HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFFlorida Bui1lding,C.ode:Onlln,e CT L dA BUS Hdfhd 1 Log in �k" Usersk' 9 v / S OgIstration 4" Not Topics 1 SubroWsbrcharge StBtsAFads Publication Contact Us BCTs site Map Link; Search PirOO'UCX"APPrOV61, USER; P bl c:User' A FL A p(icptiorff I , ype. ,Code Verslon ApplicationStatus Comments Archived Orod(fift MenufacttTrer Address/Phbhej&ma11' Authorized SCANNED BY -R. Revision *5 2017 Approved_ ve p 68/1S/201,7v.* date 08/21.?.17' Extreme 2160 SW Puma; yp Paim City, FL 34990' t772).8727804 fival'idationCip,yahomcom, Ri-chatid: Mc.Kuheh f1validation6yahoo, cam Technical.RePre0nipfi've Rittiard'McKiihen Address Emali" 2160 SW Porna Drive 7 Palm Uty,,F*L.3,4q§b,- (7?72)� 02.-80,34 ricb.ardl@emfalbi net QU'61itY AtsOeaficeRepresentative Wthod Florida Engineer; or ArO,' e(�t�Nam it , ye.Whodevelopad /the Evaluation Report. Florida License Quality Assurance. Entity :Quality Assurance CO'Ittatt LXPiratlon Date Validated By Certificate of Iffdependence, Roofing R Metal Rodf Evaluation Report from: a Florida, Re.910pred."Antiftect or a, Licensed Florida Professional E601heer, Evaloafibn Report, - Hardcopy Received , LOCO 13OWDEN Pr=40,764 Keystone Certifications, Inc, 04/22/2024 Zachary R., Priest, PEE. R Validation .Checklist -.Hardq)py .Received FL17022 R7,QaLEu.2D2 Referenced St '"d' - d an 'ar� and Year :(;of Standard) SlAndg�rd YO TAS 125 20 UL 1897 0 2 https./ifl rida(bullaing org Florida Building Code Online 2M6 61jZqj1*8,:5i49' PM: Eq uivalence' of Product gtandard§ rt f,e 0 By 'Sections from the Code 'Prod,uct�Apprqval, Method Date: Submitted Date Validated Date, Pending ,FBC Approval. Date Approved Suo iary_'of,prodll-ift Meftd'l bpticin. D 08/1W,ZQL7 013/25/20,17` 10/10/2017' Model, Number.dr Naiiiiie", on 17022.1, 1 - 115V :Crimp" 26 (544ge steel, 318"'rib height, ,Z4"wlde-IappgcI TAqf,paneI ' M66hadi 11-646c ca y hedtb.15/32!Ol.y.W688-6fWood' Deck'With _fasteners Litniii of,usel - Approved for use iIn,I4V.HZ:: No. -- RZ_U_EL 1 1 70 22 SN CRIMPI;!�Snndl: e. Approved jqr usoff dg jfVHZi Yes; :FL-12OZ2 Verifled­:By, .Locke . Bowden,, P E,. 40.704 InfpactRtsistainti No Created by independent Third Party,, Yes, Design; Pressures +N%A/Aable,A Evaluation Repoirts ,Other. Refer to evaluation; report. for conditions, instal) the; ,assembly, in cpriio.!14fice,with�the'installation.mi�thod listed in I - . I � -., —11.1 with'the 1 - tre'afed by In-dep"'riden't Third P e arty, Yes: this, reports and applicable :code sections dfF§Q,:Rqfqrto 'manufacturer's; installation: instructions: 17022.2, 2; - !'5V Crimp"' W) Q,.03;Z,,"Aluminum, 3/8." Vty height, ZI": wll:1e lapped, roof panel, mikhafiitally'pttadhecl� to 15132!1 plywo6d or Wood Deck with exposedfasteners. 11.1mi.its,of'Use lirliltallailon'Instruetions Approved for use in:HVjHX,.