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Ihlltht' S3id p.,t...~e8Qr Ibc fi..1 J4rt. for and in consideralion Qf the sum oL.0Il8...D.o.llar...and..other..1I'alllab18....._._ J ~~~!!~.~!l!1.9.~l!._._._.__. ....._._______.. ---__~1t5. to_ :u.~...._._in h~lId pai.l. Iht' h'cript wbtOtol is hrreby acknowlr.h:eJ. ba-V6o:ranted. 03rlllineJ. sol4 anu :r~t:sfrrrN. and b)' these lIrt'senU do__._Xraot. bargain. stll and trandrr unlo the aai.l p:!.rt_ie8>1 lhe suond put nd_..the.lr...__lteirs aud assign, {ornrr. all thai ctrlain I':1rcel 01 laadlying and bt'ing in the County 01_-S.t.....Luc.1e..- ________ and Stale of_..'lQ.:r;'~g~..__......____more parti!ularly d~scril>c:<! as lollows:..____.___~_____...._..______._._.____..._ _._.._n............ .._...~._n___.... _._e_.. .......- -....-............____.._.< -......_..........___... _...__..._....___ __ ....__._...__.._.___ ______.___.......___ ._h.__..______. __._..,_." ____._._._...__u_..n_______. . J,Qt. 1".Q . 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RJgh1;.~.9.f..'!!~y ..lUl~.J;h.~._D~xi~.JI~.~!f~3~.________. ..__________..___.____.__._._._____....__.___.. , -.-..--...-...-.---....-..----..----.--..---.----..--.._-- .----.----------.---.----------------.-..--..--. -..-----.-...-.-...---------- Th.is . deed. . ~s . ~lve.!l.. ~ub J e~~__!:9__~._~.~~!!!.!~J.t5>.~~.gag.f3._.~.O_~..! _..~!__.!:!.!J..~.Y.._~dp.Thom!ls._,R.~~~~.._.da, 1;ed.._~ .~f:lp~_~bEt.:r_~4,. .19~4~ .!1.ll~ ..~~~~..r_~ecJ _..!E. _.M~!!8~ge._..~Q.Q.~...~a_~Me. __ ?~._..Q.f _.~.1;_~._ :r,!l.~~. e..9..Ql!n.1;.Y.._____.. ..Hf3~~r.d 8.1_ ~.~~.11. .th.~.. grant e..~~...M~~_~_j;.9_..Pf,!.Y...~gf3.~!1.~:r._'<!.!.!~__...tl~~..~S.~~.~._~~r~()1.1.....______._..___ --------.-..-.--------.---.-.-..-.-..--.----.-----.. -----...----------.....-.-------,.-- ~~----.._-.----~.- .---...----.------.-.-- .----.--.-..---.-~.._-----..- .---.. --- .......---......-.__..._ ._...._n_ .. _____._. ._..___.u_.. ..un..___n_.____________ TOGETnl~R ",-iih olin thl:' tcnC'ments, ittrr.iitamcQu and appurtrn2nccs. ".jth ~l'('ry priyiitgt, right. Utlt. intrr~st and ~s'~te. do.~r and right of d()~c:r. reunion. rcrnainu~r and rssrment Ihrrtlo t.clofll:mg or ill anywise apJ>Crl~inill;:: TO HAVE ...Xl} TO HOI.D th~ ~nle in fee simplt for~nr. And the said part_ifU1ol the first put dc__ co.-rnanl "ilh the ...id p~rt.l.e.S. of Ih~ secood part lhal__they.. are__._._hwlully seiztd of lloe have said premises. lhat tbry arc flte from all incumbrancu :!.nd II. a t-- tbey--.gooJ riglol an:! la"ful aUlhority to nil Iht' 5:!.m~; and the uid pari. 1.e801 ) liar fiut parI do._ hrrd.). fully warrant the litle 10 ...id lanel. and ..ill dd~nd Iht' Saln~ :lg:!.in.t tht Iawlul claims 01 all persons wbolI!scnu. l~ WITNESS WH};REOF. tht' uid par! .i.!H~ 0; tit~ OrSI pan ba.X.e.._ hrreunlo set_~b.e1.r_haDd_JJand seal ~ Ihe day and yur abo~c wrilttll. Si;n:d. ~::1e1 ~;~ ~e~\'tt~~.i~_~:~r~:~c: ~._. ____ ..