HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0740 J..lJU" , I I. .~ ~~... - l ~=.:~ T'I-* ~.l:~~ :==:: ~== ~ ==~_: :: ===::: - -- ""~~~"fCr:&::r.';~"\'.Jl!mlO::-lJt,..l*.G-;IC~fC: ~ . THIS INDENTURE, M~de Ihis....14t.b "-'--_'-__'_"_'h_d~y o!__.___....._...J.lUlUfir:!......__.__...__h__.____A. D.19Z$.... BETWEEN _.C.L AI ...Kl11e.r_and.__Anua ..E'''nnUDr...._hl~..JlU.O. --..-.----_._.._._..____.:.._._....u. ....__ .....__.____. _.,._._______.__._._ 01 the County ol___.~.h._.~"C?J~.._... --...-....--...._&IId Stale Or__h..__..~!~!:! ~.!.L..---._.-....._.-._.u..........._....___partl ea. 01 the lirat put, &lid !.:!8 ~...:r.~..~.1.~.~,. ''''''___''_'_'___ ...__...___._________._.____~_-_-._.____.__.__________.__'________'__'__ "I tht' County oL..... S.t.LLuo.1Q... .. .-.-......-.-.--- :!.noJ Stalt' of -.-,!~t~::.t!!~.._.___._____.._.__._.put .:1_ 01 Ihe second pari, "'ITN ES:'>ETlf, 1"'1 Ih~ said 1'~1l . 01 the first put. lor ad in consideralion 01 the fum of.._.Ona...DQ.llar...&.. OtlJ.IH~..._"f.4.~tl ~J~..._..__ _.Q.Q~~J~..~.r.~.t.;.~.On.lJ..._____._.___________.._._Xl6JQls. to.tho.....L.in hand paid. the rC'cei"t ",berr,,1 i~ htre!" acknowltdgtd, .-=,~~~=:~~=:':: ::: .] bL-Y.e Kranled. barK~ined. sold and transferred, ~ntllly lhrse prrnnts do___, _.graul. bargain. sell and Irandtr unto the ~;.1 l.an:/_._ 01 Ibe Hcond p..rt and........il13..__ _iJ'lU and uaigns lorever. all lhal cutain \.vctl 01 land lyillg and beiug in the Couuty ol...2!!.....~\!'?_!!....___.._.__ ___ and Stale oC._.F 101:'J da.__.._.........-- _mor~ particularly ducribrt! as lollow.:_____.____. .__.._____.. ._.__....__._._.__..._. ._._.._. .- ........ .-. .......... .... __n_.. .-.-.-. ..-- ...........-------..... _ ._.......u.___._.__._... ..--.____. ..- ..._.__.....__..._._..... .~.____ -...__.__u___.._. .._......._____ __..' .....__._...n..__.._..___.__..__.... ..............----.......... ..~~_~....~.1.g!l.~_.( .~t.~!..._~.!~~_~....~~~_~_~.~.~_~..:.~~~ 1 ~!.~.~.__~_~~~._.......n.. ............_._. n ....._..... -... . . . . ...n......... . of... t be. Et ..ot ..tM...Ii-.Q.f .~w.i._.Qf.. t4~ .Jl~.ot..~.~_o~!.!>~. .~t .__.___...... .. .n_ ..... __............._..._ ... -.-..........-......--... '..... '_'nn To",nanlp...3Q. SQIJ, 1;~..._R8~.e_~.o... ~.~~.~t.88id.. p!~!..!.!!~~_ .!~!'__ __._.___.........__......,._.... . .._............n..._____..._. .......... ..rec ord. . on. YarQA. .1&._.1~~.~L_l!!),~_.r~c.~~~~~... !J1_j'_1.~~....!3~~.~. ~.! .. p.~~.~.. __.__..____..._....._..___ ___ _._........_.._.__...___n___.~_~~ ...~.~.~ ~.~~. ~._~~..~~:__~~~.~..~_~~:~.~_:_~~r i d~~__._.__......________..____ .__..__.___.::::.___. _n.._:_.nu,<"___._._.__.._._... .-. .-...._.._..-.-. ...__0..... ...-.-- -..... -- -----______.._ _..__ .._____._..__.___. ___...______. .._n.........____._.__.. .__.__.. ....--.....-....--.. .-......-... .....-1. J .D._k....~~._~ ....._.. .._._...______._.__..._. "'__"_ ..___.._:___..____.._._. -----.-----...--.-..--...-...- --.- ...-.....-...---.-..--..---.--..--.-..----..--------------.-- -.-...-.-.-..-.-____ .._.__u____________ ---.--.-----.--.-..-.....-.......-..--.-----..--.....-..--..-- ---..----.----.----.-.-.-----.------.--.------..--.-.---------..--.- ---..-.-.-.---------..--.--.-.-----.-.--.-------..-.______u________. --------.---..-.--.--- .-. ..