HomeMy WebLinkAboutREVISIONSpray Foam Insul. per Energy Calc. 12 1/2" d.w. 1 x 4 p.t. Firestop One Course Perimeter Beam with (1) #5 Rebar Filled with Grout 1 x 2 p.t. furring strips 24"o.c. on 3/4" Insul. Board 1/2" d. #5 vert. rebar in grout filled cell See Floor Plan for Locations 4" 2500# Fibermix Conc. on .006 Vapor Bearier on Clean, Compacted, Termite Treated Fill —� 0.00' $— F.F�---- E (2) #5 Rebar over underlayment on r 19/32" c.d.x. plywood fastened as per nailing schedule Pre Engineered Wood Roof Trusses 24"o.c. Shop Drawingsr)y Others See Connector /- Schedule 5 h 2 x 4 p..t. Cont. 2 x 4 24"o.c. Galv. Drip Edge over 1 x 2 p.t. 2 x 6 R.S. Cedar Fascia Board Stucco Soffit Over High Ribbed Wire Lath 1 _6 Install one layer of 15# felt to framing prior to installing wire lath 8x16x8 CMU Typ. Typical Wa11 Section Light Textured Stucco Finish #5 Vert. Rebar with 10" Hook and 30" Lap. Tie to Vert. Rebar In Cells I Grade Front Elevation scale:3/16" = P-0" A 1 T-1 T.O.B. G �Y 0 Ott F.F E Right Elevation scale: 3/ 16" = 1'-0" Rear Elevation scale: 3/ 16" = F-0` +38.8 42.00ud Left Elevation Scale: 3,16"— F-O" +38,8 42.0 +38 42.0 +48.8 i� ICI=I 'W ICI 'iifti'. imI MW W =1 ICI WWI +28.2 +28.2 1141 1 31.4 +38.8 42.0 CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OF RECORD -18.8 +38.8 51.9 42.0 +38.8 42.0 Ait MM� NG U FACTOORS AND SWr1 PUACE WRN Ft3C ENERGY CODE MUST REMAIN ON ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS UNTIL INSPECTIONS ARE APPRO" BYE° ��'D3�5'✓QI St I I lriP ('nnntiv RT, UcIE GdCl Cl T� willi:ll LU FORi U N 00 M p w � w � bJJ � w O° U '^ N c��� ct w o H Q � N v 1 \V H CA U�Z i Q oC M o 4�4 w Q. b � x � �a ED51'104 rlow. aj ISUAT N TO CODESa date minion 10/31/18 Standing Seam Metal Roofing drawn 5 1. checked s.l. date 3/15/IB scale 3/16"= F-0" to,41—.NM r6an, . ,... L 13C MADIv. 1%;SpycTIO\ NM JOB 'File -COPY. - STRUCTURAL NOTES: All reinforcing steel shall be high strength billet steel and shall conform to ASTM A-615 grade 60 specifications. Lap continuous reinforcing 48 bar diameters or 30" in beams and in slabs. Lap bottom steel over sup ports and top steel at midspan. Hook discontinuous ends ,Ports top bars. Reinforcing steel shall have a minimum of 1" concrete cover, or as follows: BOTTOM TOP SIDES Beams: 11/2" 11/2" 11/2" Slab on Grade: 1 1/2" i" Structural Poured: 3/4" 3/4" Poured Walls: _ _ 3/4'r- Slabs exposed to the weather 3/4" 1" Reinforcing steel shall be detailed and fabricated in accordance with the "Manual of Standard Practice of Detailing Reinforcing Concrete Structures" and the current "ACI Building Code 318' All structural steel shall conform to current ASTM Specification A-36 All wood in contact with masonry shall be pressure treated or approved seperating material. All dimensions shall be verified in field by the contractor. If there are any discrepancies the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before proceeding. No slump over 5" shall be permitted for any structural concrete without the Architect or Engineer approval. All Design and Construction shall be inaccordance with the current American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), The Florida Building Code and all applicable local codes. Structural Concrete shall attain a minimum ultimate compressive strength (Fe') in 28 days as follows: Column Footing and Wall Footing: 3000 .SA. Column and walls from foundation to roofp see column schedule. All other concrete: 3000 p.s.i. Footing sizes and reinforcing are based on allowable soil bearing capacity of 2000 p.