd inlercsl. ...h~ther of dower or of ser~rate properly, statutory
or equitabl~, in aud to the bnds therein described, aDd Ihat she eucuted said d~ed f,cely aDd voluntarily ~Dd witboul any eonstrainl, f~ar, apprehensioD
r,r compulsioo c.f o~om IIn said husband.
WITN E::;s'my sienatllre aDd official seal at__ 8 t~rt ill the County of P slID .eacb____...__
aDd State oL__..ll.o.r1 (la
tbe clay and year last aroreaaid.
Oa tltia....-..~5th ___--<lay 01
--A. D. 19l.~, II...E. OO(l'clcx:l::~nL, tb:s Instrument was
\ 1l.P. Seal.'
-'''-'-'''-'''= ---.\.,--=~=.- .CC= .~'1.c",_==-,-,:_~ ..=.-
~. E. ~.!.--lY8-~._---__._____._(SEAL)
'~--.,=Jiotary .,Publ1e.,Stah-cOf--i'lorida ._,
My Commission expires Jaly 28, 1926.
filed lor record. aDd bein" duly ao:know!edged and prOleJI, I bue recorde4 the 52_ 00 page....n7_Gf Book.._6~.in Ibe public rt~ords 01 nid
Couilly. .
IN WITNESS W~EREOF. I ban here.nlo sel my band and alli1ed the ual or the Cirat,t Court or the Fifteenth Judicial Cir~it 01 said Stale. in ;lnd
lor aaid Coulltl:.._
./~ . ~
,/ i~
/ ~
{ Ct. Ct. SeAl.
___D. C.