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Address/Phone/Email 600 Hagerty Drive Fremont, OH 43420 % (419) 333-5835 lewis.pope@stylecrest.net Authorized Signature / Lewis Pope lewis.pope@stylecrest.net Technical Representative Lewis Pope Address/Phone/Email 600 Hagerty Drive Fremont, OH 43420 (419) 333-5835 lewis.pope@stylecrest.net Quality Assurance Representative Lewis Pope Address/Phone/Email 600 Hagerty Dr Fremont, OH 43420 lewis.po a oly-foam.com Category ePanel Walls Subcategory Sidin Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida / Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida' Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Eric J. Tompos P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-63511 Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing, Inc., an Intertek company Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By William R. Heiden III, P.E. Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code FL12231 R4 COI ELT CQlpdf Standard Year ASTM D3679 2011 Florida Licensed professional Engineer or Architect FL1223.1_R4 Equiv ST.Cov�7a7,v�2_E,,,Q,uivalence_ofS.Gandards_2Q17.10= Q6,pdf C Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 10/11/2017 Date Validated 11/21/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 11/28/2017 Date Approved 02/13/2018 FL # Model, Number or Name Description 12231.1 Fairfield, Alpine Ridge and Ridgeview D4, DL4, D5 and DL5 Configurations Vinyl Siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No \ FL12231 R4 II Installation Instructions Attachment Details Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes 2017-10-06.pdf Impact Resistant: No FL12231 R4 II Vinyl-Siding-Installation-Manual-2017.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-59 \ Verified By: NTA, Inc. Other: Design pressure varies based on the installation Created by Independent Third Party: Yes method. Please refer to the evaluation report for the proper Evaluation Reports design pressure based on the installation. FL12231 R4 AE Evaluation ReportSTC1111l1-8 2017-10- \ 06.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 3�1.2 Harbour Crest, Spiegel Grove, D4, DL4, DL4.5, D5, DL5 and T3.33 Configurations Addison Heights, and Sawmill Vinyl Siding \ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved.for use in HVHZ: No FL12231 R4 II Installation. Instructions Attachment Details, 2017-10-06.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL12231 R4 II Vinyl-Siding-Installation-Manual-2017.pdf Verified By: NTA, Inc. Design Pressure: +N/A/-74 Other: Design pressure varies based on the installation Created by Independent Third Party: Yes method. Please refer to the evaluation report for the proper Evaluation Reports design pressure based on the installation. FL12231 _R4 _AE E_v_aluation._Report STCi_il_1-1,1.=8.2017-10... \ 06.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12231.3 Oak Harbor, Bristol Bay and Town Square Vinyl Siding D4, DL4, DL4.5, D5, DL5 Configurations Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12231 R4 II Installation Instructions Attachment Details 2017-10-06.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL12231 R4 II Vinyl-Siding-Installation-Manual- 2017.odf Verified By: NTA, Inc. Design Pressure: +N/A/-59 Other: Design pressure varies based on the installation Created by Independent Third Party: Yes method. Please refer to the evaluation report for the proper Evaluation Reports design pressure based on the installation. FL1223_1.._R4._AE,_Evaluation Report STClll_L11__8._2017=10= 06,pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12231.4 Pro Pride DL4.5 Configurations Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12231 R4 II Installation Instructions Attachment Details 2017-10-06.pdf FL12231 R4 II Vinyl -Siding -Installation -Manual -2017.