HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0660 60 ~ ~:;~;;;.~ pn;:' .-: -~:.:=. ~~ === ::..:.~.=...=:: ::~=== ::-:-~-::::::..:.:- ~1J:W~) ~~\:;;k~I~~l'(lI.J~~4l1iI(":,~:::'~ =.::___ , i THIS INDENTURK. Wade this.b.8nty.':!8aV&n .___.____day ol_...._.D80e.mb.r.___......__.._.. _.__.__._..._':-A. D. 1~2L BETWEEN I ___.__~~Q9.d ~9.r.~.iJ..Qh!l!H~.!L!H!cL!-~J.. ~...~9):t!1fJ..~~ ......h!.~._'!!!.~~_..__...._..-'-.____________... ! 01 the County of_.3t.._.LWJ1a.___._.__._.._....___.nd State oL__.__...P~orlda._______..___..__Pa:I.08.... 01 tile lirat parI, and _________....____._._.Char~ott.8.JlliU.cot.e....____ 01 the County uf.-.St....Luol..___.____..~and State oL__~lj)Ii.dB __ __._.parl..Y.._ o( the second pari, .~ 11 WITNli:SSI>TII,thalthe said p:lrliea_ o( the lint part, lor and In cous;'leulion 01 Ihe sum of.____._.Ona..D.ol.lar._and._.____ ___._____ot.h.er._.QQnB1d~rat1.ona.....----~ to._.thOm._in hand paid. the rec"ipt \\I.ereol is hereby acknowledge.!, h&4J.. gunted bara:ained, sor.: and tra"sferrecl. and by these preullls do_. _.llranl, bargain, sell and transier unto the said part.~_.. 01 the "conJ put .nd._.her__heirs.and assigns (orever. all that certain pa,cel 01 land Iyihg and being in the Collnly ol_8..t.._Lua.1e. and State c.L___.__.1'1.or.1.cla._ _-!Doee rarticubrl, described as follow.:___.__ _....________ ._....._____.___ ...-..-....... ..-..-......... n__... .....__ .............._ _ ...._. ......._____..___._____._....___.._____..___..__._.____________._______._____._._....._h..._..__..__._.____._.____.. ."-..-'- ....--....--------......- .. ....-. ... _.._...._-----~- ..- _.. .----.---.--..-.--..---.--.--.-----.------.--.-....... .-.-...-..---.-...---.---.-- ....-... . .nu_._._._.".... .___.Beginning. 548 ..te.~~.~9r~h..~.!1..~LJ ~!Lf~e~._~~.~~.LQ.f_~h~... $.()\\~h~f),.~.~ _.____.___......_....__ ....... -. ..-.-.. _...n'___ __...comer. ol_the..li.oxthea.et._quar.t.er... (W4L.Q~. .thtLSQUthweBt_Quarter_.____........_____ . .---.-.---.-----. SW!- h ofSeoUon'-9-i -.'Pownehip~.-.80ut-hi..-Renge.40 ..Eeet-.i..-.thenee....l"un-------- .-.-.-.-n'--"'--1Ior'th-2ea -1.eet--;-.thElri()'6-Wefft'-25(r-r-ee.t~--..thEirice.-.Smtli-262'- f~fet.. . _..... ... .......n___ _.____...._.~~!!!.~.~__~.9:~!...~_50 _!.~~~to _=th~__~~~ n t_~~~~~~~~:.!l~...__._._______. ___.-"-........_____ n_.__._..__.._.___._.___.....h_.!he_..p.artl__of_~.he second pa~~...Eere!>y'._~~re.e8. to as.8U1Il8 a ___..._...~_._n.._..______mQrtga.ga -fr.om._the..parlleB._o.f__thfiL.f1r.B.t._.part._t.\LQeQr8~_'d.. ...___ h-...-.--..----.DrftWc!T...the...8'W!t..be1-ng.-..160~OO-f_8ixt"n . Hundl"ed- ..DoHerel..--..-------.-- ____n_______J.~2.50 Documentary Sta'!1P..~ C!::ncelled. L..__________ TOG~THER with all the tenements, htredilamenl5 and appurtenances, with eye". priwilege, rillht, title, iDlertst and estate, dower and right of dow~r, rcnUlon, remainder and easententthereto bdonging or in anywise appert~inir.G: TU HAVE A:>:U TO 110).1) the lame in fee sim:>le fore\'er. And Ihe said part1.e..IL 01 the fir.1 part do_ cowenant with the said parl~ 01 the seeon.1 part lbal-the.y...ar....