HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0698 I 98 f l.:: :".":~: ~::.:: . ,:~ ;;;:--.:. _.. ~v - .~ .._:.:::.J9l)~~r~t~~~J.ijlll; l!U.!l~ ~.~,::..:...:.:. ~:::. THllIlNDENTURK. Made thil...14th ..---.-......:--.--......obJ 0I..._._....-JanUttr7 ..__.......___.._. _______A. 0, 192.6-.. BETWF.EN William H. Loudermilk unmarried .....--------------.---..-.....-.---.- ..--..--..----.-..-.-...-.-...... ..-.__....____.__..__.___...~.._____n_.__..__..____ _________0______ (>1 the 'County of_.r.Q.lk..__......__...._.__...___.__and Slate of___.l.lor.ld.._._..._........._..___..__.._..___.._. part..7_ 01 the 6nt part, aDd ...~.!'.....i.~....D.r@!},1.9.r..4....______ __'_._________...___._._......_._____.__.._____.._____.____..____ C,'f the County oL_.~~va!__._......... _._._____and State of___'-19..tl..~~ ..part ..3.._ of Ihe second pari, WIT~ F.SSETIl, that the said part.. 7.- 01 the 615t palt, for and in consideratiOft o! ..tbe SUID 01_. I $200...aOl_Two_hundred.. doll.ara..and J nluabb....Q.ona.ld.e.ratloDB..._.. __l>oliara. to_.._..b.1mi" lund paid, the receipt ",hereof is hereby ac"..owleJ;;eJ. ha...8.._ granted, bargained, sold and transferred, and l-y Ihue preSenu do-D01I:rant, b2rgain, sell an.1 transfer unlo tbe said part ~__ 01 the second part and__~_~~..__.heirs aud auig", forever, all Iha! certain pucel 01 Iud l'Uag'ud being In the Conuty of St. ..LUW.__......:.___._ and Slate oL_Zlor.1da.__.._._____lUore particularly described as lollow.: ~...:~...:....~~:..:~~~~=..:::.~~==~::=.-.:-.:.:-.--::::-.~;~~~~~~;~=~~~~.;.~t~~;. ..~t1~t~:~1J~;:~=-~__~==..=~:=__:__=~~:__...~==~ u._..... .u ... ....no._.u. _....... .Jl@8.e_ ~ .~...!I!. fa.!lah~~~~_~~:l"!(\ !~.~. "L~~~~a~. ~.~~.,u__.... __..._....__.__....._....._._. _'...u.. ...._....uu.. _... ...._ .................u...~~~!'~~l_t~.Q.L ac..r.~-!u_~~!:.!._~~!..S.~!.._.__..__._ u...._ _..__.____.__....__...__. ...._._.. . _.___...._._____.__........_._...._n. --..-............-....-.--.------.---_____..___ ._________ __._._______.______.._____......._ ____..____.u______._.______ -----.-...---..----------------.-.--------------.. ---..------.'..-.-...-...-....--..- ----- ---------------------- -.-------------...---- ___________.._.____..._u.. .. _ __, ..__._..__n........ .0.______ .______n...__.______. ..._.__._ .__'________________________.___________ ________........_._.______ ._.'_____.._._._n._~~_______n.u~~ - --.~..~-..-.-~---....----........ ~--------. _____.__._______...____._______._____._.___.__._.__.._.__ _..___n_"~ ..._..._.______.___ .._._------_._-------------_.~~_.._- --.--....-.---.--.-----.....-.-- ---.----------------------------.----..----------------- ---..--.---...-..-.-....-.--.--...---..-----.-...---...----.-----------.---..----------.-----. .---...--.--.-..-----.---..-------.----------.---..- --------------.----.--- ---.---.-----.--..---..----.-...-..--------...----..--.---.---.______._____.._...______..___n _.___~_.h.__.__.__~_.__._______.. _ ___.___.