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THIS INDENTURE, ~hde thi~....~l~t.. __._.................._day of-...................,...... Januarl'..__...........__....___A. D.191~..-, BETWEEN
_l.'._.KI. SAl.lPLE._M4._UARI.H......~.w.~LS...htJLll~ f.e.LM~ ..t1.0lUt! ..JIABRI8. ..... and...EMMA...C..... ..UAB.RlS_.hlD_J1f e.
01 Ihe County ol___St a....LUC1IL._............_........___and Slue 0'-.......... Flor14a..h....__.._.._...___............._.__...............par,--1..elil the fillt pari. and
-~.!_._~.~._-~:~.~Q.~..._._..._.........._.__..__..._-_._-_..-...'- -----..-----......-.-..-.-..---......-............-..--.-...--.----.-----...----..----
of Iht' Covnt)' ol__._....5.t.a....Luole __._...__.....___..._.and St~tt' ()1_...__'~Qr.1.4a.____._._.____.parl...y._ ollht' accond parI.
WITNESSF.TII. that lhe S3id valli.OIL of Ihe fint pari. for alld h conlidtration 01 the sum 01...TE1LDOLLARS.....AI.'I.D...OTHl:JLVALU.ABLE..__..
_.COJ;SlDKRATIOllS....__..._..__...._....____..__.__________..__..UIlA. to...them..in hand p;\id. Ihe ."ccipt "hrreol is hrrt'by atknowledKe.l.
ha..!.~_ grinted. b;\rgaint'd, sold a.ld lr~nllerr"d, aDd by thcse prcsents do._. _granl. bargain, Itl: and tn.nsfu unlo the said put -3.-.. 01 llir $t'cond
parI and. h1.S.__._hriu and assiKns forne-. all lhat cUlaio ~rccl 01 laod lying and being io tht' County ol__..S.t.. ..__LUQ.l~L__..___.__
and Stale ol_..J'.l.Qr..1c:1. a. _.._...._..__...__more particubrl)' drscribtd as. folloWI:_._...... .____._.__....._..___._.... ..._..._._.________.__._..__....
Lots 8 and 9 in Blook 1. Eaat Coast Cattle Company's
..-. ... -~ .. --.. .....---.-..---- .-. ....---..-...-...-------.--- .-.---..------.----....---..----.---. -._--- -..-. ---...-.. .........----- ..--..----..--.--
. Mdi t1.9.~__~Q . ~~r.L~!~~.<?~L....!!!.!!lfL~_pa!:~_.~~...~.~~~.<?u.~h- __........_ _"'_""'" ...___
.. 88B~Ql.l',lJ".t9.:t" _ o.~m~l:t~..~Qll~h..~~LQ~fJ,r..tl!~C)(.s..a<?UC).~..lOt. _..__.___. ...._........_...-:....
........._.____. .___._ .....To1fllship_ :36...~.~.~ ~~.t. . R~.!.-!.<>,._ E~.~.!..!.__.__...._..___..._____.___......... ___ ___.__._.. ___________....___
----..--............-...---.--.--------.--- .-- ..-.---..-..--.-. ...-.--... ------....-.-- ."---. .-.---_.__ ___.__.______..__._.__.______.......___ .____.____________n.
--.-.--....-.--.---..--.-- .-...----..-.- ..---..---.. ..---.-...-.- .---.---..-.--.-...----------..------.----...--------.---------.----.;....-.. -------.---...-.----..-.
...-.--...--..------...-..-- .-... ._--_..- -.-.-----.----.--.. --_. ----.------.--..----------...---...-...-----..--.-...-..___. . ...- ...----..--.------.--.. -.---..._----.
.--....- --.-_... -- --.--- -- --..---.-------. .--..-- -----.---.--.---.------.---- -_.._- .------..---.-
._.__.____.______...___..__._.__.._.__._ ._. '_n__.._.._ __.....___.___._ _______________________..____________.___.______._._ __._......________
-..-.-.-.--.--...-.-.---- .--.--.--. .-. .._-~._--_._.._---_._-----------.--_._-----_.-._------.._._~-_.._._-_.__. -.-.--.-..----------
--.-.-..---.-...-.----...-.....-... ... ...--.--..--_.--. u_._____.______._ ___________n_......n_ ...._._ _. .._ .....____..__...._ Uh._.....____.___..__..._.... ..._.____. ._._________._..___._._..____._.__.
