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WHEREAS; the Board of Supervisors of the FORT PIERCE FARMS WATER CONTROL
DISTRICT (the "District"), ricites the following facts and determinations based
1. The District was organized in the year 1919 and continues in existence
pursuant to the General Drainage Laws of Florida, Chapter 298, Florida Statutes:
its primary boundaries include a significant land mass within the northwestern
part of St. Lucie County, F]orida (the "County"), and its works comprehend many
miles of rights -of -way composed of excavated canals and adjoining maintenance
berms, numerous of which 1fe adjacent to dedicated public roads, physically
separating such roads from the private lands they serve.
2. The District was,,
taxing district for the si
including drainage, to Ian
by law to construct or mai
related facilities, includ
providing access to the lai
permit landowners and Coum
will result to the -Dish
utilization and maintenanc
3. In keeping with
creation which favors non
rights -of -way by affected
acting by and through the
oral and written permits
and bridge and culvert cr
order to provide public a
District. Thesepermit
irrevocable in form. In:
District to the County ovi
ind is, organized as a quasi -public, special benefit
;ular purpose of providing surface water management,
i within. the District boundaries;'it is not required
:ain within its rights of way a -system of 'roads and
ig bridges or culvert crossings, for the purpose of
s within, or adjacent to, its boundaries, but it may
r to do so under circumstances assuring no prejudice
ct in meeting its singular purpose- through full
of its right-of-way assets and related facilities.
Licy consistently applied "by the District since its
ouflicting utilization of necessary portions of its
andovners and, where of general benefit; the public
)unty, the District has extended over the years both
landowners and County for the maintenance of roads
sings over and upon portions of its rights -of -way in
private access to lands within and adjacent to the
where express, have been both revocable and
:quently, legal easements have been granted by the
portion¢ of rights -of -way.
4. Pursuant to permits, both formal and informal, roads have been improved
and maintained over the Jyears within or upon District rights of way at both
public and private expense. .Likewise, bridges and culverts have been installed
and maintained providing crossing access to lands separated by canal excavations
from publicly dedicated roads or from so-called "berm" roads.
5. Over the past two decades, significant development
lands within and adjacent to the boundaries of the District
will continue. Over the same period, land values within
District's boundaries have increased several fold. Both of
and urbanization of
has occurred, which
and adjacent to the
these phenomena have
UK 673 PACE 224
resulted in the application to District lands of more stringent standards of
review by land title examiners and title insurance underwriters, many unfamiliar
with local physical and historic conditions, which standards relate to the
concept of availability of legal access to lands as a necessary incident to the
marketability of their titles. With an alarming degree of frequency, the titles
to lands within and adjacent to the District's boundaries are being found
unmarketable and rejected for sale or as mortgage security because they are
served by roads and/or culvert or bridge crossings over or upon District
rights -of -way for which there is no evidence appearing among the public records
of the County granting irrevocably permission for the continued maintenance and
use of such facilities 'proYiding access. This condition has been further
aggravated by the State of Florida, Department of Insurance that has amended
Florida Administrative Regulation 4-21.003, effective June 25,-1986, requiring
all Florida land titles to bel insured as,"marketable", as opposed to the lesser
standard of insurance formerly prevailing of "insurable".
6.. The District, acting by and through its duly, elected and authorized
Supervisors, has determined that public good would be served by spreading upon
the public records of County Chis Resolution granting, affirming and'confirming,
retroactively and irrevocably; permits for the continued use and maintenance of
roads and other access facilities, including bridge and culvert crossings,
located within District rights of -way, subject, however, to the paramount rights
of District as hereinafter delineated and described.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the FORT
PIERCE FARMS WATER CONTROL DISTRICT, at its regular meeting held December 11,
1989, as follows:
as may be most appropriate, to
lands within or adjacent to Dist
lands, an irrevocable permit (su
for the continued use and mainte
canal crossings (bridge or culti
both pedestrian and vehicular,
been, heretofore, located with
knowledge of District as evidenc
the continuous existence and u
period of seven (7) years•preced
affirmation of permit evidenced
abandoned, destroyed, or substan
District agrees irrevocably to i
r those served by any destroyed
replacement or restoration, at t
t at a new location designated by
like utility to the benefitt
restoration -shall be accomplishe
by District as evidenced by its
trict hereby gives, grants, affirms or confirms,
County or to affected and benefitted owners of
rict,boundaries, and as an appurtenance to such
bject to the limitations hereinafter set forth),
mance of insialled..facilities, whether roads or
,ert), providing convenient ingress and egress,
to such lands, which facilities are, or .have
in or upon District rights -of -way with the
ed by express permits or as may be inferred from
se of such facilities, or any of them, for a
ing the date of this Resolution.
