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I I TillS INDENTURE, Wade tbis.__ ~tlL. ..-.-.__.__.___..__._._cIay ol......-Docornber............--........_._._......._.._....__A. D, 19L4... BETWEEN
. I ._1l1ll1em...Atk1D...au4... .E.l1z.ab...Q.tiLA..tkln._nl.!L'!r..U'- _.___,.._.._............_.___..___..... .._._............._.......______._.__....__.._..__
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of the County oL...$_t.L..tJ.lo.1.Q.._.....___ -',-' ...____and State l'1__._.......f.l Q.r.J.~J~. .....-.-----...-...-........-.--......-......_p~rt_!~ol th~ lirat l'art, alld
.B.tui.J a.min...C......Ro.6.a..._.__....._....___.___.:.._._.._.._..__..___.__.._..__.__.___.._.._.....__...._ .___.__...._...__:._...___..____,_..
c.1 the Col>llty of.._s,t......LUQ10__..___._._.....__:_olnd State of.___~J.gr.1d.a.._______..__..__.___.parI3__ c.1 the srcoad pari.
WITNF.SSETIt.lhat tht' said f'~rt.1.es. 01 the fi,o, part, lor and in consideration 01 Iho: IUIlI ol.T.Qn._~.Q.l1I!.nL!\n(L o.~h.~.r.....'!~;l.u.!Il~.l~.._....._
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.o.o.n~1.d.Q.I'Atl0.nQ_____....___.__...:.:.-...______...___lJollus, to_..._,1;,n.~1)1 h~nd paid. the Io:ceipt "berrol is hereby aeho,,'It'd;ted,
ha-Y.G aranted. ~rl(ained. suI': and IranJlerrt'd., anti by thue prrlC!lu dO~~_Krallt. b;a,gain. sell and transirr unlO tht' sa;') part. 3-- 01 Ibe second
18 St. Lucie
parI and._.A._...._heiu and auignl lorner. all lhat certain parcel 01 land I,iug and bt'ing in the Counly 01 _..____.____..____.. .__
and State;. of~___1-f"_1';t( ~---.---_rnore particularly dC'&cribt'd as lollows:___________.______........_..._.._.... ..........__....._._...._..._...__......_..
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....___h....... ...._ _ Lot_One. (1) .In..ltlQ.~ )t.Ql-'~__JJL ().~.--'!I'l}.,t~.rJfl.~~!!.~~~~_...~~!>.:_.__._... h..h...___.. ...__...._ ......._...._
dl.viBio~ .()f _go~G..!!!!l1~~!!.._~~.~_..~_!!!._.( 10 J....!!~_~_~:.t~.~~ tlll~tY:'''h'' ..._..__...h ......___... __"'_
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Four (4) page Five (5) of tno records of ~t. Lucie County.
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___u__..__.._____.____...._~...~....________._________________.____.___. ..._._. _______... h_.._. . _h.._..... .___... _+_. .. '.__.. ... ____......_..u__..________ _..____.._
TOGETHER -,,'ith all tht' ttnt'menll. hereditamtnls and a:'purtenancts. with nery llri..ilegt'. righl. tille. iDlrrcst and eSl:!.tt', dower and right 01 d'~wer.
'C\'rulon. remalRdrr and e>.stmcnt IherflO bt:longml: or in any,,'ise apprrlainin\:: TO itA \'E .-\~1> Tv HOl.1> Iht' ,,"me in (t'e simplt lorenr.
ADd llac said part...1Ca 01 tht' first part do._j)~ covenant ,..ilh thhtt'J,arL3- ollhe .rcond part Ih:!.L..!.il~y__....__.____._._b...luJl,. sriltJ oi lht
~id prrmins, tbat Il.ry ~re Irre frorn all incumbrancu :!.nd IhaL.:tile.Y__!:OOo! right an.! b..lul aUlhor;ty to srll tbt' umt'; and thc said l'a'l__le3 01
Ihe first part .10.0.3._ hereby (,,\ly ,,'arranl Ihe title to said bnd. and wi\l deiend lhe ssmc against lhe la..lu! cbinu 01 all persons ...homsotnr.
