HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0768 168 ':-=-:..:::::-....:......iiiliii:'iiil': _ -:.:~~ == =:-:-:-::::.:~~_: =--=-=- ~~~ ==~~=~:=;;;;~ ~11Ii{~.sIi-1C>;;'1_t.QiiAlI;~q.iQ'CD_1il:lWiG'.~-~ =:' ::-:-_"';"':"':..___~~___ THIS INDENTURE, Made this...___._.29th._.... ___._____._cIay or-......--. Janua.l'''-'''''''_' "'''__..._ .._._.____._^- D. 19l....6.. BETWEEN ___ .._____t~ ..W...R.tw1.tt.. aJlt..ltuna.JII..Jl~m_U ....hl~L"lf....____.._. ._.__.__...._____...___________2___ 01 the Count). 01_._____.. S.t.t. .Mlo.Jt....._...__......_.....nd State or............_..'.loJ'.IO'... '_"'_ ....__...._.._.__._.__._put 1.0-'. oi the lint part. and _...__________.._...__ ..._. ......._..._._.r.~!.~~. L~._~.Lh.~~!._~.!~_~~t..!.!_..te;~.!8l.1t~._._....._..._._.....__. _ ...___ ._...______...__._..__ 01 the County 01.__.._._ .3.tJl...l,Qo.l.o..___ __ ._.and Slatt' or..__.l.lo.r1.i..t.____._.____.p~rt _l.tD 01 the second part. \ J W1TN~SS":TII. that the saiu 1""1.1e.801 Ihr liCIt p;ut. lor and in consideration 01 tht' sum 01..__._____.__.....__..__...____.._..__._....____.__ _len..dQll8l'.8..aDll..().th.0l'._yaluAb.le._.a.O'Wlaera.t~0111r1. to...t.l1.em...in hand pahl. the rcct'ipt wlarreof j; "meLy acknowledged. ha...Y.A_ granlt.l. bargained, sold and translerrrd. and by then preltnlS do._ _.grant. bargain. sell and transfer unlO the nid parli G.S. 01 the sccond part and.._.~g..~1!'._hcirs and assigns lorenr. all that cerlain I':!.rcel 01 land lying and bt'ing in tht' County ol__':-_~~_~__~.~~.!..~._.__.._ and State (.1 '7""'~Qr.1da._.____..___more pah:~ .'arly drscribec! u lollowa'-_.___._..___.._...____._.__._____.._._.__.._.._ LMS THIlmWl (13), and ~OUR'l'EBlI (14) C1I BLOOr 08 (1) AS PER PLAT (JI BEACHrAnD DEVELOP" ----. __ _...... . .. -- ...... ._.. ____......._.__.__u. _.__.. .._..____......__..___._....__... __... .....____ ...u_..... ..._..... ...... ._....._....._....___........_... ........__..._.....___ KBNT~9~AJrl'.~. ~y:aD!Yl:.~~ 9~L JlE.~O'Ig>.~ _!~__._.~~':l' .!39.o.~ ._~tu.~ A.C!.E...~ ..J:!'_..~~ .C)~.~c_~...o.r ._~ ...~~.~l{ OPClBCD U COUm.. ST.. LUCIE.. C.OUBTY..'LORID~.. .BKIliG __A...S1IBDIVlSION.OP .THE. SOUTH.__.99gr~_OP GOVERBKEN'l'. LO':r 6.... .SICTIOll...2....!OIBS.1U1'_.3.g. ..S.OTJ1U..RjJlGB .'-~uB.AS'tu...__..u__...__.....u__..__...____....._..__".._ ~ ...-........-...----...----..--.....-....-....--.---............--..--.-.---.----..-.---....---.-----.-- .---------- -.------..--. --- -------..---------..---...-..------ .__.n _h___'_'___'" __ ___'_'_"'__H . .__..' ..............__ "h_._______.___._._. ......___.__u._..__._____. _ _.__.____..._.._______________________._____ _..__...._._______..__.._..___._....___._.... n........ .____-:__ .._.__., ________________ ______.___n..__' __..._...._..._____________._.___.__. ..__....__.__,...____._ .____ ___.. .-------.-.---------..--..--.----.---...--...-.-.-.-...--.--.---------.---.--..-----------.--.---...- -- --..---------- ---_.__.._--.._-_..._------_.-.--~._-_.._--_......- -...---------.- .....--...----.-----..-.-----.---------..----.----.-------.--...---.-------....----- ---.-..----------.-----.----------..----...-.-----------.-------------.---------.---------- --.