HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0699 99 ...~..,~..:;;;;:;:.~WMV"'::-~~ ~::::= ':,-~__=-~~:~....rru,.~~~,_~....._.':':':':"::: ( TillS INDBilTURE, Made this ...__'rhlrd...._.__... ___. ....._ .._-by of-.-..--.--.. _..~ opt ember.............. ..__..........____A. D. 19l_~, BET\Y E"N F . ....~Lr.Q.P.p.tll_~n~.._l~~.~~ll.Ll_~gp_n.ll.._~!.~ _~.!~_Q ___......:._._...._ _ ....___.. _._ ..__......___..__...__......_. ___....._......_ __..___.____ uf the CnwIty 01_M._LuO'1.._-:____.__.......__..nd St.te oL..._!"l.Or1.4.1l~.._......_...._........_.._._.._....___._._._part.1.e8 of the fir.. part, tod ...lrI.!!~.tJ':~._@~_.P..!.l!n~!.....!!.~.!_......_._____._____.----~....--._____..____.._..._..... ..___..........._.. _..._....... .__....__..._..._......._....___.. of the COWUl oLSt..LUQ1....._.......__.______....and State oL_...Pl.or.1.da_________.__..._....._.part .Z _ of tht utond pari, WIT~ ESSETlI, ihat the $:lid l'art_.1.fHJot the fint part, for and I" consideration 01 the sun, of-. One_..dollar...811d ...other....Yal.._.........__._.._ consideration l>Qllars, to_..them..in hand paiJ, Iht nceipt \Yhcreol is henhy 3c\.;no...lcdgcd, ha.Je.. gran led, ba'cained, sold and transferre(l, and by these preseuts d0...8S_crallt, harpin, sell ;a!ld transfer unlo the $:lid pari ~.__ 01 the s"cond part and _.tho1r-heirs and assign. forner, all Ihat <<rlain parcel 01 Iud I)'ing and being fn the County of__S.t...Lua1..__.......______........_ and Slale 0:J.1Qr.14.a.____._____more particularly described u 10110..:_________.____...__.._......_.____...... ....._....._....... ... ......-.......-.--.,.-.---.-..----.---.. .-..-..-.... ........ ._-- -.-___....__.___ .n____.._.____~_..________.___n__..u_._.___....._.__+_._._.. _.._._.......__..._......_..___.. . .h._....._.n.__...___h__...hh.~!~!~~~._!~_._~ . P.~.!.!lt ..!!~._~~~~_!~.._~~h..!!!!!l. ~~h.~_OU~_ ..~~_!~....h.....h_ .. ...._..h.. ..m ...... ...... ... . ...-.........__.. .....,.....!lC?!".tl:\ 'h~~' ..~~.~-~q~~~~.~!.l!.~_~ ()!.!!.~!... O~ _n.~.r.t.!1..tl.~!:S~._.*..~~_.~~!..... h........m..... ..h..... ._... .................. ........-..--..--- ~~ll,~he atl.t.que.)."1ie)." ...~ tt~~~.()l,lh'~'~'" TOllnsht p..~l..s... Rll,l1ge ...39 ._.h..............._....__________.._. ....... h......._ East Run north 324 feet thence west 132~fe.t thence . ---..........---.--.-...- .- ..... ..--. ..__...__.__..___........___h......_.....__... h ...____ ._..._. _..__..........__......_...... .._.. n. .. ____._.._...__._..............._ -.......- ___...__._._....h.__.~Qutb.. 314.. t !)..t..-..j;A~.p.(tQ...~~~~_~9...p.QJ.n1;__.o.;L1:l~glm:~Jpg L El.~() ~pt_._.____.___.._..._..__.... - ..... . "'" ._...m....... ..__ .__ :d ~tof _~fJ3_.of, .Pl())."J..<t2l. ~~~J..n9.()!\.f3..~ _.~1.:..~~.~!.~!~!..!la...!l.~~~..!!I:~ l"f).l:!..._.........._____..__ '''_'''__'_''h .. ..._..._.......h.h.._................. _. fDQre. .or._.le.SD..!. ._....... ____..__._____._...... _. ........ ._....._......___.__.__.._..__....._....._..h_.. _._ ..__.....__.___...__._....._.h....._h ._---_....._----_...._-_..~----_.._--_._---- -- -_._---_._--_._--_.__._----_._._--~-----.- _.~----~.._----_._._--- This deed is made to correot error in disoription of former .--.----.-.---.--------.-.--------..-.-...-.---- _h_...........___m........_._...h_._.h.4 e.ed.,._..._____.._______._.__ ._.______....__...._...____................___..........._..._....._.__.... m_._ .-.--------------.--.---.--..----.-..--.-------.-..---..--..--.-----.. . ----. -----..