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THIS INDENTURE, MlIde lhis.._...__..l~th.___._.___...day 01............ JaDl1a1'7........-..._._....... .........._.. ......._A. n. 192.5..... BE1'WEEN
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"I lhe Counly ~r__~ ~_tt... LyOle..__.._._...._..._ _and Slale 01_.:__.....1.101'14IL.._ ._._.... ....._._ ...._.___...._...__part_1SB 01 th~ 6f1t part, and
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St. Luoie . florid.
of thc Counly 01__..______. -..---.--..._._....._.__and Stalt' 0'-_.__....___..__ . __._._.__.__.part ..~._ 01 tht strond ~rl.
WIT~ESSI_:TII. thallhe' said pallies.. 01 lht' 6ut p;arl. for and in consideralion ollht' sum oL.___~m._......_.._...__...._...............______......................_..
---...--.----.-----..-----,.-- ____Dollar$, to_.t.b8l1._in band paid. tbt' receipt "htnol is hereby ~c.nowltd.:td.
ha._'I'a. Ilr3nted. bargaint'd, sold and transferred. and by lhtse prescnts dO--_.llrant. b:!.rga:n. 5tH alld translrr unlO the said I':!.rl_.--I'.. 01 Ihc stcond
i suooessors .' .
"arl and......~'_.I_-lIiIE1tand assigns rorner. all Ihu certain parcel 01 bod lying and bt'ing in the Collnly ol_S.t..Luoi._......_.__...._____.....
and Stalt ol--_....~or1d...________._more puticularly ducri"e~ as lollowl:_...___.______ _.._..._.._._. ____.......___........... ........__...._.
.---.... Lo:t.1f\llJl~':r...O.J;le. (1) .in--~~~CJ.~_.~~l;>>...~_~hl.~~.J.-~JJ;l~n.J~9.J..,tnc.u~p_~tV'~.~.__~~8 _~Qmp~Y'8 "n'__'
. ~ub4iYJ,81Qn i~ ..the .~i tl .().~_!.e.J'o, . ~~l;)r~d~....~.~_th8S8lD~18nd~.8.1~te4 on. the .ph.t re~.
. o~:t4ed.in. the. offioe .ot.tha.Q1erk.ot. ths-Carouit --~ourt .in an4 .for.8ald .oounty... .._..... ......
.-.... 8\tbJoot . to )(or1;8080 d8h~D'Q I.. .~....Ug~1 __~.I).. tb$ amo~~ of.. '''~()'OQ. _~m.", 11 . t~~el;l
. and spec1a1 n .S80SQlDonta.. due."and --paJ'e.blo..aUQr..~hlQ date. _..._.... ._..n_____..__. ._. .._________....._. _ _::"....
-.......-.... ......-..~w-..-...-..--------...... --.. ...__...u.____......._._.......u".___. .--- ....-. _._._._._........._..._.u.....__._. __.._._..__..._u
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u..__.... _.._......_.___..._..uu_._.. '.U_'.____.___ .------.-.-.-..-.____.__..__.____.__._. ..___._.._._______.__..___.._.._._.... .._._..._h.._.h.__._.. ...._ ......._.._._........_....__..____..
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TOGETII ER with all th~ tcntmt'nls. hercd;lamcnU aDd :!.ppurtrn~nce;. ...-ill, t\:try privilege, right, tillt. inltrcst and t'Slalt, dower an.1 righl of d.>wer,
rntuion. rrmaindrr and t"'tmtnl thrrtlO wlon~lIlJ; or in af!)'wise apPcflair.ing: TO 11.-\\'1'.: .-\XU TO ~OJ,U tilt' same in itt simple iorcvrr.
