HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0690 90 ":-." ~ :. ~J~fI'4"l'l'fll_::' -::.:..-:. -~.: ~-". -- ~ -~_. _.1. ~. '=~~: ~~ill ~, ~tF~"J~~l1:NI~ (I~~,~l:~:.'~#fl~ :~ .-:: =.~ ::: _ .:,: .: -: : .:.....: :. THIS INDENTURE. Wade "his.._._._~~~_.._._.._........_.._._chY of.._._......._,_...J~~.!H~~)~.~.._........__..__.___A.. O. 19z...!.. BETWEEN G1M78 Brookwell Cro8by (Fc,.rmer1y Gla~8 Brookwell) and J.C. Croskey, her hU8band, ------ - ------..-...--..- ----..... --_-.-..-._.._..._-------_.~...._---_.__.._--_..--_....- ...__.--_.....~_._._...._--_.__._---- ---- 01 the County of_..___.~~~.:r._.._:..--..-..... ._..___...and State 01_....._..~Q.l.Q!'.AA.9..._.._.____._.... ___.__...._.._par~t~_ 01 the first part, aad _.~.~.~.~....~P.9~ .____.....____._.__._.______.__ ______ ......______..____....___._._..____.__....__..._ 01 Ibe County Of.__.:i\..t._.1M9.~....._ .__......____.._...anll 'it<tte or. _..n.or1.da. ___par~__ of Ihe second pari, WlTtoiESSETlI, .balthe uid pa~l~te..! of the fint pul, for and in confideralion 01 the sum of.._QE-~._~~J.l_~~~...E..th~!"_..!~~ab~!..._ ___~on8~d.!,at.!.~.... _____----=.~ to..the.lIl._in band p.iol,the receipt ,,'hereol is I...tby acknowledged. J ha.1l:ft._ granted, bargaintd, sold and trallsfured. and by tbese prtnnl& do__graat, bargain, sell and transfer uoto the said pUI~__ of tht second part and...._..hl.e.._heirs aud usi"ns forever, all that certain p;ucel of laud lying and beiftg In the Connty of__Ji.t.._Lu.o.1e... and State uL!l.Q!".l.4a..___. more particularly deacribel! as follow.:__._______...._______.___._.__.._____._. ~.--- Lot.. BQ~.S'tYen. U ) .1n.. ~~ook Ko &....._fwo_( .2}..Oaceola Park.Home ..S1 te 8 t.. an Md.i t1on....tO...thIL.TOwn . . . _ot_Vero....flo1i.1a ...ae .. :the...eamIL1e..dos.1&De..to.4.on. the..pla.~ s. reoorded.in .the.oftioii.. ot.tbe._... ''''Clerk-'o:tthe' C1rou.1 t Oourt --.tn'and' 'tor"'1J81d' County....-........--.-.......---.-.... ...---.-...... ..--..-.--.......---.....- -....-........-"l'111 s'''deedis'''mada- .iiubJt-ot.....o..reit.rl O'tl(\Ds'iii"'deeif" from-'the- Incfiiii'lH Te'r"Fams'C"ODipIIlY to . -....-.......-----.-----.-------... .-...........-~-.-_.-.-._-.-----._---.--._------..------------------ __... __... ___.._.__ __.___uO_.._____ .._<!~~~_ B~~~.~e1_~..!..._~~e~..~~J?~..~__~..6..~~~~_~~~~~~_~.~.~.~_~~~.. 28 :.~_~~~~_ _~~...~~!.E~!....~o~~_ 39 _ ~n .t.ll.e...hb.ll~La'99.J"48 .Qf ..Q~lcl.Qcro.n.t7..L__._ ____._..__..__.__..________.._._...._...____..._ __~_..._.....__... . -----..-.......-. -...-........... ......... ...-............-..-... .--..-.... ;---...-.---_.__.!>>'OO._.8:ta.mp.. .1.001..........._.__..._____...._.._.._... ..............._..._......__. _....._.... -----.-------..-------.-------. .--.-.----.-.--.--. --.-..-.--.---..--.---.-....-.---.----------..-------.--.--.---------------------.---.-------..----.--.-.- ..-.---.----------- ---------._--_._-----._._-_.....-._.__.__._._..__.~_._~.-----.---...-.---------. --.--...---.----.--.---..-.--...--..--.-------..- ...---..