- No Approved for use: ouA9 . ide'HVHZ:, Yes �FLUQ22-117, II.FL ssrpd Verified 'py:- , Locke, BoWclepi P. E,, 49704 . . Impact Resistant: , No. t Design; Pressure: +N/A/-Table:A I -Created by Independent Third Pafty:. YIL.,.s Evaluiifibn Reports. Other: Refertprgyalqation;rppqrt fqr�cqrjdltlons.lnsiall-the� assembly in compliaftewith the'ihstallatibn m6tbpd,ll§ted;Jn this �report and applicable, cod6 -sections of'FB'CJRdfer-'t6- 'FLI702° � LEFu,! 7.Q21-2.5V C�RNP;Ua2 ALUM. Ddf _R7 ssr Created' by- Independent Party:- Ye manufacturer's .installation instructions;, 170123 ca m Limits of .Use 'Approved for use, in IIIVIHZ: No; spp u Approvedfor , outside, tlyHZ-.: Yes , _ IrnpMet Resistant: No 'Design Pressurm.t. NAPT6ble A Other- Refer to evaluation ?,repor. t for!conditionsand liniltatidiis of use, Instal] the m *1 �s a q bly jrt,compliance with the instal latiorv'meth6d listed this report -and appllcbble code sections 6f,178C.P.efer to. mat)u*f6ciu'rer's;ihgtail"atio'n, instructions. 1.5"rib height I*U Wid6, seam roof panel. mechanicaflyaftacked ao 1S/32" plywood orVooddieck. with clips and fasteners. IhstallAtionInnstructios FUJ62i JR'7'11 F`L,1'702­2':.'3: 1.5MECHANICAL, seam... 24_qa-sa-rpdf Verified 6,,Y,,: Locke Bowden, RE'A9704 nt'' 6 Created ,byIndepen*de Third- tvaluailb'", Reports Eft7021 k7.'AE.,FL�i7.022.1..'I,:s..MEcHANICAL. kaft 2.4�9P-.UL,'Qff Created by, Independent.;Third Pafty., Yes! 17022:4 4 'L5''Mecfianiical,8eam" (R5) 1.5!"rib,fieight, 16." Wide,.'O.032",,Ilumlri-Uth,.stain'dlhg seam. roof,panel mechanicaill'y attached to 15/32- plywood.or,W.66d Deck with clips a nd, fasteners, Limits of Use Ihstailliftlidn Instructions Approved for use fit HVfMt No, kri-7622 RT' -- h i,,76�i.4 M CHANCIAL SEA https://floridabuilding.orgipr/or�-app_dtl.aspX?OEfrbni=WGEVX.qWtD'OV2aB.QoHpQQ66rMZMkUE'oR%2bGxH.GxFdSQkCH'iEqVOqyeeg%3d%3d Paje.2of'4 gyf i�� d ab Product. Report Manufacturer'. Extreme Metal 5 4 ,r Fabricators, 4� ; r E a qp � ' .,� ,� 4= ft' s. L,Y.Kx ."� . f ,� l� �sw't: r b'� 'y�l �` 2160 �� Po�i�<:�ri♦1[,ii'a S' [ ,y x . v+- ` k E' ,,a-s R 3 .✓ x 1'a„ 4 X, R, 5..ax a n k City�;FLx 3,4 990 V. Kn4 Compliant with Florida Building Code 20176ed,j CompUant with Florida Product Approval KIj # 62,'G 3 . Compliant• 1Ce 3to ;�CertificationtW z �F y t ;qP q. S r t { ✓ C .c - fix/ j y4Nt q � z t Product S 1/ CrimpT26GA 5teel=Rodtftn 'I Sec` r _ ks ' Yield strength 50`csi min., Attached Ito min 15/32" plywood orfiVltoodr� �De�ck wJ mkr .42'specifit gravity with screws: Z4' Cove'` >„> r m Rib Heighth3/8 Cdttbiibh' Resistant Compliant• FBC Sietr� rP„!. K • ' a .tfw ,fFastener 1 (Method,. Apt achmen) #9 x 1 1J"Hex Washer, Head wood, screulr* to p�enetrat+�� 3/16" mm: thru6deck or SJa" embe`lert into woad pi�lrik. (*>tr sa�cienfength to rn4+set, i4"t w''*'" .