&i. All footings shall bear in virgin soil. If this is not the case, the Architect or Engineer shall be notified before proceeding with the work. Timber (Heavy Timber Construction) (a) Truss manufacturer shall submit a signed and sealed shop drawings by a registered Engineer. cclWood rafters to have a Stress Grade ofFb=1200 p.s.i. Roof members should be secured to the beams or other structural components with hurricane anchors for wind uplift. All wood members shall have a minimum fiber stress in bending of 1200 p.s.i. with 1/360 max. deflection. All bolted connections shall be 1/2" Cadmium plated or better. Lag bolts to be used only in shear connections with minimum 4" threaded penetration past steel plate. Lag bolted conditions shall be drill tapped no larger than the internal thread diameter and shall not be hammer driven. Under Girder Trusses provide equal number of studs as girder plys at frame bearing locations GENERAL REQUIREMENTS All work to be as per the current edition of the Florida Building Code and meet or exceed all applicable local requirements. General contractor is responsible for all labor, materials, utilities, testing, waste removal, storage, securing of site, accomodation, transport/frei$ht, and all other cost related to the completion of this project., unless explicitly identified here. Owner is responsible for all municipal related charges such as impact fees, and water connection, except building permit fees, which are to be included in the construction bid. General contractor to check all drawings for errors and omrnissions and bring them to the attention of the architect prior to starting any work, or ordering any materials of the respective division of work. If such errors and ommissions are not reportedpin writingto the architect, any resulting damages or costs shall be born entirely by the general contractor. Architect is not responsible for the contractors method or means of construction. General contractor is to keep the site in a clean and safe state through out the course of construction. On building turnover, general contractor to clean all surfaces so as to be free of dust, grease, stains, scuffs, etc. Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall conform to the manufacturers instructions and standard practice. All plans and drawings are not considered complete until they have been reviewed and approved by the St. Lucie County Building Department and the building permit has been issued. EXTERIOR CEILING & SOFFIT NOTE 7/8" Stucco finish over 3/8" high ribbed galv. wire lath fastened to framing members with No. 11 guage nails with 1 3/4" embed. with 3/8" dia. head 611o.c. max. edges to be tied and nailed at 9"o.c. Install one layer of 15# felt to framing prior to installing ribbed lath INTERIOR WALL FRAMING NOTE Interior non bearing walls to be 2 x 4 studs 24"o.c. Spruce, Pine, Fir (SPF) #2 Grade lumber or better or metal studs (25 Ga.) Crimper may be used in lieu of screws. GENERAL ROOFING NOTES Roofing to be composed of and attached to pre manufactured wood tmsses as follows: Felt underlayment (urn, ASTM 0 226 Type II) with 4" min. side and end laps, fasten with coorosion resistant annular ring shank trails at 6"o.c. in laps and in stagggered rows sppaced l2"o.c. in field. If roof pitch is < 4/12 install (2) layers I S# Infelt. If roof pitch is 4/12 or greater, stall (1) layer 30# felt. 518" c.d.x. sheathing or equal installed with staggeredjoints & GI clips, nailed to trusses with 8d corrosion resistant annruillaarr stage shank nails spaced max. 6"o.c. throughout, except max. 4"o.c. at gable ends. All roof trusses are to be pre -manufactured assemblies provided by a licensed wood truss fabricator with seperate drawings and data prepared for actual project conditions by a Florida regt'stered professional engineer certified for truss design. Any deviation from the proposed plans as shown regarding placement or bearing shall be brought to the attention of the truss engineer prior to fabrication of the trusses. The truss manufacturer's certified payout shall govern The handling, erection, and fixing of wood trusses shall be in accordance with the specifications contained on the certified mfgr's. drawings and data. All engineered headers and truss hangers to be provided by the truss manufacturer. Splitting or cracking of structural components due to installation of hardware is notpermrtted. Unless otherwise noted, the installation of specified hardware shall conform to the truss manufacturers installation instructions and standard practice. BUCK ATTACHMENT NOTES AT DOORS USE P.T. PINE OR SPRUCE AND ATTACH TO BLOCK WITH 1/4" DIA. TAPCONS INTO C.B.S. SET AT 6" FROM CORNERS AND AT 12"o.c. MAX. AT WINDOWS USE P.T. PINE OR SPRUCE AND ATTACH BUCKS TO BLOCK WITH 8d CASED HARD COII, NAILS OR "T" NAILS" 4" FROM ENDS AND 12"o.c. USE WOOD SHIMS MINIMUM DURING DOOR INSTALLATION SHEATHING NAILING NOTES Nailing Pattern Zone 1: 8d at 6"o.c. field & 4"o.c. edges Zone 2: 8d at4"o.c. edges & field Zone 3: 8d at 4"o.c. edges & field Pneumatic Nails Pneumatic or mechanicaly driven nails will be accepted under the following conditions: Min. nails size 8d or larger ring shank with Min. shank diameter:.113 Min. Length. 