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THIS INDEN'rURR. Made this.__....__.... 21~.t. .......__....._o..._Uy 01--... _....Jat1&.lar,V..._......_..___.._._...__.___A. D. 192..-5_. BETWEt-:N
.___:..._IQbQ...Q__~.._Ctln~_ U.f._~!1~~~!!!t1L~..!..j; und ~!!..I.J~.!..~..~!..t'!._...___.__.__....__..._._._.._________.._____
of the County oL__.S.t...._Lu.c.lO"___...___...o......_lIId Stat~ oL.__.__..l.lO'dd.6.._..___....__.......___.___.....put.1lUL 01 lb. 6nt put. alld
!....._..__...__._...._.Anna...L...._Ra:bar ta.__.._..._~.______....______.._..-:._______...._.._.._____.. .-___._...__....__._
lOf Iht' COlIn\)" oL__.._..s.t.....L'J.c.ltL..__..._..___.and Slate ol_..:._F.lQr.l.QL
WITNESSETH, thai Ihe uid part.i.e.a of the fiut part. for and III cor.sidrration 01 the sum 01
______..._ part -:J--- 01 \lIt' ao:cond part.
.i.Q.n...DQl.l.ar.e._a.ud-o.ti1or_y~l~_c.o.na~l:a. t~lIar.. to..them.._.in haod paid. tht" rectipt \yhertol is hereLy acknowledged.
ha:La.. granltd, bars~int'd. sol.. and Iranslerred. ~nd b)' then prescnta do__ _.grant. harpin. nil and transfer unto the hi.l part..;j.._ 01 the St'cond
!>art and .__.hiS__heiu and assigns lorever. all that cerlain parcel 01 land lying and brina in the Coollty ol_._s.i.Lo..L1l0..1.il-________._
and State ~1__._._Jn:.<l.ri d~.::-_____more particularly descr;brc! U 10110..:____._._.._........___._....__........____.___..___..__0...
C(I!:)ml:HWJ .113..8.1! .~ .'p'.g.l?~.. .fi. ___Q.~~ iD..~.Ea!'}~...2r__!:t.~_~ ~~~t!!.:!9..~.L~_Q.~!!~!._QL..~i~ ~_ ~~e>.r .t.. h~~.~.Lqt~!:.~~.!._...._....;..
.. (u~i)o. Qf_Se.c.~i on Th reeJ~J L TC\"U3.!ll!l.._~l':,irJY:-_13.:iX(~E) ..l3Q.Rth ._<;I.!' .~~P69~'ortyJ.4Q).:;,~~t., .____.h .
.. thence Uorth 10. chain:3..thenGe. E')..~t_!)..9):l9.J!!.~.. ...t.hrm!;.!l..~.q.~!tll.),O._cn'l.in131 ~..~t~JIC ~..~L9.!;l.L_f)..__......~
...cillJ.iDS, to ..tt.e .PQint..ofb eginning, __contalnln~..JQ1..j';lv..\L.~cn~.l? 1.-'l!Q)''Q.__Q.r.l.~;?~ ..... fjJ'CQ.!H>t.... __ .._.....
.. lIes t._.15.: f.ee.t..t.;ler.6of.. ......._._____...._.._.__.::......_.__ ._____._____..________._ ..____...__.. ......._...... . .__ ._.. _... ....._..__.___...
...JBts ),lfl~.d..._!!.a.d.e....~~l~.. fl.l: ~~P~~.d.. ..~!-!:tlJ t).c~._~~._.~h ~_..~~~_f!.~~f 0 .!:__t ll~_.l.~~!'_~_~~.?_..~.l!~ .~.:.l~_s_e.:r_!.~~~.~.._....___..._._
.. year,;; ._.and .1.l1~9S.\lbjgcf;.Ji.;:>. '~d_:':~rt5~ge_9f. ...i19QQ. ~Ee...~.!~l_.!. _..~~_2.~.!._.n._ __. ...._... ..._.._...__..
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."~...._._._______.._..__..'::.~..__.._h...___.._.._ __...___.~.___________.__._____..___.____._.__.__.__.__n_.______"........_. _d _. u_,,,..... .______.___._n.........___________
TOGETHER with all tht' ttnem~nt.. herrdilamel.1S and apl'urtrnan,es. wilh ntry priviltGt, righl. litlt'. inlrrrSl ~nd tSlatt. clowcr and risht 01 dolwrr
rt',.trsion, rcmaindrr and Ustnltnt Ihrulo bdon",",; or in 3n)"'ns~ appertaining: TU HAVE ASI' TO 1101.0 thr same in Ire simple lornrr. .
