HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0743 I I I 1:;::.:::.- . ..:: I I I 1,[ I I '.. I i.: I :J... (f ~ = ;,:~.~'*Jt~".. . ::.. :~-: :..:" ~~___..::. ~~-=~:=-~ ~ ~~E&~,1"!:fJt~~~,$il<rr,...!,~ f~~"~('-'Iq -==--:~: '::-r- THlllINDENl'URE, ~hde this......__.t!!.~lltY__.n.ln~Q......_..ay 01.....- .:. .... Deaembor_.. n._........._._____.___A. D. 19l_.4, 8ETWEEN ..J.......l. ...~_~~~~~_~...~ J;l.t\. .9J.:~ . Alll!~_.~~~X~.!~. . M..t!-.J!.H~ .._.._...._..... ......m.....___..._..___.._ .... ..- -......-.-............-- .-.---.-- -..---..-- 01 tbe CounlY ol_._~.t.,. _ LUQl e........._.._.... .___....... _.. _.and State 0'--__.._. Plor 1.d&. .....__.....__..........___......_......_._. ....part._1.el:b1 the first parI. ard _ tlar.tlla....WalsJ1......___._ .........__..._...__..._____..._.__....__..____..__.. ._.._._........_....._......_.._...._.... .... .._ ...--. ....-...... _..__..__._......m._.. --.--...-- (.1 Ihc C~t)' 0,--.._.~1. ...L1l9tO.___._ _..m_....._._..___~nd St~tt' OI.m..._._...l':Lorida__________.~____.._ __..~....p:l.rt.y.._ of the ncoud pul. Wrfl\ ESSF.TlI. Ih~t Iht" said rallies 01 the fi..t part. lor and in cODsidention 01 tht' .cm or.....~~_~_..!1~n.~.!~t\..~ 911flrs ..8 n.t\....Q....v.~__q,.~__ D:>lIars, to.___ them in haDd paid. lht' rcuipt ,,"cnol is benby ulmowledl(ed, ha.Y.8_ granlt'd. barll"inrd. se>ltl and \Icnslrrred. ~nd by tbue prCStnlS do--....Krant. ~rg"in. nil lllld tnnslt'r unlo tbe sa;'} l'a.lY.._... 01 Ihe sccond l.ar I aD.l..~,~.!'...__._--heirs anJ assigns lorner. all tb1t ccrlain parccl 01 land lying and bei9g in the County ol__...s t. '-._ Luc 18 _ .-.-............-_.-.... aDd Slate ol__.?~OX t<l.l! ..__...._.... __.__..._more particubrly d"Clibec! a, 10110....:___.._....._...._._._._._..._.._....____.. -'---' .-..... -. -....... ---.---...-.-.--. .__....__.___ __._ Beginning _f~tt.1.. teetno;rt~ _oLth' ilW. Qor.ua.:r _ of.lotJ39.. .... .._....... _. .......... ...... .theuce .runn1ng.fifty. foet.nor.th .on 13th. st. ..thence .rlUmlng . ......... ... ...........__ ......___ . . ~ ..._ .....___ _. ...... east. .one hundr.od.and..fourty.eight...fo.et.. moreox.1e 55. ..thenoe .......__......__..____... /' - ..........__ ..._...._... rmmlng..-1' ~ f~l..ffJ...t. BOll.t~...~~.~.t;l,g~..!~!I1D-1.t;lfg.. ':f913t_..t9 .t b~.PQi Jl~ ...__..__. .._..._..__._....____.____ __....__.._... . ___.__...__....__ of..b.oglnn1ng....__.. .__.. ...___._.__.._...___. __..__._..__.___.___...._.__._...__ .'" . ._. ___.... _'" ........_...___......_._________. ..._..... ._._'"'' .......:..~'~~..~~.~y~_ !~~_.~~~_!1~..._~!.~~.!~.~~.._ in ._~~~_~~!:.~~~~_~~.!C?I.l....C?!___!al i:Y~~'!..... ..__.'....._......... ..__.... ...__.......... ..._ .._.___ ParkJ;Q,.i;ha ~J t.1_.9.f. :!i'~_? .:rJ~~(}~ .n,Q.:ri !ifl......_._.__..._.._... ._....._.._.__. __ __.......________.____._......_.". ..._.....~..__._.___. _______.____.___.___.._____... _.___._______.___.__._._nu_.__._._____...____.__...____..._.... u_.._._. ..__ 0..... _...._._....._n_____ TOC,F.TIlER ,,'ilh ~II Ih~ ttn<mtnu, her<dilamtl\15 and 3ppurtenancrs, wilh r..r)l pril'ilt'~e, right. tille. in ICIest and t'.lale. .!owrr and righl 01 .!o..rr. .t'version. remainder an.! t3srment Iherelo belongillg or ur anywise a!>pcnailling: TO IIA VE A~lJ TO IIUl.D lht' ",me in Ite sim"lt lonnr. [ And Ihe said parL-.li~llht' fiut part .10___ connant with tbr said PULY __ of tht secon.] parI lhat. _.they. _____ ....._. .