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No pesign Pressure: +N/A/-76 Other: Design pressure varies based on the installation Verified By: NTA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes method. Please refer to the evaluation report for the proper design pressure based on the installation. Evaluation Reports FL12231__R4__AE._Evaluation_Report STCillll_1_-8.2017_-10,_ 06 pdf; Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12231.5 Prospan Premium, Dura Span and T4, D5 Configurations Pioneer Vinyl Siding Limits of Use Approved for use in mvmz: No Installation Instructions FL12231 R4 II Installation Instructions 2017-10-06.pdf FL12231 R4 II Vinvl-Siding-Installation- ApproVed W use outside HVHZ: Yes In,praet Resistant: No Design Pressure: +N/A/-37 Verified By: NTA, Inc. Other; Design pressure varies based on the installation Created by Independent Third Party: Yes method. Please refer to the evaluation report for the proper Evaluation Reports F.L..12231__R4,._%,E.._E_v_a.l_gatipn Report STCl. design pressure based on the installation. 0..6;pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12231.E Select Serie�Bead2d Siding and Beaded 6.5 Configuration Lexington Sed vinyl Siding Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +N/A/-74 Other: Design pressure varies based on the installation method. Please refer to the evaluation report for the proper design pressure based on the installation. Installation Instructions FL12231 R4 II Installation Instructions Attachment Details 2017-10-06.Ddf FL12231 R4 II Vinyl -Sidi no-Installation-Manual-2017.Ddf Verified By: NTA, Inc. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL12231,.R4 AE E_v_aluation._R.eportSTCllil,l_1_82017=10=, Q6.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12231.7 elect Series Board and Batten and [Lexingtcn Series Board land Batten Board and Batten Configuration inyl Siding Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No I FL12231 R4 II Installation Instructions Attachment Details 2017-10-06.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL12231 R4 II Vinyl-Sidino-Install6tion-Manual-2017.Ddf Verified By: NTA, Inc. Design Pressure: +N/A/-50 I Other: Design pressure varies based on the installation method. Please refer to the evaluation report for the proper Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports design pressure based on the installation. I FL12231 R4AEE_v_aluation._Rep.gi STC11111.1-8 2017:10= 06.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12231.8 Timbermill D4, S7 Configuration Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12231 R4 II Installation Instructions Attachment Details 2017-10-06.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL12231 R4 II Vinyl-Siding-Installation-Manual-2017.odf Verified By: NTA, Inc. Design Pressure: +N/A/-72 I Other: Design pressure varies based on the installation method. Please refer to the evaluation report for the proper Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports design pressure based on the installation. FL12231_R4_,.AE_ E_v_aluation Re..port,5TC111111 8 2017-10: 06,pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12231.9 Timbermill Log Cabin Panel Siding Cabin Board (S6.5) Configuration Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12231 R4 II Installation Instructions Attachment Details 2017-10-06.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL12231 R4 II Vinvl-Siding-Installation-Manual-2017.odf Verified By: NTA, Inc. Design Pressure: +N/A/-100 Other: Design pressure varies based on the installation Created by Independent Third Party: Yes method. Please refer to the evaluation report for the proper Evaluation Reports design pressure based on the installation. FL12231 R4 AE Evaluation Report STC111111-8 2017-10- 06.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 12231.10 Timbermill Vertical Siding I D5 Configuration Limits of Use I Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL12231 R4 II Installation Instructions Attachment Details 2017-10-06.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No FL12231 R4 II Vinyl -Sid ino-Installation -Man ual-2017.Ddf Design Pressure: +N/A/-57 Verified By: NTA, Inc. Other: 10" oc into OSB sheathing Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL12231 R4 AE Evaluation Report STC111111-8 2017-10 06.