An': tilt' said part..-1.a<b1 the first part do ___ co,'enant with the ...id "..rt_.:;._._ oi Iht' S<"cond p~rl Iha... .t.~l)S-..nre-_-.-lawfully $filCd 01 Ih~
said prrmius. Ih..t tb~y aTe Irtt' Irom all illcumLranctS and Iha!.th.e:i_.ha"'~d rilllll and la,vlul aulltority 10 sell Ihe s.me; :!.nd Ih~ said 1'2.t 163 01
Iht firsl part 110.__. hueL)' lully ....arrant tht tille lu said land. and ...iII dd~nd Iht' s.oRlt' against the lawlul claims 01 all prrsons ..homsUt'vrr.
IS WlTSESS WHEREOF. the said part ~ e_l!. 01 the first part ha__YQ.. hcreunlo sct._.~.~~.l_z.:....handE ~n.J St'al:3. the day and J~ar abovt ,Hillen
Signrd. $falt'd and delinr~d in our preSt'nc~: l
. __ l'r.e kla AId er:.:en . m."_ ._.____.______. _._._~.__.
.._.._n._~.-1!.. Let t s._._._..__ .-..-----.---.-.-----c.....--
;:_~~.:~ -.;~~~__;-;.~:~~-~...- ~:~~ ,';:.'~'3 .~. 50:'9;Q ({~ -:-;s;~}ilf:l'j~ ~'.-,.." _::-=-~
.......:-...JC'.h1LO...C.:.w.d i ff .__ __.____._..__(SEAL)
__Louls~ w. Cundlif
.________. _ _(SEAL)
St. L:1C ie
-- }
I HEREBY CERTIFY. Tb~t on this_.2.1jl.t.____day 01.
JA !T1!lIY_
A. D. 19Z.5~ bdore m~
rtrsollall, appe;.red
.J.oilll..'O......~and1.l:.Land.~:l1. s.c.._ii...~.lnd..if.f ._.J..i..lL~if.9 ._._______ _n.._._________ .
to one known to be the person~_ drscribrd in and who ~ucut~d tht' lore going connyanu to_____._.~.:.1n~._kJQ:be~j;J!_
~Ild eked for the nsu and purposts Ih~rtin mtlllioned; and the said
and uYrrally acknowl~dged tbt' extcutioll therrcl to br-.t.ii~.ir---Ir~e act
Louise .... 4undiff
the wile 01 the said__._~O_~1d.Uf on a St'parate and printt' enmiDalion
laken and m~dt Ly :and brlore mt'. and scparat.!y and apart from her said husband. did acknowledge Ihal sht' madt' hersclf a party to lhe said Dt't'd 01
Conyeyance. lor the purpost' 01 renouncing. relinquishing and conny'ng all htr rillht. litlt and ,nl~rut, whttha'of dowu or 01 uparatt' property. Slatulory
or equitable, ill and to the bnds thutin ducribrd. an.l that s!.., eucut~d said dted frrd, and \"olunbnly and without any conslrainl. I~ar. :!.ppreh~nlioo
Cor compulsion 01 or Irom hrr uid hll5b~nd. . .
ill the County oL~J.._L-'li:.1.e
l!\)-. Lla_ ..lld .
.. t" -~~.-:;t9li~1ll~..T(:r.-g ---.-at.-Le~<;.fS'I.)
.--'~~~~c=-:, ,--.--."'.'-lIj ,o.6~i~!ii-onl_expire8"~anuety ~,:-1.iZ6-c.-..
.alld Slate ol._.~)..or.!~ .______... .__the.day alld ytar last aforesaid.
On this_---9_______...day (JL_.~ e b . ___
A. D. 1<n5~ aL-._o'docL-..m.. Ihis iDstrurnent .as
filed for record. and being duly ackoowledgt'd and proyt'D. I han rccorded the saDJe On pa&t'_.J._~L_ol Book 60__in the public ncords of said
<:OUIII)". ..'. .
Ill! WITNESS WHEREOF. I b..~ hut'Dnlo Ht rny hand an,l.affuted ~ aul 01 the Circuit Coart 01 the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit 01 laid Slate. in and
lor said Connly. . . . ii:
P. 'C. Eldred