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THIS INDKN'IURE. W.de thil....JUll.tt,Q.tnth...._._..___d.,. 01-.....-..-....... JaIll1.81'~ ___.... "'_'___ ..__..A. D. 192..6.... BET'.IE EN
...B......L.n..GQQ.dwin_ and.Jlat.t.1e~o.ll4.1I1n......h1a..JrlfL___.._______._. __......___.__..___.._________.__.._._
01 th" Coullty 01_J?!.L.I!Y.9J,8..___._._.___ __and State ol---..-__.....___.ll!H:.!~.Q.._._._.._____.__partilJl.. 01 the firat parI, and
.W...._.L.._.Traynor.____.____________.__ .--.--_____.___.._..____.._.____._n__._____n____..._.__._...._...._~___.
~f the Counly ol._..S.tL.L~Q.lQ..__.______._..and State of.._._.._nfio.r!.<la.. -----parI3_ 01 Ihe second para,
WITNESSETH. Ihallhe said put.lea 01 the first part, for an.! in eonsideratioll of the sum or_Ona..Do.llar... and. other._Yaluabla.___
_Dollar.. to._.them..in hand p"id, the rreeipt whereof is ber-eby acknowledK"':,
ha.....Y.e. granted, bargain"d, sold and lransferred. .nd by these presents do.- _gran I, bare olin, lell and tunsler unlC' the .aid pan..$_ of the seeon"
part and.._..hl~L._heirs and assigns loru~r. aU Ih.t cerlai" parcel of land I.ling and beinlJ in the Counly o,__~tt..!._~~.Q.~____._._._
and State of___._l19.r.J!J_~_ more particubrly de.eribed II follo..=--__._____ _.._._____.__..__._
_._._................n .-... .._......._J,9..~~..~~.~!..~tLLl.?L.,.~!1J ~t.~~!!.l.~~L.~~._~~_~p_~!'!...~.!....._____. "n. '........__. "_"__"_,_ . _... _.....
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_......H.._..._. ._......_._.........._ C)f _~h1.t.~ _. c i_~lL_I!.O~_~!!..i!.!.E!....!.~...~~~~ ff1 c ~~!:_~~_.__n....._..__..______.. '__'__'_"""
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..._._.__.._...__.__.._._._.~~.fI,~~... of:...'J~~.!.~.fI,.. ...!:~.f.'.~r.~.1.~__.I!~..!!!.!:!!:....!!!.._ne_~~~.~l..__..___..____.__.._._._n.._...._
-.....:.....___._..._........__.__._.r!gl1 t."!._O "!:._.'!fJ1Y..~ 9.r..l.'QfI,~.I3L_~.!.~~~eB L_~~re~~t. _lt~.~..~ ...__.__....._ ~_._...._...H_......... _"'__
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---------.-------------..---..----- --..-------
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TOGETHER with all Ihe trnem~nt.. heredit.menls and appurtenances, ....ith ncry ",;wilege, right, tille. intuest and elIU", dower and right 01 dower,
renuion, rrDlainder and tasementlherelO belonging or in anywise appertaining: TO H^ VE ^NI> TO HUf.D the saDIe in fee simple lore...r.
....nll thr said part..iea 01 the first part do._ coyenant with the said parQ'._ of thr second part IhaLtha,V'...ar.e._...mJawlully srind 01 Ihe
have . '.
said premisu, tnatthey .rr 're~ !rom all incumhrancu and thaLt.I.L..83-__.cood rigbt and 1...lul aUlhorilY to sell Ihe ume; and the saic! ~art.l~.~ <>1
(be first part do_ bereby lully warrant Ihe lirle 10 said land, and will dtirnd the um~ aga:nst Ihe Ia'.vlul claims 0' all persOllS ..homsoewr..
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said partla..a. of Ih~ fir.. part haY.e. _ burunto scl._.th&.1r_..handJl and stal~ the day and year abo... wrilltn
Signrd, sealrd aod deli we red in our presence:
J.l ~. !Ia~~...__...._....u.. ...._.___..._...___._....__~_..______.
_~_!.....!>.!__~.C?~~.!!!.!!.-____.. ...__........_--.__(SEAL)
Hattie ~. Goodwin
- -----..-..---------..--------.-.-------- ------
-- --------------.----- -_.---- ---._---- -- - ---- -----------------.-- .------_._--~-_._------ -----.------- --~ -- ------- ---
------.------------ _.-------------- ------ ------~-----_._------------- -----. -~.__._-~-----
I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on tbi. llinQtB..nth._da.l of..
"- D. 19LJL before me
personally appeared
R. L. Goodi!.1L _..awl.....Ba.t.t.1L.T.L...Goo.dwin
10 me known to be Ihe peuon..ll.. described in and who exreuled the for~"oing eonweyan..e to_.lf...-L...-Tra.vnor
and suerally .cllnowledged the execulion the..!>' to be_.ih~.1r.._Irer acl
and dud lor the uses and purposes therein mentioned; .nd th~ aaicl-Ha.t.tl~GaDd.in
the wife 01 the aaicL..li..._L. Goodwin . .. on a separale and printe examination
taken and made by and before m~, and separaltly and apart 'rom her said husband. -'!id atknowledge that Ihe made hUHIf a party to Ihe said Deed of
Connyanc~, (or Ih~ purpose of renouncing. relinquishing and eonnTing all her right. litl~ and inlertsl, ..heth., o~ dow.. or 0' sepaute property, stalutory
or e..uilab!e, in .nd to thr lands thueia ducribed" and that she ueculed ~id deed Ireely and yolunlarily and w.tbout any eonslraint, rear, apprehension
Cor compulsion of or from her said hnsband.
WITNESS my lignature and official Hal at_hrl.~~.fl
and State ol.__--Llatlda___ _the day and year last aforesaid.
ia the Coune,. or-.S..t . Luc.le
(11. P. Seal)
llot$r . PU,l)lf~t~tg~ffltraa.-____.-~_-..(SE^LI
_~~.'.o..=. U.YOOnID1Ja10n-eXPh-e8' September 5 1928.0-- --- .. -- u. .
____ u____~__~__ _______~_____._ __________
-_._----------~ -. ----_.---,,~- --------,- ---
Oa thia._
-_day of
.... D. 1~.Ji.. a' Ii o'dock-p--m., thia Inltrumenl was
'led 'or record. and being dely ackno..led&~d and proyell, I hue recorded 1M same on pal(e.__ 9 5.__ of Boolt..-DL-In Ihe public ncords 0' 5aid
County. .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h.n hereunto Ht m,. luuad U1d .lUed tite seal 01 tb" 'Ci{cuit Court of the Filtrenlh Judicial Circu;t <if said State, in and
'er Aid County. . (.)'J/Iit
~~ .-
~'lJ t-
11. C. Eldrect
/, 0 /'
. /~Vtv /v. .'4 r~
...D. C.
Ct. ct. Seal.
"':'\ ..(.:,.':~~~Jlfil~1