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THIS INDEHTUR6, Made Ihis__.22th... ----~._._---_daJ 01--.......-- Daa. ..____...._____._____--A. 1>. 194-. .BETWEEN
______.____._...__...._Il"n.r3._Q.~....lll.s.1.t~. _'llld W1 ~_f)... _I-9..!!t~P...,_.~_!._.Ji! .8!.~y.....___... _._.___;____
01 the Connly ol__St~_~~C)_~____._____U1d Slate 01__.._.__1'~ori4a.__._____..._.__parl~ 01 the Irsl part. aDd
________llrs.. Lias1a..lIIUlImoJL__.__._.___
of the CouDIJ of__..8t_L.ucie__._..
~nd Slate of.____..)'lorids.
.part.;J....:.... 01 the aecoDd pari,
WITNESSETH,I!latthe said pall.....y._ 01 the first part, lor and in consideution of the sum of _ ....___._____._____
_____..Il-.O.Q..&....o.t.her_mlua.blaa. Uollau, 10.h.E1r.__ln hand p.aid. the ro:ceipl ",!oereol is htreby a~kao..lediotd,
hall- granteJ, bargaincJ. sold aD:! Ir:onsfured, alId by these presents do..88_irant, bargain. lell and IraDsfu nnto the said partY___ of Ihe ucond
part and_her._--1leirs and assigns lorner, ,U th.t c:ertain parcel of land lyin8 and !>ting In the County 01
and Stale (,f_f.lQ.:r.1.,j~~____.______more particularlJ deacr1bcd as follo.I:.--_________._____.____
..............-.....-... ..-- .---......-...-... .....-..-.-_..._.. .....-.---...--.---.-.-----..--- ....--..--------------.---.-----....---.----.-.-.-...-
..... _..._....._..__.._._._._. _..Lot. 2...1t'!p L~~~ok n l!.~~~.!:!!!~~.~~.!...!~.~~~__________. ..._........"....__......._...._
............ .........-.........--... .......Townsi te. of. ROB6lan~.___...__.__ . .............____.___.__.__....._.__............ ........__
. --..-...............-.---.---....-..- 'fhi s'd eed '1 ft'gl"T4!r'p\lr"" the...purpoae---o'f....eol'reeting-.deteet..1 n. .deec}...- "''''-'--
-..-..-........--------..-.- --'l)et1re-eri-.the"same'partr e8. . i'ecorile'd'-nCdei.-a "ooolC56'-page'198;--''''''--'-''
__..__~_.. _______n__.____ .._..______..._....~ ,__""_n__ ._____. ___________..__._________
- recorda of st. Lucie County, Plorida, wherein the wife did not
.___. _.___._._.h.~_____._._d____.___._._._....... _.________ _._._.______..._._____..______.__._______._.____________.___. ._______.__________
___.. _._...__._..__._____~~!no1!.~!~~~_..!~J>ar~te~~ and~~!.rt t:om her hUl!~~d . _____.._____
-------- -------
TOCETH!::R ....;:!: .u th, :i",m~iit;. h~riJit.m~iiti .nd _vvilflt-u;'.,,:ca. wilt. c.-cry \Jril'i:rgc>. right, titit'. int~rtsi :and f:5tat~. ciow~r and right of dowtr.
rc"''':'ln, rtmaindu and usementlbotretp bel'lnglng 'lr in an)...ist apperlalning: Tu HAVe ASlJ TO HUI.U tht lame in fte simplt forner.
And the said par~ of the first part oo_..8S.. connant with the said part_.;J_ 01 Ihe second t,>>.rl IhOl1_~h~.Y....__1Ol...lully nired o! the
.aid prtmisu, Ihat Ihey are fre~ fr'lm all incumbrances and IhaL_...haYe _.good right and 13...i,,1 auth'lrit). to sell Ihe ume; and Ihe uid pari. Y--..- 'lf
,he finl part d'l-'~_ htreby fully warr.nt thc lille 10 uiJ Ian':' and ...iII ddend the same apinst Ihe 13..lnl .-13ims 01 all pUl(>ns ...homs'lner.
IN WITNESS WHeREOF. the said parl:"'~_ of the first part ha.S_._ hue unto set-.th.e.1r..l.ud_Vand staLS the d.y and year abon ...rillen_
Sillned, seded and de1inred in our presence: !
-..--. --D~ --J:"-ci~p'p-"-----'-'-' -..-.--------.--
_..~~~~~~~.W:~:~~:~~~~~:=... - ..___~=)
ij:.~pn'.- G., ....~,:l,,g}~y._--________(SE^L)
..---_. ---~-------~
.--- - -._- ---- - -..----- ---- -
STATE OF nOr ioa
COUNTY OF. st. Lqoie
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this
day of.
.... D. 19Z.!.... before ~
rcr50nally appeared
Henry G. Hlil.oy
I'l m. "nown to be the person_ described in and who tx.cuted the forcgoiGg conyey:ance 10
~r8. Lizzie Hammon
and senrally .ack!lowledged the uecutio:t thereof to br_h~-,--free acl
Olnd deed lor the nscs and pur;>OStS therein mentioned; IUId the said
the wife of the said_~_Henr~__. OD a separate and printe .umlnalion
taken and m:tde by and bef'lre me, Olnd uparatlly and apart from her uid husband, did acknowledge IhOlt Ihe made herself a party to the laid Deed of
Conyeyanct, for Ihe purpose of renouncing, rclinquishinl! an.l eonnying all hu right. til:" and interest. ..hether of dowcr or of separate property, slatutory
or equitable. in and 10 the lands theocin d<scribed. and thai she eucul.d said d...d freely and \'oluntarily and withOl:t any conslrainl. fear, appr.henlion
c,r compulsion 01 or from hu hid husband. .
WITl.;ESS my signatnrt aud official seal al_~~.e.~~~.
aDd State 01____2l.o.r1Jl.fL....__tht -iaJ aDd ,car last aforedid.
Cu-~ ,.~~lio\gir. ~iU~:.,:t~~~t:~j:i{~~~~oDIQrr~~~;.\! Large
~y commis8ion expire8 Jan 20. 1928.
.in the County 01
St. Lucie
.....I'.fi .P. Sea-I.
--:..:.:...:.:'-----...::..-:.7-----:.-:-, ."---",
On th..~_lj.~1L-_....uy of
'- ~
filed for record. and being doly acknowledged aad ~ronn, I haTe recorded the sarne oa pag..
County. _>
IX WITNESS WIIF.REOF. I haY~ her~nnto sri my, and alli.uc! the lul 01 the Circuit Court of th. Fifteeath Judicial Circuit of said Stat~, in and
lor said c-..ty. " .
. \ ' P. C. Eldred
f ~
ct. Ct. S 1..... a4~ (Jr-L-~ei~: "'/--0.//
,,' .' ; # ': , D. C.
( .
&X .~
68 of B(\Olr
in Ibe public: ncords of. said
A. D. 19L.Jl..t._~.. 3g,'doclr P . ..., tltia itl.tnamrat ;>-u
" . ....,.. ': .~:<...,~:.~(11E~S~~~~i~
. " .' .' -. j....-..~ ~J"'" - ,;:.;:..._-'.i-;;".. ~
;.: ; <,. :~:;{, ~:?,:. ~:~t~~fI~1.;jft1V~.