And Iht said p~rt__ 01 th~ 6ut p~rt do -__ conDant ..ilh tht ,.;aid puL___ 01 tht "cond I':!.rt Ih:II_.th8.f.are .___Iawlully srilt.t ollbt
>aid pr~misrs. that Ihty ar~ frce from all itlcuml.ranctS aQd lhal~.!~e'y'...ha._!',ood right an.l Iawlu\ :!.ut!lorily to srll tht s~me: and Ihe said l'''lle.~. 01
ti,t first parI do_ hut!>y Icily ,urrant Ihe litlt 10 SlIid I~nd. and will dtlend Ihe sam~ allainsr Ihe b..ful c1ainu 01 ~II ~rsons whom~.rr.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said put.leB of the first part ba..Y8___ hrrcullto sct..their_baad.... and scaL. Iht d~y""-d )tar aJ.o\'t .rillt..
Signed. suled and ddinred in our p"srnet:
. -'ranees. Skene --........._., ....._._________._.....__u.__.__.
... -. Lena Road ---._ ....__.______._. _______..__.________._.__._...__.._..__
_______.lInJ!~._~J l-n. __.__...____._____._(SE.-\L)
)(ahala Gilman
.--.----- ------.------.___._(SE:\L)
_ _.. u_...___h_______..__.___.._. ..__. .._.......___..._....__.. _.._......______~_.__
ST.-\TE of_112.!:j.j~
-- }
COUNTY oF~.M.Lldlgi e
I HEREBY CERTIFY. That 00 this_16th.__-:-___._day ol.-J~,._ ^- D. 19lJL. wI"" mt
I'monallyappmtd '.!ll'-am Gi1Dl8n and~y~_gJ..l~P....b,J~._~11'.________________..._____._._.
10 mt kno,O'ft 10 be Iht' person.'.._ ducribcd in and who txtCUlt'd th~ loregoing con..eyanct' lo_.__G.1.1:t_oar.a..l!!lAlt~O.IDIUID..f ____
and scnrally ackno..ledg~d th~ t'uculion Ihcltol to bc-.th.e.ir___fret ael
and d~t'd lor tbe ~I and purposu therdD tilCDlioncd: and the saicL_~l..J!ll~
Wi1USIl Gilman
lht' wil~ 01 the said.. _. on a stparate and prinle e:-nminalion
talcto and made by and bclort' mt. and uparallly and apart Irom her said btsb~Dd. did aclmo..ltdlte lhat she made hrrulf a pUly to lh~ said Dttd 01
Coonyanc~ lor the I'urposc 01 Itnouncinar. rtlinquisbin~ an.] coonyinll all h<f right. litlt aod inltrest. ..ht'ther 01 do...rr or 01 scparatt properly, slalutory
ttr equilablt'. in and to tht lands Ihclein drscribt'd. ~nd lhal sht' eucuted ~:lid de~d Irct'ly and volunlarily and ..ilhoul any cODslr~inl. lur. appr~htDsion
u compulsioll 01 or from htr laid htl$~nd. . .
and State oi_l.
.in the CouarT 01
___.____tht day and yt'at lut alorcsaid.
HXot rIL 'Pnbli i!-;.e~~'ls!-OI.~-13t.ll2A~ (L..___._....._._:.....(SEAI.I
.C -Iq- 10IB188 on ~~ 8 j/ti/l~ ___ ..__. .
On 'bia-._.1_1.P.. ~____cIay oL_I.' b. -_.___.________-^- D, 19l1i.... at___o'dock___RL. tbil iDllrument was
IiJcd lor rtcord. and bciD~ duly uknowltdgt'.1 aDd prone. I hue rccordtd the same Db page....~6L_._ol Book.6I___in Iht public rrcnrds 01 said
. I hale hrr~anto sct my hand and ~l!ind II,e scal of tht Circ:u;t COllrt 01 tht' Filtttnlh Judidal CirCllit 0{ Jaid Slalt'. in and
. 0
. uJ
~~tC. ~l~rj~ __.~__._._~r~
~ ~- 1~m -~-4.JJ-_.__D.C.