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i Tms INDENTURJ>. Made this....____.10tb.__.__..____ ._cIa, 01-... .__...... 'obr\l~J'._.. ..... ......._... ._._._m.._A. D. 192_D.... Dt:TWEEN
! ~.~~i~.__lJn~... ~.~~-~~~.._~!_~~~....!.!_~.!'_C!.1!!.~..... hie .!l1f_~...._.__.._....._....___...__. ....__.__......_.._..___.____~_.___. ____
I of the Cuullty ol__~.~t._~Q.l'..__._._.... ..__._._......._.~lId Slate OI_.~J~.r.!.~~..__.___.. --...-.__..__.__.._..._.._..n..__._.part...!.~ol th~ lint part. aud
:;~~::::::~U!~~~~~~~~~_:_..:-_~~_==_~=: s..=!!;i.!~---=:======--=::;~;:-=-:::' ..: .~
WITNESSETH. ;hat Iht' said l'31li88. of tht' lilH part. lor and III considmlioo 01 Ihr sum 01_ ~.t~...~Q..~l~~.a.~,~..ct~~.'J:_ .!.a.1.~~~J..!t.._ J
l)L~'-!.:.DQIIIIi1i lo._.:them.in hand p~id. the rec.ipt \\lltrrof is "trtby atknowled,.d.
ha...Y.t. Kunted, barg~ined. sold and translerr.d. and by Ihu. presents do_. _grant. b.ugaiL. srll and transfer unlO the said parLZ _.. 01 the stcond
l'art and____hlll.__heirs and auigns lorever, all that ctrtaio parcel 01 land l,ing and bring in Ihe County ol_~.tL tuoi.__.._..___._
and State Ol_...!!~.!...!~.~-:-~_._________moft' l'Srlicubrly described as lollow.:.......-....~_..__.._.__......._.___..'-_ ....._._...__..........___.._....._
......... .-. . -..,...... ..-. .--.....--..-..---.-...--..-.-.-- _...n_.~.....__..._...~ou_._._. ...--.~._.~ .",~_,.,_~,_,_, ...____.._.~____o_ _......__._...._~_.....o... ..._._... ......n_._._._._._._.__~.~
p""hh",h.. -. . .... "'" ... ..... ..The.Woat.. TOD.SIl4..!tlg4h.n .<m'~b.~clr..cl~Ju.J (. ~Q!l~)h ~Ctr.B__'_"___h__' _..._._......
uu. ......... ._.of.. t~~. _~.8.t ...~~~~7. ~~.~_~1rt~:-el~~h_..~_~_~:.~_~~_~~~.~_~~_.!.~~~.~~.L..~.~!.~~..... _u ____..._......__.
-. -......' of .tlle lfor1;hweQ.~ .q\\8rt.'.~_.~t. ..'.~-'-....~.~Jl~..~.~._..qll~.t~~..~.~_ ~~~.~J._OD ..1\t.~_........_.._..______... ....
(lO) To.nshlp Th1rt,-t.o (32) South. Range Th1rt,-nine (3i) East.
. _h' ...,,,----.. ...__..h.u. .... . _ _ "u _.. ...u "''''uuu .._h..._..._______ h"_~_"" .____.___.____... d. .__ _._..._ ___.___.__.......___.._.._..
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._.._--..~-._-----_.~.._-_._-~.__.... ..._-----_._._---_._------_....._--_._._--~._._-~.._-_.------------_._~._-----------.__._---
----.--. ..._h.... __._... .__.~.._..__..._.... .______..__.__.____.____ ._.n.~.._.__.__.____.___.~.__.
TOGETHER with all tht' tenoments. hertdil;m~n15 ~nd appurl.nanccs, with e.rry "rivil.gt'. righl. tillt. inltrt'st and rstale. dO\nr and right 01 dowrr,
",tf<ion. rrm~ind.r and eas"nltllt Ihutlo "<Iong'ng or.n an)'wist' appt:r1aining: TO HAVE .-\:<:l>> TO HO/.U the ~mt' in 10. simplt' /orenr.
