HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0762 162\f 1t..~_..__oAo.-_"'+- ._"_ .., '".~ I!" . .,~~. .Jll'w.'wn,JlIIIlIllt- I' I I. I !' -~ ~_.., ~ - .A..- ~l --. .~ .........:~~ll.lT .",_..::':::'1t-iJ,la:~.L.~~,i"I~~:~;~'''_*.I!''''~:::':' ~ ~,..~~ TillS INDENTURE, Hade tbis._..__ii.!.t.h.__.._..____...._da, 01._..._.......i~6brunr.:;_.____._.._.____.._.__..~A. 0,192_.5... BETWEEN ______~~.m\1~.l -~~l!_'?~~x~l._,~~.~~~.!i'..I. . ..______.._._......___.___ _....___.__._____.__.___.__ 01 the County oL. .__.s.t..~._1.'-t<:.1.6.____.._,_._and State oL_...____.~~lin:Jd ~....--.--.----._---.----_Pllt_L 01 the nut ~art. and WITNESSF.TIJ. that Ihe ..,d p~rt_:l..__ "I the j;ru pa.-t. for and in consideration 01 the 'Int or.. ) ....______._. S.o.rll11..l:!nlt~.b.i}r.e;.__.\!J.(lQ.Vl.._______......__.._.___.._....__..._..______._._...____.._.._._..__.._ .___....___ o( Iht' Count)' of_._.~.t..l._.L:l~..lli._.____.__._lInd Stalt' 01__..~~l.QrJ..!!~. _._.put -.1/- 01 the .econd pari. ..~..DOLUp.-.\.:m..mH1::;:._..1..u.uAllll-C.OIrS.ln,,:l?~Tl.0liS..1lUUIs, ft. her__.in hanJ plliJ.lbe f<ctipt "Iitrt'ol is herth)' acl:.,owled.:.d. h&.a_ Irantt.J. b:!.rgaiot'd. solol and lranslerred. and by these pruenu dn.JlJ3_lrlnl. ba,gain. at'll an.) transltr unlO the said part ...1-- 01 the 't'cond part aad__h.e.r._.---1.eirs and assigns lorntr. all that <<rtain parcel 01 land lying and being in tbt' County ol_~!_..._l..~ 1 e __._______.._ IlDd Slate 01_..F.1Qx:.j,gJl.._____more partic..luly de.cribet! as folluw.,-_.___ ___..___....__ ___.____ _. _____.__ ... ....--.......- ._._h..Lot.13.... 31oc:t.2...Qf...~o.l4s.::t1t.h.I__fLo.d.U U.QJl_~Q._t.A.!L~Jt~.._ 9.L! 9r_~_ ..ll t'3rQ_e ..JIQ .rJ...Q~ l... ..__.. ... ac.oQrdiI}i...t o..pla'~.. and ...~.nr.V~;r..m.a.Q.!L~;r_ .P.!....p...!..._~_~..~.~...:.~_.RQg.ers~.l=l!~.l.. K:]~.1..!?.~.~r.~ ~._..~l_?:._:~nl~h... ...p la t.J ~_. :t'Ji!<:l 9.r. ~e~.J1J.. Pl~J; _.~.()Qk.... ~l o.~_?~._~.~.2~_gt1_}~~.!..._~ ,._.~.~.!!.~.~_._~~..~~~._~.~;[...?~....:~.:!~~.~__:~~...P_~....._.__ -. .1912. ....----..-- ~.... -. -....... ..........-.......--___.._._____.._.________..._.._..._..__...._._. _..__..____._.._____..._._....___ .._.____. '__ . ---.--.--------.-.----------....---..---.---..------ -_.----.. ---------------------.--.-------..- ------. ....-------.-..------- --..--..---------.-----........-....--.-... ..----..----.....--------..--------------- -----....---.--=--...--..---------.-------.----- ------.-.-..----.----.--.. -.-.---------.-.---...-.----------.-.---------------..---.- --.-----..---.-----.----- .. ----------- . -.-.....--.....--....-.--.-.-.--.-.-.-.- .---.-.---.-.----------..------.---.-----.---. --------..-.--.- -.--.-.--..--------.------ ---.------..---------...---. .-.-.---...----- --.---.--..---------.