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THIS INDENTURE, Yade Ihis.........e.tb -....---........---......_day of---.-..........."J@\l'f3.._..............._.__...._A. D.19la . BETWEEN
_l'!11l18.lD...ll. ...Gr.G enu.om\. An.'lo.U.o...Qr.9J~n....~.M.~..J!.t~__._..___.....__._______.______._..._.. _...... .._......_________..___ '_
01 lhe CQunty ol___.St.....Lua1e .-.--....-..---....-. _...._ud Statt' 01..:..._.rJQ~J4.~.._...... .--..............--..--........-......-..._l'arl.-1!l~1 the fiut part. and
J.t.... E...._.Al!Q.1i.~.~.P...___.__.____...._._..___.__.._.___ _______.____________._.____.....,..._..__._. .__........_.._____._____
"I Ihe County 01.__._. ~.t .I....Luole.____ .--..._.._.__and St~lt' ?,-_..r.J,.9.!'.!A~..___ --.-part.;)l__ uf the se(ond part.
WITNESSETH. Ih~t the uiJ p~II..1Q.lJol II.t fint ~rl. for and in consideration 01 the .um QL....OllB..J)_Q.ll.ar....{I!l~.. 9~.b~r:_y.~l~e.lJ.____..
--...--.-----..-..-----.-....--...---..-.------------_.__._00lIars.lo_.tllOlll._in hand paid. the rc:.ei", \\hrrwl is herehy ackno\\ledKtd.
- -
h&-y'4.. i:~anled. bargaint'd, sold and transierred, ~nd by Ihese prcsents do_. _arant, bargain. sdl and lransler l:nto the said part _~.._ 01 lhe St'~ond
part and_lU!3.._.heirs and assigns fornrr. all 11001.1 crrlain parcel 01 land lying and being in the County ol__lit .t....LRQ!~.._____
and Stall' ol_.~J~.I'!~.~____ .-...-..--.___more particularly described IS followa=--___.__.._.____..___.___ ......_.._._..___............___._._
-.--. .-_._------. .-._.-.- n.__ ........_.._ no. _...... _.___..__ __... h...'.h_......__....._._._....______n~ ....___..._...__..___.....___._....__...___..,_._........._.___ ._.__.___... ...______. .._ '._ _.. _.._
....-........... .... .....- ..... Lo t .# . ~O . Of _Block JL o.t..~.~1,\.l~J'&.!:~.uD.e.v~ ~.~Pl!~~~~...~o.... _'_"__"___' ._..._.. ._........_..._...._...... . ......._... .
u._....u:.... "'- Re-Suvdt vision '- Acaord1ng_ tQ..rJJl~ rlll~d....a.n<J, ..r~.()o~~_d.h............u..._ -_..........._..____u....__..
. ..............-...----..1n. Plat Book. I.. 3 of._ ST L.t'J..c.:t..~u..GQ~l)..~..Y..!'ElQQ~.cl8_........~l3.g~._I...~._.____.__.._.._~ ..__..._........u...._.__
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--.....--. .-....---.. ...--.....---...-....-..- -..--. .. .-"-'-... __..__._.__.__h...._._._._. _.__'_.. _..______.__.._.______....__._-__.__._.. ._..____.__________..__._____.
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-...----.-.. --..--... .......- .......__n_._. -.-......_...h.___.nn. -.'__'__'U_ _..__... .... . _.__.__._._...______.._.._._____. ______.__._____....__. ...______._.._ ___'.' _..______.__.__..._ _...___..
-.-.-.--.-.--.-.---..-..-..-..-- .-...---.-.--.-.-.,......-.-..-....- ..-- --.-----------.-------...---.---------..---.---.---. - --.-....-------.--.---
--.--------.-.-..-....-..-....-.... -....__.-... .--..-....- -..--.---.- .-..-------..--------.-.----...-...--.-.-..-----.----.--..-.--.... .-.-..--..
--..-.-..-.........---..-..-...----.. . . .-.-._.. -..-...-...- ----.--------.--.--. .---.......--.-----------...---.--.--..-------.--......-.--...-.--------
--.--.-------.---.-- .. ...-.-...-..-....-..-.----. --....-----..--.----..---------.-------..-.------.-..-..--.--.-------..---..---..-.-----
-....-.------.-----.-.- ---------..--.-.-----
TOGI,TIlER ",il;' aii Ihe lencmenlS. hUt'.lilamellls and appurttnancu. ..ilh nul' pri~ilegt, right. title. inttrUl and estate. dowtr ~nd righl 01 dowrr,
rntrsion. rtmaindrr and UStmcnt Ihc:rCIO bclonsmg or 1!I an,'wise apperlol;ninl:: TO H.-\ VE .-\~ U Tv !lULU tht' umt in let' simple forner.