- -...--..---.-..--------.--------.----.....-.---..-...--..--._-._- .- -__.. .__..___..__.. ...___.'_nu. _...____~_.n__..n___n_.._.___... I TOGETHER ..iii, all loe lentmenls, heredilamen.. and appnncnancu, with tvery pri..ilege, rillot, litle, interest and estate, ok....cr ;and right of c1owcr, rcycuion, rcmainder ar:d us~mentthertto belong;n!: or i!l any,,'ise appertaining: TO H.-\VE ^~U TO 1I0J.U the same in fce simplc foreHr. And the $:lid partiaa.. 01 the first part dO aa._ covenant with the said part.Y.._ of Ihe sccond pul IloaL__ha V8..............._...bwfully sri..J of Ihe s~d premises. Ihat the, are fr~., from an incumbrances ;and IhaL..haV8._.g00d righl anJ la",'!ul authorily 10 .cll Ihe san.e; and thc said part.1as. of ,he first part do..8s.... hc:,ch)' fully warrant thc title to said land, and ..ill delcnd the Samt against ,h~ law!ul claims 01 ;>11 persons whomsouer. I~ WIT~ESS WHEREOF, the sai.J pan ..1aa of Ihe first pan ha.Ve_ hercunlo seL.th.e.1r_.hand8. and seaJ..Blhe day and ,car aboce ...rille... i .. ---~=}:~~r~:f~~;::~:~~~:~~=-~~J __nl'_anC.L Poppe1l.... ..... _..__.._......_........_<SEAL) __.!~.~:c?~1.l,.!lL!..!...f~.9.p~U..___......._ ..._(S E^L) . - ----_.,--------~------_.- --- -------- -- --- -~---.~--.- -~------ --- STATE OF P1or1.d.a COUNTY OF st Luoie } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on thu ....... day of.---lie p.t ember. rcrsonaJly appeared P C ~lLeu....and....l8Rhalla....l__P.opp.8l.1 __A. D. Jill. 1 .. t.cfore mt to me known 10 be thc per50n.ll._ described in'and ..ho eucutcd the forcgoiDg cOhccyan<< 10 Uartha..k..Le.nn1.s...Lee.._____. and sncrally ackno.ledlled the execulion Ihcreof to be_tbQ.1r ..free ael ~bd decd for the UUI aDd purposes therein mentioned; and the $:licL-l.a.ahal.1a._FJ.Qpp.tIl.l. the wife of the Aid..-1'~._.f9.PH11-' __'___'. on a sepan.le and printe examination takeD and made b, and before me, and separattlJ' and apart from her said husband. did ackno..ledge that she made herself a parly to the uid Dud of Conyeyance, for the pnrpose 01 renouncing, rclinqui.hin, anti eonYeying all her right. title and interut. ..belher of dower or of separate property, .talulory or equltabl~, in and to the lands ".acin described. and Ihat she eueuled said deed freely and ..olunlarily and ..ilbout aD)' constrainl, fur, apprehension c,r comp:dsion of-or from her said husband. . WIT~ESS my Sig~n-;;d olicialaeal at__l2.1'j_.~1~T..9.~_______in the County ol_~.~JJ!Q_~e and Stale of_....l.10J;ld a \ \ c. -'-_h---~,-.,-.,.=jf ~.: -p ~ ~q~.~}L~c=,,=..c-' STATE O'F FLORIDA .... 1 - COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE f ..--..' the day and lear bst aforuald. Hot6fz._ {>>ubl1o ~~{:(e.E.otfllfrlra.-.ii.t..L&ri.6..--..-<SE^l.l My Commission expires August 11th 1926 I OD this._.. U; . ---__ --~dal of__..Ian .... D. 1925~ at---4,.-o.cIock.._lLm., this i.Dstrument was filtd lor rrcord, and bejng duly acknowledged .nd pro..tn, I have recorded the ~me OQ page_~i_or Boc.k. 60 in Ibe Jlublic records of said C(lIIUly. IN .WIT!liASS WHEREOF, I hue bnennlo lei m,. hand and affi"ed the sui 01 the Circuit Conrt 01 the Fifteenlh Judicial Circuit 01 uld Stale, in and lor aaid Caldlt,.. /. O?'a~ P. C. Eldred - Ct. Ct. Seal. . \>~ ..-n Y.:l /.../) ~,}.~ /1D-Y..J /v. LO 7i..~h" 'Q~. Oer"- ..D. C. .......- ....' .~'.:>.'..-. .~~:r';f(8-{i:'~~~f~~\~~;1{ ~'. ~ :~ ~'-~ .' ~\~~~!~ ~:~::(~:t~:~~~i}~~1~ ~~'-~~1.:i:{;; . .... , .....~ g~~ "~~~;~"'.]"_:f'"~1:-.~";;- .fJ>~ ~ q ~ .~ ~ .\.'~.;:~;~~-:;.t~;~t~~:~/f:;?:~~