2" Min. Head Diameter..280 Full Round Min. Ring Diameter ,012 over shank dia. Min. 16 to 20 Rings per Inch Note Gun nails shall be permitted as an acceptable fastener from any manufacturer Wood screws meeting the same size requirement may be used iz lieu of nails without comment Nailing Schedule ROOF & FLOOR DIAGRAM Use sheathing with #8 gun nails at 6"o.c. at supported panel edges and #8 gun nails at 6"o.c. at intermediate supports. ROOF SHEATHING TO GABLE END FRAME Use #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. EXTERIOR SHEATHING Use #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. at panel edges and #8 gun nails at 4"o.c. at panel top and bottom and 6"o.c. in field THRESHOLD NOTE At egress door (see floor plan) the max. hgth. of the threshold shall be 1/21' Notes: Do not substitute connectors Do not sheath trusses before all straps are in place Attach valley trusses and piggy back trusses, if present, to main trusses per truss manufacturer drawing. Truss to truss connection by truss company, installed per ir anufacturers specs. Later it forces perpendicular and parallel to wall has been consi ered (less than 300 p.l.f.) of A.T.: Drill Use t the i to approve temporary bracing to prevent toppling see HIB-9. specs, if different from above, have priority. L. = All Treaded Rod d Epoxy Set all A.T.R. (Min. embedment 12") 'ther "Hilt? C-100 or Simpson Epoxy Tie Epoxy de equal number of studs under girders equal to bar of plys. Unless noted otherwise. Truss Connector Schedule Truss Bearing Truss Connector Q"ty Connector Fasteners Point Uplift ID Uplift (22) 1 Oil to Girder and (1) 5/8" 28 2291 MGT 1 3965 A.T.R. to CBS min. 12" embed. WG7 15 3720 (2 ply) (22) 10d to Girder and ('1) 518" MGT 1 3965 A.T.R. to HDU4 with (10) SDS 1/4" x 2 1/2" to column 14 1756 35 1777 HETA20 1 1810 (,9) lOd x 1 1/2" (22) l Oil to Girder and (1) 5/8" WG2 15 2495 MGT 1 3965 A.T.R. to HDU4 with (10) SDS (2 ply) 1/4" x 21/2" to column 36 144 MTS18 1 1000 (14) 1Oil x 1 1/2" 29 1109 Al HETA20 1 1810 (9) 10d x 1 1/2" (2 ply) 18 962 1336 E6 HETA20 1 1810 (9) 10d x 1 1/2" F1 (2 ply) 8 1336 1 997 HETA20 1 1810 (9) 10d x 1 1/2" R1 (2 ply) 5 1778 HETA20 1 1810 (9) 10d x 1 1/2" All other trusses ALL <1000 MTS18 1 1000# (14) 10d x 1 1/2" to Frame All other trusses ALL <1810 HETA20 1 1810# (9) 10d x 1 1/2" to CBS Supporting (4) 1Oil Valley Framing <250# VTCR 1 370# Valley (3) 1Oil x '1 1/2" Trusses i Truss I Column Base Connector Schedule Mark Bearing Bmg. Bmg. Column Column Allow. Base QntyConnector Fasteners Point Uplift Crravity Type Loads Connector' Uplift As 3 1/2" x 7" (26) 10d x 1 1/2" to Column C-1 Shown 3,720 14,?2 Parallam 15,100 HTT5 1 4350 and (1) 5/8" x 8" Wedge Bolt Safe Load Table Notes 1. All values based on minimum 4" nominal bearing. Exception: Safe loads for unfilled U lintels must be reduced by 20% if bearing length is less than 6 1/2". 2. N.R. = Not Rated 3. Safe loads are superimposed allowable loads. 4. One #7 rebar may be substituted for two #5 rebar in 8 inch U lintels only. 5. All safe loads in units of pounds per linier foot. 6. All safe loads are based on simply supported span. 7. Safe load ratings based on rational design analysis per ACI 318 and ACI 530. Installation Notes 1. Installation of U lintels must comply with architectural and/or structural drawings. 2. U lintels can be field cut to the required length. 3. Cast in place concrete may be provided in composite U lintel in lieu of concrete masonry units. 