----- . . -----.-.-----.--------- -.--------..----------------.-.-.---.--.--..-.-.-.--------.-..--.----__.__.__.__.__.______ U'__h___ no. ___ .___..____.____...____-- ..____..____._...____.__.. TOGETHER with all the tenements. hereditaments ~nd apl'-"~~;;';-;;c~;~riih ;:~~r)' privilegt, right. title, inttrest and eSlale, down and right 0: down, rearsion, reDl~inder and eU(:llIent therelo belonl:lll~ or in anywise apperl~ining: TO HAVE AXil TU 1l0l.U the same in fee simple forner. And Ihe said part_1.e.S 01 Ihe first part do_ eonnant "ilb tbe said par~_ of tht second p:lrl that~htl~..ara..._~..lawfull). seind or the said prtmises, Ihat Ibey ~re free front all incumbrancu and IhaL:t!.h~y'_.~... right an,1 I."ful authorily to sdl II:e same; and Iht uid part. i.e. of IX WITXESS WIlEREOI-', the said pari i.e.s. 01 the f.rsl part h~_Ye_ heitunlO set_1;h~.1.1"_h."d_8 and sealS Ihe day and yeu abon ...rillen. J Ih" fiul part 010__ hneLy illlly ....rrant the tille 10 said I:.n':, and will dciend the same ag.iast the ......ful claims 0: all persons whom~\'n. _..0 .~i~.~~:=::i..:.~i~~~'::=:'________l ~~::~;~=:~~~-~-:~--~--::-~-~= J -"--- . --- -- .-- ._--_._~ --. - - -- .. --_. -- -.rorm8~iP!iactJ:~B~g~~!~.~~.f}'Z.-(SEAL) _J&!,t.._..c.ro.O~ (SEAL) - .' .-. ._- --_. -_. ---... .---.----- ----------------. - .-.._- .- - - - -- - - - -- - "- -- -_.. -- - - -..- ----- STATE OF COUNTY of--1ari.e~ Ptlorado ::; } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on Ihis 2Uh.___day of.. .De.ce.mbar I'trsoDally ap~ared_~JL.Bro one 11 Cro~ke,J........and.._.L.C.a.....cmake)'......her M.G. "- D. 1922.., bdore me to me known 10 be Ihe persoa_ ducribcd in and who execuled tile for~going connyance to huaband... Frenoh ad snerally aekaowledged the execution th~r<<>1 to be thQ.j.~fr~e act J.C. Croekey, husband jnd dted for th" usu and purposes Ihntin mentioned; and the laid th~ of Ihe said---G~a..llroA~ell...c.roeke7 ,-._.~ on, separale and printe examlution lalC<<iand mj,Ie by and belore me. aud sevaralt!y and apart from hi "id _W'" did aeknowltdge thal]lt.e made ~1Ik1f a party 10 the said Oced 01 Conveyance, lor the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and eonvcying all htr right. title and inttrtst. ...htlher of down or 01 separatt property, statutory or equitjbl~. in and to the lands tl'ertin described. an,1 that she eucuted said deed freely and .-oluntarily and withonl any cotlstraint, fear, apprebension c,r compulsion of or fronfll<e s~id --...&.- Wife WITXESS my signature and official leal aL.._L9.nlQ,D!\. and State oL._....G.olora4o._.._..---:_the day and year !an aloresaid. III the Counly 01. TA'Plmer If.P. Seal __c.J.Q!'-e.D-_iJ.o.odm!:!,IUI~~.._.___(SEAL) ".lfy" cOM18s1on = expiree -April"8 " 1926'-"'-''''' ) I I Ii, IS:.. It: I,. Ii: if ~ t, I t~ i~ I~ ~ IX WITNESS WHEREOF, I hue hcreunlo sel my hand and affixed th,- seal of the GiCtlit Court of Ih" Fifte~nth Jndicj~ Cirenit of said Slate, ia and tor said Coualy. . ~ !II ~~ P. c. guoom b~ /~P.,,-li~ (~~ # .. f. ~. auk. Ct. Ct..S.al D.C.