------.-.---.----------..--.-.--.-_______________....._._.__.___.__..u ___________._._._.___.._~...____.._ __.__._.__..__..____.____..__..__.. TOGETHER wilh all the tenrmrnlS. bertdit..meulS :!.nd appurt:nancu, witb t'.try pri.--ilegt'. right. tillr. inlt'tut and rSlate, dowrr and right 01 clowt't. re.erslon. rran~lOdtr and easrmrul thert!o klonglllg or 1ft anywisr apptrlaining: TO HAVE ASI) TO 1101.1) the nme in Ire sim"le lort'v". And the said part...!eSol the first part do_ coycnant ..ilh tht' said partiY. 01 Iht' Stcoud ~~rt t11~1_..__tho.v-.---_.--lawlully srind 01 the said premises. that Ihey art Irrc Irom all inrumbrancu and Ihatt.A.eJ'_.._h~Y,ood right and lawlul aUlhoril~' to ull Ihe samt'o and I!le nid part.. ies 01 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said part _18.11 of the 6rsl part h;LT~._ herrunto sel._.th.~ll'__hancP_ and St'aL~ the day and yrar aboye ,.,illrn 1 Ibe 6rsl par! do.___ hcreLy lully warranl Ihe Ii tie 10 said land. and will dclrnd thr nme against Ihc la'Tlul claims 01 all persons ...homsoner. Signt'd. scaled aDd delivered in our prcsence: .-.._ ..h. .. Hasel G .Swart.wou.t ___..._____.__._.._...__. -. --.---- ---....-.-J .. D ..BUttr-.----.--..---.--h--.-.----- ___1:L.J.!_JI~.~lH ___._. _.___._____:..-.(SEAl.) Ll1!1.f!.~.!._ He'!!~.~.___.______._(SEAL) STATE OF 'lor14a ;:. } COUNTY OF 1 HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this__ 29th St. Lucie day ol.~~U~""y': ^- D. 19tJl_ bdore mt' r<:rsonally appeared ~.--L....a...-1tt -aD4--Lu.na--K-HaWJ.tt.. to me known 10 be the person.B._ drscribed in and who executed the foregoing conveyance to___Yreem.an ..L.._Kn1&ht....a..nd._Elb.er_t._.W... . __ K111&bt. and severally acknowlrdged tht' excculion Ibercol 10 be~e1..r_.frre art aDd deed for th~ uses and purposes thertln mt'ntioned; and the said Luna..Jl....Jla.Ut tht' wile 01 the said. ,. ., Hew! tt. .__on a scparate and priTate uamination lakt'n and made Ly and belore mt'. aod separaldy and arart from htr said husband, did aclmowledge thaI she made hersdl a "arty to tht' said Dced 01 ConTeyance. lor the purpo.t' 01 rrnouncing. rdinquishing an,) connying all her righI, title and intrrcst, ,,'helher of do....er or 01 separate property. stalulory or equilablt'. in and to the I..nds therein ducribed. arid Ihat sbt' r>:rruted said deed Irtely and voluntarily and wnhout any conslraint. ft'Sf. apprehension c,r compulsiOt1 01 or Irom ht'r $Sid husband. . WITN~S;> my signature and ollicial scal at__Ie.rO. and Slatc oLh~Qr1Gll..t.__. . ___tbe y and year lut aloresaid. ,-- f STATE OR Fl.ORIUA J COUNTY!F ST. LUCIE f On tJ,;..__7___._____da)' oL__-'.eb.... ;n the County 01 s t..L..L uo ie . ft s. 1 l{otar -~r!-.-.".tr.'f'~'OjOrl4e.....-t-..u:fEaL) .= 'My oO!mlsston' .~fr8B~ebraBry 21.- 192' I I I I I I J' r I filcd lor rt'cord. and bein~ duly. admowlrdgrd a"d proveD. I hne recorded tl-.c same 00 pa8e.....l!)~of B<>Ok. County. _ . . sel my hand aod a&iud the scal 01 the Circuit Court 01 tbe Fifteenth J..dieisl Circuit 01 said State. iD an.e .- lL P. c. .1~n4 ___ Ckrk.ii ~ ~C_'~ ~____D. C.~ o \ cr: , 0 o u.I ~ 60 in Ihe public rrcords 01 said ) ^- D. 192.6-. at o'dock..-",-, this instrumt'Ot wsa >',:'\>\~%~}lf~!~~