-'"",IIIII}' stiled Ollhe . have sai.l premistS, thaI lhry :ue hr" from all incumbranccs :>.n.) Ih~t..._.t.ll!ll_.gooJ righl and J~\\ful ~ulhorilY 10 s<1I lhe 5:lme; and Ih~ said pul lea.l .be 6151 parI <10__ hrrcby f..lI)' warranl lhe t'lle 10 said land. "u.l will ddend Ihe samc against lhe b..iul claim. 01 all prrsons ..hom.ou<r. IX WIT~ESS WHEREOF. tht' said part..1e;;3,,1 tl.t' fiut pan ba _'1.8_ htrtunto ut.._t.nair_hand~and sul!3 lht' d"y "n,! )'ur abo.e ..rill<1I Signt'd. stalrd and dcli1'<red in our pr..en!:~' ' _'H" ....A.. H. .__Yianler. ______..... .__... __.._____.__._ _._ .___ ! ......_ __._... ....J a ...\1. -.Snee d .__.._.._... n __..... _._..____ ... ______ __ ...-..-.----~-----_..--_.-------_._--- - ----.-.--- - -------------- .h_. __._.u...'.___.. ,.__. _. h _._ . .____.. ._.____ _ _hO___._...._U__h_______n "':"__nn_.<:( .L.~....$ .e.9.re IIt.__. _._._....___...._.___(SEA L) ___._Q.~~__Al:na .. SeE.!.~~!.___..n__._(SEAL) STATE OF Florida ----- } COUNTY OF.2t. r.~Q.!~ I HEREBY CER7That on this--'!wen.t.Jr-nlnth..._ d"T of.-__ D9Cem!>~!"._ _._.__A. D. i9L1.. bdore me l't1sonally apprared O~a._AlmfL.~.DQLQJlt._Wll(L.O.f._7L~.L.~e.cI.e_at.__ .---....--.-...-----.. .-. ..-.-...-...---. 10 me known to be tht' person..S._ dtSClibcd in and who ueculed the lortgoing conl'eyance lo.l!artila._.llalsh________..__..____.. and JCvcraUy acknowledged Ihe ext'culion Ibrrcol lu be____.tnall.lrce acl .nd drel} lor' the us<J and pllrpuSts thtrein mt'ntioDt'd; and tbe uid___.Or&_Alma._S.e.Cr85.t._._...______..___ tht' wilt' 01 the said.._.....:.......__TL_.F..-5.e.ar.ut..___.. .OD a separalc and printt' euminalion taken and made by "lid bclore mt'. and Stparaltly alld apart Irom her said btab"nd. did adcnowlrd'le Ih:!.1 sh.. made heudl a p~rly to the said Dcrd 01 ~on1'Cyance. for the PUrP05t' 01 renouncinK. rt'linqui.!,illl! an,1 con1't'ying "II htr right, title and inlrrut, ...helhrr o~ dowrr Or 01 a<oparale property, S1alutory or equitablt. in and to the l~nd5 tlttreiD'described. and Ilrat sht ut'cutcd said dud Iretly and .-olunta"Jy ar.d ...Ihoul any conSlrainl. Ie".. apprt'htllsion o;,r compulsion 01 or Irom her said husband. W1TXESS my sigDature and official a<oal aL_.l!'..t....P1.ero.a___iD the County ol_-St..Luaia ~Dd Stalt'_'*'.=:"---;;--.1i'J<;>.rJ.~~-.-..:.-----the day and yt'ar lut aloresaid. . ...., u (li. P.S8f1.) STATEpr- FLORID". l COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE f '. / '....~ .--''30th On d.1c:......._._ ..___.__ ._day __._...A...D I _.\u:.1n_..._.u .___ __.______...._.(SF.A L) llotar,Publ1o. state of .I!'1orlda at Large Ky oommission expires September 6, 1927. "L__Jan.1..!._________'\. D. 192._~.... at.llJ.3Q'c1ock---'...m.. thu inJlrwmnl "'31 fikd for record, and kiDll duly acknowlrdgrd and proven. I hue recorded the same' on pa&e.1.~~__ol BooL-~__in the public rrcord, 01 sai<l County. :tr r-. IN W1TXESS WHEREOF. I have hereunl':; sri my hand alii alli...d the a<oal 01 tl-e Cinllit Court 01 tht Filtt'enlb Judicial Circuit 01 said Slate. in and lor said County. () ~ ~.. $: Ct. ct. Seal. y <i) ~ rz,. q, P. &-1 rf c. Eldred 71 PiY(<../ ~q L(L~:6. ._ _Ocrk. D.C. i: ~ i I 1 ,. ,,- ~ -~ -.,..-------- ........, _.~.,_._- . . .': .~~. ..;' ~.:~:~.::.Vr~~~l~l~iJ~~~~~: . t.,r . ".' * l::~...-~~t :;i':r.,~~-:;~.~ >-i!ie" ...~f~~~ . - '.. ....;. _. "I- )...... .\t'! .;:!.~~.-~-.;..,.... J~.I""..:. -...":,.;. . ~ . -....;: ...... . ~ ~... _ ~~.:;a::",.- <C"_ 0- "i~. . . ' . . .' :'~.::, . ",:-:"," ~ _.~ ~i- ;;'.;t.'ti~:~--J.\--.