CILITY. The irrevocable nature of any grant or
by this Resolution shall terminate as to any
ially damaged facility, provided, however, that
isue a replacement permit in recordable form to
r substantially damaged facility allowing its
expense to District, at the same location or
District, provided such new location furnishes
td lands, and provided, further, that the
I pursuant to plans and specifications approved
ecordable permit.
673 PAGE 225
Item A. above -shall be limite
(1), The primary and pal
and maintenance related to
rights -of -way to include the
debris excavated from can
rights=of-way. The .paramou
rights -of -way likewise extea
there is maintained by Count
canal.cleaning is calculated
of road utility, District
maintenance schedule to those
at their •expense, to have e
restore the road to its formE
(2). The District rese
facilities and to establish
maintenance of roads or crol
interfering with the surface
from impairing the hydrolc
required replacement or mail
cancellation of the permit e
right,of suspension or cane:
.The grant by District embodied in
: to,' the. following..
amount right of District to conduct its operations
surface water management .within and upon its
depositing thereon -of spoil material and other
Is as a part -of routine maintenance, within
It right to deposit material and, debris .upon
Is to those rights -of -way upon, or within, which..
q or by affected owners a roadway. In_ the. event
to result in,temporary interruption or destruction
will endeavor to give advance notice , of 'its
maintaining and/or using such"road to permit them,
;uipment and contractors Immediately -available to
r utility following canal cleaning.
ves,the right to direct replacement of, crossing
And specify criteria for such- replacement or for
:ing facilities 1n order to prevent the same from
water management responsibilities of District` -or
,ic capacity of canal excavations.' Failure of
:enance of a facility may result in suspension or
idenced by this Resolution for such facility, such
Lation being expressly reserved to District hereby.
'(3). The rights reserved to District by this Item C, sub -parts (1) and (2)
above, are solely for the protection of District in fulfilling its singular
purpose as herein described,) and, in any exercise thereof, no responsibility is
assumed by District for the functional utility, safety or -soundness of any
permitted facility.
D. APPLICATION.' The grants or confirmations of permits evidenced by this
Resolution'. shall have no Iprospective application. All access facilities,
whether roads, canal crossings, or other, hereafter to be constructed or located
upon District rights-of-wayImust be approved by District and constructed to its
approved plans and specifications, all as will be more fully evidenced by, an
irrevocable permit in recordable•form, executed in the name of District by the
President of its Board of Superviscre'or by -its designated General Manager. The
form of permit shall delineate and describe the parcel or parcels of land
within, or adjacent to, District boundaries intended to be benefitted or.served
by the facility and to which such facility shall be deemed appurtenant. The
Irrevocable Permit shall be in form and content established by District ',from,
time to time.
This Resolution and, the permits granted, and confirmed' hereby pertain
exclusively to facilities providing -access to lands and are intended to support
findings.' in appropriate cases that legal access is afforded lands within, or
adjacent to.' District boundaries. The benefits hereof shall not be deemed to
extend to any facilities iniended solely for water control, transport or use.
BOOK 673 PAGE 226
E. '-RELEASE, INDEMNITY HOLD HARMLESS. Acceptance of benefits accorded
by the permits granted or confirmed hereby. which acceptance shall be evidenced
by the continued use of thel subject facilities providing access to, lands by
County or by private owners, their guests 'or invitees, shall evidence the
agrim,ment by 63tonty'laubjest; h6wever, to the 111"Itatlo"a "pnn the valver of
sovereign immunity in tort actions provided by Section 768.28, Florida Statutes
(1988)) or,by such- owners, as their :Interests may appear, that District Is
released by them, or that theY will Indemnify and hold harmless District "from,
any and all claims related to such facilities or their use for personal'injury
Or ' property damages including cost of litigation. 'counsel fees, attendant
thereon, and damage to facilities caused by District as a result of its
paramount maintenance activities.
F. EFFECTIVE DATE. Thij -Resolution, and the benefits granted or confirmed
by same, shall have retroactive application from December 11, 1989.
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 11th day of December, 1989.
President, and of Sup is J.
Attest: 0
f Jr
BED before me this
of Fla. at.Larqe
JAN K P252
F ILH r4D R' � Of
BOOK673 rAcE 227