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Back Next Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card Safe Installation Instructions: Attachment Details Table 1: Allowable Pressures'.2 1 Allowable Pressure''Z (psf) II Typical Product Name Additional Product Profile Thickness Nails' Staples' Names -r� I 16" oc 12" oc 8" oc 16" oc 8" oc Pro Pride -- DL4.5 I0.03( 76 144 69 160 D5 49 psf, 12" oc into OSB ___ _ DuraSpan Prospan Premium sheathing (vertical application) Pioneer 0.040 37 psf, 12" oc into OSB T4 I sheathing — D4, DL4 �� 120 --- 170 78 Fairfield Alpine Ridge or 0.044 Ridgeview D5, DL5 ' 59 --- 122 59 Select Series Lexington Series Beaded 0.044 74 --- --- --- --- Beaded Siding 6.5 Select Series Board Lexington Series Board and 0.048' 50 45 and Batten Board and Batten Batten Spiegel Grove or D4, DL4, �I 108 ___ Harbour Crest Addison Heights or DL4.5, D5, 0.040 7 — 174 1654 Sawmill DL5, T3.33 D4, DL4 1 120 --- 170 78 --- Oak Harbor Bristol Bay or 0.042 DL4.5, D5, Town Square DL5Cabin 59 -- 122 59 Timbermill Log Cabin Panel N Boar 0.042 100 --- --- --- --- tl D4 --- --- --- --- Timbermill --- 0.042 1100 S7 ` 72 --- 132 -- --- Timbermill 1157 psf, 10" oc into OSB (vertical application) -- D5 . 0042 1 sheathing _ Pdtowaoie pressure aetermined In accordance with AS 1 M U3679-11. Accordingly, allowable test pressures were calculated using the following equation: Dr, = P, /(0.36 x 1.5), where Pr is the average static test pressure. z Allowable pressure applies to the siding only. The strength of the structural sheathing, framing, and the withdrawal strength of the specified connectors in the structural framing must be designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice by a registered design professional. ' Refer to Section 5.4 for fastener requirements and referenced test reports for additional details of installation. 4 Second value is for Double Stapled at 16" oc. ``11111111I//�! * No 63511 S EOF •;_` •. 10109117 P •,• ' tss • 4 O R l 'D •�O BONA L . ���•�`. '!!l/rrlllltlll` NTA, Inc., 305 N Oakland Ave Nappanee, Indiana 46550 Engineering COA No. 8463 These documers are applicable only to the elements and loafing aderia specifically provided herein. These documents shall not be construed in any way to specify, certify or design any aspects of the building not contained herein. Speed design criteria are based solely on information provided by Me client and must be verified and approved by the local authority having .jurisdiction. NTA. Inc. is not responsible ter fabrication or erection, Ifitis suspected that mere documents have been modfied, substituted or altered in any way. contact NTA, Inc. at (574) 773-7975 to obtain a file copy. 1. The product illustrated satisfies the requirements for the Florida Building Code Sixth Edition (2017) NOT-includin HVHZ. 2. The installation drawings depicted are in accordance with the Florida Building Code and the manufacture's installation requirements. 3. The products must be installed over a minimum 7/16" wood structural panel sheathing (Plywood or OSB) with an approved weather resistive barrier placed under the siding 4. Flashing must be installed as necessary at all openings, penetrations or abutments of dissimilar materials as required by the Building Code. 5. Wood framing installations are assumed to be 2X S-P-F (G= 0.42) or denser. For installation into wood framing use 1-1/2" long 11 Gauge roofing nails or 7/16" X 1-1/2" long X 16 gauge staples 6. The fastener must be able to penetrate not less that % inch into the framing or furring. A 1/16 to 1/32-inch space shall be between the fastener head (nail or staple) and the face of the vinyl nailing hem, so as not to restrict movement due to expansion and contraction. `�1111111111111 J T p���, �.�` %% ` • •c E N ; ��i 7. Corrosive resistant fasteners shall be used. ; ��••�,� Sic •�� NTA, Inc., 305 N Oakland Ave Nappanee, Indiana 46550 Engineering COA No. 8463 *: No 63511 :* = These documents are applicable only to Via dements and madiogcnteda specifically provided herein. These documents shall not be consbued in any _ way to specify, certity or design any aspects of the building not contained herein. Specked design criteria are based solely on information provided by w • 1 r, Me client and must be verified and approved by the local autnority having jurisdiction. NTA,Inc. is not responsible for rabdeation or erection. If it is suspected tnat these documents have been modified, substtuted or altered s E OF : ', •,• 10109117 P,�,• in any way, contact NTA, Inc. at (574) 773-7975 to obtain a file copy. %S <0RAO, �'�. `� O I NAL 11% 's Wall Width Wall Height SPF Yt000 FRAMING 16' OC (TYP.) 7/16- SHEATHING (PLYWOOD OR OSB MOISTURE BARRIER VINYL SIDING FASTENERS (SEE NOTE CHART ON I v J Tp� �� G • .` •C E•IV 3 • .,� �� ��.•' :�• V * : No 63511 ;. ST E OF •,� 10109117 p, �� �,• < O V NA L " %%% , �111111110 SECTION B—B r