HomeMy WebLinkAboutMODIFICATIONTO A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENSCJ 4 'ANNF Mission: �� To protect, promote.& improve the health ry - -- of all people inRoridathrough integrated state, count" & ocr m nity efforts. HEALTH Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation RECEIVED March 13, 2018 Don Hinkle Construction, Inc MAR 16I2018 4305 S Indian River Drive ST. Lucie County, Permitting Fort Pierce, FL 34982 RE: Modification to a Single Family Reside ihce - No Bedroom Addition Application Document Number: API1333544 Centrax Permit Number: 56-SF-1830412 267 Bermuda Beach Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34949 Lot: 31 Block: 4 Subdivision: Coral Covd Beach Dear Applicant, Rick Scott Governor Celeste Philip, MD, MPH State Surgeon General and Secretary This will acknowledge receipt of a floor plan and site plan on 03/13/2018 for the use of the existing onsite sewage treatment and disposal system located on the above referenced property. This office has reviewed and verified the floor plan and site plan you submitted, for the proposed remodeling addition or modification to your single-family home. Based on the information you provided, the Health Department concludes: 1. the proposed remodeling addition or modification is not adding a bedroom; and 2. it does not appear to cover any pl rt of the existing system or encroach on the required setback or unobstructed area. 3. No existing system inspection or evaluation and assessment, or modification, replacement, or upgrade authorization is required. Because an inspection or evaluation of the existing septic system was not conducted, the Department cannot attest to the existing system's current condition, size, or adequacy to serve the proposed .use. You may request a voluntary inspection land assessment of your system from a licensed septic tank contractor or plumber, or a person'certifed under section 381.0101, Florida Statutes. If you have any questions, please call our office at (772) 873-4931 Sincerely, Dianna May Environmental Specialist Department of Health in St. Lucie County Florlda Departmont of Haalth li www.floridahoulth.gov in St. Lucie County • 5150 NW Milner Drive • Port Saint Lucie, Florida TWITTER:HealthyFLA 34983 FACEBOOULDepartmentofHealth PHONE: (772) 8734931 YOUTUBE: tldoh I A� ,. L HEATH PAYING ON: PEF RECEIVED FROM: Dc PAYMENT FORM: 6 MAIL TO: Mike Verdonck FACILITY NAME: _ PROPERTY LOCATION: St. Lucie County Health Department' 5150 NW ilner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 i-SF-1830412 eILL Doc #:56-BID-3685709 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION #: AP1333544 e Construction, 1Inc AMOUNT PAID: $ 35.00 i222 PAYMENT DATE: 03/13/2018 267 Bermuda Beach Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34949 31 Lot: Property ID: 1425-701-0095-000-2 I EXPLANATION or DESCRIP- 139 - OSTDS Application Approval Existing, No Insp RECEIVED BY: WhiahamJL 4 Block: QUANTITY FEE 1 $ 35.00 AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-3496721 4 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH P ONSITE SEWAGE TREATM ' SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR CONS' APPLICATION FOR: T AND DISPOSAL UCTION PERMIT [ ] New System [ ] Existing System ( ] Repair [ ] Abandonment) APPLICANT • !H, ��� G� �rµ � oZ�b a 1 yVc— AGENT: �� C%i,: o ✓✓ -_ �e�i✓ %7�rd✓G""/ne./. C. MAILING ADDRESS: 4f 3Qs 9-, .Z,wd Sf- I83OLq t ?- PERMIT NO. 1&�3 — e-3 %.I DATE PAID: FEE PAID: RECEIPT #: [ ]/- Holding Tank [ ] Innovative [ ] Temporary [ r/ ] Plan Review 3,9 f- Sct.:L f� Y %2�6c�ue� Sa ri .Iz /LCar�'u� Qf r2e- E .TELEPHONE: TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT TO 489.�05(3)(m) OR 489.552, FLORIDA STATUTES. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE IIDOCUMENTATION OF THE DATE THE LOT WAS CREATED OR PLATTED (MM/DD/YY) IF REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS. PROPERTY INFORMATION I /� ,�,`Y LOT:�� BLOCK:_ SUBDIVISION: �`c"iZ-�euGv PLATTED: PROPERTY ID #: r �N?-���"OO9Swl�OZONING: I/M OR EQUIVALENT: [ Y/N ] \ i PROPERTY SIZE: �_ ACRES WATER SUPPLY: [ ] PRIVATE PUBLIC, [�]<=2000GPD [ ]>2000GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PER 381.0065, FS)? [ Y l� 7 >�/97•'c- DISTANCE TO SEWER: FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: ;� [p rl%tY `i�e,v�i� /`�. Y.v4. �1 S A DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY: 6y ©V- �-o r�dJt�v��• ���'tG`�`/ ' /C�'� BUILDING INFORMATION [/)qIRESIDENTIAL [ ] COMMERCIAL Unit Type of No. of Building Commercial/Institutional System Design No Establishment Bedrooms Area Scgft Table 1, Chapter 64E-6, FAC u �) 1+h 3 I q / v De--s 2 3 4 [ ] Floor/Equipment Drains SIGNATURE: DH 4015, 08/09 (Obsoletes previ Incorporated 64E-6.J00��.1 FAC Gti 42. c2V-rz- [ ] Other (Specify) d DATE: editions which may not be used) At p // PaeIof4 J Planning & Development Services Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL. 34982 Phone:(7721462.2172 Fax:(T72)462-d"3 PROPERTY INFORMATION Address: 267 Bermuda Beach Dr City / State / Zip: FortPierce, FI 34949 Parcel#: 1425=701-0095-000/2 Zoning: RS-4 APPLICATION INFORMATION Permit Number: 1803-0313 Permit Type: BUILD RESID ADDITION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: Donald G Hinkle Business Name: Don Hinkle Construction Inc Business Addr: 4305 S Indian River Dr City / State / Zip: Ft Pierce, FI 34982 REVIEWS AND COMMENTS Review Tyne Status DOCUMENTS MISSING PENDING 3/16/2018 Comment: VEG PERMIT SENT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW VOIDED Comment: FRONT COUNTER REVIEW COMPLETE, Comment: REVIEW COMMENTS Owner(s): 9299-1231 Quebec Inc Jurisdiction: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Lot#: 31 Block: 4 Stories: Reviewed By Deanna Givens ERD Lynn Swartzel Audrey Humphrey Page 1 Automatic Sprinkler System? No Fax Number: 772-467-1348 Date Started 3/16/2018 3121/2018 3112/2018 Email: Donhinkle@Bellsouth.Net Date Comoleted Date Released 3/16/2018 3116/2018 PLANS EXAMINER REVIEW INCOMPLETE Jpi, Inc 3/29/2018 3/30/2018 mom ent: 3) ENERGY EFFICIENCY FORM REQUIRES SIGNATURE FROM OWNER/AGENT. ([A] 107.1) 3/30/2018 Comment: 4) ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL DISPLAY CARD REQUIRES SIGNATURE FROM BUILDER. ([A] 107.1) 3/30/2018 Comment: 5) ENERGY FORM 46 CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA IS UNDER ACTUAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF HOUSE, PLEASE REVISE/CLARIFY. ([A] 107.2.1) '. comment: 6) PLEASE PROVIDE FLOOR PLAN SHOWING ALL NEW DUCTS, INCLUDE ANY REPLACED DUCTS IN 3/30/2018 EXISTING HOME. ([A] 107.2.1) ZONING REVIEW COMPLETE I Irvie Saunders 3/21/2018 4/13/2018 4/13/2018 Comment: