HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER-MODIFICATION TO AN APPLICATIONE SCANNED Mission: To protect, p aTde Wnpmve the health : - of41 p"ein Floridathrnugh integrated state, county&&miui*eftts. I� HEALTH Vision: To bete Heait)uestStafeih the Won Jeffery Miller 107 Sheridan Lane Jensen Beach, FL 34957 RE: Modification'to.a . Application Document i -Centrax Permit Number: 107 Sheridan Lane Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Dear Applicant, April .13, 2018 RECEIVED APR 2 0 2018 i ST.`,Lucie County, Permitting 'amity Residence No Bedroom Addition 56-SF-I Rick Scot! Govemor Celeste Phlllpi MD, MPH Siate Sutgeat General and Secretary. This will acknowledge receipt of a floor plan and site plan on '04/13/2018 for the use of the existing onsite sewage treatment and disposal system Located on the above referenced property. This office has reviewed and verified the floor plan and site plan you submitted, for the proposed remodeling addition or modification to your single4amily home. Based on :the information you provided, the Health Department concludes:. 1. :the proposed remodeling addition or modification is hot adding a bedroom; and 2. it'does not appear to cover any part of the: existing system or encroach on the required setback or unobstructed area. 3. No existing system inspection or evaluation and assessment, or modification, replacement, or upgrade authorization is required. Because an inspection or evaluation of the existing septic system was not conducted, the'Department cannot attest to the existing system's current condition,. size, or.adequacy to serve the. proposed use. You may request a voluntary inspection and assessment of your system from a licensed septic tank contractor or plumber, or a person certified under section 381.0101, Florida Statutes. If you have any questions, please call our office at (772) 873-4931. Sincerely, Dianna May Environmental Specialist I Florida Depardnoni of HeaMb wwwMarldaboaltlr.yov in St. Lucie County - 5150 NW Milner Drive - Port Saint Lucie, Florida TWITTER:HealthyFLA 34983 FACEBOOK:FLDepartmentofHealth PHONE: (772) 873-4931 YOUTUBE: ildoh St. Lucid, County Health Department 51.50 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34,983 I PAYIN6,ON: PERMIT#: 56-SF-I 839258 1'31LL DOC #-58-8113-31 RECEIVED FROM: Jeffery Wet PAYMENT FORM: CREDIT CARD MAIL70. jefftey Millet PRECE VED P FAR 0 sT. Lucie county, Permitting e1qg FACILITY NAME PROPERTY LOCATION: -10.7 Sheridan Ln Jensen Beach, FL 349W Lot: . Property ID: 10-.000-4 EXPLANATION or DESCRI 139 - OSTDS Application Approval Existing, No Insp Block:, q7 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION #.; AP1339229 AMOUNT PAID: $.35.00 PAYMENT DATE: 04/13/2018 QUANTITY FEE 35.00 RECEIVED BY: VanceMH AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-3514003 r RECEIVED APR, 20 L418 ST. LU * ty, Permitting I STATE OF FLORIDA r DEPARVkffiNT OF HEALTH p QNSI. SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL WS SYSTER APPT,ICATION FOR CONS. ITRUC'i'IQN PERMIT APPLICATION 'FOR': PERMIT .NO. -DATE PAID: FEE PAID: RECEIPT #• (!� [ ] New System j,(] Existing System [ ] Holding Tank [ ] innovative [ ] Repair [ ] Abandonment [ ] Temporary [ ✓ ] PLAN: REVIEW I AP.PLICANTc - L�'-z V"y 43 LA AGENT: MAILING ADDRESS: (,+ -k-COG', __111rzW TELEPHONE:(79_Z) S-2 9 ' 6 J S_ �cH. FC :31-J 9-S-,7- TO BE .COMPLETED BY APPLICANT OR APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. SYSTEMS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED BY A PERSON LICENSED PURSUANT TO 489,105(3).