HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0774 174" '----_-..........-,.;..iJIf - "'- r ~._- ~---- ,-....~_.lI~.nua:__ .:..~=.:.=-:::.~:;::~ -~ ~::- ~.=- --, -=::::I''''ar'::':]'li'S''~~~;.'(:ll:iMaW;JM1W:;~~~=':~::=;'::;;=~-~~~, ! ~ [ TillS INDENTURE, Made tbis_____._30th.._........_._.._____day 01--. _.__J.amar,.....____..~ .....__...._...._..._...__^- D. 19l6...... BETWEEN _______._.ll1Q....I.L:D~llQl.Qon. .a.PL.~'_O_t...PJlml~~_QP......J~~r...b.!!~J>.~4a. ._.._.__.__ ___._.____~____.____ 01 the County OI__.__.~!!...J.uO.!!....._.__..._._.and State OI_._.._....!).~!:!~.!l__._._......._..___.....___.._.___patt.~a8. 01 lhe lint put. aad _..____.__~___..... Il... J .__Burati.Oll......_._____._____.___.....__....__.__..___...._.....__._____..__...._ ..__..___________.._____._.. 01 the Counly 01...._._ St ._~UO_~.!..._____.__.._..aad Stalt' Ol.._.!~~!!!._.._._-.-:_....._______.__p~rt .3.__ o. the mood pUl. W1Tl\ESSF.TIf. lht Ihe said pm..~e801 the fiut (oar I. lor a ,I in consideralion 01 the sum oL___.J.1X...H.lUldrQd....an.d...~.Qy.Q.nt'.~tJy.t..__ ___.._~_~675~~J_. __Uollar.. to..t.hlIlL.h han/paid.the ,(~cipt ..hcrroll. hut'by ul<no\yltd!;cd. ~..J',., ".' ha._yegranted. bargaintd. sold and translcrrcd..and by these prcSCnts do.-._grant. bugain. sell and transler UOIO the said par~._.J._ 01 Ihe stcond I>:I.rt aod_.__ h1.a. _heirs and awigns 1",eYt'r. all that cer!~in parcel 01 land lying and being in the County 01~.1i.L. L.Uo.lt_______ and Slatc vl__.'.l.OI'.10."._______-----l1Iore particularly described as lollowa:-_______.____._.______..______..______ _ ........._. 'l'a~tJ'o .!...~3.... ()~._G.~~~~...E.~_ tl. ~:~~~.._!_~~,!).r.!!..~._!~....p!~~__C?!._:8a_~~_.~Ub.41.~_~~.~~._!.~~~.!.~.~d_._. . .. no ... .... on ?e..g~O .Qt. PlatdJ;H~.~~ .~. _:r.eQ9.:r.~.8_.. 0 f ~.t!__~~~!.~.. CO~..!l~l.,_..'!C?:r..!.~~u.. .._~.e~ng a. ...~~:t>_~.~.!i.tl1..C?~. .0f.Seoti on ..~1'V, .. ( 6) L.~0.1IIl8~p _!!1~_~1:' f!..~!__~.~.} __!S_O"'\!~EL.!I~.~~_.!.0!~.1_.~~..O'L~~~~.!_.._..__.__._.. _.-..-. .......--........-.--..-.----.---.. ........----------..-..--..---...------------.---------- -----------------....-----.-..------. ---------- . --...----------.----..-.... '-''''--''- .#j.--Q...~- .d,$/!"4..4 t.~...u ft -..5J-4--V.+_._ .-.-.-.-.---..---~--------------.---..-.. -------.----..---------------__. ____._.________.__~___-_d___._.._. _._ _~____._....__.___._.__.__..__ ___________________u__."_.__.________. __._._.._. . __.___.___ _.___.______._._.____._____________._.____.~_.____..______ _..._._____.___..._...___.. .---.-..-.-._...---...-.-._.--..-....--._'.....,-_...~---._',_h._._. ._____ ____..___ ..___..._____._. '__.__.__._..___ _______.u____.._. __.___.__________...___ -..--..--..-------.-.-..-.-. ..-..-.-------.--.------------- ---.--.--.--------..--..--.--.--.-------------- TOGI:TIlt::R with all the ttnrmtet,. heredit~C1et;ts a:1d appc.tcn.n~ci. with C,,'itY vri.i:CKC. rii~.t. lil~i'. i..i~.