4. The exterior surface of U lintels installed in exterior concrete masonry walls shall have a coating of stucco applied in accordance with ASTM C-926 or other approved coating. 5. Concrete masonry units used in composite U lintel shall be laid in a running bond. 6. Shore composite lintels as required. 7. U lintels are manufactured with a 5 1/2" long notch at both ends to accomodate vertical cell reinforcing and grout. b"o dbeftftl " Composite U Lintel Materials h 1. Grout per ASTM C476 3000 psi with maximum 3/8 z inch aggregate and 8 to 11 inch slmp. 8F 16-1 B/ 1 T m 2. Rebar per ASTM A615 Grade 60 7 5/8" NS.tw9bm , 3. Concrete masonry units (CMU) per ASTM C90 with grw,el terry �,�, minimum net area compressive strength = 1900 psi B"No�rt 4. Mortar per ASTM C270 Type M or S Lintel Type Designation Cast Crete Lintel Schedule All Rebar to be #5 Grade 60 min. MARK LENGTH OF LINTEL ALLOWABLE GRAVITY LOAD APPLIED GRAVITY LOAD ALLOWABLE UPLIFT LOAD APPLIED UPLIFT LOAD BEAM SPECS. L-1 5'-10" 4360 1279 2093 952 8F16-1B/1T L-2 4'-6" 6113 565 2724 431 8F16-1B/1T L-3 3'-8" 6113 874 3079 530 8F16-1B/1T L-4 T-8" 1843 1494 1326 1116 8F16-1B/2T L-5 4'-8" 4567 150 1960 300 8RF14-1B/lT L-6 4'-2" 5206 1143 2635 597 8RF14-IB/1T L-7 13'-4" 1838 1474 962 594 8F24-1B/lT L-8 T-8" 1568 650 931 444 8RF14-1B/2T L-9 10'-4" 2094 300 1185 120 8F20-lB/lT L-10 8'-8" 1843 870 1133 346 8F16-1B/1T L-11 16-0" 950 243 485 146 8F16-1B/1T L-12 12'-4" 1075 173 606 130 8F16-1B/1T L-13 12'-0" 1254 173 723 130 8F16-1B/1T L-14 19'-6" 598 150 306 300 8F16-1B/1T Mim. Beam depths shown, beams may be increased without comment At Lintels over 24" deep provide (1) #3 vertical rebar at 24"o.c. along length of lintel Miter Lintels at comers Brag. on 8 x 8 columns At Lintel L-7 provide (1) #3 vertical rebar at 24"o.c. along length of lintel TRUSS MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE POCKET IN TRUSSI;,S THAT SIT ON TOP OF THE L-7 RISED LINTEL PRODUCT APPROVAL Approval Product Model Number Manufacturer Glass Attachment Method Building Rated Product Rated I Type Design Pressures Design Pressures Head: 18.5" max. from corners. Jambs: 17.5" max. from top corners & 15" max. from bottom comers & 6" below NOA: 17-0630.08 S.H. Windows S14-700 PGT Ind. Impact meeting rail. Use 1/4" Tapcon with 1 3/4" embedment in +38.8 -51.9 +/- 90.0 concrete Head, Sill, and Jamb: 4 Cluster Anchor Patten 7o.c. NOA: 17-0420.17 Sliding Glass Dr. SGD-770 PGT Ind. Impact Use 1/4" dia. Tapcon with 1 1/2" embedment in +38.9 42.0 +/- 60.0 and 2" edge dist. Use two anchors at each location. Use 1/4" Tapcons with 1 3/4" embedment into concrete FL# 261.1 Mullion Tube Mullion PGT Ind. Impact Head & Sill Use (2) Anchors at each location. 2 1/2" min. +38.8 -42.0 +/- 65.0 Edge Distance Opaque 6" from corners at Head & Sill. Jambs 6" fi'om comers & FL#: 20468.1 Swing Doors Fiberglass ThennaTru N.A. 14"o.c. Use 114" Tapcons with 1 1/4" embedment into cone. +38.8 -42.0 +/- 67.0 (Single) Min. 2" edge distance. Fiberglass 4" from corners at Head & Sill. Jambs 4" from comers & FL#: 20468.8 Swing Doors Glazed Thenna Tm Impact 14"o.c, Use 1/4" Tapcons with 1 I/4" embedment into cone. +39.8 -42.0 +49.2 -50.0 (Single) Min. 2" edge distance. Fiberglass 6" from comers at Head & Sill. lambs 6" from comers & FL#: 20468.9 Swing Doors Glazed Thenna Tru Impact 14"o.c. Use "i" Taffons with 1 1/4" embedment into cone. +38.8 -42.0 +47.0 -50.0 (Double) Min. 2" edge dstan. NOA: 17-1018.13 Garage Door g Model 824/811 DAB Door Co. N.A. iamb Bracket Angle (3) total .5/ 16" x 1 5/8" lag screws. (7) total Bracket 8'-0" height (1) 5/ 16" x 15/8" lag screws per bracket. +28.2 -31.4 +50.0 -60.0 Approval Building Rated Product Rated e Product Model Number Manufacturer Attachment Method Design Pressures Design Pressures FL#: 11560.5 R3 Rooting 26 Ga. Image II Metal Sales Mfg. it10-12 x I"Pancake Screws 6"o.c.max. along panel edge Panel FL#: 14317.1 Underlayment BOral-HT BOral Direct to Plywood Deck U M O � w v � � � N rn � y o N cU 1-i W L rl- �U�z� 00 date revision 8/29/18 Product .Approval 10/31/18 Product Approval Roofing drawn $1 checked 0. date 3115118 scale 3/16"= L-0" job number 17068