HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVITMar28 18, 11:10a P•1 SCANNED BY Panning & Development Services " ::i J Building & Code Regulation Division 2300 Virgi • .:�:.^-�a�:�::;:�:-,: -':.; nia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 - 772-462-2165 or 772-462-2172 2 ce Fax: 772-462-6443 <41n ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT Michael Miller 1803-0444 PO Box 13?_fi9 Re: Permit # Ft. Pierce, FL 34979 Michaet Miller , licensed as a (Please print name & circle license tv *Genera; Building, Residential or Roofing Contra On or about 03/2812018 (Date) work at: 5309 Stately Oaks St, Ft F Based upon that examination I have d edition of the Florida Existing Building is most strigent). ,? VEngineer/Architect *FS468 Building Inspector or any individual certified under 469 F.S. to make such an inspection. did personally inspect the roof -deck nailing , FL 34981 site address) ined the installation was done according to the current Section 708 or the product approval submitted (whichever CC C057399 Signature and Seal License # STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of \OL/`-G � 20 by }r\'l- Who is sonally k own o or who has produced as identif'cation. Notary Public; Stat of FI rid Signature of Notary; �;- Commission Number: (-� �� l03 'C�Z> U (Seal) Felicia Lyne Wilkln (VOTARY PUBLIC En STATE OF FLORIDA Comm# W03866 Expires 9i4am