TOGETU ER with :all Ihe Itn~mt'nlS. ht'r~ditamtnlS and appurttn:ancu. with eHry (>ri~ileKr. righl. titlt'. inltrrS! and ulatr. dowrr and righl 01 do..er.
rcnrs;on. reln.uudrr and ~"'tmcnt lbuelo l.clongi,,'l or in :!.D1wise avpertaining: TO HAVE AXu TO HOI.l> Ihe "'me in I~t' simplt fornu.
And tilt' said part_.1_QJJol Ibe: 6rst part 010.___ connalll wilb Iqe: uid parl.y__ ollht' st'cond P;\rt IhaLthey...aJ"_e.___b\~fuIl1 sr;ltJ ollhc
..aid prrmisu. Ihal Ille)' arr frre: Irom all incumbrancu and Ibal th6Y____ .I:o<>d righl and lawful :!.ulhorily 10 sdt Ibr urnr; :and Ihe uid par:... .18801
Ill: \VITlI:ESS WHEREOF. tht' said put.las 01 Ihe IirS! parI ba...V8.. hrrcunto Stt.__the1.r_handB. an.1 suI. Slbe day aDd yur "Love "rilten.
Ihe 6rsl part 010__ htrtby full)' warranl Ihe lide 10 sail! land. :!.lId will ddrnd Ihe 52.me ag:!.inn lb. bwful claims 01 all prISons whom~nr.
.-_._.. J.......~..__~..~P.!~.-.-.-_. _____u._._____(SEAL)
John E. Harris (Seal)
Emma C.-Harris' '(Seal)
STATE of_lior1..da
I HEREBY CERTIFY. That 00 this_2lat.._____day of.___Januar,v
.__A. D. 19l.Ji.. bclore me
I'crsonaU)' appcar~d-_.J:.._.1l.L...sJUDlll.e.....ml4_LlARY_.H......s.Ml~LILi11s....Jr1f fJ.._&.__J.olm...E!LJla;r_I'18_uan~. ..~~__C..Llt.w.R IS
hi s wife
to me known to be tht person.S._ ducribed io and who necnled tht' loregoing conny:ancr 10.._ W...__A.....Em.er.s.llD..
and senrally ukno,,'ledged me urcution Ibtreol 10 btjl1flir.__f~.e act
aod dud for Ihe uses and pur POSts thtrtio menlioned; aDd the sai"
~~ 01 ~he said-th._U.L.s.8.lU>>.l..Q__.and....l2~-Barria....nS1l.!lQ.Un~~.....eACb......._on a kparate and priute r:umwlion
laken and made by and before hit'. and srparaltly and aput from her said husband. did aclcnowlrdge Ihat she made hersc:11 a party to Ih. said Dred 01
l'ooyc~n~t'. lor Ibe purpost' 01 renouncin",. rdinqui.hing and conve1ing aU htr ri<<hl. litlt and inrertsl. whClht'r 01 do...-" or 01 stparatt' properly. lI.totor)'
~'r t'quitablt'. in and 10 the lands Iherein ducribcd, ..n<i Iha' sbe t'xccultd said dud Irccly anot volunlafll, and witbout any constraint, fur. al>prehension
Cor compuls:on 01 or Irom her $Sid husband.
WITNESS nIl' sig!laturt' and ollicial scal at.zt.._..P~.ler.a.e. in t.l,e County or.-1it.....Luci e
and Stal. oL..._llQJ' ~JL2;~_.____the day and ytar bst aloruaid."
P. Seal}
Rotary . PUbl1C--St~.~.P.Rlfil>>-~);.L-- --.- _____(SHA~)
Commission expires Oot6~1927
On thia_~L____._._._._.__day of_~tm._
It.. D. 19l.~_. at.....4--O.dock.~ this ioatrumt'ot was
61ed for record. and btcing dul)' :acknowledgrd and pronn. I loan rt'cc;rded lhe sao:e on pagc-JJ6._01 Book.-.6.D._in the public records 01 sa;"
ct. Ct ~'Seal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hue he,'canto scl my "el and allind Ihe snl 01 Ih. Circuit Court of Iht' Filternlh Judicial Otcnil 01 said Slate. in and
IN laid Covftty. . 6>
P. C. Eldred
. 71 N/ OJ /ff W~~~--
.D. C.