-..... .---.---.-.....---- -.-- -.---..------.-.--....---.--.--- ---.--..-.---------...-..--------.--.----- -------.--.--.-- -.------.---.---------.-- ----------.-------------- -------.-.------..-.-..-. ._....n__._.______________._._______. --------.----._______......__.n__.______..._ .__...___.__._.__ ____.___._.______.._____.___.. __..._. TOGETHER ..-ilh all l"~ ltntm~nls. htrrdilam.~nlS and a:>pt:rtrn"!lcts. ..::!: cvcry "ri.iltgt'. ri!l:I.1. lilk. iUltrt'St and Ulalt. dowrr and right 01 do..~r. rntrs,on;.rcmaindtr and US~llItnllhertto tdongm>> or in anywise appertaining: TO hAVE :\Xl! TO 1101.1> the saUlt' in It~ simplt lortnr. And lite said parLJ..~ 01 tht first part do - coycnnt witb Ihe said pUI_L 01 .b.. second part Ih:!.t..~.i?-~l._ ar~.___..__Iawlully sciud 01 lilt' h~e' , said prrmiks. Ihal Ib~)' art Iree !rom all illCumbraucu and tb'at_t.A.Q3'__good rigllt and bw(ul aUlborily to sell Iht um~; and Ihe uid partJ~~.. "I ) t11~ firS! part do._ hel~b)' lull)' warr..nl tht lill~ 10 said I"Dd. and will dd~nd lhe 5:lmt aorainst Iht lawlul claims 01 all ~rsons whomsot\'u. IN WIT~ESS WHEREOF. Ihe said p..n.ias 01 the 6r51 part ha..Y.8_. htl~unlo scl.-t.l:l.et;r..han,L~nd St'aL~lhe day and yur :abon wriucn Signtd. staled and ddinrcd in our preStDce: I ~. c. B8g~ett - -~~~:~~~~~;~---~-~:~--~---~~~=~~=J __.0. _AA111.~;r_.._ ..___ .__._.__.. .n..(SEAL} -~!I}.!!--:r;,.-ggJf!.~________(SE^L) STATE OF-.!!9r1da. COUNTY OF2!.! Luoie } I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this___.UtlL-_day of. --ill!!!~..v~_ C. A. Killer &ld ~lna E. K1ller. nis wife f'trsonally ap~arrd ~ 10 mt' known 10 br tht' puson.~._ dt'""ribt'd in and who ~xecultd th~ forrgoing connyancc to.___.F.rMlt_l!'_..~.laT_k._ and snerally acknowledged Ihe Utcutio';'ib~rt'of 10 be_~1!~iZ:._Iree acl ^- D. 192..E.... bdore m~ and dted for tht' IUt'S and purposu tht'rtin rnt'ntiontd; and tht sai.L-.___Auna..~.,__KlllJl.:r.. lh~ wife of lhe said__.C.......A..._a~le.1:... on a s~parale and priyale eltaminalion lakt'o :and made by and brlore mt'. anoJ sepanltly and aport from hu said hnsband. did acknowl~dge that .he madt "rrself a party 10 .ht said Dted 01 Conn"anet'. Cor Iht' purpose 01 renouncing. relinquishing and conYt'ying "II hu right. titlt' and inlerut. ...helhtr 01 dower or of srpanle property. S1atulOr)' or equ'ilablt'. in and 10 the lands thuein dt.cribed, and Ih..1 she necultd said deed fltel,. and \'olunlal.ly and wilhout any consl1ainl. lear. apprehen.ion <or compulsion 01 Or Irom ht'r said hnsband. _ WIT:'; ESS my signature and official seal at~_~ort_.E.1arc.e , .-1'.l9.I:J.!l!!_____tbe day and y~ar bst aCorewd. 110 tar y. Public._ for -t~.~st~t~fl)ilOi raa lAY Commis81on'Expires'Aprl1 30,1926.- in the COllnly oc__5.h.Jtu..Ql e . (SEAL) } likd lor record. and bring duly acl<Dn""l~d~td and pronn. I haYe rtcordrd the sarm on page-l~._ol Boo!. 60 Counly. in tbe public "cords of said J On thia--.-itll__..________..day oLJ.@rua.r3._.___-II. D. 192..P... a!-_J._o'c1ock.~m. tbiao iaslrnmcnl wat IN WITSESS WHEREOF. I hne herell'!!y> ~I my hand :anJ dlixcd the ~al 01 tht' Circuit Court 01 Ihe Filtunth Judicial Circ:ait 01 said Slatt'. in and lor sai., Coaol,.. AJ .:> ') .:> ~ :J, A " ) "1 ::: (p a. -- ~ . P. c. Eldred . -~LJLP--- ;(j./~U-- Clerk. D.C. ~~ \ .....,:.. ..~.\~>;2i~~!i'f