~ai ami ~~iili~. uu.er ilnd right oj dow~r. ,cnrsion. rrmainder anu cu.m.nl Ibrrtlo belongIng or ill any..isc appertaining: TO HAVE A:SlJ TO IIOLU tht' s~me in Ice simrlt lore~cr. And tll< said p..t...iUol tht' Iirst part do_ conn ant ...ilb the said p:l.ft-S-- 01 the second part tl.al.....tlJ.e3...ar.___.Ia....lully sci..d 01 tho ""id prrmist's. lhal lney arc Irce Irom all incumbrancu alld lhat!~.L.J!aV\uoJ right an.llawiul authorit) to stll Ihc samc; and thc said p~rt~.~_~.. 01 I I I I I I ,I ,I il 'I !; I~ WITNESS WHEREOF. thc said parliea 01 Ihe IilSt part ","_VS. hut'unlO sel..t.b.e.lr_bandlJ. and seal.' Ihe day and ytar above w,ill'". 1 Ibe 61St part .10_ birth)' lully warrant the title 10 said lao':. aDd \yill ddtnd the s:amc agaiosl Ihe lawlul 'claims 01 all rcISO'" whomsocYt'r. - -.... .~~g~t'~.s~a:d~:d ;:;:: .i~::=~~=---'----l .__..._______. .A.... ..K. .~tellar.cl..___~. .. . . ------ - -. ----------------- _AU.Q!L.I.!...P~QQ.1.~..QP.. _.___.__(SEAL) Geo. Dennison (SEAL) - "- - ._._._-_._-~~ -. - -~ -.----- ---- ---- ---- ------------.----- --_._--_.__.~--- -. t J STATE OF_~I!-U&. COUNTY OF--3t; _ I.note I HEREBY CERTIFY. That 00 this 30th. day 01 lfmtaJ.'~ ---:--^- D. 19&_~ belore mt rcrSOoa1JT appearcd.-.G.tlO...J.!tnnison anLUloe ~. -UennlJ10D____-,,-______..__h_. 10 me known to bc thc person.~__ described in and who execultd the loocgoiag conveyance 10__Ji..n_.J.-,-~...Bur..8.1iOD__ _and severa!!y adtRo.!-ledged the cxtcution Ihert'ol to be.....h1.Il._._.lrrc aCI p i I !: aad drrd lor tho: uses and purposu thucin m~oticncd; aod tht said .A.l1o.8...E......Eenn1a.on. the wilt' 01 the said Q.eo.__JhtllD1.aQll .00 a separate aDd printe cxamination tak.o and made by an" beforc mt', and srpar:ltdy and apart rrom her said husband. did acknowlcdge Ihat she made h.rscU a party 10 tht said Dtcd 01 Co.ntyaote. 'or tht' I'urpose 01 renouncing. relinquishinll and couveying all hcr riilht. litlt and inlcrut. "t.elher 01 dower or 01 separalc propt'rty. S1alutor)' or cquitable. in and to the lands tbrrein describcd. and Ihat sht' cxccuttd said dctd irrdy and \"oluntarilT and wilhout any constrain I. 'tar. apprchtnsion c.r compulsion 01 or Irom her said hasband.. Pod__lJ,_QlC e in the Co"ntT 01 St. Luoie t' clay aad year last aloresaid. -. -t4-j,-,-{B.L~t~'-f-~"r1h'-n'a'-a-t--r.~E~Ll . -~,~~~_,-'c.,-.-"J!li;~~H~t8n iipl!lis.5~. if uii. -- - .. g STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE IN WITNESS WHEREOF. lor said Couoly. in the pnblic rrcords 01 said 0. \.II cunto Ht my hand and affixed Ihe Hal 01 the Circuil Court 01 the FifttcDth Judicial Circuit 01 said Stalt'. in ~d ~ a~ D.~ O. o uJ ~ 60 .J On thia._...:...i__.______daJ' of :reb. -A. D. 192!..., at---:----o.dock__m., this instrumeot wzs t.~ ~ lor rrcord. and beiBI' duiy ac"no..I~lled and proytn. I hnt rccorded the same OD patte.-1!i.._or Book Co;roty. t j I P. c. Blare' h.~klg~ .. $~~k!iji~JJ.~i ~ -.' _~ 4 _ ~~ ~_~. ".<r;~ ~~$~r~~~r~~it.:~1~'!.~~~~ . ' ... # ~ .':_.{- .~-'; t.<::o~~~"lJ""''''~-1:~~-''' . . ,..:'~" ',~:'~;'~.-.: .:.:<~~~?Id~~~~~~?~~lD~~ . . t. -. : I. ~ ..,,~~" ~~~:'-:~~"~"'-~";':i~~i'l- I - .... - 1 '" -. ~~.. .-,..." "!;: .-"\." _. ".....,....