HomeMy WebLinkAboutCALCULATIONSIt SCANNED CALCLATIONS FOR THE CONVERSION No mph TO MOMENT OF RESISTACE PER ROOFING APPLICATION STA'V c� ftNY) No.127 P =160 (desired pressure) A = 0.205 (aerodynamic multiplier from NOA) Mg 6.71 (restoring moment from NOA) M- ac ca hment-resistance for-AH-160 2_component the adhes� ve diem size paddy pp acement from NOA) M,(P x X) - Mg (moment of resistance) [J%g (160 x 0.205)-6.21 = 32.8 - 6.21 09) Conclusion: since( - is- greater.or-equal tc 1V"Ir then the product approval meets this requirement for wind speeds of 160 mph LA ROOFING APPLICATION STANDARD (RAS) No. 127 PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING THE I!(li OMENT OF.RESIS'TANCE ARID YlfllNIMUM CHARACTERISTIC RESISTANCE LOAD TO INSTALL A TILE SYSTEM ON A BUILDING OF A SPECIFIED ROOF SLOPE ARID HEIGHT Scope This standard covers the procedure for deter- mining the Moment of Resistance (M,) and Minimum Characteristic Resistance Load (F) to install a tile system on buildings of a specified roof slope and height. Compliance with the re- 3, quirements and procedures herein specified, where the pressures (P,.,,) have been determined based on Table 1 or Table 2 of this standard, as applicable, do not require additional signed and sealed engineering design calculation. All other calculations must .be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer or registered aichitect Tprble 1 is;applicable to a wmd speed of.175 mph, 'risk category I :buildings, and ex posure category C. Table 2 is .in to a ' wind speed of 175 mph, risk category H build- ings, and exposure category D. 2. How to determine the Moment Resistance ( IJ (Moment Based Systems) 2.1 Determine the minimum design wind pressures for the field, perimeter and cor- ner areas (P,,,,1, P,,,,2 and P,,,,3, respec- ,tively) using the values given in Table 1 or Table 2, as applicable, or those obtained by engineering analysis prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer or registered architect based on ASCE 7. 2.2 Locate the aerodynamic multiplier (A) in tile.P.roductApproval. 2.3 Determine the restoring moment due to gravity (MF).per Product Approval. 2.4 Determine the attachment resistance (Mf) per Product Approval. 2.5 Determine the Moment of Resistance (M,) per following formula: Mr' (Puss x A) - M9 2.6 Compare the values for M„ with the val- ues for Mr, noted in the Product Approval. If the M,values are greater than or equal to the M, values, for each area of the roof I i.e., field P,d(1), perimeter P,,,1(2) and corner P,,,,(3) areas), then the tie attach- ment method is acceptable. HQw to determine the Minimum Character- istic Resistance Load (F') (Uplift Based Sys- tem) 3.1 Determine the minimum design pressures for the field, perimeter and corner areas [P,,,,(1), P,,,,(2) and P.w,,,(3), respectively] using the values given in Table I or Table 2, as applicable, or those obtained by en- gineering analysis prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer or regis- tered architect based on the criteria set forth in ASCE 7. 3.2 Determine the angle (0) of roof slope, from Table 1 or Table 2, as applicable. 