____.. _ .._____~..._________ TOGETHER with all the tenemenu. heredilamenu and ll:':>Urten~ncC5, with C\'(I)' ~r,,"-:t;~. rilll.I, lide, interut and utate, do...r and rillht of dower, re>ersion, remaiud.r and eas"melll thcreto l.elongini: or ill any..-i>e ~l>,enainUag: TO HA \'E AX II TO HOI.l> the san,e in fu simpl. lorn.r. And the said parL-7.._ of the first put donO". e(,venant with the Ai,) parl~_ oi the Reo:J:I V.lrt Ihat_..i:ul. .19...,__._ _Iawlully seized 01 lb. said premises. Ih:ot Ihey :ore .iru flom all incumbrances and that.. he ..has.. good righl and lawful aUlhority 10 sell the salDe; and the said part.f.__ of the first part .io_e.J!_ h.reby lull)" "':>rranl the lille to said land, and will dcieul Ihe sam. again.t Ihe lawful claims of all persons ...homsoevcr. f~ \VITXESS WHEREOF. Ihe saiJ PUl--7..._ oltbe 6rst part ba..a.. _ h.rtunto stL_.hiS._hand- aud M'al.._ Ihe day and )"ear "boye wrillen .~ J Sill"ed, scaled and delivered in our presence: I _.___ Edw.C Gehman ___.______._._.._____j . ._. Hague ~tric.h).a.n~.....___..._______.._..___._ ~~ ~.~~.~~._- .:.:~::.=----~~~=~~~..~-~- -. ... --- -.------.--..--- _..w_u;u~. Jt~.~.~c:1~!"1D1],~_.___..._(SEAL) (SEAL) .:.. '::.-. ~ -- .. ._.. - -~ - --- .-.------- _ __ _n ~ _ ,,__ .__ ST,.TE of_F.1Qr.1.da. ) J Ii ! COUNTY OF. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this_l..4.th.__.-..day (>1 (ler50ually appeared Willi am -H.....l&.udit.m.1lk.-1l14.0...o( to me known to be the per50n_ described in and .ho executed the lor.goillg conTey.anee to_.L.._.EL-Br818.fo..r4 Polk .TRnnR1".f. -A. D. 19Z..li.., btlore me :. and .....,rally acknowledged the uecution thtreol 10bt---A._lrce act . and deed for tbe USts ud purposes Ibtrcin mention.d; and the said th. wile of Ihe said on a I.parate and printe examitlation taken and made by and before me, and uvanltly and :ap1rl (roUl her said hbsband. did acknowledge thai Ibe made herscll a party to the said Deed 01 Conveyance, for the purpose 01 renouncing, rtlinqui.hinll and con.-eyinlt all her righl. litle and inttrul. whether 01 dowtr Or of aeparate proptrly, .Ialatory or equiiaMe, in and to the lands therein dueribed. and Ih:at she ellecut.d said deed freely alld volnntaril, and wilbout any ~oustraint, lear, apprehension (.0' eompulsio:J 01 or born her said hllSbancL --- WIT~ESS my sjgnatur~d olliCiaf~ at .--E.1era.e. ..lid Slate Of._-.!'..lO.r~' _.---+tbe daYlUld ,car wt aloresaid.. 1J~ P. Seal) J Ii Parrish - . I Hotarl Publ1:tf.~(J1"-th"e_-S"ta"t8._or_._rl0l'1d8.-a"t.-n~~l - . / - - - K-7 CommiSSion Explrefi Uarch-7,- 1926 --~...._.._- . STATE OF FLORIDA } _. / COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE ill t!te COllnly of Pollr On thia_2.4-~___day 6f ..JB.IlWlr-3- ---^- D. 192.5..~ at-9..-o'dock._8-m., thia Instrument was 1 /ired for rerord. and beiug dilly adcnowledged and prOTCII, I hue ((corded the same Oft pa~8_01 Book_.6~ln the public records of said Counly. i I I, I I, I ct. . IS WITNESS \vJlERF.O"", f have hereunto sel my hand an~J(td the Hal ohbe Circuit Court 01 the Fifteenlb Jft'!icial Circuit 01 said Stale, in and lor said Covaty. . l~ .. t) o a. ~ t (/ Jt. Seal. , ~,,-~ . P. c. ...S14~4 r. t-11"u /3. W LLr Ckrk. _D.c.