---- TOGETHER wilb all the tentmtn". hert'ditam.nls and appurltnanct'S. with t'nry priyilt'gt'. right. titlt. interest :!.nd Ulalt. dowtr and right 01 dowu, rt'nrsivn. rrrnainder and tu.mto' thtrt'IO belong,n!: or an any..ise lOpptrlaining: TO HAVE AXH Tu HOI.D the .ame in Ice simple 10rt'Yer. And tho aaid p;u,--~_ 01 the Iirat part oo_El.6_ covenant ...itb tht' aaid part----v-- of Ihe second pnt Ihat..__ he._.iS-___.Iawlully sciztd 01 Iht >aid premises. that they art Irce from all incumbrances and that.. hll._~good right and b,.lul aUlhoril}' to s.lI the same; and Iht said parLY_.. 01 Ihe fiut part doJL~_ hutl.y lully warrant Ihe lide 10 said land, :!.Dd will deiend the same against Ibe b..lul cbims 01 all persons whomsoever. IN \VITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe said part--.lf o( lh. 6rst part ba....:.S._ ht'reunlO set.... hiS----.hand_ and scal_ lhe day aDd Jur aoon wrillen. ] Si&Dt'd. scaled &.lid ddinrtd in our prescnu: ..-. ..-.--.. J.. .3..lioYla.rd_._____ _._.__._hHLA ~..Hu.b b !l.rd._' -.5a:::::.uU-Eo.ltsb.e.z:g...__._-----'--__(SEAL) ~-- _(SEAL) .~::.:..~~~:~~-:-~-===.-----._.-,__::-.~~~-Jr:.oo ,doc. ,3t~p C!U1. c' COUNTY OF } STATE of--.F..l.orida. Plorida I HEREBy CERTIFY. That on l"is_~.t~_day of . F~br.u.a.r:i.___ ^- D. 19lJ?~ before me I'ersonally apptarecL Sa~~al Holt3be~_Slngle to me known 10 be the pusoo.- described in and who execultd the loregoing connyantt tu Sarah Holtsber8. Widcw. , .'" .anal senrally acknowledged the ueCUlion thereol to be_hlB...._frte acl . .. and d<<d lor the uses and purposes thurin mentioned; and the ..id the wife of :he said_ __ on a It';>ante an;! printe t'uminalion lal:en and made by and belore me. and srparaldy and apnt Irom hu said hl"ban':' did acknowledge tb~t sbt' made heraelf . party to lhe uid Deed 01 COllYtJante. lor the purpos. of renounci"g. relinquishing and com'eying all hu righl. titlt and intrrt'st, whelhrr 01 dower or of scparale propr~,.. ".Iulory or equilable. in and to the bnds Ihercio dtScribed. and lb:!.1 sht' t'xeC:Uled said dud lrrely and yoluntarily and without any conslraisll. (tu. apprehension (.r compulsion 01 or Irom htr said husband. ~ort Pierce ill the Coon!}' of St. Lw ie ..ad Slate 01_.__... .i'lQr~'_-.!!.__ tbt' day and yur lall alore..i.1 W.P. Seal) . . __ _- . .... .--~_~iro1t:,~4ii'!>ffi . H, (SEAL) } '--~ -..--- -- - .___n .-. H1 t3trK.~J;fY~}Mf1~)i~il~~!;eig~ . J~flald8 Jl t L8TeO STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE On thil._______.Q_.___day 01__~9bruar..l -A.. D. 192.L al O'cIock m. thi. iastrument was 1 filed for rttOrd. and being duly acl<nowlcdged and pro..m. I have recordt'd lhe same on'pag.. 162 CountJ. of B001L-~in the puNk. rt'cord. of s.aid I I I' I a .IN WITNESS WHi-:REOF. I bave here.unto set ~ b~nd and affixrd tht .t'alof the Circuit Court of the FiIt<<Dlb Judicial Orcait 01 aid Statt. in and lor said Coval)"_ ~ .. ~ . re uS ~ a ~ o C.J \~ ~ p, G.~ Bldred ~~ _C!erk. By .~ D.C. \ . . ..; :~t./;:~t~t~~~~