3.3 Determine the length (1), width (w) and average tilt weight (W) of tile, per Prod- uct Approval. 3.4 Determine the required uplift resistance (Fr) per following formula: F,=[(P,,,,xIxw)-W]xcos 0 3.5 Compare the values for F, with the values for F noted in the Product Approval. If the F values are greater than or equal to the F, values, for each area of roof Ii.e., field P„d(l) perimeter (P,,,,,(2) and corner P;,,d(3) areas), then the tile attachment method is acceptable. FLORIDA BUILDING CODE — TEST PROTOCOLS FOR HVHZ, 6th EDITION (2017) (RAS)127.1 (RAS) No.127 TABLE 1 RISK CATEG9RY JI EXPOSURE=CATEGORY:"C t - MINIMUM DESIGN WIND UPLIFT PRESSURES IN PSF FOR FIELD [Pacd(1)], PERIMETER [Po d(2)] AND CORNER [Paad(3)] AREAS OF ROOFS FOR EXPOSURE C BUILDINGS WITH A ROOF MEAN HEIGHT AS SPECIFIED ROOF >2:12to 56:12 >6:12toS12:12 SLOPE P; .d (2) & °+ Roof mean height P.L d(1) P.M(2) P�j3)- PaTd(1) P,,d(3) - 5 20' . ' ' -160 7 -42.8 -50.0 > 20' to <_ 25' _ _._.=39.1 - -40.9 --_--68.1� -_ - -105.4 -44.8� - -- -52.3 --- > 25' to <_ 30' -424 - - ----71.3 - -73.9 -109.3 _ -46.4 -54.3 _ > 3V to <_ 35' _ ~--43.9 76.6 y _ _ -113.2 -48. [ -56.2 > 35' to 5 40' -45,1 -78.7 _� 1 16.3 _- -49.4 57.8 - I Calculated in accordance with ASCE. '- For Hip Roofs with slope 5 5.5: l2, Pa,d(3) shall be heated as P,,,d(2). 3 P.,,, = 0.6Pult - - ' - TABLE 2 - RISK CATEGORY 11 EXPOSURE CATEGORY "D"r MINIMUM DESIGN WIND UPLIFT PRESSURES IN PSF FOR FIELD [Pasd(1)], PERIMETER [P md(2)] AND CORNER [Pasd(3)] AREAS OF ROOFS FOR EXPOSURE D- BUILDINGS WITH A ROOF MEAN HEIGHT AS ROOF > 2:12 to <_ 6:12 > 6:12 to <_12:12 SLOPE . (L) Roof mean height Pa.d F:J2) Pasd(3)` Pl,, P��d(3) 20' -47A -81.9 - _1121.0 -51.4u -60.1 > 20' to 5 25' -48.8 -85.0 - -125.7 -- -.53.4 _ -62.4 25' to < 30' -50.3 - -87.7 - -129.6 _ -55.0 _64A _> > 307 to <35' - -89.9 -132.7 -56.4 -65.9 - - - > 35' to <_ 40` ---51.5 - --=52.7--� _ `-91.9 -- l35_8 -57.7 _ _ =67.9 I Calculated in accordance with ASCE 7. For Hip Roofs with slope 5 5.5:12, P,,d(3) shall be treated as Pa,.d(2). 3 Pasd = 0.6Pu11 (RAS)127.2 FLORIDA BUILDING'CODE -TEST PROTOCOLS FOR HVHZ, 6th EDITION (2017) (RAS) No.127 TABLE 3 WHERE TO OBTAIN INFORMATION Description Symbol Where to find y Table I or Table 2, as applicable, or by an Design Pressure P t,t(1) or P�.,(2) or P,.,,(3) engineer analysis prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer based on ASCE 7 T---` Mean Roof Height --- -- —-H Job Site ---- - --- - Roof Slope - _..._,._0_- _-.---. _-.----_-�___ _Job Site Aerodynamic Multiplier _ —_ Product Approval - _- -_ _Product Approval - - u�Restoring Moment due to Gravity �- -____ Ms Attachment Resistance Mir Product Approval Calculated�- Required Moment Resistance M, _ _ _�- F' Product Approval Minimum Characteristic Resistance Load Required Uplift Resistance F, _ Calculated - _^ _ _- - - _ -, ----- Average Tile Weight - - - ._. _._W -�_ Product Approval Tile Dimensions 1= lengthW = Width Product Approval ------------- All calculations must be submitted to the building official at the time of permitting. /— FLORI©A EIUILDIN13 CCbIS — TEST -PROTOCOLS FOR HVHZ, 6th EDITION (2017) (RAS)127.3