(vt) OR 489.562, FLORIDA STATUTES. IT IS THE APPLICANT'S. RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION OF THE DATE THE LOT WAS CREATE p OR PLATTED (MM/DD/YY) IF REQUESTING' CONSIDERATION OF STATUTORY GRANDFATHER PROVISIONS. PROPERTY INFORMATION LOT': BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: I PLATTED: PROPERTY ID 4: 11 ,/ Co ,-1 `3' o - oo f rO - D" (_1( ZONING: R F5_Z I/M OR EQUIVALENT: [ Y /:N ] ��� I PROPERTY SIZE:: ACRES WATER SUPPLY: ] PRIVATE PUBLIC [ '1<=20.O0GPD [ 1>2006GPD IS SEWER AVAILABLE AS PER 381.00,65., FS? [ Y ] DISTANCE TO SEWER: FT PROPERTY ADDRESS: , U '56-L1f1..� 0A- J L�-[�J C ( jC 0� n �L j y J s DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY: �_A'_-5t OSU WALTOCU, 4VQ1 �AWP— �R ice- y F , A e,i L O- 0 rj S2 (? `�yC �il2 L , (-� o ;,,) `J _11i (oC WeyM 0"S �e-� o�Zs� GOMMERCiAL BUILDING INFORMATION [ 'RESIDENTIAL'. rJZG ��� [ ] Unit Type of No. of Building Commercial/Institutional System Design No Establishment Bedrooms Area St3ft 'Table 1, Chapter 64E-6, FAC 1 S F fL 3 a 1 o NO k—OLUVK Qorn 2 3 4 [ ] Floor/Equipment Drains [ ] Other (Specify) SIGNATURE: DATE: DH 4015, 08/09 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) Incorporated 64E-6.001, FAC Page 1 of 4 r 4113120.18 122517_127271_1:jpg (512484) 4 3 4~ 11 41. 1 i< L I1 V � . ,�`r �;{v) St csr�-ri 24. 24 . (680) `J N GIZ L F AS 2036 2a ,J MA511'2- S i a V6 3 6 g Q7 28 l g 1 20 IO - i-c.wC P:4s L C 18) ��u tvT ` 'OPAA '' 2 c -H. (34 ) MR rn , G FDOH in St. Lude County o N a)Environmental Health H ® Septic System Appears Adequate U For Proposed. Construction 123125g w This Approval Does Not Guarantee Performance of :the System. Reviewer: ..: .. httn-1/wtneanacirorallmana�katrhncle4oMh/177l19�447 197071 i inn `- FD.OH in St. Lucie. County Environmental Health SepticSystem Appears Adequate For Proposed. Construction "2S8 This Approval Qoes Not Guarantee Performance of the System Reviewer: T K LJ Ill <L ( ftp. nt (fiom Survey) Legai,. Rescriptlon -�J1 t e � � � h Situ Da�Ca �� IrY9aLA6lYMi/I�ia1fl:. p,Ipl6pK1C9Mr txo¢o�araxaareoarµavrlaneeawmr d zv 30 sar: iW W 1/32." V ci" - Graphic toa(e Site— afrom`5 eclfiePurpo5e.5urvey•�S.otTopography" p p by.CI 5urveying:- Projact dl OPJlax$axlT;/IOmatip6/ W ni/NiY repose 1F• G-15027 dated Z-26-1.7 (!t0¢mK/RiLNl kr�..a.r�mmw.ina smaEao aauaor rlovrao awa mmsaaw.wtavecxor os�viexlryeoral0000rz+aaueforwar (around Cl-atlon tiFar. hou9e based.on 5enchmork "R-231' WIM 19aa 5lieriilan Lane elevatron-from'Goo 91a Earth rarwlanreda'a+wCtaxrrlorowror ` "pind.A[SltuLe" � �, � O- Ier+..anrM.rwravacorew�erw.rmar.. asmrurmna<5aawaongrw oenom. usrtawwrbrrwnlw.uul.naeaYraua Houseflnlshflooc.elevatlan AVa) Uj �? i.-� ""er"^°"""ra"n °"'e' AeA1IlODr NO1AlMMglPRO raoaw YaalrmfRenD4aKe1a6rY! .LL of Sheridan Lanc A 6L LoT.= 32:8'. +- (NAVD) �' ® � sa�onaaanexa neauxa+vearawo aN InlnnerabiarbmB®urwrtnroTE,rorlf arrtwn Dlfforencele elevgtlaa = 1t.4' 1.5' required difference) � V om a. .f rrrnmRlaea Site AreaCovcrage Macu' 5xistiii6a4 propo ed. coh9truction 4.481 SF � N OveralE 91to M460 SF - t Q U 'Percentage of eoveragc 5.4 Y. (maxlmum allowOla 207.) A"i Sheet 3- n of ,