HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTIUMNEU ew , 5, 0/ ® -. I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING I& DEVELOPMENT SERVICI*' WNED Building & Code Compliance Divisiattucl® ( r- I_&AC g I(�d, l Name) the (Type of Trade) For the project located at (Project It is understood that, if there is any cl project, the Building and Code Regul BUILDING PERMIT RECE M SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT MAY 1- 92010 Pa li W616 t nt fl have agreed to be Sub -contractor for � inn' �Q!/CI �Oi(/ 4d?. (Primary Contractor) reel Address or Property Tax ID P) filing of a Change of Sub -contractor noti of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the CONTRACTAR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) S ' ACT iGNATURE (Qualifier) dR1r NAME PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER I COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of_ rr. / `//a_, State of Florida. County of �44/� 1/ C W al The foregoing instrument was signed before me this /' day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me eeetthis day of 20�by l/�/�(J f 4 i /N 20jgby YV14Y ii Lf'/94i�J///r i— who is personall - known or has produced a I who is personally known Xor has uced a as identi cation. I as identif ariun. ��. ROGER A PRIEST RY Prj /�� otary Pr�tTk' late of Flori STAMP Sig at o' \otary ublic a tture of Notary P b c' Commission i GG 010740 sus My Comm. Expint Nov 7, 2020 / h w d IhroapN NdWal Nelsry'Assa CT Print Name- of Notary Public iiiisisqpON&IRSfill4t Name of Notary Public Notary Public State of Florida 6 Kimia J Simone '� My Commission FF 981331 Revised I I i 16/2016 of r1o�' Expires 05/1812020