____._._ ~ ~~;:t,:..~:.~;~-~:~:.:=__.::.~:~~-..;==::~II.~.fJ J. ,;., ..H9RQ_Ul._ ..__. ...__.._._..___._ ._(SEAL) Lou..1~~f!_..~__~ !IoU e 111. _._~__.(SEAL) Doc. $ta:Ilpacancelled.) _____.__ STATE of----.!.12r.llla ._-~} COUNTY OF. St. Lucie I HEREBY. CERTIFY. Tbat on this~l~1;lL__.____daY of~.J.wlJ.l!U'Y_ . A. D. 19z.D~ bt'lolt mt rrrsooaUy appeared J. A ...llclUt111...Bll.d...Li>!1iSS._F..-1lcllelll.....hi.s...w1.:fa. 10 me ho..n to bt' the per50n_li dcscribt'd ia and ...ho urCtlltci thr for~goiag conY~)':lnce 10._.11.. -.T._L.edhJt.tlJu'._and._.C.._..J......B.a.1.a..d.en._ and sewrrally ackoowl~dged the CJ<t'cutioa tbrr~ol 10 bt' .Ilte act and d;:ed lor tbt' uses and purpostS thrrtin m~ntiooed; and tht' said_L.o.u.1a.B...J.>_I__J.lc.Ha111... the wile 01 Jhe said____.J......A.._ McIleill.-- _. on a scparalt' aDd printe uamina:ion tak;:o and made l.y :!.nJ bcfort' me. and s~panlliy and apart Irom her ...id htlsband. did ackno..ledgt' Ihat .he made hersclf a party to t~t' said Dud 01 Connyan;:e. for the pur post' 01 renouncing. rtlinqui.t.ing and con~;:yin!: all ht r righl. tillr aDd inlrreJt. ...helher 01 dowu or of scpuate property, stalutory or equilaLle. in _d to the lallds tlltrtin t!ucribed. :lad Ihat sht' extCtlt~d .:!.id d~td freely and .-olunlallly aDd ..ithout any ;:cnslraiDt. fur. apprehension <-r compulsion of or irom hrr said busband. '. WITNESS my signature and official scal a,-__Z-o.r..t._~U.I:C.8... ;0 tht' COtlDty 01 St......Lu.o.ie and Sial: oL__..F1Q.rj,~L""':"""'___the clay and year last alor~...id. \ , . A. H. Steward SE ._. (U! P. Seal.) _ Ilotary Publ1c-f'''r-tll-e-S'fat'Ef'(r:rPI(i"l'lila'-8t"''Lar~e~l.l _w..___u ---- - . 111 CorirniSsionuZ:xpireeDec. 19 19r.S.' .... . STATE ot: FLORIDA } COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE On thia._-,--_;t6____._____tby 01___l.8n.___._~____A. D.I92_5.. at-A_o'clockJ-m.. tbis instrument..as lilrd lor rccold. and ~iDg duly acknowlcd<<ed and prono. I bue recorded the umt' on pagt'.l..~L_ol Book.~__in the public re~ords 01 said . .(Ounly. ..- ) l~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I hue b~reuDt~ Sri A!r han" and affiud tbe scal 01 thr Circuit Court of tbe FiltHath Judicial Circuit or said SUIt'. in and lur said C6:ulty. . " \ , \. \. \ j. :: l! 8 ~ P. c. E14~ Clerk. 7l,..uOJ /fL.wL:..4'~_____.D. C. ~,..1". Ct. ct. Soal. ' - ;:_.',. ::~.\~~iil~i