HomeMy WebLinkAboutFRAMING DETAILSCANNED BY ; St Lude County rREVIEWED IE COUNTY G DIVISION F, IEWED LI E ANO PEREPT ON JOB OR Tdppcon bucks to wall using ON WILL BE MADE I/9" dia, x 3" tapcons at 12" o.c. a" from corners Strap end stud to PT frame using Simpson SP8 strap with (U IOd x 1 1/2" nails In each strap STING/ LINTEL Strap studs to PT frame using Simpson H2.5 strap with (10) 8d nails In each strap verify with door Manufacturer i Nall 5/8' CDX plywood to exterior 2" x e" studs with aide of opening using IOd ring shank R-19 baits insulation ails at L' o.c. field and edges. between eachzzilr�Flnleh with stucco to match existing Existing CBS wall to rem Strap and stud to PT frame using L Simpson SP8 strap with (L) IOd x 1 1/2' nails In each strap REDUCED OPENING FRAMING DETAIL Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" Tap con 2" x 8" PT wood framing around perimeter of opening and attach using (2) I/e x 3" tapocna at 24" o.c. may - Attach PT Plate to slab using 1/2" dla. x 5" exp. anchor Strap studs to PT frame uNng Simpson H2.5 strap with (10) 8d nails In each strap PERMITTING INFORMATION (FORM 100) Florida Building Code Residential: 5TH Edition and ASCE 1-10 for Wind Loading Building Design is: Enclosed Risk Categorg: II Wind Speed: 140 mph ultimate 1 Mean Roof Height: II'-8" Roof Pitch: 3:12 Internal Pressure Coeliicient: ±0.18 LL Subjectabilitg to damage from: Weathering: Negligible Termites: Veru Heav4 Width of Roof End Zone: 5'-4" Wind Exposure Classification: B Adjustment factor for Exposure Height Using Allowable Stress Design and € FLAT ROOF i�°irc�i Load Combination per ASCE 1-10 Section 2A DL+LL; DL+O.LWL; O.LDL+O.LWL Exp Height Ad j Factor: 1.00 x Load Combo Factor 0.4 = 0.4 applied below Components E Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Roof Zone: I. +14.0/-2w.0 psf Roof Zone. 2. +I4.0/-45.0 psf Roof Zone: 3. +I9.0/-44.0 psf Components 4 Cladding Wall End Zone Width: Components d Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) Wall Zone: 4. +28.0/-30.0 psf Wall Zone: S. +28.0/-38.0 psf I` € Components It Cladding Wind Pressure (NET) on Garage Door: N/A psf Shear Walls Considered for Structure? Yes = GABLE ROOF LESS " GABLE ROOF FROM Continuous Load Path Provided? Yes THAN 2:12 PITCH 2:12 TO 12:12 PITCH Are Components an Cladding Deter Provided? Yes Minimum Soil Bearing Pressure: 2.500 psi, Presumptive: X Bg Test: psi Roof Zone I 0 = Roof Zone 2 Corner Zones This Building Shall Have the Following: walls Zone 4 walls Zone 5 Roof Zone 3 APPROVED SHUTTERS: IMPACT GLASS: X BOTH: NEITHER: END ZONE existin Simpson 9" w/ � lOd > x6 pt Simpson AB66 post anchor x8 wood ,trap ails ost beam set With 5/8 WEDGE ANCHOR Into slab PORCH fi OST REPAIR TYPICAL SP, AT SIDES EXISTING CBS MALL (V E max 4CING TYPICAL SPACING TOP AND BOTTOM 1/2" x 5" Strap studs to PT frame using �Slmpson H2.5 strap with (10) 8d nails In each strap �Exlsting lintel or beam to remain 7 Frame In existing opening with 2" x 8" studs at IL" o.c. Tapcon 2" x 8" PT wood framing around perimeter of opening and attach using (2) I/4" x 3" tapocna as shown Strap studs to PT frame using Simpson H2.5 strap with (10) ed /nails in each strap Nail 5/8' CDX plywood to exterior All of opening using IOd ring shank nails at L" o.c. field and edges. Finish with stucco to match existing anchor bolt in p.t.plate m c O m v TA io OD 0 O � o � LL Q>I u � � � U Md Sheet D—I OF ►i OPENING FRAME —IN DETAIL Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" Comm # 18— 43