HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0751 ","~151 . '.:-:...-; ..-~w_~...=:_: ~= :.: .~:..-:.:: I I 1 i ! i ~ - :=.-~-=:::~ ~ -=-:~ =--:'_':"-la1~{I11 ~aftt.'uett tJ:li~~; QAt; ~~,\liiiIt.I,}:: .-:-- ::. ::. _~._ ~ THIS INDENTURE,' Wade this..__.__. 31at...__.__.__....._day 01- ___. J.9.Uunl"l.....-__.......__.......---.. .....___A. D. 192..D., BHTWEIiN ___~!.m^.'__!o{.Q.ttel:n.JID!,.J:'9_l,l1 ~.!_..~..!-~(n~!.~J~._.!!~ l!...!l_tt!..._______._._ _. __.... .._._._ ......___._._..___.._._.__.___..._..____. ( 01 Ihe Count7 of_...-S...t...._LM1Q.__:.___._._._._--and State ol_rlQ.:rJ~~. _.____........ ..._. ....-_._____...._.__.part.laa.. of the first part. and ..J.....E..-...Je.ok!lon_lmd....MM.J'._S.l._J~9J:~OJ1.~_h.!3L~!.t.L____.....------......... ._...._.._.._._....._,____._.____.__.____ ()f Ihe COUnt7 01.__5 t.a_..LllO.1e..._ ._____.ln4 State oL___.F..lorH.~ .____part J.~~ 01 Ihe It'cond p..rl. WITN ~SSETIl. lhal tbe said pm.lea ollht' lint ~rt. lor and in consideration 01 lhe aum 01......DI111..P..Q.1J.!>>". ~g.4._ ()t.h,9f _,!~J1J.ab!!...__.._. Q.9.~.1.~J.~~.~~:t.!.9.~S.__._.__ -.----.:-.---~_____.%II1rars. to. tbem_.;n I..nd p:!.i.!. Ihr r~"eipl ~I,trcol is ht'rrby ad:nowlr.lgtd. b~~._ aralttrd. bar..ained. ,old and transIent'<!, and b7 tht'St' presents do_. _granl. ~rll'"in. sell an.! tranaltt unto thr sai.! part ...leBol Ihe ltcond part and_....t.fi!).ir._hrin and assigns lorever. all lb:!.1 ctrlain l1arcel 01 land Iyin. and brio. in tht COUnt7 01__.5.t. ._li.uc_1.L-_____..._.._ and Slate 01_ .F1QX'J 40h.____.__.____._more puticularly described as 10110..:___._.__.__........__. ._........ ...._ .... ... .-......---. "-'-_""" _,_____,,__....0.. _'''____'__.._ ........_,....n_____....._.._._..._... ._..._..._..__. .............._ ....._..__............ _ ..... ..........._. .-.. . ....... Lotnumbe.re~ . Fo~U'J i) ..9f. J!10~lL~!!~3?L~(..P ].1Et!._~~~cl...D.~~e.!~_f5... ........__......... ._.. ___..._.. ._ . $ ~ b!li Y h 10n .llB _re () ()r ;,i~.d .1.~_ t.!l~ .._ QJ..fJ..~._ C?(._the._C..!e.~ ~h.!?.!...t~!._~.~..~. u.i.~.. h. _. Co.~t...9.~....~~. !...L.u~ 1.e.._2~~~.f?.. .r.:~.~..~_':~.!!...~~..~~.~~._.~.~~~..~ "~'~h.~~i!!..~5.h."'''_'_'' . ._...._. mh'_"__'h.. , ) . .-.-..-.---....--..-. --- - -...-.....-.-......-...-.-......-..-..-....-- --.----..-..- --.---------.-...---__. u___........__._.. ._____n_.__.._. ._ __._.. ....n .._uuu_._.........__._ ..._. -....... ....._..__.__._..._._$!~.~~__.p..(),~.~....~~~P!..~.~..~~.~.~ed. . _ ....---___....__....._._......m.___......_.m_. ...hh_............____.__ ....h__.... 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U' -.-...._____..._.u._.______._._...._..n._.____..~u....-----.. --- -~--.-._------__.___.__._n~...__. .._...._~...___ ,..~___._ ._._......_.... .___ h.____._u.__~.._...__...__~_.. ..--.--.-----.----..--..---.-..-..-....--........-. .-..-----------..--- _.____.__._.~_.h._____U__..___._~__..__ .~+_~._ ___.__.____u_..______..__._._h_._ '_"'U._"~'_._______""__'_'" --------.--_.~_______..____...__________._____~___._._'_'___..._,_,_,_,__ h_ .__._.___Uh.__._..___.______..____... ____ ------.-----. .---..---.....------..---.------------.-----.-----....-..__._._-_._._-~ .._..~---_.._- -..----- ..--.-..-....-------.--.----.. ..---.--...----------..--------- . --------------------.-----.-----..---...---.-----. --.----.----.-.---.---...-.----------.------.------.------ ____.____.._.. ._...._._..