IS W1TSESS WHEREOF. the uid part.1.c.a, 01 tht' first p:!.rt b:a.Y:9._ hrrrunto Rt__~.h.f:!1.:r_hand.liand sul.~ Iht' day and fur abo.t'wrilteu
Signrd. sealrd and de!iytr~d in our pre&cnce:
.....--------------.--- .0. ---...-- .------.---.---. --.....---.---. ....-. --.------.
Albert Helseth
..----._..._..--_..---._-~- .--.-. ..-.--.....--...
Carmen 7.igrang
. --..--.-.__ tt.?,QOu.D Q9..~ 't.~glpS Q~.!1.~.~.l:.:tl!.~.!.l._______
. _____JltHJllm. ;.t.k1.Il,.__. _n....._ _.. ...n..n._(SEAL)
::11 zabeth Atkin ---_.____.___..-=-.(SEAI.)
---------_. .--- _.. - -- - - .._-~_..~--_..._--------
------_.~_. - - - .--- -~--_._---_._---- - --.
F ~Qri.iia..
St. Lucie
I IIEREBY CERTIFY. ThaI on this--1.:llA. day of.._-:-.JanullL --A. D.19Z.1..~bclorr mt'
l,trSonallyappearcd-1t1lliam AtKln and r.:l1zaQ..~t!lL_Atk~.!!._n.!!!. wif~ ___.___._____._._._________.____.
10 me known 10 lIr the personE_ describt'd in and who uecuted Iht' forrgoing con.eyanct' to~~!l.itl:=!ltl!__.~_!....~.~~_e.. .________
"'n<J severall, acl,no..ledged the u~culio" iher;ol I'> bt:_...1.~Q tJ'_____lree acl
and deed for the uses aDd purpusrs Iherein rnrntioned; and the ....id E~~l!!I_th__._t.kln.
the wi{t' oi the said.. ...JL1ll1a.IIL.A1k1n. __ on a sep:arale and priYate u:amination
lalcro :!.ad made by and belore Iftt'. aDd separ:atlly :and :apart Irom her said husband, did acknowlrdge Ibat she made hersell a party 10 thr said Dred 01
Convtyance. f"r the purposc 01 r<:nounciolf, rrlinqu;.hinx an,l conny;ng all hu right. tillt and inltrrsl. ..hflher 01 dower or 01 Rparate property. S1atulory
or equilablc. ill and to tht' lands therein describt'd. an,l 11,.1 sht' cncult'd ..id drrd Irt'rl)' and volunlanly and ",ilhoul any constraint. lear. apprehension
c,r compulsion 01 or from hrr uid bosb:!.nd. .
and Stale of..._
nd ollicial scal al._lero.
in the County of___~ Luci e
-___.____the d.y and yrar last alcruaid.
..~-=. ~: ota.:r ~~Ub]].-C~6Uit~~~ll}~~ i;tia-it"'Large..<SEA U
My commissicn axplree. May 9, 1926
00 thia_.2_...______day c,L_O._..lll.! '\. D. 192L at_o'dock_. this instrument was
~ 147
filed lor r<<,>rd. aDd kiug duly acknowledRt'd alld provla. I hue recorded the same OR l'agt'..__~C'1 Boolr_~_in the pnblio: record. of said
l.'ounly. a
. ..~; WITNESS WII!OREOF. I ban hercliulo sct ~y "and and alrued Iht' Hal 01 Ibe Circuit Court 01 the Filteenth Judicial Cirnit 01 said Slott', in and
lor saId County.
P. C. Eldrod CI L
. "'~:,-'}~:~11Si'~i~
_ .: ~. .' .,.}'! .~i'-",;>'l:t."-~,,,J~i:'. .-
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