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1"IUIINDENTURE, Made 1."ia._.._._...7.th._..._.._. ..m..._day "j._....___. .1anuar}F............._._._ ..........._____...J.. D. 193JL.. BETWF.J,;N
___.._.\!Ul1aIll...C. ...So.hQet.t.el__JUl"UllIlrr_tQAl___n~"_____.__..______ _...._..._._.__.__.........._... '_'_'__ .__...._._._..
. o' the Count, of_..;...st.......Luc1.e._____........._.and Sta!e oL.._____._llQr.1J1B._....__._._._._.__....._._..._part-Y_._ 01 the fint part, and
r.( the County oL_....:__st.....1.UQle_.___and Slate of__-l!.Qr.!.~_f!..!..____.__...__..__..p:artl~~_ of the ICcon4! vaft, -
WITNESSF.TII, Ibalthe laid P:lltY..__ 01 the first part, lor and in consideration 01 the sam 01.__....
_.~.en....4.Qll.~1;"~.._an4._9..tt~r _.y'~l ~~)ll.J!_Q.9.!!.~!~~!.~ tl o Mra.., 10...1. hll1Lin hand paid, the ",cc;Pl ..hm,,1 is hercl.y lIclnowledged,
bLa- cranleJ, bargained, sold and lransferred. and b, these preunU do-8il-crant, barg:ain, lell and transfer unlo the Did p:ut .LeB of Ihe second
part anJ___thelr._..hei.. and auicns lorncr, all tbat <<rtain parcel of land lying and being in the County of_..~~_~_~~Q!.~___..___...__.__.....
and Slate of__-.._.fiorlda"___more particubrl, described .. 10110..:____. _______.______..__.__..
.....n....... Lo t .nThirty.-.twO... ( ;'l~ )-in-.lllock.Three_.l.3L.Qfn.~9g~WQJ'I!LA4.~lH.9.~....t.9....~h.~...~2_~'m....2J_......_..__.....;.....__.
. . ...........YUO....JU ...:LUC !~...Co@t;Y...._.-'19:rJ~..!..__.._..______....__._,._._._.._... _". __...._.__..____._.._
Dee.d.18..g1 yen ..sub jeo.t ._to.. ~Lm.Q 1;"j;,ggg~._.9..f....Jg5\lQQ..9.Q_..J~~.!-!~d... t.<?..J!ll.!.Y...Y...!._J.~~~~~ 1........___. .......... .._.
.............. wbi ch...the..pnrtLes...of...the .8 ec ond._Jla.rt...e~.~ @l~~'.n..___._,.__....._____._..___._.. .._._......__n.___nmmn....._.....
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TOGETHER with ;oil the t.nements. herrditaments ;lnd appllrtenaneu, with ncr, priyilege, right, Iii It', intrrest and estate. dow.r and rillht of dower,
rt\'ersion, rtmainder and usrmenltbereto klongin~ or in anywise appertaining: TO HAVE ANlJ TO HULl> the same in ft'e simpl. fornrr.
And th. said parl~_ of Ihe firsl part..Jo .BS_ covenant with the .,.id put..i.es of the second put tI:aI.J:~ll..._.._._.._..__.....bwfully seiud of th.
said prrmises:that lbey are hre from all incumt.rancu and thal_.__._.~ood rillht and Ia,,'ful aUlhorit, to sell Ihe sam.; and lb. said PUI.._-_.. of
Ihe fiul part 010_ b.reby fully warrant the litle to said land, ;lnd will deiend Ihe ..mt' against tbe lawful c1;oims of all persons whomsoenr.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, .h. said part.:/_ of the first part hafL__I:crrunto set._.hl..!L.-.hand_ and seaL. the day and year above wrillen
Signed, suled and drlinred in our preseuee:
.....F...1... 6:nigh t -............-..--......--.--._____......__
- - -. Haael..G... SlIIs.r.twOu.t ...._________.._. _
__.~lill.iar:L C .....SCAOe t teL.n.n.....____.._(SEAL)
-- -+--+---- ---+-
PlQr 1 d8
St. Lucie
I HEREBY CERTIFY, Thai on thi__ .Btb cia, 01_ Jsrlu.ax~_.
personally appeared- Will~C_..~et tel, wi !l_QYLrr..
A. D. 192-5., before me
10 me kno....n to be the per50n_ ducrikd in and ....ho cxeculed the foregoing connyaner to..Joseph ..:4.....J7il.soll_end. ..JJ.e:..l.a......a..
and leyerally acknowledged the ueculion thereof to be_hiJL__.rree act
and deed lor the mea and purposes therein mentioned;.....-.s..____.____............_._......_~'L...~."'~."'~.,==.,.,.:!."'."'_.".,.n.".'"",..","'.",."'-",=."'..".,...---_;;,
the wire 01 Ihe saiL on a separale and 'printe ~iiaii~n
taken and lD'Ide by and before me, and separately and apart Irom her said husbar.d, did acknowledg,. that .h$.WIit..J1cgal'_1'H'I'Y-ro-I'F.es;old Dt'ed of
Connyance, for the purpose or renouncil!lJ. relin'luishing and conyer,ng all liu .J:ialll_ ~ot inftornl;' tItlirilier or dower or of separate property, statutory
or equilable, i'!.~'lsL&a-4~~ftltrdtft.Ti!r.iI=-i"nil'rralslie-iiec1irecr sa,d dced freely and yoluntarily and wilhout any conslraint, fear, apprehension
~.~~IIlI'-I_'-""1tuHettd.. -
WITNESS my signalure aDd official seal at
.in tlte County of_St.......Ll,1Ci A
and Stale c.L-HJ.o.r1-4a-_____the day and ,car last afore.aid.
.~ ___._ _.;~(!~~~. S~8l). _._..__ __-"d __ u______ f,Qt8rYMJ:~~~S.\~t.h..s{1~rtfgl!!.08:-8a:t.-L.a9-.!:gi?EAL)
...--.-------;---... --. -. --------.... '---'.", .. -.--- --Iry COnlrtisSl(;tl exp rllS....eurU&r~ .;;; 1 ;:.7
On lb..
20_-daY oL_-tla.n.
"- D. 192~~ at_o'cJock-DL, this uutrumenl was
liled'for record, and beinx dul, aekoo.led~d and pronn, I hue rccclded the s~me on pa&e-...71--01 800k 60
in the pnbli( rrcords 01 said
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I bye herenalo sel M' hand and afti~ the .ul 01 the Circuil Court flf the Fifl<<nth Judicial Circml of said Slate, in and
lor said County. ~
. ~
Pa C. F.ldred
1.3 ~
~_____D. C.
, c~:' ~h>;:~tit.~~t