HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0787 1871 I ~~~-..-~ :~. ::::::;;~.:.:- :';;RP;=:' ~:: ::- ' ..::::--.::: JIIOl'"'<l ~"':l.oI~:~....... -d TillS INDENTURE, Madt' this.......... 2.~...___.._............. .._day 01.......... . Januar,. ....... . .... ......... ........-. ... _A. 0, i9l_6.., DETWE~~--'---~l .~.,r..~~..~.~.1."g~L~~.1J:l~~...~"..4..cn,~.~v..l!~~ ...~~}p~ ..~'.U8." ..... . ..._.__ :....__... . . .. ....... .. .'"'' ..__ ......_._._._._............_._..... I -~ =~:.:=..:- " ( (\1 the County oL l)~4.. ...=_._..._.._.......... ._.._.._...__...._..nd State oL.....'lo.f.l..4. ..:._.__.................._..... ._............. .....put_".t.Jof Iht' 6nt part. and ..J4UJ'.. .~..~..9l~!.'!:.J.Il~. ~."..J$..I. 9.1.~yerJ:l.~...l.\~.~.'!>.~~._..........._._........... __.............. ..... .............-._- ............ .........................-......... ,,' the cou~~ :r:..st_....L.~Q~..,. ..._......._.......... ._.____ ._and Slatt' or.._.rlor.14....______. _.___............_...................._.p.rt .~'_3. 01 tht' second parI. \\'ITNF.SSF.'ru. th.t the said putie8 of Iht' fi"t part. for :!'Qll in co~si.jeroltiQll 01 tht' sum oL ..~~~...ftWl'~~!J t'.~OO,o()l._._......... ..........-..... __"_"'_" _.__._.__........ _._....... ....__......_...___._....__.______.......___l>oU.u. tl> tn'.__in band p~id. tltt' rcceil't \\'1:""01 is hrnby achowlrd.:rd. ha.._ya gnntrd. bUll:!.ined. solei and translt'rnd. .nd by Ihrse prrsenlS do_. _.grant. b.rpin, stll and translt'r unto tht' said part. 1.' ~ 101 lhe second I'~rt and... tne1r__.hrirs and assigns forey". all that ctrta,n s>arctl 01 land Iyine and brillZ in tht' County t'i_St..,_ Jiq,o 1..._._......... ........--............ lUId Stalt' ol_.llorlo.J...._..__....._'__......___more particularly dncribec! as l(lllows:~__.. _"__' .._.._....._............_.._... ...:...... on._._. ........... ...-.............. . . 'the It. wost. ha.lf . of tl:l'..lJor~b.~h8.lfJ -*1. of the ~o:g.tl1-W.8t . qu.arter. (5ft) of. the Korth-eas' quarter em> ..ot..Seot1on. '~en t7- 81x . (~6) . .~\?Wns:tl1P. 'lh!?;.~.1~.two ... (~~).~~'!-~~~ _~~e...n....._. .. __!b1~t,,-ll1n. .B&8~. .. oOD1ielnJ.JlB .'f,n.J1Q 1.~~~..1l. . ~re .oJ," .le~~ ... u... .... . . _____..___________..______.. _ ...,._._._._.__._~ ._...._.0_______________.__ ______________________. ..' TOGETHER ,,'ith all Iht' ttnrmtnlS. herrditam~cts aDd apl'url.nanCU. ...ilh t'nry priyilc-g<', r;ghl. tillr. int<rest :and UI:!.lc. do'.."r anll ri!:!tt 01 do\yrr. rcwrSlon. rcm~lRdtr and t:aSt'n'cnt Ihen\o ~I"nginr: or in any..-isr appcrtaining: TO II" \"1-: ^~() TO IIU1.D thr 5.lnle in lu simplr lorenr. r :.,. And tht' said part..1ea 01 the 6151 put do___.._ coyen~nt wilh tht' uid p:.rties of Iht' stcon.1 p.rl Ihalu._th.,. ..... uh u.u .1:!."lnlly s.-ized olll.t' s:aid prrmiks, lllu Ihrf are Irtc Iron. :ell incnmbrancf's and Ih:aLtbtJ'u__.