And tht' said part..1.o.ll 01 the first par~ do _ COYfnaDt wilh th'; said p:!.ft_2_ 0/ Ihe second part Ih:!.Lt.hey_.Sr8______JawiuIl1 stiztd 01 lilt'
said prrmistS. that th.y arc frce Irom all incumbuncts and lbaLi~.7_.g00d righl and law/ul ~utborilY to stll lhe sam.; and Ihe said part. 1.8JJ 01
lite first part 010_ hUt'by lull)' warr..nt the titlt' to said Ian':. aDd will ddrnd lhc sam. againot Iht' Jawlul c1..ims 01 a!1 persons ...hornsoc<<r.
l~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part lClIl. 01 the first pol" ha.V~._ hrr.unlO setn_1~~_!.~hancLl! and sealS. Ihe day and yrar abon ",rill'''.
Signtd, scalt'd and dclinred in our prUtnce:
~ ~. --!-.~---~~~~----------.._.~-_._.._---------------
Ha.~~l ~...~!~!':t.O\.l_~_______.___.____.__...._.__.__
Georgea.~n__ Qr.9g.9):L_.. _..___.___.._____._.______.___ _(SE....L)
Ada B. Crouoh
--- -.-_ --.__ _(SEAL)
. __ _ __.._._____u_..___._._______ ____ __ .._______.___________
I HEREBY CERTIFY. That on this_.10Jh.___day ol.__-'_l.br.1IarJ' .A. U. 19&_. belort' m.
('trsonally a~pe..rrcl..-G"~_..B.L ~r.o.uo.ll.~aJLB.t~g)Wh...-.hl~-.m.t_t...___.__.___.. "_.n___~n_____ .
to m. known 10 be tbt' p<rson~._ d.scribrd in and who exccul~d Ih. loregoing conYfyancc 10_u1..~.. .l(.~__J!9~}__~.~~.s.._~.r...!...________
and St'nrally aclmowlrdg<d th. urcution ll:ertol to) be._~!l~!.~__/rte acl
and dted lor tht' usn and purpostS lhertin mtntionrd; and the S.1id._Ada...B_I_CrOJl9..A.
the wife 0/ lht' sa;" G~~!'.8.!..__a Cr.ouoh.. on a scparale and printe uaminalion
lalc.n and madt by an.) be/ore me, and s<paraul,. and apart Ircm her scid h""b..n.). did ac:knowlrdge thai sh. madt Iltrstlf a p:!.rty to th. said Dr.d of
Cony.yance. lor thie pUTP9't' of rtnouncing, relinquishing and cQnyeying all ht r righl. litlt' an<rinltrrst. wh.lbu 01 dowu or 01 Stl'arat. property. S1alutory
or equitable. in :!.nd Ii) tI,e bnds thercin ducribtd, and that she exrcuttd said dted Irrtly arid yolunluily and without any conSlrainl, Irar. apprthtnsion
c.r compulsion 01 or from her said busband.
my sigualure and o!lidal St'a1 at.
in the County of._.-S.t.L._L.VJl1e r.
~.1o.!'1 ~"______the .by and y.ar last aloruaid.
. ..... __ Botar6__.P'Q.bli::-'!d-:.:jl!ljl:~ri8.u-at.~'Lirie:~__--.-.-(SE.....u
My oO-.dssioD expires ..bruary 28. 1927
61c4 lor rtcord, and beiog dnly aclcnoa'!edged and proun, I "aye rrcorded th< same on page_g,oO__ol BooL 60
C_dty. _
in Ihe public rec.:.rds 01 said
On thi__la__.______day 0/
----A. D. 192-P.., at-12llAlc:LLm.. this iostru~nt was
i ~
IN WITNESS WIIERF.OF. 1 hue ht'reunto' UI my band ~nd affi"g the St'al 01 lhe Circnit COO" 01 the FiltCt'nth Judicial Circuit 01 said Stalt'. iu and
tor said Coanly. uJ
P. C. B~O.L . - . Clerk.
By. ~ ;::;;S:...L1..iJf'~--"~__D. c:
,~,: ,+','t.:~tJ~~~~
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