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-. :':"-::':: =.~ :::~~, :~:~ ~ L1w~~~~;:l.lI:C~t~lt tl~~;~' l,"y I.l.....~b : : --
THIS INDENTURE, Malic this ._... 318t "'_ .......p....... ........_.<la' 01.......--... Januar,...._...P. ...._...... ..........._..... _A. D. 19Z..!.. BETWI'EN
.-'-.~~~..~!...~.~.~~....~~. .~~:U!,-!t!. _.Ar:m!.._~.._.!.J!.'!1:.~."I.. ...._..__.__....___..____.._.__.:.. ._..__...._.._.:_...__ ..._____.____
01 the Count, ol.__S.ln.~..Lq~J..__.._.__....._.m......_and Slate oL...._.._ ...'.lorlo... 'p'_ '''''_'''_'_''_' ""'_" ......._...__part1.0.L 01 tbt' lint part, and
-..EUu-4..BroWRp.aa4..hla .wl t.,.......ll...Browa.. -__...._....___.._.__....___..__......._.h... ...-.......--.......--------.-..-.- 'J
ollht' County ol.._...Jlaln\.Lllale ....__..__.._..._.......and Slalt' oL..-'.lor.1k._.._____.__.__..__._.part lea. 01 the second patl.
WITNF.SSf.TU, tl.a: tht $:li<l p~"J..l[J_ 01 Ihe fiut parI, lor and in cODsi<leralion 01 the SURl ol._~tllpDO.ll&re pu4 ...o.tho r._ valua'bl'...opoD814era tl on
~ to...pt.hea..in band paid. the r..~tipl wl,ereol is here:'y ~c1mowled!:ed.
ha.._T. granled, ~rg..intd, sold and tnnsferrd. and by tbtsr presrnIJ du..._. _.grant, bargain. sell and transfrr unlO tht s~i.1 p:lrt..iea 01 lhe $Ccond
I'art and..__..t.llolr__htirs and :usi~ns lore"ff. all that cenain pared 01 bnd I)'ing and bein~ in the Connty 01_ S.t.a...Lua.la._ .______..p__
and Slate ol.__.'-.!~.r.! 4~. _.___.____ _more particubrlJ' dts~rit-cd as lollo~s:__....__..___.. __.m_..._ _.__.___.____. ..__.._ .._._.
...._~.. .... -..- -......,............ "d... '.-.... ...-..-......_ ....._.__...__......__._...._..._..._.__ ._.__... ..............__._.___.____.__.._.___.__...._....._h. ....__._._._..___.. .._......_._..
...- ......-................ ........ :tote .).Q..l:l..lg. ..l.~...l" ..~4..1~.. of. a~lIQOll .a~.~~.11l>>4~v18lon of. UQot...._ ....__.._.
.. ....3.. 9f JI~.X:. ..._.:Uoor.'~8 . ~ul)41 v~~i..~m ~~...~..part ..of, _.~.~()t.~~.~...:l11.._~Qwnli~~p.. ~J11r.~1'~fl:ve....u._.
........h... (~~)..S.C)l1th. Range .'Ql'~7. (40l...:E.~~_h_~Q~~.r~JpguJ;Q._.tl1.,....P!~~...~1. _El~4...:l'.!~~~~1.!.J.~~on......_.....
. ......_uo._. of1.'.~~91'd..1J:l._t~~ Q.:f.nC)f~._ Qf..t.~.!_.Q.!~.~~_C?~~1!!._~!!"~!~_~o~~..~~...~.~~.ri~. .~.().~~.._.__.. ....._.___...
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. ..m. .n...... 192~. . and. r..tl~.o_r~!td.J'Il.t!1.,. pUl>J1..~. re.oo.!~!J_.n()~__~_~.!_~t.. Ll1().1.... ..~~~t11...~Jt!l,.._. ~~pt.~~~e1.'._.._._
_......_....__. ~r~...L J?.~4tt._.!.I!J~t.gu!...~~~ .~9t_.~~_S.!. '179. _ fO.!"~E~_.prlno!p.ll~.._8~.C).!._~!1e _~~.~s~..!.._.._...____
---............... d Ql.lfl.l'lI .<< .$lQQQ~ QQl._m ~.l1_!r.r~.!.re st._tXt.llL ".a~..8:t.__thQ...ra.b_.o !_o.igh.~.peT._.o.Qnt.PQr__._____
_'m__. ....._.... .~_~..~7ab~e...~n.~ta.:1,:1,.7.__~1.'.9!L.r~.~~~.flllAm~!.~_~.~.f.~... ..~~_~.!._.~.!lrk!.. ....!LHoolile __..