~uod right and lawi..1 aUlhorilY 10 srll tht' s~me; :!.nd Ih.. nil! (.:!.rl ies of lite fiUl parI do._..__ htrt'I.)' fully warrant tht !llle t" uid land. :and ..-iII dei.nd lhe samc ~g:ainst tI:t !:awlul claims "I all "..sons ..homsoh<<. 11\ WIT:-<F.SS WHEREOF. Ihc ~id 1'~rlle8 01 Ihe firS! part ha Ytt ht'rruulo ~L. tb,lT._.hand~ and st':aIS Ihe .Iay :!.nd fur al'OYf \HiuYIl Signtd. sultd and d.EurtJ in our prutnc.: 1 -- G. D. ~r()ss1er , JI..-.".......------... _. __ . __ . P. C. "Brassier _. ~ __..____..u._._._... ..__.___u... ___ . / ) _._ _._ ...__ . ____.._. __..nh__"_ .._....__... ."...... .___.._ _'.. ....__..____.______....__._.__ B~r~l1~_ Sfll.~gIL.___._..._.. .......__ ___.. . ..... ___(SEAl.) Adolph Selig. __________.__.n._....__._ ....._..__..__.__....__._. ,-(SEAl.) -. ST ^ TE OF __P.LORlD--'---- COU:-<TY OF-DAlJX .-l ; I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this___....24.,h..__.._d:!.). ol_____lamarJ'_. ___n._.."- D. 192.._~.~ bdore mt' ,'trson:ally appc:!.rt'd..B.er.tha_.5A 1 i ge en 4..Ado.lph._8el.1ga_.her...huaball4..__..___.______..~_n_.____.. --- 10 me l.:nown to be the pcrson..B_ described in and ...ho urt'Ul~d the loregoing conyryanct' 10... _Laura... G.,._.G1Qy.r._.au4 ..5......1......____ _ Glonr _.._____ ._.__..._____._._.. and senrally adnowledgrd tht' t'Xrculion lhercol to be___the.1r._.Irre acl .nd dred lor tht' usu and purposu th~rrin mrnlionrd; .nd tht' s:aid._.I.I"h...8.ttl1SI~.____.__...._____._.~.__ Ihe wile 01 Ih~ ...id__A49_b~_S~li&t.._.. . on :a scpante :and priYSlt' euminalion lal..n ~nd u;:ade Ly and belore me. and sepanl<ly and apart Irom her said husband, did :aclruowl~dge Ihat she made htrStIl a puty to the said D~rd 01 Connyancr, lor Iht purpos<, 01 r~nonncing, relic'lui.hing and connying all hlf rij{ht. lille aDd intuest. wh~lhrr 01 dO"<I or 01 ~cparalt' property, stUulor)' or t'quilaMt'. ill :and 10 ~h~ lands thucin describ..d, and Ihat she e,,~o:utrd said deed frt'rly and yolunlarily and ..,thoul any constraint, Irar. apprehension (,r compulsion 01 or from hrr said husband. my signaturr :and official scal at_~!~.____._.._.____in the County ol_.;Q-"~.~t an j , I i I I I Ic } 7. C. BroBBler BotarL Public f.or-tli8..Stat.-~o1-'lorl~a - a:,"Lars..(SF.^I.l K,y Co.-1ss1on Xxpirf!S '.bruar7 'I. 1987 1 . On IhiJ_.,18__.._. __...._._....:.____clay .0L_._.'.Db____ _. .A. D. 19:6__. aLa.:.lao'doc~_m.. thi. instrument was Iifed lor record. and being duly :,c1cnowltditM and proYCD. ) hye recordt'd t~ sal1le on paac..__.ltt7._...01 BoolrjO____in the public ncords 01 said ('OUllly. . 0 uI IS WITNESS WHEREOF. , han htrnnlo let my h.and au.1 afli1ttd Ihe suI 01 Ih" Circuit <"ourl 01 the Fifteenlh Judicial Circuit 01 sU Statt'. in and ty. ~ P. O. Eldr.' ..~ . B,y /l ~=zEl:Z~.. __.=:~r; o () :~ .. l ...