~.._._. . ... ___'___h'_.._U...... ..__._. ... . [ TOG~TIIER .ilh all the: teoemrnls. herrdilantrnU and al'l'urttnancu. ",ilb enr7 privilt'!lr. right. lillr. ;nl(lt''' and "alale. dowrr and right 01 do,nr. re,'erSlon. rc:mamder and t'3l<ment Ihcreto bc:longmj; or in any....ist appertaining: TO HAVE ASlJ TO 1101.1> Ihe ~me in Ice aimplt' lort'vrr. And thr said part...llSol thr first part 00__ co,eoant ..ilb lbe said P~rlJ.!t8_ oj Ihe l<COIlJ part lhaLt.heY..are -._.l.....fuIl7 stiztd ollllr have . uid premise.. thaI Iht). are Irce Irom all incumb,ancu and Inal_.ti.1QY_.good right and "'...Iul aUlhorily to nil tht' !amt; and the ~id parl1e13 ,,\ IlIr first parI do_ hrreLy lully warrant the litle to said land..and' will dtieod the a..nlt' arainu tht .....Iul c1..ims "I all ptrs<.os ...laomaonrr. IN \VITl\ESS WHEREOF. tht' aaid put.lea 01 lhr fiul part ba_.YO berrunlo scLt~Q1.r--Land_Sand sul!'Jlhe dOl7 and ).tar a'bo,t' wrimn ! Signed, ~aled and delinred in our prrscnce: \ :..~ :-e~'~':~~=~=:~:~~u.-~ .~.~~~=~:======'~_~~=~~=l - -- '.~.~':=~~::~~='==-~--~=.:.- -. .-.. -----.--- :=-====~ . ....J~h.uA ...... ~~l!.e..~.!l . _______um..___.h.u.____.(SEAL) _L..Q.~J~~LJ,>.!_ UcH e i 1l_____.____.___.(SEAL) - -----_..~- -~-- ~.--..- ---. . - -- ---_.__..~ - --_._----.-- --_._--- ..- ------------- ----- --------.-.- STATE OF_BoI.1.da.. COUNTY OF_.s.t..IL.LU.tl~'h t J I HEREBY CERTIFY. ThaI on 'bi- 3.l.et.__W7 oL_Janlltl.l'L ". D. 19ZhQ._. before mt' I'trSOnall7 appcared.-L_.A--1iQlleil1 ana Louise P. Holle111 to me I.:oo",,'n to bt' tbt' person_..8 describ"d in and wbo urcuted the loregoing coue)'anCt' to___J. .E..tu--Ja.Q.k.e.o.nn_~Illl._M1!J'...Y._1?__!..n,!I!.Q.k.s.()P and SCyrrall7 acLnowledged the e.uculion thrrrol to ~._th~Jr._._Iree ...t a"-d dted' br tht' uses and purpose" thcrein mentiooed; and thr said-_L_Q.ulJ!LI'_Lj(~J...ll. the wife 01 Ibe said__..J.a._L_.McH8.1ll on a separate and prinl" t'xarr.:nalion . talen and mad" b7 and belore mt'. and srpant.IT and ap>rt Irom hrr said "".band. did ackoowlt'clge that she madt' heur!1 a party to tht'" said Deed 01 Lonye7ance. lor the purposr 01 renouncing. rtlinquishinJt' and COlive7iO!: ~Il htr righl. lillt' and inlcrrs!. ..hetber 01 <!owu or 01 scparatt' proprrty. Slalutory ()r equitable>. in and to the landa thrrein described. and that she t'",rcuted said detd Irrtly and ,oluntanl)' and ..ilhoul an7 conllninl, I.ar. apprrhrn.ion (,r compulsion 01 or Irom hrr said bus band. WITXESS m7 .ignalUr~ and official seal at__1'.Qr.t...?l.er.a.e... and Slate oL..__-.l!Or.!.ctf!.._tht' day and yur last aforesaid. in the Coaoly 01 St! LU~__'_.____..nn_ .,J ~l._X~.~2~1:~ ) STATE UF FLORIDA l COUNTY OF" ST. LUCIE r No tar 1 Pub 11Q -'fo~ ~&hst"ir%f"p lorlda-'-a t-,sSEAL I .._,~cc=_--"=",._-__..=h.~_.__..._c_~_.__'.__.__c____'_"_'.__.,_ . ... .c.o. ~. , _.LIarge Yy CO~13sion Explr38 Deo. 19 1928 ( ~n tbia..__-L-__._._cIay (>L_-l.e.b..L 0\. D. 191_ti.~ at_.i___o'dock ~m.. Ihis iostrument ..as liled (or rrcord. and kiBlr !full' ackno,,';cdgcd sad prOTCn. I hu. ncordc4 the same 011 pace.-.l.6~.._ol Book~Q.___in Iht' public r.cords ..r said t.'ounly. IN WI'fNF.SS WHEREOF. I ha.., h.rnnlo SCI mT hand aDo! afliud tht' seal 01 .ht Circuil Court 01 tbt' Fifteen!" Judic~l Circuil 01 nid Slatt'. in and lor said Counly. Ct. Ct. Seal. ~ "'b> 0'> ~") ::t'lJ ~ ra~ q ~. c. Xldratt ~ __Ckrk. I' ., 1 / ... L j..f-l'~ /; 17'{\ . "J /I'~~_ ...___ _D. c. t , ,