_._....._._._..JJ)@13Q.P.u. .8.~1"...~.4~!l.~@4. .~.Q.n~!,9 _c!~~_~~...H-.Y'-'~l~....~~~t..g,~..t.~I.._~? ~~...~~.u!,l,l!9~.__._
_.____.AQJ!J:l.t;.uJ.~. Q.~~!lJIl!;l_4...~y_~~,__g~.~Jt'_!LP...er~~~~... _______
TOGETHER ~:th ::: :h~ t;::tCQC:it$. hcrcoiitam,fcts and appurtcnar.ct5.. with t\.~ry prh'ilcgc. right. lill~. inttre-It and tstatC'. dower and right of dOVftr.
ltversion. nm;llntlrr :!.nd t:!.stmcnt t~nt!o belongm;: Cor in anywise apprr:aiuing: TO H:\ \'E AXU TO 1101.0 the same in Ice sin!plt fOrtHr.
And Ihe said part_ie 801 the fint part <10___ !:c;oenanl with the said parL~_~.~ 01 Iht second pan Ihat_.t.bol'uu~;r..__I,...lully scind 01 lilt
.aid prrmiscs. that thty ar" fit" IrODl all ineumLrallcu and Ihal._.tha7 har!.t rii:11l and lawful :!.ulh<>rilY 10 sell the saRlt; and tht said parL~.!!.!I. 01
IX WITXESS \VB EREOF, Ih" said parL tea or thr first p~rt bL..Ye.. hutUnlO scI._.the1.r.har.dS. and .ul .8the day and J'ur aoo\t wrilltu
Iht first parI .10_ ntrehy iulI)' ..anar.l Iht lide to said land. and will deitn" tht samt' against lht Ia..lul claims 01 all persons whomsonrr.
l~~~~~.~~~"m_.. m__. . .___...__(SEAL)
Anna ~ Burke_________.___.__:_(SEAL)
STATE of_'10~!4a
COUNTY OF_~81Dt.._Lucl.
IHF.REBY CERTIFY. ThaI on this_~lJlt-----.-day 01___4aIlll8J7.___._______A. D.I91.Ji., bclore mt'
personally apptared_l.:r..mk.jI.!...>>l\rkl.~_h1~LI1f.e.._.&.mJILL.L.Bur.ke___ .______._.....___._______._.
10 mt' known 10 bt' tbe prrsuo___.B ducnLtd in and .-ho ueculed the fortgoin'g conn)'an!:e to_.Edwar.d. :Brown._and..h.t;s. _nfe..__..Emel1&._
~r~.!!............_ -------._____an.1 >eytrally acltno..led!,:ed the t'Xt'culioD thueol to bt'_ their__lree act
and deed lor the liS.. and purposes lhereiD mtDlioncd; aud the said_____J.noa tJ!..~U.rt...________.______
the wile of tht' said__"X'~..k _lJ.!__.IJ.~kL __. on a separate and printe examination
lakt:n and ma<!e by and bclore me. an.) srparallly aDd aput Irom htr uid husban.l. did acknowltJgt: that aht' ~de hU$C1f a partJ' 10 tht: said Dted 01
Conycyanc~. {or the purpose 01 renounciD~. rt:linqui.hing and conveying all h... righl. li!1t: :!.nd inl<rest" whttbtr of do,.." or 01 scparate propcrtJ'. slalulooJ'
or t:quililb!e. in and 10 lhe lands lh..~in described. an,l .hat sht execultd said deed lred,- and yolunlarilJ' ilnd ...ithoul any conslraint. {car, apprehtnsion
(,r compulsion 01 or Irom her said bD$~nd.
signature and official seal aL_.l.0r..t..J).1.lr.OL.........
.da..__________._tbe day and year last aforeuid.
...in tht' CounlJ' 01.
Saint .Luoi.L_________
On Ihd_l!...._.____..____daJ' of-__,_~lL._.._.__
A. D. 191_~ _ at.,gl~~o.clock-Lm.. tbis instrumt'nt was
'J.... .
lff)tar1' PUbl1~~...~t:~@:~i.-()f-p1:orUa '.at-LargiF.ALI
M,y CODilDlaalon Expires Karoh 12. 1928'" un. -- .
filtd lor rteorc!. and beinll duly aehow!tdged and prOUD. I b;aye rta-.rded the sam~ on paRc...2.0.2__.cl Book-..6.~in tbt' publi!: records 01 <aid
t'ountJ'.' Q _ .
~'r.t1N ESS WHEREOF, I han b<l:&nru SCI mJ' ban.) and sl!iud I"e Ital 01 .ht' Circuit ('ourt 01 tbt' Fifteenth Judicial Ci.. !feu.it 01 said Slatt'. in and
r said Con . U. .
. iX
. uJ P. C. BUrel , ' a L
Ct. Ct. S a1 > .- ;q-0;;::------ erL
a BT. -;?u-z/~/ ~!..:.!( . ...D. c.
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