--=-.Ja..fully seiied of Ihe \aid premises, that they are free from ",11 incumbrances and Ihatthe;Y:._.haY.tood right and la"ful aUlhorily to sell Ihe sanle; and the said parties.. of Ibe first part do_ hereby lully "..rranl Ihe tille 10 said land, and will delcnd Ihe same againlllhe lawful ,,!aims of all pcrsons whomsoenr. Except above mentioned mortgage. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th~ said pa,t.ea- of the first pari ha_~~_ hereunto seL!!~1~_hand....8and suI. 81he da,. and year abo\'( wrillen. .~~ :'): i i 4 .h..._'..~~:~e~,,~~~~h:_~ deliw:ed in our P=:~----'''--''-'l -- nma ....Holden.____,___...._____._.__________ --.------------.-. JJrs. Wm. Knigge. ----.--.------.--...---- --.. .--.---------------~_._--- __._A~J.~_.J.Q@~.oJ.! ______.___(SEAL) _iY.o.oLJ.o.lma.OJi.... (SEAL) - ._.~- --."-------..--- ---------,._--- -...- -- - - - ----. --"- - - -----..-- _..,- - .-. - .- - -.-- ---- --- - ---- -----_.. .. --.. ------.------.------ ~---_._~_._--- .___________u.___ _____ ._____.___________ __..__ __... .________..___ ._ _ STATE OF Plorida } COUNTY OF ~t.. 1"101 e I HEREBY CERTIFY, Tbat On this~e..r:ent.h_day of__.De..c.e.m.ber. "- D. 19l..4..., belore me person all, appeared WOodforq_.lQh.wuuI. and Ar.:.nl.1L.lnb.wto.n_huLm.!e to me known to be the person_a. descri~d in and who executed the foregoiDg con\'eyallce to --' _Charlo.t.te....ChiJ.c.ot. _aDd sewerally acknowlodged the uccution thereof to be their Iree att and deed lor the uses and purpoks tl.orein mentioned; and the said Ann i fl._J.Ohnaon._ the wife of Ihe said____.ilood:f'ord JohnRon . _ On a aeparate and printe examination ,alen .nd m"de"11y and beiore me, and s<paraltl,. and a,,~rt from her said husband. did acknowledge that she m2de herself a put, to the said De~d of Conveyance, lor the purpose 01 renouncina, relinquish inS{ and con.-e,.inl: aU her rigbt, title alld interest. whelher of dowcr or of separate property, slatutory or equitalole, in ud tG the bllds Iherein described, and Ihat she execu'ed said d~~d freely and volunlarily aDd without an,. constraint, fear, apprehension c.r compulsion of or Irom her said husband. WITN~SS my signature and official seal at_.lor.t_p.1.erne ud State of~no.r1.dfi the day and you bst aforeaaid. in the Counl, 01 St. Luoie ... \. 11. P. Seal. B. F. Holden . Notary PubTIC-!Q'r-:-tlie-1Jt-~te (fY:7lorIQ8-at""~l~~)e. J.ty COIT.m1Seion expires - De-cGmber"7. -Y9'27 ~.___m --- . STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE On th;. 16th .__da, of Januaxy___ "- D. 192.5~ at~..3Q...o'doclr.A...-m., this uutrement was . I. I ,< Ii I; filed lor record. a1~d being rluly lleknowledged and prono, I hue reo;orded the: same on paa~__6.0_01 Book 60 Counly. ~ _ in the pDblic: r<<ords 01 said .' IN WITljESS WHEREOF, ~ hue hercanlo set m,. hand and a!lixed tbe seal 01 the Circuit Court 01 the f.fteenlb Judidal Circuit.,1 said Stale, in and lor .."id Cour. ';0. \ g .~ Ct. Ct. Seal. a. ;,.. ... (t \ o/~~(J;~~~--_ t7 auk. .D. C '. \ .U>;;'T~~ijl{~