�, k ,. ` -. � x '•'t µ i= requirerrients) >; .. r � w Fastener 2 (Method 2 3,5& AttachMe 1 x 1` 1/2'� Hex Washer• weed wood screw* o ' a gyy a z 9 penetrate:'J1W1 ruin thru eck or, S/8"gem e: in o;wtood plan 'Suffiiri� to meet,requirements)'i° ��� L i-A ;, q �,-•S=�,^. a ��Y N x` "'� - i •: r � a '^•r �Underla rrrent. To be compiiant with FBC Secs Chart 15071:1> p `VA . Slope• Shall be,in iftrrtipliance with FBC Sec 1507. r " 4 Fastener x aftc went spec�fica ns above tp u, Install details ab(e`A %� Allowable Loads ' IVI HOD 1,, NIE'rHQt 2 METHOD 3 % M IT" , ..v. -TT 5P�CING�M:.,i :'_,v 15"'Na ROW . , k A, c. I:ASTENERSPACING ALONG Panel,w� lth).k. c 12 " : 12"o`c_ .'rqs.x t _,12";`0., : . ot,. ;%iVt ,. , #10 #10;'7'u #TO :.a9 rKII,'x , ItIde ence ARCHITECTURAL TESTING,,IN TST ID# � 152� ,Data, , UL 580 06 W1897-041 A3 lest Report Drs893 i)I 450�Y8 t1s/ty2/1� i � ? rx n r12 S rest`} Report *F3366 OI 450z / „s_ < w 18 TAS i2$03`� Testy Report b05893;02 4508 �4o7J22/14,'M �k', x2 rw�2 ' �., k *E'QIlII/ACENCY UL equjvalentto teststanciard d/1.1897 : > *Des�gnpressr�re ma i� afsafeiy 1 x Mf897�4 ►s ..<k.x. � ,. _.....w ~ ..vx v �',.�" �, � �°". r .�_� ' ��4�'� Loclie°Bgwtlen, P E+does not have; not;will acquire a i!nanCal m trlier� c gy�rt�ipTfacturing ar distributing products " y ., S.' , under this evaluation �'.. �t x<, Locke gowden,.P E, is not ownedoperated, pr:corrtroiled by aQyt , coaiparl�Vitrnl+fid6turer, oristributing producrtstinder:this • report f� X�''� µ r4 y � X r s w� , .. ,�✓�' {_"fJ�' �, .. _�` .r rz 4�3 %Z�� �'�' �. c ✓ 7 l�,fi *f"` ..� siA ���-t -' LT�Y�7f��i c�y< "3F � ..a ,. u � * °Q � l • T•r i y 'S41 = sr�t"��,�; • xaA �. v � '�St�yW #s � z 3 " r F�' "' i r '` v' �T t .Y.. x,.,;: � 1 <+, ,.. � a s r Er f, _►+�i1,+� ��Sii�, � _.:t� { i j c, a'�* s r ✓, . � �.<, r.aw e�"j-! xl�l 3 .0 xs" `4x � �R�.. ; % d�„ 7 ;. f `��et FI-17,022. 1L 6V Crimp (266A- Steel), ;24,�`Wide Roof FIjnqI: Pdtqills Limitations: f, U6deda ment,bbe. compliance wi- current' Florida: gul di g.0 C 2017', Ih ed. I h ode: r8 6 2. Minimum slope to '.FlI Jda 9 IdirigO ed., rn plialiti, ifh on Odd 2017 6ih and per with Manufacturer installation reference. 3. Products ,are: compliant for State of Florida; prgduct:;pproval`-per Rule 61'G20 3::GomPliance Method ' 1Q 4 ngineering,,analysis for "project specific,appro E valby- local: authorities W/Jprisdiefforflsallowed .by,other .registered 'engineers ! 5. Fire classificationis not: part of this, acceptance. Shear diaphragm, values are outside this report. 6. g Support, ­.frpm in ' ih, cbm'oliandeW/,FBC..,2017`6'�,ed.., Chap�ter.22 for Steel, Chapter,23 for Wood and[:Cha�pter JJ& for r.11, Loading; , 7,'This ,report,does.hoi,implywarranty, insfailafiort, recom mended outside of this report; Pcin6l s0verbp! I=Z'dfIgr#aterRWOod, or Fasteners - or *10 X,I-i 12':Min. . pisir Ta* %'for Rbw iSpqclng'qnq Design prmyres � ig" Hex Washer Head Mod Screws 24" S-V Crimp Roof Panel Pah 'Profile 'Nominal, IT Nominal 12!' O;C. Fasten , ET7f-1I2"VInI or*10xA-1/2"Min.-:per -10ble,"A"' Hex Washer. Head Screw Spaced 176 c-'across-the Panel Wdtft Rbf6r f6 Table,'.*"for Spacing Along. Panel Length Deck-1 WT or!gre4ter. Plywood, or