HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTDEANNAMARIE GIVENS `- At%, , j..1W.G1 60202 !3 Bonded Thru Notary Public Undem itei SCANNED 8"I'ludib County Y Keith Ri QW� {Company Wain Y Wiv-146 T a of rTrade) y p DEPARTMENT: #vc OSI Nq Vo "Thomas '-G'-, Jehnin'd& . w '6 Re d 'Hawk pr Luis iiiiderstool `that, i£there is any change.of regar in our panc�ipaLon withfh above tnenYzoxied�rijecl> !Y-* W W, SS U 'LIFUR, -onlra ory� e�,, IfidWidual: shown onlhe.,'C IA 1, 6ens �N ORIGIN'$".r OT Plm 'BINT 'SIG 1 j ,,, ;Dranefeld Read cli-tv S 'Ad Lucie County, PLANNING -,&`DE,V,E,LOPMEN,rS]g BUILDING& CODE REG, VJA IONS pI�ISION` �EC1300488Z g , '[opt 1 'contractor for Thomas G� Jdfininqp, ­ Amp -of v if there isia:4y. 4bove-mentioned will im gl DV&tment of:Sf _Lucie County toy personalty filing ii, c&,qgp, th in SPESS" �JQ AL -VIE Aull:0_4ame:of* e- d vmw -.14 DAB aCutyfstd ip..-- TIWO;" AANMG-f &DEVVEILO VE, $ DEP WILD &'CODVREGIJ.. . III ............. .. . ..... - ON D ivIS IQN" hate of -.- p L — " , C C fir G;AS"'11�' S�o L Iley4AJC, KeithAi Lillo ,have agreed,,t�o'be the Ti pis understood, 'the 4-Build in of St Lt(cre County by'perspi ally i'hn t'(F or tice� -a,.Cha j- _C g gr omr SLCql?-y (Name -Al -41 ofthelii&r ��q cnse TV SIGNA, M S SIGNAT"I'VAME, DAM Mmi Umne IfteSS A'd&em RECEIVED 'MAR 19 2018 pertulIt1� j wPY,G &DEVELOP SERVICES DEPARTJIriENT BtTX &CDDE G 1-1-9 DSTUI : �TQR GRE�liIE�T - Str. �uci� �gunty :C.omtractoi- �ertaifiCarian Number . . _. ' Mate d£'Elgrxda Cextrfiratian;Nuniber �t£a{ijUcable)'s' Etr13004�82r _,. . l,illey AIGr, Jared IC Gtisor�_ h. hauet<agreed fo be the (CompanyNatne(Indivlduai Naniej Elezcirtcal suU=cQritraefara 'somas �GJenn�ngs . ,. e o£,TFade ron .. =fhe ro ecfi locafed at 352 Red Titled lawk Dr : It iis,undetstood That, 'here: is any; .charge 6 , stafas regarding our particspat an. wzth fie above mentioned prct�ec , i w>ll immed��te���dv se the Buddingm Zoi*grDepartmt':x�t o S Luoz ^Cduinty b perso #llY, fl fin C ange;afGot t actQx not e (��rrn s G �!' $TJ+ (Name+oftfe5ktlivduatsliowfi onfie Coniracfor3s Licehse' r Alillil$ X ziDc ?' Bus%esS,Name'; Lliley ��' � - , :K 4141,Dranefi.�d add oad Rress; : lan ko'd l.a Git�lSt�te�Zp, > . ._ . .. 'phpnQ�;: $63 64;4 �49,6� ltlleyac@aof corn: . lE'IGE ,10 , 1 l fj