---- .------.--...------..---.----.. .n+_._.._ ......--.....--__ ____._u_..._._.. -_.__... .. _..._._._._.__._... _..._._.. _.___.__.._ .'. _.. ._._. . '_u__..n__.'._.___h... __'_'_'__
^"d Ihe said parL-.i.8.S0! the first part .10__.._ co~':nant with tht' said parL-$._ 01 the stcond part Ihat-_!i.D._9Y....B.J:'l;l.___.lawlully seiZt'd ollht'
>lid prcm:su. tbat Ihq are free from all incumbrantu ~nd thaL..j;4.~..Y__.good rigbl and lawful :!.ulborilY to sdl Ihc samc; and the said parI les 01
Ihe first par! do_.Q.\i.. here!.)' fully warrant Ihe title to said land, :!.nd will ddend llle sarn~ againsl Ihe lawful claim. 01 all persons whom>Otvcr.
J~ WITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe said parti e.s_ 01 Ihe first part ha_.Y~L h~re""to ar!...!.!l~_ ~!'_hand.l ar.d sulllhe day and year abo~e ..rilltn
-- .:~"~~ K;.71:: ..,;.::~-;~::'~=--~------ --I
_:~'__~'::l:~~Y=-===: .~_==_=~]
-. Will1a::iluRu .Gr.~.!)1J -.--..-------.-.._.__u___(SE.-\L)
STATE oFJ.lorlda
COUNTY OF...5.t.......Lu.<: 1s
I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on Ihis_l.3J;Jl.!______day ol.-.J8I1~~.l_.
personally appeared---.lYllll~g!..!Ie G~.Q..l!~.}.n~_~_~_a..!J.ella GreE!.!lJ.._~..!.a Vll.!~_~
A. D. I~~ before mt
10 me known 10 ~ the pc.son_6.. described in and who neculed Iht' lorego,ng conYf)'anct' lo._.J...__ E..._..Ab~S.tJ_~IL__._____..
an.! snerally a~knowledged tht' excculion Ihrrtt)1 to bc.-Tl1~j~frec act
and dud for Iht' uara and purposcs Ihertin mtntioned; and the said____AI:O'Q.fJ.llQ:..Q.reftD...
the wile of lht' said__.\i1.1~1.am....l:.__._G..I"_vo.ll ____ on a srparate and printe examinalioo
lakt'n and made by and bcf~re: me:. and separaltly and aput from her said hn.band. did admowltdge Ihal slot' made htrsdl a party to tht' Aid Deed 01
Connyance. (or the purpose 01 rt"ouncing. rrlinquishing and conveying all hu rigt.I.litle and inttrtsl. whtther 01 down or 01 scparatt' property. statulory
or equitable:. in and 10 the lands thert'in described, and Ihat slit' txecultd said deed Ircdy and voluntanIy and wilhOtlt any conslnint. It'ar. apprrltension
..r compulsion 01 or from her said husband.
WITNESS II1J' signattire and official stal at---Zo.r.t._r.1JU:.!Ht
in the County 01
St. Lucie
and Stale oL--jl~Qr.1da.______.___the day and year wt aforuaid.
~-~--~~ _!_~L._ -? ~ .~_~Jl~)
J. 1:'. U ucCallers (SEAL)
Comml sslon~x"tr:ii".~an 'Z<mi"'192~~--:-:-'''-:-:-
c ...c..c-.ll:i --. ..--. '. p . . . _ .... _.~ .. . __.......0.'. .. ... _.
On thia_---5_____n._______cIay c.f__--'-G.J
A. D. 19l..~_. at-1~'cloclc -A._IlL. thia instrumcnl wsa
filed lor record. arid being duly acknow:edgtd andlyea. I have rerorded the nrne on pagc:..l5tL__.ol Book._Q.L..in the public records 01 said
Counly. .
IN WITNESS WII~:RHOF. I h....e hert'unl:fi I my hand and al!iud the seal 01 the Circnit Court 01 the Filtt't'ntb Judicial Circuit 01 said Stale. in and
lor said County. QJ
Ct. ct. Seal. )
P. C. Eldred _
Ii 2/ /~/~~
;/ rrtt...,-A.J...kY.~~ "-
__D. C.
I ~,
::. .: '. c: ~. 4j~~t?~~S~;';,~~~~
. . ..... S\ . .~'d4*=.":-;i. ..._7 ~~ ~~~ <;:,~.._
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